
A Flashbang


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Registered Phenomena Code: 404-J

Object Class: Alpha-Red

Hazard Types: Sensory Hazard, Visual hazard

Containment Protocols: All Authority Personnel are prohibited from using RPC-404-J for any pages in the Authority database, and all of the remaining code for RPC-404-J is to be deleted.

Description: RPC-404-J is the designation of the Authority database Light Theme after the Dark Theme was made the universal standard for Authority files. Any individual that looks at a page that uses RPC-404-J has a 100% chance of going fucking blind from this light theme bullshit undergoing permanent vision loss. Currently no possible reason for the occurrence of this phenomena has been discovered.

Personnel that have been affected by RPC-404-J liken it to "having 50 flashbangs inserted into [their] eyeballs." To date, no personnel that have witnessed RPC-404-J have regained their vision.

All personnel that are caught using RPC-404-J will be terminated for treason. ~GD-01

Addendum.1: The following is a report from the head of Authority Cyber Security regarding the deletion of all RPC-404-J code from the Authority database.

Addendum.2: The following is the transcription of an audio report given by an Authority Cyber Security Agent following an attempt to neutralize RPC-404-J

« RPC-248-J | RPC-404-J | RPC-470-J »

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