




Picture of former RPC-395-1 instance recovered from the bodycam of an MST unit.


Registered Phenomena Code: 395

Object Class: Beta Red

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-sentient.png Sentient h-biohazard.png Bio-Hazard h-emotional.png Emotional h-infohazard.png Info-Hazard h-mind-control.png Mind-Control h-mind-regression.png Mind-Regression
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-microscopic.png Microscopic h-organic.png Organic

Containment Protocols: RPC-395-1 is to be contained within a 5m x 5m x 3m cell. No live audio recording is to be conducted by any involved staff members except during approved testing.1,2 Communication with the entity should be avoided by all staff (See Incident Log 395).

Should the active RPC-395-1 instance, or the affected RPC-395-2 instance breach containment, MST Echo-21 ("Sleeping Sirens") will be deployed and tasked with apprehension of the entity and relocation to it’s containment room. All staff working at Site-135 are to be given Level-0 Clearance informative documents on handling an RPC-395 breach. A copy of this document is included below (See Addendum A).


Testing with RPC-395 are to be conducted with CSD personnel who have undergone thorough medical screening for diseases, congenital health issues, genetic health issues, or psychiatric complications. This screening is to be done by a team of professional diagnosticians, as well as with a heavy focus on safely testing for diseases regarded as difficult to diagnose. Any CSD that might require treatment for a disease of a lethality rate of at least 15% or higher will be unpermitted for use in testing. All subjects must be between the age of 25-29.

After passing the medical screening, the approved subject will be provided with three balanced meals a day with preference-based living conditions. Daily medical checkups are to be administered, and the subject must have a gauged life-expectancy of at least forty years.3 If the subject in any way is not qualified by the conditions listed above, they are to be considered expired and returned to a standard CSD holding cell. It is advised that tests are administered in such a fashion that an expiration will not occur. All testing proposals must be submitted to Dr. Jared Kane with a reasonable hypothesis to minimize the cost of testing.

Description: RPC-395 is a large group of microscopic organisms of unknown composition. All testing on RPC-395's biological composition resulted in failure due to infected matter rapidly decaying when separated from RPC-395-1. Due to the nature of RPC-395’s anomalous effects, further testing of RPC-395-1 biomass directly is prohibited until further notice.4 RPC-395 is believed uncapable to exist without an host, and is presumed transferrable only by its anomalous properties.5

RPC-395 infects a single host, designated RPC-395-1. RPC-395-1 will behave relatively normal when solitary. RPC-395-1 has not been shown to age, feel pain, require food, or exhibit thought when alone for extended periods of time, baring semblance to a semi-dormant state. RPC-395-1 will remain in this state indefinitely (currently ███ total hours as of present date) until it encounters a living human.6

Upon encountering a living human, RPC-395-1 will attempt to communicate. When the encountered subject enters into conversation with RPC-395-1, RPC-395-1 will request that the subject listen to it's "story". If the subject declines or attempts to depart from RPC-395-1, RPC-395-1 will likely to attempt non-violent but socially-effective persuasion7 until either the subject has accepted or given absolute decline (see Test Log A). If the subject replies with yes, RPC-395-1 will begin to describe the subject’s future in the first person. At this moment, the encountered subject is designated RPC-395-2. In the event of a containment breach, an RPC-395-2 instance will be of containment priority alongside RPC-395-1 if present.

The anomalous effects of RPC-395 on RPC-395-1 become most apparent when RPC-395-1 begins to tell its “story”. When beginning it's story, RPC-395-1 will appear to decay at a rate dependent on the subject’s remaining lifespan. It has been approximated that a life span of 10 years will result in a fifteen-minute story, and every added decade will add a similar approximate amount of time.

In a normal case, RPC-395-1 will begin to tell its story and decay. Should RPC-395-2 interrupt RPC-395-1, it will scream, deafening RPC-395-2, before ceasing to exhibit signs of life (See Test Log B). This scream cannot be heard by observers under any circumstances. At this moment, RPC-395-2 is designated RPC-395-1, and remnants of the former RPC-395-1 entity are to be disposed of by immediate incineration.

Should RPC-395-2 listen to the complete story, RPC-395-1 will end with the phrase, “Good listening”, after which it will decay further into a tar-like substance and appear to drain into the ground or floor. The object appears to act in a non-corporeal nature at this time, and will breach containment via anomalous teleportation as the former RPC-395-1 appearance. Employed methodology to the biomaterial regeneration of RPC-395-1 by RPC-395 remains unknown.8 RPC-395-1 is to be recontained at that time, and RPC-395-2 is to be redesignated RPC-395-3 and held in a specialized containment cell for further observation until no effects of possible RPC-395-1 spread have been shown. Amnestics are to be applied to the subject, and redesignation to CSD.9

It is unknown at this time as to whether or not RPC-395 can infect more than one individual. Precautions are taken to prevent such from happening regardless.

Discovery: RPC-395 was discovered in █████████ Massachusetts, United States on the date of 9/18/20██. During routine Authority surveillance, an RPC-395-1 instance was discovered speaking to an RPC-395-2 instance. When reported, MST Alpha-3 ("Scavengers") was dispatched with MST Echo-21 ("Sleeping Sirens") to investigate and contain the anomaly. Few witnesses were present, all of which were interrogated with no significant information and subsequently amnesticized.

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