Idol Bands are the Devil's Workshop
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Registered Phenomena Code: 425
Object Class: Alpha-Orange
Hazard Types: Sapient Hazard, Auditory Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Mind-Control Hazard
Containment Protocols: Due to the widespread knowledge of the existence of RPC-425 instances 1-3, primary Authority containment is not to be focused on restraining the individuals in question, but on ensuring that their anomalous properties are kept under constant observation. MST India-8 ("Super Fans") are to be present at any and all public appearances made by instances of RPC-425. In order to prevent exposure of RPC-425's anomalous properties to on-location personnel, Authority personnel are to be outfitted with audio-canceling headphones.
Should an instance of RPC-425 begin to display awareness of their anomalous properties and attempt to use them for personal gain, on-location MST members are instructed to report this to the nearest Authority site immediately so that further action (possibly resulting in the termination of the instance) may be taken with proper caution and appropriate resources.
Although the current state of RPC-425 1-3 prevents the anomalies from being fully contained, Authority agents are in negotiations with representatives of Akanishin Entertainment (who currently own the likenesses and brand of the instances in question) regarding transference of all RPC-425 instances into Authority care.
Description: RPC-425 refers to a group of three humanoid entities, designated RPC-425-1 to RPC-425-3. Each instance takes the form of a Japanese female, between the ages of 19-21 years old. Although they are classified as a grouped hazard, each individual instance of RPC-425 has been noted to possess varying physical and behavioral characteristics.
The anomalous properties of an instance of RPC-425 stem from their ability to manipulate the thoughts and actions of any individual who listens to them sing in any regard (including listening to recordings or over live feeds) as long as their commands are given through the lyrics of the song. Individuals who are given a command in this way experience an extremely strong mental compulsion to perform the orders given to them by instances of RPC-425. Regardless of whether or not the individual is able to resist this mental compulsion, the affected person's body will often move against their will to perform the actions outlined by an instance of RPC-425. This compulsion will continue until the instance ceases singing, after which the affected individual will be freed from the anomaly's control.
All three known instances of RPC-425 have been known to be affiliated with "Three Melody", a musical group reminiscent of the 'Idol' trend of Japanese culture, owned by the Akanishin Entertainment Company. Due to this affiliation, the anomalous effects of RPC-425 instances can often affect large groups of civilians during performances.
The following is a partial list of identified lyrics in songs performed by an instance of RPC-425 that were noted to have an affect on the crowd. Further examples can be found in the full document, currently archived at Site-██.
Lyrics Sung by RPC-425 Instance |
Noted Effect on Civilian Population |
"Jump Up! Clap Your Hands!" |
All present civilians attempted to jump into the air and begin clapping their hands. It is worth noting that this compulsion applied to observed individuals who were physically unable to perform the given actions, and some were injured attempting to do so. |
"Share The Rhythm" |
All affected civilians attempted to obtain recordings of performances by RPC-425 instances through various means, including taking video via available technology or purchasing recordings from Akanishin Entertainment. |
"Come To My Embrace" |
Immediately after the verse was complete, all present civilians attempted to charge the stage where the RPC-425 instances were performing. Although the crowd was restrained by armed security before reaching the anomalies, severe damage was noted to the set and venue. Authority plants observed that Akanishin Entertainment Co. later reimbursed the venue for damages caused as a result. The song containing these lyrics has not been performed again by any instance of RPC-425 following the original event. |
Although they possess anomalous traits, all RPC-425 instances involved in the group retain the status and practices of a typical entertainer and have never been observed using their abilities outside of during performances. It is currently hypothesized that the instances of RPC-425 are unaware of their own anomalous properties.
Because the current title and nature of RPC-425's instances means they are generally in custody of an entertainment company, the Authority has previously attempted permanent containment of the three RPC-425 instances by purchasing the license and ownership of the group using the funds and resources of front company 'Fun Times International Amusements'. Authority agent ██████, posing as a purchase negotiator for the front company, attempted to propose transition of ownership between the Authority and Akanishin Entertainment.
