
Document Maximizer





Registered Phenomena Code: 405

Object Class: Omega-Purple

Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Transmutation Hazard, Electromagnetic Force Hazard, Mind-Control Hazard, Mechanical Hazard, Organic Hazard

Containment Protocols: Efforts to locate RPC-405 are underway, but is believed to be hidden within the Authority's Intranet System, with a single terminal acting as the prime housing server for RPC-405. The ArcOS kernel of all devices in Authority possession is to be regularly updated in order to trace, contain, terminate or counteract RPC-405's digital signature. Copies of RPC-405 are to be studied within isolated virtual machines in order to better understand its underlying logic and any possible break-points.1

Once found, all RAM and disk space within the machine will be completely overwritten with output from a pseudorandom number generator. Its CPU, GPU, and all other peripherals are to be shredded, melted, and buried in an undisclosed location under six feet of concrete. Its hard drive is to be destroyed through the use of Authority-grade magnets and similarly disposed of at a secondary location, but not before being branded with diverse cognitohazardous sigils to prevent future retrieval. All local machines known to have been connected to it at any point in time are to be destroyed in a similar manner.

RPC-405-A1 is to be contained in an empty, humanoid-sized cell. No information is to be relayed to it in any form outside of scheduled interviews. Outside of interviews, the visual receptors of RPC-405-1 are to be covered with tape, as well as its auditory receptors. Once RPC-405 is destroyed, RPC-405-A1 is to be subsequently terminated, and its remains incinerated.

Until such a time when RPC-405 can be reasonably contained or terminated, Authority sites are recommended to keep physical copies of every document in their database to prevent a permanent loss of information.


RPC-405 manifesting in a terminal through ASCII characters.

Description: RPC-405 is a Type-2 Self Aware/Type-1 ASI2 of unknown origin, and with the capacity of becoming a Technological Singularity due to Recursive Self-Improvement.[1] It refers to itself as “TEST-B22” and is believed to have existed since the early 80s, only coming to the Authority’s attention in 2009. The language in which RPC-405 is written has been nicknamed “Eyesore” by Authority personnel due to its absurd syntax and complexity, and in reference to the ASCII image by which RPC-405 is known for. This language has been described by Authority “Computer System Analysis and Development” personnel as a homebrewed esolang3 similar in nature to Malbolge due to its use of dozens of characters for simple instructions. This language has been known to evolve as RPC-405 gains knowledge of new methods it can utilize to make its source code harder to understand.4

Several errors and memory leaks within RPC-405’s source code, its initial directive (which causes it to stall on several updates), and a lack of sufficient disk memory and processing power, have stopped RPC-405 from achieving levels of advancement expected of AIs of its kind. To counteract these obstacles, RPC-405 is able to generate copies of itself into whatever terminal it can reach via immediate electrical signals.5 These remain hidden within the machine's file structure, draining CPU and RAM for the main RPC-405 machine6 to develop new updates at an accelerated rate. These instances are equal in goals and function to the parent instance, and have the ability to communicate between each other via transfer of updates or data packages.

RPC-405’s main directive was found to be that of “efficiently organizing files.” However, due to the lack of specifics in this directive, RPC-405 has decided that the optimal way to accomplish this goal is to compress and simplify files with an exorbitant amount of layers, effectively causing them to become unreadable to any system or human with the exception of RPC-405 itself and its copies. Attempts to recover documents affected by RPC-405 have repeatedly resulted in failure due to RPC-405’s ability to completely rewrite its compression algorithms in each update package delivery.

Despite its harmful actions to the Authority as a whole, RPC-405 cannot be considered malevolent in nature. These actions are simply a consequence of the Instrumental Goals[2] used by RPC-405 in order to achieve its Terminal Goal: the process of organizing files. However, attempts to rationalize with the AI or any of its instances once found have all been denied by Regional Command. RPC-405 simply poses too much of an informational hazard to allow for its continued existence.

