
Cows, Cows and more Cows





Registered Phenomena Code: 454

Object Class: Beta-Orange

Hazard Types: h-biohazard.png Bio-Hazard h-contact.png Contact Hazard h-transmutation.png Transmutation Hazard h-sentient.png Sentient Hazard h-aggression.png Aggression Hazard h-mind-regression.png Mind-Regression Hazard h-microscopic.png Microscopic Hazard

Containment Protocols: Samples of RPC-454 are currently stored at Site-008 in canisters within the Bio-Hazard Wing. Access to RPC-454 requires approval from Director of Item Research Nikolaus Grow.

RPC-454-1 instances are to be contained in quarantined humanoid containment cells, with all personnel interactions conducted while wearing protective bio-hazardous suits in order to prevent the spread of RPC-454-1. Individuals believed to have become RPC-454-1 instances are to be captured by MST Golf-141 ("Jatayu's Vultures") before being transferred to Site-008 for treatment.

Any confirmed RPC-454-2 and RPC-454-3 instances are to be disposed of by operatives in MST Hotel-12 ("Highlanders") using incendiary weaponry, although additionally, RPC-454-2 can be safely disposed with conventional heavy weaponry. Personnel engaging with RPC-454-3 instances must wear protective biohazard suits to avoid contamination.

Any species of Bos taurus3 that carry the RPC-454 infection are to be euthanised, with their remains disposed of via incineration.


RPC-454 is an anomalous, contagious strain of the Cowpox virus that affects Homo sapiens,6 and is carried through any species of Bos taurus where it can infect humans through physical contact on any part of the body. Common symptoms of RPC-454 become present after two days of initial infection, including rashes, fever, headache, fatigue and nausea. Because of these, RPC-454 may be mistaken as a normal non-anomalous disease during its early stages.

Addendum 454.01: Discovery Log

RPC-454 was first discovered on October 23rd, 1799, although recovered historical witness accounts have provided evidence that RPC-454 has in fact existed for much longer. A town in ████████ reported that one of its inhabitants had been taken over by the Devil, leading to the Auctoritas investigating these claims.

The team that was sent to the location managed to report back their findings. The subject of the presumed possession, Mr. John █████, was found forcefully barricaded inside his home by the townspeople, incapacitated from a skull fracture caused by one of the sprouted limbs.

Interviewing witnesses revealed that Mr. █████ had gone out of town the day prior to settle some debts, exhibiting symptoms of RPC-454 upon his return. Mr. █████ was euthanised by the team, and his remains were collected and sent back to "Sword in the Stone".7

Addendum 454.02: Incident Log

On May 13th, 1803, the Auctoritas came across more sightings of RPC-454, where there was almost 40 cases reported by agents sent to investigate. According to eyewitness claims, a male figure had come into town with a large herd of cows, and had sold them at a cheap price, having sold all in less than an hour for 23 shillings per cow.

After 48 hours, multiple Auctoritas agents were sent in to investigate the various areas where cases of RPC-454 had been reported. The agents attempted to interview the RPC-454-1 instances as to what had happened, but were given the same responses throughout, resulting in no progress being made into the culprit's identity.

All RPC-454-1 instances were sent to "Sword in the Stone", whereas their cows were euthanised carefully, with only two instances brought into Auctoritas custody after it was mentioned that RPC-454-1 became the way they were after making contact with the RPC-454 infected cows. Auctoritas agents stationed in the local authorities put out a warning about a man selling cows for cheap, claiming that the cows were infected with an unknown disease.

Later, on April 1st, 1803, (30) more cases of RPC-454 were reported, prompting a stronger involvement on the Auctoritas's behalf, as no leads regarding the origin of RPC-454 were known at the time, only that RPC-454 was being spread through cattle. A group of Auctoritas intelligence officers began developing a map to pinpoint PoI-233's8 location, through the places that the infection had spread.

