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{$translationblock} |
Registered Phenomena Code: 437
Object Class: Beta-Red
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Containment Protocols: Due to the threat severity that RPC-437-2 presents to personnel, RPC-437-2 has been transferred to Site-042’s Maximum Security Wing at the request of Antarctic Command.
As RPC-437 cannot be physically removed from RPC-437-2, RPC-437-2 is to be permanently contained at Site-042 Sublevel A, Confinement Wing. RPC-437-2’s containment cell is to be monitored from the control room by two security guards with Level 3 clearance. Any unusual activities occurring within the cell is to be reported to a supervisor.
Personnel are to avoid direct hand-to-hand and eye contact with RPC-437-2. Affected instances as a result are to be detained and neutralized if necessary.
In order to facilitate the containment of RPC-437-2, RPC-437-2 is to wear a specialized interlocked blindfold device at all times. Under in no circumstance should personnel attempt to remove the device unless authorized by Head Researcher Adebe. During transport, RPC-437-2 is to be restrained via waist-chain restraint, and control poles handled by two security guards.
Access to RPC-437-2’s containment is to be authorized at the discretion of Site Management, additional authorization must be approved by an Ethics Officer with Level 4 clearance. Maintenance personnel are to be given full access-clearance to the containment cell when maintenance is underway, and must be supervised at all times.
In the event of a containment breach, security personnel are to refrain from using lethal force and must use a taser to subdue RPC-437-2. Once contained, RPC-437-2 is to be quarantined no sooner than 48 hours with no physical or social contacts.
Description: RPC-437 is a bracelet encrusted with various glyphs depicting of slavery as evident by the figures distressed and abused by a tall figure, speculated to be a former wearer of RPC-437. The hieroglyphics as shown do not appear to be similar to any previously known civilization.
Spectroscopic analysis of RPC-437 appears to contain a mixture of metals such as platinum and molybdenum, though additional metals of the object could not be ascertainable. Research onto the object’s history is still ongoing.
RPC-437-2 refers to a former Authority Researcher named Emilia Fraser, a 30-year old Danish female and a Historical Researcher for the DHPS.
Due to RPC-437-2 being the current wearer of RPC-437, available research has been reliant on the behavior and mental state of RPC-437-2.
Close observations onto RPC-437-2 revealed that RPC-437-2 undergoes personality alterations after a link has been made with RPC-437. Following the attachment onto the wrist, RPC-437-2’s personality traits are apparent by their moral decline, strong desire for control, and authoritative behavior towards others. Interestingly, RPC-437-2 has refrained from revealing these personality traits since their initial link with RPC-437. It is unclear if the concealment of this behavior is associated with RPC-437’s anomalous effects.
Since their participation in Operation Climate, Site-017 personnel reported various misconducts committed by RPC-437-2 and was ultimately contained by security personnel.
Further anomalous manifestation occurs when RPC-437-2 discovers their ability to perform manipulation hypnosis on subjects. When hand-to-hand or eye contact has been established, subjects affected (designated as RPC-437-3) will become inherently obedient and lose all sense of awareness towards RPC-437-2.
Postmortem analysis on expired RPC-437-3 instances revealed that prolonged exposure towards RPC-437-2 causes cell damage, often cellular mutation which increases the chance of neuroinflammation, spreading towards vital organs and subsequently resulting in total organ failure.
Following an incident on July 7, control room footage captured RPC-437-2 performing psychokinetic abilities that resulted in numerous casualties with some having a broken femur and cranium, and equipment malfunctioning as a result of RPC-437-2’s psychokinesis. (See Addendum 437.04)
Addendum 437.01: Discovery
On June 25, 2019, two days following the discovery of an ancient location designated by Antarctic Command as Antarctic Region-17, The Authority dispatches an Expedition Team to the region and investigate the expanse location. This joint operation comprised of researchers and archaeologists, including inspectors from the UNAAC, had been tasked as part of a joint operation. Mobile Specialized Team Oscar-12 (“The Harbingers”) and Bravo-4 (“Siberian Tigers”) facilitated the ongoing expedition and provided security cover, under the operation codename "Climate."
Expeditionary Teams were deployed to the region on June 26, 11:23 PM Greenwich Mean Time. Standard procedures applied to the operation as soon as the teams began their initial sweep of the area.
During the operation however, one of the teams had entered an unstable area and a researcher by the name of Fraser (designated as RPC-437-2) accidentally fell onto a crevasse and landed on an undiscovered cave. While down at a small cave, RPC-437-2 reported via communications that they had discovered a hidden area filled with numerous unidentifiable remains. One of the remains appeared in an unusual position while wearing a sacred, ordained clothing with RPC-437 worn on the left-hand wrist.