From: Samuel Cho, Message Filtering Department, Akanishin Entertainment Company
To: ██████, Acquisition Department, Fun Times International Amusements
Re: 'Three Melody' Acquisition Proposal
Dear Mr. ██████,
Thank you for contacting Akanishin Entertainment. In order to most effectively filter proposals and respond to those that demand immediate attention as quickly as possible, all messages for the board of directors must be approved by an in-between party such as myself.
I regret to inform you that your request to acquire the license and care responsibilities for 'Three Melody' has been denied. Although your financial offer and ability to ensure the health and performance of the group's members do meet the company's standards of treatment for the stars, Akanishin Entertainment would prefer to continue the current contract that we have with the members of 'Three Melody' for an indefinite period of time.
Should you be interested in purchasing the license to one of our other groups, do not hesitate to reach out again. I wish you the best of luck in your future acquisition endeavors.
Samuel Cho, Filtering Service, Akanishin Entertainment Company
Following this message, Samuel Cho was promptly taken into Authority custody for questioning. This questioning session revealed that Mr. Cho was hired as a temporary worker for the purpose of filtering and rejecting proposals regarding the acquisition of 'Three Melody'.
According to the subject, Mr. Cho was not given an exact reason why all requests regarding 'Three Melody' were to be refused, only that the company had no interest in relinquishing the rights or care of the three individuals, regardless of the proposal. Mr. Cho was determined to possess no knowledge of the anomalous properties of the RPC-425 instances or Akanishin Entertainment that did not pertain to his work and was promptly released from Authority custody.
Due to the unclear reasoning and apparent desire of Akanishin Entertainment's board of directors to keep all instances of RPC-425 under their ownership, Authority researchers suspect that the directors of the company may be aware of the anomalous properties of the instances. Investigation into the identities and possible GOI connections of Akanishin Entertainment is ongoing.
With cooperation from on-location plants and entertainment venues, Dr. Midler, under the guise of a reporter for ██████ Magazine, has successfully been able to interview RPC-425-1 in an attempt to understand more about the instances and their affiliation with Akanishin Entertainment.
Interviewed: RPC-425-1
Interviewer: Dr. Midler
Foreword: The following interview was conducted immediately following a performance by 'Three Melody', as Dr. Midler used a press pass to gain access to the backstage area and secure one instance of RPC-425 (considered 425-1) to question.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Midler This is Jeff Midler reporting for ██████ Online Magazine. I'm here with the lead vocalist for 'Three Melody', who's been kind enough to answer some questions for us.
RPC-425-1: Hello! My name is Keiko! It's great to speak with you tonight! Did you enjoy the show?
Dr. Midler: Absolutely. It's well-known that you girls put on a captivating performance. But rather than discuss the stage, I'd like to talk with you about the origins of 'Three Melody'. Is that alright?
RPC-425-1: Of course! I might not know everything about all three of us, but I'll try my best!
Dr. Midler: Excellent. Let's begin. Tell me, how did the idea of becoming an idol originally spring up?
RPC-425-1: Well, I don't know about the other girls, but this has always been a dream of mine! My parents were actually sound and lighting technicians for idol concerts, so they usually brought me along whenever they had to go to work. The other people there were kind enough to give me a seat in the concert area while they went to work backstage, and so I liked watching the older girls on stage dance and sing.
Dr. Midler: And this led to you wanting to become one?
RPC-425-1: Yeah! I always loved the way that they seemed to work together as a group to make so many people happy. I thought that if I was to become an idol one day, maybe I could make people happy like that too. So when I heard that some nearby companies were looking for new girls, I did everything I could to qualify.
Dr. Midler: Is that how you ended up with Akanishin Entertainment?
RPC-425-1: Yep! They were the first company to respond, and I wasn't sure if I would get another chance, so I went for it! I met with the manager of the company, and then everything was settled!
