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Registered Phenomena Code: 392
Object Class: Theta-White
Hazard Types: Extra-Dimensional HazardContainment Protocols: RPC-392 is under the employ of the Authority, and therefore does not currently require containment.
Description: RPC-392, also known as ‘Dr. Vasily Yanov’, is a Caucasian male of slim build standing at 1.77m. Holding multiple doctorates across both fields of mathematics and physics, RPC-392 is an indispensable asset to the Authority in the apprehension, study, and containment of entities that operate outside of dimensional normalcy.
Following Incident-███-█-2009, RPC-392 has been assigned to Field Research & Acquisitions as a member of Research Group Sigma, and provisionally classified as RPC-392 due to mild lasting effects. In the interest of RPC-392 and its team's safety, the exact nature of its residual symptoms will remain undocumented. All adequately-authorized personnel are permitted to inquire with RPC-392 directly, should they wish to be informed.
The following archival documentation is restricted to selected Level-4 personnel and higher, viewing these files without authorization will result in demotion, termination or the forcible use of amnestics. Access to this section of RPC-392's page is recorded and investigated.
At approximately 11:32am on 09/08/2009, RPC-392’s biometric monitors spiked in accordance with heightened brain activity after exactly fifty years of dormancy. This heightened activity persisted for precisely seventeen seconds before ending abruptly. Upon the consultation of the CCTV system built into RPC-392’s containment chamber, attending personnel immediately noticed that RPC-392 had undergone an extreme physical transformation, regressing to the pre-mutation form of Dr. █████ Yanov. After further confirmation of the changes, including direct visual, the immediate cessation of active sedation measures was authorized by Site Director █████████. Upon regaining consciousness, RPC-392 immediately recognized the situation at hand; suggesting that it retained some amount of awareness during the transformation. RPC-392 made no attempts to resist additional screening for anomalous properties or psychological abnormalities, and was fully cooperative for the remainder of its time in containment. Once RPC-392’s full mutative regression was confirmed, it was put under provisional observation for eighteen months. At the end of this observation term, RPC-392 was re-instated as Authority Research Personnel under the name ‘Dr. Vasily Yanov’, with civilian paperwork to be created on an as-needed basis for field assignments. By order of Site Director █████████ and with Board approval, RPC-392’s original documentation is to be sealed and archived, accessible to Level-4 Personnel only.
Registered Phenomena Code: 392
Object Class: Beta-Orange
Hazards: Sapient Hazard Sensory Hazard Ideological Hazard Memory-Alteration HazardContainment Protocols: Prior to each working shift, all Authority personnel assigned to Site-015's Hard Containment wing must be administered one oral dose of RPC-925. Additionally, emergency single-dose inhalers derived from RPC-925 are to be adequately supplied to all on-site ASF ready rooms.
RPC-392 is contained within Site-015's Gamma-class Containment facility, housed in a standard humanoid containment cell including the following modifications: the removal of the cell's two-way observation mirror; the addition of atmospherically isolated and reversible ceiling-mounted ventilation assemblies; two wall-mounted digital motion sensors and CCTV cameras; one reinforced steel enclosure-type gurney affixed to the floor; and a standard security door modified to include a keypad-locked sliding window for direct visual observation in the event of site power failure.
An opaque full-face mask must remain over RPC-392's head at all times to prevent the manifestation of observation-onset cognitive effects. RPC-392 is to be secured to an enclosed bed via restraint straps for the wrists, ankles, and neck. All medical equipment required for the monitoring and containment of RPC-392 has been consolidated into one SAMU1 including EKG and respiratory monitors, devices to facilitate automatic intravenous sedative application, and one ultrasound imaging machine. On-board alarms will alert on-site medical staff to any deviations from baseline biological activity readings. RPC-392 exhibits minimal excretory functions, and thus requires minimal direct maintenance from site medical staff.
Should the intravenous sedatives fail to keep RPC-392 incapacitated, GAC-62 is to be dispersed into its containment cell via the installed ventilation systems to ensure complete pacification before medical staff may be allowed to re-establish containment following an atmospheric purge.
Description: RPC-392, formerly Dr. Yanov █████, is a humanoid entity standing at 2.1 meters and bearing many notable mutative deformities. The majority of these abnormalities developed at an irregular rate during the first four weeks of RPC-392’s containment. RPC-392's file is to be updated with each subsequent morphological change, despite the currently apparent cessation of its mutagenic tendencies due to sedation.
