Mechanical Yandere
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Registered Phenomena Code: 439
Object Class: Gamma-Red
Hazard Types: Aggression, Regenerative, Organic, Mechanical, Sapient
Containment Protocols: RPC-439 is to be held in a heavy containment unit with an electromagnetically locking door. A large electromagnet is also to be fitted to the base of the unit and is to be activated whenever the staff enters the containment unit. RPC-439 is to have no furnishings, and any objects found on RPC-439's person are to be confiscated. Additionally, RPC-439 is to be restrained in a straight jacket at all times, with no exceptions.
In the event that RPC-439 breaches containment RPC-439-1 is to be alerted to the situation, and all sections between RPC-439's containment unit and RPC-439-1's office are to be evacuated of all personnel, outside of emergency scenarios.
Personnel assigned to RPC-439 containment detail are to be equipped with standard assault rifles, with an under-barrel 40mm grenade launcher. Personnel are also to be issued standard 40mm anti-regenerator thermite grenades for the purpose of incapacitating RPC-439 in the event of a breach.
Description: RPC-439 is a bio-mechanical entity with a feminine humanoid shape. RPC-439 is 1.67m tall, has black hair, dull red eyes, and is of a slim build. RPC-439 possesses para-biologically enhanced regenerative capabilities, which allows RPC-439 to siphon materials from the area around itself to regrow both the organic and mechanical parts of its body at impossibly fast speeds. Additionally, RPC-439 possesses notably increased speed and strength when compared to a standard human subject.
RPC-439's bones are composed of a high-quality tool steel rather than traditional bone material. With the skull being of particular interest, as it is composed of a single piece of steel with the jaw being a separate piece of steel. Additionally, the logo for the group of interest known as Kabushiki Kawaii can be found engraved on the back of RPC-439's skull.
RPC-439-1 is the designation of Dr. Katherine Saito, an Authority researcher that RPC-439 has developed an extreme romantic obsession over. RPC-439 seems to have an innate knowledge of RPC-439-1's location relative to itself and has used this sense in a wide variety of ways.
RPC-439 displays psychopathic tendencies, commonly displaying no care for human life. RPC-439 is capable of drawing up and enacting extremely complex plans to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. These tasks can range from breaching containment to acquiring objects from or for RPC-439-1, and in some extreme cases attempting to terminate those that RPC-439 believes are a threat to RPC-439-1.
RPC-439 only cooperates with RPC-439-1 and will fulfill any request given by RPC-439-1 to the best of its abilities. However, RPC-439 will fulfill these requests by any means that it deems necessary. Normally RPC-439 will use violence to accomplish these tasks, even if there is an easier alternative method that doesn't involve violence.
It should be noted that Dr. Saito is not pleased with the "relationship" that RPC-439 has developed with her. While we understand why personnel would want to keep a safe distance from Dr. Saito because of RPC-439, it shouldn't get in the way of your work. - Department of Human Resources Head Heinz Scheffner
» Anomaly Experimentation Team «
RPC-439 Mecha-Biology report
The mechanical portions of RPC-439 operate similarly to a kinetic automaton. This motion is generated by a mechanical organ similar to a twin-cylinder V internal combustion engine located in RPC-439's abdomen (designated as RPC-439-A). This organ is connected to a second mechanical organ resembling a dual Laminar flow muffler system on RPC-439's upper back.
The bones in all of RPC-439's limbs are replaced with structures resembling steel tubes surrounding driveshafts which are connected to RPC-439-A. These driveshafts are responsible for powering all of RPC-439's movements. Additionally, mechanical devices located at all of RPC-439's joints allow for the rotational movement generated by RPC-439-A to be moved around bends in RPC-439's limbs.
Two organs in RPC-439's chest cavity has replaced its left lung. The first organ is believed to be responsible for RPC-439's immune system and has various cells/tissues that would normally be found in the bone marrow. Additionally, RPC-439's NK-cells are capable of identifying any and all types of cellular mutations, and of repairing the entire genome of cells. The process by which this is accomplished is poorly understood.
The second organ in RPC-439's chest cavity is believed to be responsible for RPC-439's regenerative properties. This is because cell/tissue samples from this organ have shown that it houses and creates two types of anomalous stem cells. The first type of anomalous stem cell (designated as RE-3LG-012) is capable of undergoing mitosis at speeds that are simply impossible for non-anomalous cells to achieve without mass amounts of genetic mutations. RE-3LG-012 is capable of quickly absorbing materials needed for rapid cell divisions. Sources for these materials include the environment surrounding RPC-439, damaged or displaced cells from RPC-439, and in some cases living organisms in contact with RPC-439. Additionally, RE-3LG-012 is capable of turning into any type of cell in RPC-439's body.
The second type of anomalous stem cell (designated as XY-ZT5-973) is a unicellular bio-mechanical organism, that is capable of undergoing mitosis at speeds similar to that of the first type of abnormal stem cell (RE-3LG-012). XY-ZT5-973 allows RPC-439 to regenerate its mechanical parts at speeds similar to that of its organic parts.
Addendum.1: Recovery
RPC-439 was recovered on 02/10/2019 during a raid on a Kabushiki Kawaii shipping warehouse. Hostile anomalous humanoids, acting as security, were present during the raid but were terminated by Authority personnel. RPC-439 itself was found in a medically induced coma within a modified shipping container. The following documents were recovered from Kabushiki Kawaii transport personnel.