Dr. Midler: The manager? Interesting. Could you tell me more about that meeting?
RPC-425-1: Well, truthfully, I don't remember much about it. I can't even remember what he looked like. He was really nice, though- said a lot about how I was the 'perfect candidate' for the lead of the group and that I'd be a star for sure!
Dr. Midler: Are you sure you can't remember what he looked like? How do you not know if he's your manager?
RPC-425-1: Well, it was sort of dark, and I didn't get a good look. He told me he doesn't really like crowds, so he gets the work done before they show up. Most of the time he lets us know about our schedules by e-mail and has other people handle everything. I can't tell if he's lazy or hard-working.
Dr. Midler: Alright. What happened after you signed the contract?
RPC-425-1: Well, we went down to the shared house, where I live and practice with the other girls, and we all met for the first time. The manager told us to relax for the night but to prepare for the next few days because there would be a lot of 'adjustments' that needed to be done before we were ready for our performance.
Dr. Midler: 'Adjustments'? Did anything change over those next days?
RPC-425-1: Well, no, not really. The first day, we started practicing our dance steps, getting fitted for costumes, memorizing the songs, all that. I had asked about vocal training, but the people taking care of us said that there wasn't really much need for it.
Dr. Midler: Do you have any idea why that might be?
RPC-425-1: I don't know- but we really don't do much vocal practice. Our caretakers always say our voices are 'absolutely captivating' but won't let us make them even better- weird, right?
Dr. Midler: Intriguingly so. Tell me, Keiko, how do you get along with the other girls?
RPC-425-1: Well, I like to think we're good friends. I used to argue with Ai (referred to as RPC-425-3 by the Authority) a lot, because I thought she was mean, but recently we've been getting along a lot better. I think she's finally starting to like being an idol!
Dr. Midler: I see. Well, that's all the questions we have for you. Thank you for your time, R….Keiko.
RPC-425-1: No problem!
<End Log>
Although permission was given for Dr. Midler to attempt contact with all instances of RPC-425, the two instances not yet spoken with were promptly escorted out of the backstage area by on-location staff working for Akanishin Entertainment. It has been assumed that this was done intentionally to prevent access to these instances by Dr. Midler. Authority suspicions regarding a connection between the anomalous properties of RPC-425 instances and Akanishin Entertainment have grown as a result.
Addendum: On October 27, 20██ approximately 2:41 AM EST, Authority plants working in Akanishin Entertainment's information technology department were able to intercept a message to the company's board of directors from a currently unknown location. The message has been determined to be regarding the three RPC-425 instances currently under Akanishin Entertainment's control.
As expected, our test run of the new Type-S-247 models has been a resounding success. We are making a tremendous profit due to their popularity, and everything we sell greatly outweighs what we pay for maintaining their care. With the news of this tremendous gain, integration of more refined products into high-paying fields is under strong consideration. More profitable uses for vocal cord manipulation are under consideration as well. You have our thanks for assisting with the latest product testing, and believe the massive profit spike thanks to these new products should serve as incentive enough to continue our agreements. Your work as a middle ground between our products and the general public is greatly appreciated.
Should you experience any problems with any Type-S-247 regarding behavior, do not hesitate to send them to a nearby education center for reconditioning. The process used on S-247-003 has been noted as extremely effective. In addition, further refined Type-S-247 instances are in development in case replacements for members of 'Three Melody' are required. Instances that have worn out their use can also be returned to us for implementation in other practices as needed.
Our agreement with your company has been renewed, so long as you can continue providing financial gain to both of us. We eagerly await your next financial report.
-Division Manager
Examination of this message has suggested that Akanishin Entertainment serves as a 'front company' allowing the group behind the creation of the RPC-425 instances under their care to expose the public to anomalous beings. Due to the nature of RPC-425 instances as well as the information discussed in the message, the anomalies are believed to be products created by GOI-021 'Kabushiki Kawaii'. A major examination of Akanishin Entertainment regarding their presumed business deals with GOI-021 is underway.