RPC-392's skin is pitch-black in color, holding the texture and appearance of cracked leather. Deep fissures run through various points on RPC-392's body, periodically discharging puss and other biological waste indicative of a human immune responses. Most of RPC-392's body is covered by dark beige cloth trimmed with navy blue fabric that has been fused with the underlying tissue, believed to have been formed from RPC-392's clothing during Incident-292-1, which vaguely resembles a tunic typical of the North African region. RPC-392's arms and legs remain comparatively unchanged, excluding the aforementioned skin mutations and the replacement of finger and toenails with thick claw-like protrusions composed of blackened bone.
RPC-392's head diverges significantly from typical human skull polymorphism, including an expanded parietal bone and a greatly thinned and elongated lower mandible; resembling an artificial plaited beard. RPC-392's face consists of deeply wrinkled and cracked facial tissue, which has caused RPC-392's mouth to be drawn up into a bare grin. Both the teeth and gum tissues present inside of RPC-392's mouth bear the same black coloration as its exterior flesh, and RPC-392's nose has seemingly rotted away exposing black bone and dry cartilage underneath.
Additionally, RPC-392 lacks any ocular vision due to the absence of eyeballs. It is also noted that RPC-392's ocular cavities present anomalous traits, as no light that enters beyond the typical corneal surface (relative to intact human proportions) is reflected.
Despite the apparent desiccated state of RPC-392, it is internally intact and retains many functioning human organs thought to be the result of an incomplete metamorphosis. Remaining organs include: a full cardiovascular system; a stomach and partial digestive tract; and an intact central nervous system. RPC-392 requires minimal (intravenously supplied) nutrients to maintain itself, likely owing exclusively to the surviving organic systems of Dr. Yanov.
RPC-392 is sapient, and poses a significant danger to present or proximal individuals when lucid. While conscious, RPC-392 is capable of projecting auditory and visual hallucinations targeting singular or multiple human subjects, causing cognitive effects ranging from mild panic attacks and hallucinations to continuous cognitive, ideological, and ontological deterioration. Onset of these symptoms can be caused by visual or auditory contact, as well as simple proximity to RPC-392 itself while it is active. RPC-392 is also capable of limited telepathic projection including intrusive suggestive manipulation, prescience, and memory-alteration; however these effects have so far only been observed to occur after a subject has looked directly into RPC-392's ocular cavities when it is active.
The inhalant form of RPC-925 has shown promise in the elimination of effects stemming from short-term exposure. Furthermore, the placement of RPC-392 into a medically induced coma has so far proved effective as a means of preventing the manifestation of all aforementioned symptoms, with the exception of those derived from direct "eye contact" with RPC-392.
Date: 1959/07/04
Interviewed: RPC-392
Interviewer: Senior Researcher ██████ Breslyn, former colleague to Dr. Yanov.
Foreword: This interview was conducted in the interest of salvaging any mathematical or scientific insight gained from the solving of RPC-292. At time of recording, RPC-392 had only just begun to undergo mutagenic changes and was classified as a minimally hazardous item. Blackened skin, milky eyes, and ambulatory paralysis were apparent.
<Begin Log.>
Dr. Breslyn: Subject ‘Three-Nine-Two’, previously Doctor █████ Yanov, Interview One. Conducted by Senior Researcher, Doctor ██████ Breslyn. Authority protocol dictates that I refer to you exclusively as ’Three-Nine-Two’, despite any previous acquaintance between us. I apologize in advance to Senior Researcher Hughes for intentionally breaking said protocol, as I undoubtedly will countless times through this interview.
Dr. Breslyn continues after approximately five seconds of silence.
Dr. Breslyn: Very well. The purpose of this interview is to ascertain how much, if any, of Dr. Yanov’s cognizance remains. To begin… What is your name?”
RPC-392: Doctor… Yanov. Three… Nine… Two.
Dr. Breslyn: Good, at least you can understand me. What was your position within the Authority before the events of June 19th, 1959?
RPC-392: Research…
RPC-392’s speaking voice is strained and scratchy, as if experiencing some pain.
Dr. Breslyn: I understand you’re having difficulty speaking, but I need you to answer my questions fully. Your re-classification depends on it, Dr. Yanov.
RPC-392’s breathing worsens temporarily before normalizing once again.
RPC-392: Junior Lead Researcher… Physics Department.
Dr. Breslyn: Yes, that’s correct. Do you remember what happened to you?
RPC-392: Object… 292. The equation… I, I couldn’t solve it. I was so… (groans) close…
Dr. Breslyn: Are you sure? We have video recordings from your quarters on the night of the incident, Dr. Yanov. You stood up and celebrated something, before… All this.
RPC-392: Did… Did I? I couldn’t… have. It’s not… human. Nobody… can solve it. So many… tried. For so long, I… tried.
