
Failed Attempt in Weaponizing Anablephobia





Registered Phenomena Code: 396

Object Class: Alpha-Red

Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Contact Hazard, Mind-Control Hazard, Sensory Hazard


RPC-396 upon retrieval

Containment Protocols: All RPC-396 is to be transferred and contained inside a standard 47-liter gas cylinder. These gas cylinders1 are to be stored in a standard containment room. The inspection of the cylinders' integrity is to occur twice a month.

Testing of RPC-396 samples must be under personnel with Level 4 clearance Testing should be done in a sealed containment chamber in order to avoid propagating RPC-396's effect, and should only be done in an open area when necessary. Personnel are to exercise caution when releasing high quantities of RPC-396.

During tests with an instance of RPC-396, test subjects are to be escorted into the testing area. RPC-396 is to be pumped into the area for as long as it is needed, then recollected. Following experimentation, subjects are to be temporarily quarantined in an isolation room for examination. Any remaining RPC-396 particles are to be recontained.

Response to any leak is to be maintained by ASF personnel equipped with gas masks and trained in operating the site's industrial vacuum system in order to recollect any traces of RPC-396. In the event of a containment breach, all personnel in the affected area are to don gas masks to avoid inhalation of RPC-396.

Any persons exposed to RPC-396 are to be quarantined in a temporary isolation cell and await further instructions from the lead researcher and be temporarily designated as RPC-396-1. If the effect lasts more than twenty-four hours after inhalation, they are to be designated as RPC-396-2 instances and placed in a humanoid containment cell and await further instruction. Occupied cells are to be equipped with independent air supply and filtration systems.

Description: RPC-396 is the designation given for an anomalous reddish-brown odorless gas of unknown composition. RPC-396 has no flammable properties. Following oxygen exposure encompassing 10 minutes, RPC-396's chemical properties are converted to a carbon dioxide equivalent. Further physical and chemical properties of RPC-396 are unknown.

Effects produced by RPC-396 exposure are immediate post-inhalation. The subject is provided temporary designation of RPC-396-1 until the expiration of symptoms. RPC-396's effects extend only to humans. The immediate effect of RPC-396 inhalation are including the increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, agitation, and dizziness. These effects may last for a few minutes.

Seconds after inhalation, RPC-396-1 will hear a sound of what they describe as “air raid siren” from the distance2. The sound level is assumed to be at 50 dB at first3. This sound progressively increases, eventually reaching 110 dB4 after a few hours after the effect took place. Said effects cannot be mitigated with ear protection. Despite the harmful level of sound produced by RPC-396's effect, the hearing capability of RPC-396-1 still in normal condition. This effect remains until RPC-396's effect has worn off.

RPC-396-1 instances will also develop Anablephobia5, especially fear of looking at the open sky. When an RPC-396-1 looks at the sky, they stated that they witness multiple aircraft heading towards the ground; these aircraft are designated as RPC-396-Beta. The appearance of RPC-396-Beta is described as either single-engine or twin-engine black-colored aircraft; further detail on the design is unclear. RPC-396-1 stated that they also see a gigantic eye with a glowing yellow iris located above them; this eye is designated as RPC-396-Alpha. RPC-396-1 accounts entail RPC-396-Alpha is responsible for dropping any incoming RPC-396-Beta instances.

Upon witnessing RPC-396-Beta heading down to the ground, RPC-396-1 will try to avoid RPC-396-Alpha’s line of sight by seeking shelter below any object large enough to cover themselves or enter the nearest building. RPC-396-1 will also try to avoid seeing the sky by lower their gaze or cover their eyes. No further anomalous events occur if the subject neglect RPC-396-Alpha.

If RPC-396-1 continues to view the sky, RPC-396-Beta undergoes a ground impact, producing a large explosion. Any RPC-396-1 instances within the range of the incident blast are affected. External, unaffected witnesses report RPC-396-1 instances suddenly throw off, develop a third-degree burn, and subsequent disintegration of clothing.

RPC-396 is dose-dependant. Inhalation of RPC-396 for a certain amount of time will result in different effects on the subject. Further inhalation of RPC-396 will cause the hallucination it generated to become stronger and last longer. Based on many observations conducted, the stages of the effect divided into three stages. Below is a table detailing RPC-396 effect on RPC-396-1:

Stages of effect Effect Duration Additional Notes
Mild One up to two hours. Even the slightest RPC-396 inhaled can trigger this stage of effect.
Moderate Two up to twelve hours. On some subject, They may experiences difficulty sleeping for several days post-inhalation; select instances develop permanent anablephobia.
Severe Undefined Subject on this stage will be referred to as RPC-396-2. Further explanations are written below.

On mild up to moderate stages, the effect has a duration until expiration, usually lasting around one up to twenty-four hours. However, if inhaled long enough or inhaled intensively, the effect of RPC-396 may last indefinitely, subject henceforth will be designated as RPC-396-2.

Unlike RPC-396-1, RPC-396's effect on RPC-396-2 will last for an undefined amount of time with no sign of cessation. At first, no possible method was found to terminate the effect of RPC-396 on RPC-396-2, but after research into acquired documents, a ritual was discovered and must be conducted6 to terminate the effect. These ritual procedures are named Protocol 396 “Eye drop”. Until a more effective and scientific means of terminating said effects can be discovered, this protocol is reliable in terminating RPC-396's effects.

Protocol 396 “Eye drop”

Both RPC-396-1 and RPC-396-2 will actively produce a few amounts of RPC-396 during the exhalation process from their nose and mouth instead of carbon dioxide until the effects of RPC-396 has worn off.

RPC-396 was recovered from Keroman Submarine Base, Lorient, France in ██/██/1946. During the French Navy occupation of the base, they discovered in one of the basements there, a hidden chamber in one of the walls. The entrance to the chamber is sealed with concrete, made in such a way that it is almost integrated with the surrounding wall. Inside, 14 gas cylinder containing RPC-396 was found with an envelope. Documents inside the envelope had a GARD symbol on them

The French soldier that recognized the GARD symbol notified the Authority and gave all the recovered object. The Authority has taken all RPC-396 and the documents related to the nearby site.

Retrieved document:

Along with those documents, many hand-written letters in german language were found along.

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