However, RPC-437-2 failed to report the discovery and was under anomalous influence when they had attached RPC-437 onto their wrist. A rescue team shortly arrived and had manage to medevac RPC-437-2 back to the surface.
Addendum 438.02: Post-Medevac Interview
The following interview was conducted by Dr. Helsinki in the aftermath of RPC-437-2’s recovery.
Date: 26/06/2019
Interviewer: Dr. Hugo Helsinki, Office of Analysis and Science
Interviewee: Researcher Emilia Fraser (RPC-437-2)
RPC-437-2: Took us about ten to fourteen minutes to get down the entrance … Security had to pass us first for our safety while we had to wait our asses until the area was clear. I always hated it when it’s those people with guns who have to be our pretentious “heroes.”
Dr. Helsinki: It’s just procedure Fraser. It’s all about the safety of your team-
RPC-437-2: [Raises voice] Safety my ass. We could’ve done significant progress if we hadn’t wasted precious amount of time.
Dr. Helsinki: Hey, hey. Let’s ease down the tone here and focus on what happened to you. Alright?
RPC-437-2: [Pauses] Yeah … sure. Let’s just get on with it.
Dr. Helsinki: [Passes photos to RPC-437-2]
RPC-437-2: What’s this?
Dr. Helsinki: These are the photos taken by the teams from the BA. Can you tell me what they are for the record?
RPC-437-2: Skeletons, mostly skulls and fucking bugs.
Dr. Helsinki: Yes. Can you tell me how you got there?
RPC-437-2: Um … [clears throat] My expedition team had to go through a rough area that security had already cleared. There were two ways you could’ve gotten there; one was a small, claustrophobic tunnel and the other was an ol-old bridge. Given how some of the people we had were claustrophobic fucks- Kevin had us go through that bridge instead.
Dr. Helsinki: For the record, who’s Kevin?
RPC-437-2: Oh. That was my team’s expedition leader. I think it was either Dr. Page or Dr. Rieper who had selected them to lead the team- I forgot which.
Dr. Helsinki: [Writes notation] I see, continue.
RPC-437-2: We got to the bridge. My first thought was that it looked pretty fucking unstable given how old it looked. Noticed a few cracks here and there, yet It didn’t concern fucking Kevin? [Grunts] Kevin should’ve been the one to fall into that cave.
Dr. Helsinki: [Snaps finger twice] Let’s focus please. What happened next?
RPC-437-2: We hopped on the bridge and went towards the other side. Half way there, the left side of the bridge began to crack. Kevin had the bright fucking idea to just scream at us to “run”, and so a lot of people ran-
Dr. Helsinki: Sorry, was this when you fell into the crevasse?
RPC-437-2: [Chuckles nervously] Ye-yeah. Where I stood, the floor just collapsed. [Scratches head] Fell under it and down to the crevasse.
Dr. Helsinki: [Flips page] Did you suffer any hits?
RPC-437-2: When I landed-
Dr. Helsinki: Yes, yes. When you landed and entered that cave as seen on the photos here … [Points at the photos].
RPC-437-2: I took a hit on my head, though I didn’t feel anything. The skeletons I landed on broke the fall.
Dr. Helsinki: What happened next when you were at that cave?
RPC-437-2: [Touches forehead] Sorry … I’m just-
Dr. Helsinki: Please. Do take your time.
RPC-437-2: [Speechless for 16 seconds]
Dr. Helsinki: [Writes notation]
RPC-437-2: R-Right. Um … where was I?
Dr. Helsinki: You were about to talk about the cave when you got there.
RPC-437-2: I got up from the floor or whatever- felt dizzy and confused. The ground felt weird and I looked down, practically screamed when I saw the skeletons and felt pain on my forehead. I was fucking freezing and bleeding at the same time. [Drinks water] Thankfully, my radio was still working, I managed to contact someone about my condition, and they told me to stay put.
Dr. Helsinki: Did you stay put?
RPC-437-2: Sorry?
Dr. Helsinki: According to a testimony from the rescue team, they found you at a corner looking at one of the remains. Can you explain this?
RPC-437-2: Look. One of the remains wore a weird outfit. They were wearing something like royalty, so, I decided to take a peek. I noticed that some of the remains next to it looked like they were praying to it … I- I don’t know. I stared at it for a while and then the rescue team appeared out of nowhere and began treating me. Next thing I knew, I’m at the medical wing.
Dr. Helsinki: [Clears throat] How long were you there?