Import Shipment: 95
Date: 09/2019
Sender: GEAR product utilization facility
Expected Contents: bio-mechanical humanoid, schoolgirl, dominant
Amount: 3
Note: Contents are to remain comatose.
Export Shipment: 89
Date: 09/2019
Receiver: Korps Manufacturing
Contents: bio-mechanical humanoid, schoolgirl, dominant
Amount: 2
Note: Contents are to remain comatose.
Export Shipment: 5
Date: 10/2019
Receiver: Customer Eighteen
Contents: bio-mechanical humanoid, schoolgirl, dominant
Amount: 1
Note: Contents are to remain comatose until received by the customer. After which the contents are to be placed awake and ready in the presence of a person of the eighteenth's choice.
Addendum.2: Recovered Kabushiki Kawaii documents
Project 283
Optimal Result Outline: Use of bio-mechanical technology to enhance a subject's strength, reaction time, and endurance.
Test ID#: 283/1
Subject ID#: J-582
Special qualities of Subject: N/A
Procedure: Attempt to install the bio-mechanical rotational energy generator, via insertion into the abdominal region
Outcome: Subject survived the experiment and will be used in further testing
Notes: N/A
Test ID#: 283/2
Subject ID#: J-582
Special qualities of Subject: see above
Procedure: Attempt to replace the subject's bone and muscle structure in the right arm with required mechanical systems, and link them to the rotational energy generator.
Outcome: Pre-existing organic tissues failed to attach to mechanical components resulting in the mechanical implants tearing themselves out of the subject's tissue. This ultimately resulted in the subject dying from shock.
Notes: Tissue created by the natural regeneration of the body did attach to the mechanical components.
Test ID#: 283/3
Subject ID#: 405-A-3847
Special qualities of Subject: Drastically enhanced regenerative capabilities
Procedure: Install the bio-mechanical rotational energy generator, via insertion into the abdominal region
Outcome: Subject survived with no evidence of scarring and will be used in further testing
Notes: N/A
Test ID#: 283/4
Subject ID#: 405-A-3847
Special qualities of Subject: See above
Procedure: Replace the subject's bone and muscle structure in the right arm with required mechanical systems, and link them to the rotational energy generator.
Outcome: Subject survived with no evidence of scarring
Notes: N/A
Test ID#: 283/5
Subject ID#: 405-A-3847
Special qualities of Subject: See above
Procedure: Attempt to replace all of the subject's remaining bone and muscle structure in their limbs with required mechanical systems, and link them to the rotational energy generator.
Outcome: Subject survived with no evidence of scarring
Notes: Subject later developed a form of rampant cancer due to removal of bone marrow that resulted from the replacement of bones in the subjects limbs. Because of the insane speed at which the cancer developed subject was immolated for to prevent loss of life among research staff.
Test ID#: 283/6
Subject ID#: 405-A-3905
Special qualities of Subject: Drastically enhanced regenerative capabilities, additionally subjects immune system had been relocated to an organ that had replaced its left lung.
Procedure: Install the bio-mechanical rotational energy generator, via insertion into the abdominal region. Then replace all of the subject's remaining bone and muscle structure in their limbs with required mechanical systems, and link them to the rotational energy generator.
Outcome: Subject survived with no evidence of scarring.
Notes: Next we have to develop a way for this thing to regenerate its mechanical components. I believe that installing a second organ in that spare space in their chest cavity to focus on the regeneration factor will prove optimal for the final version.
Test ID#: 283/7
Subject ID#: 405-A-4087
Special qualities of Subject: Drastically enhanced regenerative capabilities, the immune system had been relocated to an organ that had replaced its left lung, regenerative abilities were also relocated to an organ in said area.
Procedure: Install the bio-mechanical rotational energy generator, via insertion into the abdominal region. Then replace all of the subject's remaining bone and muscle structure in their limbs with required mechanical systems, and link them to the rotational energy generator.
Outcome: Subject survived with no evidence of scarring.
Notes: This is the final version that we will be submitting to the Kabushiki.
Project Status: Complete
Project Yandere: Programming Phase
Step 1: remove and discard the minds that the GEAR provided with the bodies that we ordered
Step 2: Install K-24 into the bodies
Step 3: Test integration
Step 4: Remove K-24 memories
Step 5: Construct memories
Step 6: Test memories
Step 7: Render comatose
Step 8: Initiate Procedure 29-Attachment
Step 9: Package products in the material available within the GEAR facility.
Subject name (Legal): Amanda Thompson
Subject name (Title): K-24
History: Family troubles, left school at age 12 due to said problems. Developed psychopathic tendencies as a result of a troubled upbringing. She also ended up as a heavy drug user because her parents were users.
Body: Value low, due to subjects drug problems, the lungs and kidneys are below minimum usable quality. Convert it into bio-matter for the development of better bodies.
Mind: Value Specialized, perfect for use in psychopathic products. Will be saved for future use.
Locating cost: Minimal
Acquisition cost: Minimal
Procedure 29-Attachment: Details
Purpose: To make a subject fall in love with the first person they see after the procedure.
Method of use: Use with medically induced comas has proved to be the best option with this procedure.
Addendum.3: File update