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Registered Phenomena Code: 404
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types:
Containment Protocols: RPC-404 is to be maintained securely within a contained storage lockup located in Section █ of Site-088 whenever it is not assigned for authorized use. Said storage facility is only accessible by Authority personnel with Level-3 security clearance or higher, and attempted access of RPC-404's containment facility without proper credentials will result in immediate termination. Similarly, if any on-site personnel (regardless of clearance level) remove RPC-404 from holding without permission by the Board of Global Directors for any reason other than mandated routine inspection, they will undergo amnestic administration and subsequent termination.
If RPC-404 is commissioned for containment or any other Authority-authorized use outside of testing (see Document ██████-T by request of Site Director Marshall for the description of a Class-██ containment breach), then a registered Level-3 personnel must be instructed to transport 404 to area required at Site-088, or if 404 is to be consigned to a facility outside of the region, to Site-088's designated shipping division where it will be transported via [REDACTED].
Description: RPC-404 is a black cast-iron sign, measuring 50x50 centimeters, mounted on a grey iron pole with a radius of 11.5cm and a height of 1.18 meters. Together, the sign and pole measure approximately 1.5m in height. Although discovered in Poland, RPC-404 is of indefinite certifiable origin and age. It should be noted as well that RPC-404 shows no signs of rust or deterioration, and remains pristine even when not routinely cleaned.
The visual makeup of RPC-404 is semi-ornate, comparable to historical marker signs found across much of the United States. Legible text on the sign is in Polish, and reads "OKAZJA NA NIKOGO NIE CZEKA"1. Beneath this text, separated by a horizontal margin, is a block of around 80 intricately designed glyphs, none of which have any presently known connections to any known symbol-based texts (Arabic script, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Chinese and Japanese logograms, etc.). These texts are viewable via Document ███-███, however are highly restricted in case RPC-404's effects can be replicated via their transposition onto another object. Above the Polish heading is a circular emblem, adorned with a symbol of a white eye on a black background. Like the glyphs on RPC-404's surface, this symbol has no known origin or relation to existing symbology.
When stuck 20 cm or more into the ground, a 500 sq. foot area behind RPC-404 will immediately enter an ostensible stasis, hereafter referred to as RPC-404-A, wherein time appears to "freeze". This stasis lasts as long as RPC-404 remains in the ground, with no visible deterioration of the effect during RPC-404-A over the course of time. Once RPC-404 is dislodged from its position, RPC-404-A will immediately cease, "accelerating" time within the area previously within stasis to present.
Foreign entities are able to enter RPC-404-A's area of effect without any initially discernible issue. If said entity remains within RPC-404-A for an extended period of time, however, it will progressively enter stasis itself. Experimentation into stasis effects on human personnel was conducted in the months following the acquisition of RPC-404, as to prevent possible danger posed in researching it and its effects (see Experiment Log 404-C).