RPC-437-2: Um … [rubs forehead] About seven minutes. Why?
Dr. Helsinki: [Pauses] Seven minutes? Fraser, you’ve been there for an hour.
RPC-437-2: Oh. [Chuckles nervously] An hour, my bad.
Dr. Helsinki: Right … I think we got everything covered, do you need to add anything else?
RPC-437-2: Yeah- I mean, no. Can I go?
Dr. Helsinki: You may, thank you for your time.
Interview Notes: According to Dr. Wilson, the Medical Officer on-scene, they reported that Fraser’s condition wasn’t too serious. Her head injury was minor, albeit she is required to report to the medical wing once per week to ensure nothing of serious develops.
Strangely, Dr. Wilson informed me that there was something on Fraser’s wrist and it looked like a bracelet. Something “sacred” he added. He hadn’t noticed it before the operation took place. When he asked about it, Fraser told him that the bracelet was a “gift” from his fiancé.
Since it isn’t my business to snoop around other people’s relationships it isn’t my concern.
- Dr. Hugo Helsinki, Office of Analysis and Science.
Addendum 437.03: Misconduct Interview 30/06/2019
On June 30, the Office of Ethics and Review filed a disciplinary action against RPC-437-2 following an escalated argument that resulted in Dr. [REDACTED] being sent to the medical wing.
The following interview was conducted by Dr. Daemon Hart.
Date: 30/06/2019
Interviewer: Dr. Daemon Hart, Ethics Supervisor
Interviewee: Researcher Emilia Fraser (RPC-437-2)
Dr. Hart: I need you to tell me what happened.
RPC-437-2: [Looks at the table]
Dr. Hart: Fraser, may I remind you that failure to cooperate with me will result in further sanctions by the Ethics Department.
RPC-437-2: What is there to say? Dr. [REDACTED] was being a stupid asshole.
Dr. Hart: [Raises voice] That “asshole” of a person is in the medical wing with traumatic brain injury. Mind telling me how he got that?
RPC-437-2: [Frustrated] He came to the office and complained to me about some paperwork that I recklessly made. Fucker mocked my bracelet that I wore and said I shouldn’t be wearing it around the place. He then wanted me to start over, or I get my ass whopped by-
Dr. Hart: What bracelet?
RPC-437-2: Can you stop interrupting me and let me fucking talk?
Dr. Hart: Hey, I was just wondering what you've meant …
RPC-437-2: [Talks over] Oh? So, you want to hear how I was fucking treated like a batch of dirt, and he gets all the sympathies for being in a fucking hospital bed?
Dr. Hart: [Raises voice] … Do not overstep your boundaries!
RPC-437-2: [Silence]
Dr. Hart: [Smoothens tie] Look. This is gonna be your last warning, or I will have security confine you to cool off. Do you understand?
RPC-437-2: [Looks away]
Dr. Hart: I’m not asking again; do you under-
RPC-437-2: [Stares] Yes.
Dr. Hart: Now, moving on. How did he get his injury?
RPC-437-2: [Pauses] After he “threatened” me, I … I told him that he shouldn’t treat me like that. Turned back to me and said he didn’t care and so I pushed him, and he fell against the table corner.
Dr. Helsinki: And that's that?
RPC-437-2: [Nods] Hmm.
Dr. Helsinki: [Flips page] I’ve got several statements from personnel that they heard someone screaming in agony. They said that it sounded like Dr. [REDACTED]. Can you explain this?
RPC-437-2: I didn’t hear any screaming when he fell onto the ground with a bleeding head. For all I care, it could’ve been some intern who saw Dr. [REDACTED] bleeding on the floor.
Dr. Helsinki: I see. Look, I want to help you. I truly do …
RPC-437-2: Bullshit-
Dr. Helsinki: … Let me finish.
RPC-437-2: [Silence]
Dr. Helsinki: I’ll admit what he did was improper and violated a few HR policies, but you don’t get to be pissy and commit a much more serious misconduct by having to send him to the medical wing.
RPC-437-2: [Sighs] What now?
Dr. Helsinki: I will be filing this report to my department, and they will handle how you’ll be sanctioned. Until further notice, you will continue your duties under security supervision.
RPC-437-2: [Gets up]
Dr. Helsinki: Before you leave this room, Fraser. Moving forward from this unacceptable misconduct, I hope for your sake you will reconsider your attitude towards others … Especially towards your superiors.
RPC-437-2: [Unintelligible] … -urn for all I care.
Interview Notes: Subject has presented an aggressive behavior towards Dr. [REDACTED]. Subject has given admission to the assault of a personnel and will be placed under security supervision until further notice.