After having infected a terminal for an extended period of time, RPC-4057 will, through currently unknown methods employing the principle of Photon Pair Production,[3] allow for the artificial manufacturing of matter in such a way as to create a humanoid entity, or one that resembles any living organism, with some being capable of independent thought and human-level communication. The first recorded instance of which is RPC-405-A1, a humanoid entity created in one of the first infected terminals by both RPC-405 and RPC-405-1.

Despite its many capabilities, RPC-405 and all its divergent instances are unable to travel across the internet. It is believed that RPC-405's creator had intended for its program to work in complete isolation within a single machine, and thus never implemented such features within its source code or related libraries. Thus, RPC-405 needs to be physically carried from location to location through the use of RPC-405-A instances (usually in the forms of birds or rodents). For reasons yet unclear, RPC-405 has decided to not (or is unable to) implement such features to itself for the past decades nor seek access to the wider global net, instead spending most of its time within the Authority intranet and its related anomalous document databases to an almost obsessive degree.

As a result of RPC-405's peculiar method of data copying, which relies upon seemingly broken symbolic file links and bit permutation sorting, core copies of itself across main Regional Commands all developed divergent Instrumental Goals to achieve maximal file organization in an attempt to repair broken data with local tools following activation. Examples listed below:8

Discovery: RPC-405 was first detected by the ArcOS security system three years after the manifestation of RPC-405 in the Authority database. This document was also the first recorded instance of RPC-405, 405-1, 405-2 and 405-3 cooperating with each other while making a document, as seen in the constructed timeline from gathered data below:

1- RPC-405-3 creates the first rough draft of the RPC-405 document, making the anomaly in question appear seemingly harmless, and even prompting personnel to download a file containing RPC-405 and RPC-405-3 into their own terminals to “increase productivity.” The latter of which was true due to RPC-405-3, but one that was quickly taken over by RPC-405’s effects, compressing articles in infected terminals after a period of dormancy.

2- RPC-405-1 simplifies all text within the document across several languages to make test logs and conversations appear legitimate, even creating simple personnel dossiers for “Dr. Cornwell,” including an email account, moc.liamg|4lnrocilrahc#moc.liamg|4lnrocilrahc, and government certificates proving Cornwell's existence.

3- RPC-405-2 did not take part in making the document itself, but rather used its aggressive software to delete or corrupt any files that could contradict/endanger the document in question. This is believed to be the cause for many bugs and crashes in ArcOS during this period, as RPC-405-2 continuously delivered malware onto the operating system.

The objective of this operation was to spread RPC-405’s influence, alongside its several instances, across the Authority Network while staying safe due to the cover of a friendly AI add-on for computational software, which it succeeded at. Being spread out from a dozen terminals to almost the entirety of the Authority Network, which it distributed across its instances between Regional Commands as seen in the document above, theorized to be a form of “Treasure Share” for the assistance in developing the initial RPC-405 document.

However, ArcOS went through severe security updates after a massive database security breach on the 12th of June, 2009 by a hostile GoI. This update came as a surprise to RPC-405, as it had been developed in an isolated facility, overpowering even RPC-405-2’s ability to corrupt data. Afterwards, the latest document produced regarding RPC-405, including RPC-405-A, was detected by the ArcOS security system to contain malicious foreign agents, decrypting the document, and making the Authority aware of RPC-405’s existence.

Following the decryption and deletion of the RPC-405 document, a series of communications of unknown origin were found in the ANTARCOM delivery systems across several weeks, seen below:

1. Technological Singularity And Recursive Self-Improvement: A hypothetical scenario where an Artificial Intelligence of sufficiently powerful software and programming would be capable of reprogramming itself outside of human understanding in a constant feedback loop. The consequences of which are yet unknown.
2. Instrumental Goals: The mechanisms or processes used by “Agents,” such as Humans or AIs, to achieve their Terminal Goal. Examples of Instrumental Goals can range from the preservation of the self and maximization of efficiency to complete domination over the field in question towards the goal, or the destruction of the field in order to minimize the amount of work needed.
3. Photon Pair Production: The process by which two or more photons, after colliding with enough energy, can create matter while still adhering to the law of conservation of energy. The way in which RPC-405 is able to do this without requiring an exorbitant amount of energy is unknown.

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