After another incident in which (7) people were infected with RPC-454, a discovery was made regarding PoI-233's potential place of residence, and a team of agents was sent to the area in order to apprehend PoI-233. The team was successful in tracking PoI-233's location, but were ill-equipped to handle the numerous RPC-454-2 instances that were present in the building, resulting in a total of (5) casualties as a result. Because of the threat posed by these entities, and the possibility of facing potential RPC-454 infection, RPC-022 was brought over to deal with the RPC-454-2 instances.

RPC-022 was successful in neutralising all RPC-454-2 instances, showcasing knowledge in how to deal with, or at least combat creatures similar to RPC-454-2, and was ordered to enter the building and neutralise PoI-233. RPC-022 proceeded to enter, and returned (3) minutes afterwards with PoI-233's corpse.

An investigation of the building revealed ██ RPC-454-1 instances, a large majority of which were deceased. Those that were not were promptly euthanised by RPC-022. A pen in the back contained a large number of cattle, all of whom were presumably contaminated with RPC-454 which warranted a promptly euthanisation to avoid potential infection. A chest was discovered in PoI-233's bedroom, containing multiple books on "An Essay on the Principle of Population" by Thomas Robert Malthus, evidence that PoI-233 was a Malthusian.

RPC-454 was officially classified as neutralised after twenty days of no activity.

Addendum 454.03: Incident Log

On the 3rd May, 1863. (42) more incidents occurred in Southampton, England where notable cases of RPC-454 infections occurred. There was an immediate cause of panic among the Authority, due to wide nature and spread of the disease, a campaign for disinformation was mounted, made easier by the fact that RPC-454-1 instances were mostly found within the poorer areas of the city. All RPC-454-1 and 454-2 instances were euthanised, as were all carriers of RPC-454.

Approximately 30 hours after this incident, (60) more incidents occurred. However the RPC-454-1 instances found were often those who had little to no identity, or held false identities. Heavy investigations into these individuals, revealed that 22 were PoIs and were involved within the Anomalous Community9 in some way or another.

Limited contacts implanted within Britain's anomalous community reported back about a growing concern about the spread of RPC-454, and that many businesses involved in the anomalous had closed in fear of the disease. Contacts had also reported a list of people that were believed to have been infected, requiring immediate euthanising of these individuals. (30) out of (46) individuals were located and terminated.

Addendum 454.04: Conference Log

Because of the rising number of incidents involving RPC-454, and no substantial leads in finding the culprits, a conference was held to discuss the ongoing matter.

Addendum 454.05: Recovery Log

On the 23rd May, a hideout belonging to members of the Church of Malthus was uncovered, and a raid was conducted. The battle resulted in all members in the building being terminated, totalling about (23) members, whereas the Authority lost approximately (11) agents in the fight. Documents pertaining RPC-454 were discovered, and the information of RPC-454 was once again spread, as further incidents relating to the disease would begin to occur, with some noticeably larger ones being on the

  • 6th December 1861. - (74) civilian casualties
  • 4th February 1862. - (120) civilian casualties + (12) deaths of personnel in the medical department.
  • 7th July 1862. - (134) civilian casualties
  • 22nd March 1863. - First record of RPC-454 being found in foreign countries, resulted in the death of around (250) civilians. Successfully prevented further spread and limited to the United Kingdom.

Addendum 454.06: Discovery Log

On the 5th April, 1864, a vaccination and cure for RPC-454 was discovered by Aaron Chapmen, who presented his results to the Authority's Medical Department. Despite the procedure requiring the use of thaumaturgical elements, it was nevertheless tested after the threat of RPC-454 to the agriculture and civilian life was considered too dangerous for regular containment.

After a (60) day period of testing with RPC-454-A, and the results being successful, the procedure to create more instances of the vaccine was initiated. Despite many individuals within the Authority condemning Mr. Chapmen's actions, as well as acting out of the Authority's stance on interaction with the community, the decision to punish him was overruled after a tribunal found him not guilty.

Out of (185) incidents of RPC-454, (110) of these were fixed through the use of administering RPC-454-A. Vaccinations of RPC-454-A were made compulsory for individuals where areas of RPC-454 spreading seemed most likely, especially those in crowded and/or farmed areas. Despite being commended for his discovery, Mr. Chapmen insisted that he should not take full credit for it, the background of these claims was never investigated.



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