I’d recommend to my superiors that Fraser be given psychological evaluations for any possible anger issues that the subject may present. As for sanctioning, I’d recommend temporary suspension on all current departmental projects.
- Dr. Daemon Hart, Ethics Supervisor
Update 3/07/2019: Request has been denied. Subject is to continue under security supervision by order of the Ethics’ Tribunal Magistrate.
Further misconduct may lead to ethical hearing and possibly placed into suspension, pending for audit.
- Office of Ethics and Review, Tribunal Magistrate
Addendum 437.04: Incident 7/07/2019
On July 7, onsite security was dispatched to the Office Wing of Site-017 after numerous reports of firearm discharge that lead to numerous casualties, including a diplomatic officer from the United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee.
RPC-437-2 was apprehended by onsite security and was placed into containment following their demonstration of anomalous properties during the incident.
The following was an interview between Dr. Hart and RPC-437-2, two days after the incident.
Date: 9/07/2019
Interviewer: Dr. Daemon Hart, Ethics Supervisor
Interviewee: Researcher Emilia Fraser (RPC-437-2)
RPC-437-2: Why am I blindfolded?
Dr. Hart: Security reasons. Our people have determined that you may have anomalous properties after … [clears throat] You know.
RPC-437-2: [Sniffles] It- It wasn’t my fault.
Dr. Hart: “Your” fault? Fraser, we’re sitting here with four people in a body bag, one of which is a diplomat for the fucking United Nations.
RPC-437-2: [Breathes heavily] Please … just-
Dr. Hart: Just what? What excuse could you possibly say at this moment?
GD-█: [Room Intercom] Let her speak, Hart. We want answers as much as you do.
Dr. Hart: [Turns to the mirror, suspires] Apologies sir.
RPC-437-2: [Unintelligible]
Dr. Hart: [Turns to RPC-437-2] I’m sorry? Speak louder.
RPC-437-2: I didn’t- didn’t mean to say it to Sam- him.
Dr. Hart: [Opens folder] What happened?
RPC-437-2: Sam … Sam came to see me at his office. He called me there about something important to tell me. I told security to wait outside and I talked with him in private.
Dr. Hart: What did you two discuss?
RPC-437-2: It was about the bracelet. He tried to tell someone about it, Human Resources, I think. He didn’t want to keep this thing a secret for much longer … [changes tone] That fucking idiot.
Dr. Hart: This bracelet, [points to it] where did you get it?
RPC-437-2: The cave, where it all began. It just got on me and I just felt … [unintelligible].
Dr. Hart: Fraser, I need you to slow down-
RPC-437-2: [Aggressive] Don’t tell me to fucking slow down.
[Two security guards unholsters their weapons at RPC-437-2]
Dr. Hart: [Waves] Stand down. She’s restrained.
RPC-437-2: [Scoffs] I’ll get out of these, and have you get on your knees-
GD-█: [Room Intercom, raises voice] Enough. Four-three-seven, we will proceed further restraints to your containment if you continue this manner of behavior.
RPC-437-2: Four-three-seven? Oh, I’m a fucking anomaly now? I’d rather be sent back to “containment” now than have you interrogate me.
Dr. Hart: Fraser … Just tell us what happened to him- to Sam [REDACTED].
RPC-437-2: [Pauses, sighs] He felt too much pressure of what the organization can do to him if they found out about his implication to hide me and my abilities. He went to the door to leave, and I told him to kill himself. He … He stopped midway and went to the nearest sharp object to [DATA EXPUNGED].
Dr. Hart: And the security guard?
RPC-437-2: They heard the commotion and tried to detain me. I felt angry, I didn't care about anything at that point. I told the security guard to go shoot everyone … I didn’t mean to say it. I just- just didn’t.
[The security guard in question has been denoted as an RPC-437-3 instance]
GD-█: [Room Intercom] I think we’ve had enough of this.
Dr. Hart: Sir, I still got a few more questions-
GD-█: [Room Intercom] And I said that’s enough. Security can take her back to containment. I don’t want to hear more of this.
Interview Notes: Researcher Fraser has been designated anomalous status at the direct orders of the Directorate following the interview. It’s clear that four-three-seven is an unpredictable threat to the organization, following the death of one of our own and a diplomat from our close associates.
Needless to say, they are awfully outraged by what happened to them. Our policy in regard to diplomats visiting or stationed within Site-017 has been revised with additional security protection assigned to them.
I still cannot believe that Researcher Sam [REDACTED] had to protect her from us. If it wasn’t for his complicit, we would’ve prevented such deaths in the first place.
