
Return of the King





Registered Phenomena Code: 409



Object class: Alpha-Yellow

Hazard Types: Info-Hazard, Extra-dimensional Hazard (Unconfirmed)

Containment Protocols: RPC-409 is to be stored within a secured bookcase equipped with a locking mechanism accessible only by staff with level three clearance or higher. Any testing is to be approved by the Head Researcher and interviews are to be monitored by 2 ASF guards at all times along with 409-1A and 409-1B subjects being restrained as of Interview-#20
Addendum-C: As of 18/4/20██, testing has been discontinued- Head Researcher Chao

Description: RPC-409 is a hard copy of the book “The King in Yellow" by author Robert E. Chambers. RPC-409 has been rewritten to contain a transcription of the supposedly-fictional "The King in Yellow" play featured in the original stories.. The interpretation somewhat connects to the short excerpts featured in the original stories and has the same anomalous effects mentioned in the short stories have been mirrored. However, new effects have also been noticed during testing alongside certain references from the stories being altered to accommodate certain anomalous effects.

The original effects mentioned in the stories are somewhat present and include:

An extreme compulsion to read the entirety of Act 2. This is unchanged from the original source.

This is proceeded by drastic alterations in personality (occurring in 60% of all testing), designated as RPC-409-1A, or gradual mental deterioration (occurring in the remaining 40%), designated as RPC-409-1B. These appear to be altered from the original concepts somewhat, as the book has never been explained/ doesn’t appear to work this way in the stories.

RPC-409-1A exhibit two randomised but permanent changes after reading 409, behavioural alterations and personality alterations. Personality alterations are less concerning, with many -1A instances altering their personality to be more subdued. Only 30% of cases see an increase in aggressiveness with >6% of cases acting impulsively, meaning fatalities in most aggressive instances are uncommon. Behavioural alterations diagnosed include:

  • Schizophrenia (3 instances)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (6 instances)
  • Tourettes (2 instances)
  • Bipolar 2 Disorder (5 instances)
  • And 6 other unique alterations reported

The Subject's Altercation triggers randomly for a short period of time and there appears to be no correlation between the reader’s previous mental state and these diagnosed disorders.

RPC-409-1B instances seem to encompass these mental disorders to the point of psychosis, with some 409-1A instances even converting into 409-1B instances in extreme circumstances. 409-1B instances can also trigger a RPC-409-2 manifestation by mentioning in any context: “The Yellow Sign”. It is unclear at the time if 409-1B instances are compelled to say it by possibly 409-2, or if they say it by their own free will.1

RPC-409-2 is an unidentified humanoid entity that stalks 409-1B instances until they have vacated any surrounding public spaces before displacing them to an unconfirmed location [Attaching GPS devices to 1B instances have left inconclusive results, as the device stops working when the Subject is displaced. According to 409-1B interviews during tests, 409-2 will regularly disguise as either a researcher or security personnel. 409-2 is only visible to 409-1B instances, and will phase through objects if any attempt of physical contact is made.

All subjects refuse to explicitly state what was written in Act 2 under any circumstances. 409-1A and 1B instances also seem to share a mass dream where they visualise the city of Carcosa as interpreted in 409. Subjects have witnessed entities in this dream, collectively designated 409-3. They are mostly hostile, with only 2 entities described: a female entity with wings, only sighted once in Explorations. The other entity has never been described other than being mentioned as “He”. researchers have theorised it to be either [REDACTED] and there have been 5 sightings of “Him” as of 8/12/20█. All other 409-3 entities have been seen only when chasing subjects and appear as crowds.

Addendum-B: There has been an unusual instance of 409-1A. These instances contain no long term abnormalities other than the collective dream and appear in <2% of cases. The first recorded instance was with Subject ████, and there have been [REDACTED] cases since. 409-2 is highly aggressive and persistent towards capturing these 409-1A instances. Any 409-1A instances should be immediately diagnosed and interviewed for any information pertaining to anything but the second act of 4092-Researchers Diana & Werner

Discovery: RPC-409 was found in the dormitory of one Kurtis ███ in the University of ███,
England. An anonymous call notified Authority Field Agents, warning of "A danger only fit for the Authority to contain.” RPC-409 was found on the desk with Kurtis missing from the premises. With the evidence recovered field agents initially designated him a POI, but researchers later discovered he manifested 409-2 and POI status was revoked.

Experiment log excerpts:

Test #2: 4 Subjects were made to read the entirety of Act 1, then were told to re-enact it. Each subject given a role from the play:
CSD-5633 - Camilla
CSD-6221 - Cassilda
CSD-3246 - The Stranger
CSD-1578 - The Narrator (inner monologue of the Stranger)/ Head of Ministers
CSD-0453 - Ministers/Citizens of Carcosa when appropriate

Results: The 1st act was preformed with no anomalous effects present. A summary is present below of the 1st act.
Researcher's Notes:Well, at least that effect hasn’t been altered despite the circumstance of performing the story instead of reading it. Now however comes the real test- Researcher Diana

Test #3: The same subjects were given the same roles and were told to read and perform Act 2.

Results: Complete non-compliance from all Subjects, with 4 being converted into 409-1A instances and the other, a 409-1B instance. Despite the threat of termination, all subjects refused to perform. When physically forced, all 409-1A instances converted into 409-1B instances and attempted to mutilate their limbs and rip out others throats with their teeth or swallow their own tongues. While Security attempted to stop the subjects, the isolated 409-1B instance was taken by 409-2. All remaining 1B instances were self terminated or otherwise mute.

Test #7: Subject was an 409-1B instance, acted mostly comatose but under stress was prone to hysteria. Subject mentioned the Yellow sign and 409-2 manifestation was imminent. All personnel were told to avoid the area and security were told to stay with the Subject and shoot wherever the Subject deems 409-2 is.

Results: Subject went into hysteria 5 minutes after mentioning the Yellow sign, and test procedures were implemented. Subject became highly agitated and pointed at the door, leading security opened fire at the door. Fire at the door lasted 5 seconds, which Security then asked if 409-2 was terminated. Subject then responded that he was attempting to open the door, but security reported that they could hear nothing from the door. Onlooking researchers ordered to open the door. When Security opened the door, the power cut out for 5 seconds. When they came back on, the security guards had converted into 409-1B instances, and the Subject was gone. Researchers recall only hearing minuscule sounds during the power outage.4

Test #10: Subject was the 2nd recorded abnormal 409-1A instance. Due to the aggressiveness of 409-2, Subject was immediately interviewed on diagnosis as an abnormal 409-1A instance. The first Question asked by the Junior Researcher interviewing was about the contents of Act 2.

Results: As soon as the Subject started talking, all personnel in earshot became entranced. With the subject finishing his summary of Act 2, all listening personnel became either 1A or 1B instances, while 409-2 seemingly manifested and took the Subject. All transcripts of this interview were incinerated due to the possibility of a Auditory hazard.

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