- GD-█
Addendum 437.05: Cave Expedition Log
Date: Date: ██/██/2019
Team Involved: Mobile Specialized Team Foxtrot-4 ("Prey")
Notes: Foxtrot-4 was sent in to investigate the cave that RPC-437 was reportedly discovered at the behest of the Directorate and Antarctic Command. The following is an audio transcript log of the operation taken place.
[Alpha Team repels down the crevasse and enters the cave]
Alpha 0-4: [Detaches from the rope] Last man.
Alpha 0-6: Jesus that's a lot of fucking bodies here. Command are you seeing this?
Command: That's affirmative. Proceed with task and recover anything of value, command out.
Alpha 0-1: Right, zero-four to six, [points] check out this side of the area while me and the rest check the body.
Alpha 0-4: Affirmative.
Alpha 0-5: You got it, TL.
Alpha 0-6: Gotcha.
[Alpha 0-4 to 0-6 moves to the opposite side of the area, passing through the remains and investigating the structure]
Command: Be advised Alpha Team, structural integrity of the area may have been unstable for quite some time. Recommend you don't stay there for more than thirty minutes, over.
Alpha 0-1: Copy command. [Looks at 0-2 to 0-3] Let's get moving.
Alpha 0-4: [Radios 0-1] Hey TL, we got something over here.
Alpha 0-1: What is it?
[Alpha 0-2 to 0-3 approaches the remain with the royal outfit, investigates and checks around]
Alpha 0-4: Some weird drawings or symbols on the walls here, looks like they were dented by someone's fingernails.
Alpha 0-5: Ouch, that's gotta fucking hurt-
Alpha 0-4: Scratch that, they were dented by someone's fingernails. Just found a body here with their hand against the wall, some of their fingernails missing.
Alpha 0-1: What are the symbols on the wall like?
Alpha 0-4: Hard to tell, my old sketch artistry is a bit rusty.
Alpha 0-3: Sketch artistry?
Alpha 0-4: [Laughs] Yeah, I went to do an Arts Degree on-
Alpha 0-1: [Clears throat] We don't have a lot of time for chit chat guys, describe it zero-four.
Alpha 0-4: Right, so. One of the drawings or whatever has a very tall figure with what appears to be ornaments and a headband, probably a crown. I think. Next to them are like people, their necks and ankles connected to each other, and some on their knees. Huh, now there's lines glistening around the figure's wrist.
Alpha 0-1: [Looks at the remain that 0-2 and 0-3 are investigating] Hold up, describe the "tall figure" for me.
Alpha 0-4: There's nothing really much to go on but-
Alpha 0-1: Do they have a bracelet or something?
Alpha 0-4: Uh, standby TL.
Alpha 0-3: [Approaches 0-1] We got nothing from the body. Want us to bag it?
Alpha 0-1: Bag it. Research might have a field day with the body.
[0-2 takes out a body bag and 0-3 assists placing the priestess' remain in the body bag]
Alpha 0-4: Huh, that's fucking scary.
Alpha 0-1: [To 0-4] Talk to me zero-four.
Alpha 0-4: Well- uh, I think it looks like a bracelet. Like I said, there are lines glistening from their wrist- like it's glowing or something. Hold on, there are a few more symbols here.
Alpha 0-6: Zero-four, watch where you step. There a few bodies in a weird position.
[Bits of rubles fall from the ceiling]
Alpha 0-1: Shit. Anyone hurt?
Alpha 0-5: Yeah, we're fine here TL.
Command: Command to Alpha zero-one, come in.
Alpha 0-1: Go for zero-one.
Command: We're detecting a huge surge of unstable quakes in your area, advised you wrap up soon as possible.
Alpha 0-1: Loud and clear. [Radios rest of Alpha Team] You heard command, let's pack it up people.
Alpha 0-4: Wa-wait, TL. I can finish this up.
Alpha 0-1: Hurry up, what are the last ones?
Alpha 0-4: Uh, shit shit. Okay. There are some weird holes in front of the tall figure. Wait, there are two variations- one has the tall figure raising their wrist and a hole appearing while the other doesn't.
[Rubles continue to fall, Alpha 0-2 and 0-3 begin to move the body bag back to the cave entrance]
Alpha 0-3: [Radios the rest of the team] We're hooking up the body bag, recommend ya'll move your asses now.
Alpha 0-1: That's an order guys, let's go.
Alpha 0-4: Fuck. I can't get to the last few drawings … Fucking bodies are in the way-
Alpha 0-1: [Raises voice] Zero-four, forget it. Move your ass now.
[Alpha 0-4 could be heard screaming as rubles fall on top of them]