Dr. Breslyn: You’re right. Many did attempt it before you, but none made it quite so far. I read your reports… before you stopped writing them, anyhow. As I said, on that day- you celebrated something, about 292. The Authority believes you succeeded, Dr. Yanov. As do I. What do you remember?”
RPC-392: I remember… yes, I remember getting close…
RPC-392 releases a sudden, pained exhalation.
RPC-392: I did it… Yes. The final proof… I completed it… on the page. It all made sense… Finally. But…
RPC-392 goes silent.
Dr. Breslyn: So you did, then. But what, Dr. Yanov? What happened next?
RPC-392: It started… burning. All of it… burning…
RPC-392 begins to quietly sob.
Dr. Breslyn: …Yes, I’m sorry Dr. Yanov. We saw that on the video. As soon as you completed it, 292 appeared to catch fire and ceased to be in short order. I need you to tell me what happened after that, Dr. Yanov.
RPC-392’s sobbing slows, and stops. When it speaks again, its voice is even weaker than before.
RPC-392: It burned… in my hands… and then someone, they… the lights went out… they're still… out…
392’s intonation changes to fear. Dr. Breslyn sighs regretfully.
Dr. Breslyn: Dr. Yanov, the ‘lights’ did not go out. By some mechanism, Object 292 damaged your eyesight when It self-terminated, rendering you completely blind.
RPC-392 falls silent for a moment.
RPC-392: Blind…? No, I see… I still… See. Behind me, Doctor. I feel it… There… Please turn the lights on, ohhh… it’s right there… Doctor! The lights! Can’t you hear it?
RPC-392 becomes vocally manic, yet remains completely unmoving otherwise according to Dr. Breslyn’s report.
Dr. Breslyn: What, doctor Yanov? What is it? There’s nothing there-
RPC-392 immediately falls silent. Dr. Breslyn can be heard breathing heavily.
Dr. Breslyn: Doctor Yanov? Yanov?!
The friction of cloth against the table can be heard, followed by a sharp inhalation from 392. Dr. Breslyn’s report states that at approximately this time in the recording, he reached across the table and grabbed 392 by the shoulder in the midst of a panic attack.
Dr. Breslyn: “Doctor… Yanov?”
RPC-392 can be heard breathing steadily for seven seconds.
RPC-392: That is… better. It looks like I’ve frightened you, Doctor. My apologies. The Equation has… misplaced me. Thank you for pulling me out of… myself.
Dr. Breslyn: Dr. Yanov? Are you feeling alright now?
RPC-392: Yes… quite. You seem healthy, Doctor Breslyn. It’s good to have seen you again.
Dr. Breslyn: And… And you, Yanov. I’m concluding this interview now. Best of luck in your recovery.
<End Log.>
Closing Statements: Following the above interview, Dr. Breslyn was debriefed by ASF personnel under observation of Senior Researcher Hughes according to Authority protocol. During his debriefing, Dr. Breslyn refused to acknowledge the shift in RPC-392’s behavior near the conclusion of the tape; insisting that the entity was consistently aware and communicable throughout the interview. Whether this was due to some unknown side-effect of exposure to RPC-392 - or in the interest of improving his former colleague’s chances at a favorable reclassification - has yet to be determined.
Date: 1959/07/10
Interviewed: RPC-392
Interviewer: Researcher ██████ Breslyn, former Senior Researcher and colleague to Doctor Yanov, under ASF supervision to enforce site Interview Protocols.
Foreword: At time of recording, RPC-392’s mutations had begun to develop significantly: An elongated skull, complete dessication of nose and eyes, and bony protrusions in the place of fingernails; counted among others. RPC-392 remained paralyzed.
<Begin Log.>
Dr. Breslyn: Subject ‘Three-Nine-Two’… previously Doctor █████ Yanov, Interview Two. Conducted by Researcher ██████ Breslyn- in the company of ASF Sgt. Crooner.
Dr. Breslyn: “Hello again, 392. It’s been about six days since we last spoke. Do you remember our last interview? Are you feeling well?”
RPC-392: I think I… fell asleep, last time.
Dr. Breslyn: I don’t recall that, three-ninety-two. But you do remember our talking, don’t you?
RPC-392: You… left the lights… off.
Dr. Breslyn: Dr. Yanov, please stay focused today. We require your full cooperation.
Sgt. Crooner knocks his knuckles against the table.
Sgt. Crooner: Remember why I’m here, Dr. Breslyn.
Dr. Breslyn sighs. He begins again, but 392 interrupts him.
RPC-392: My apologies, Doctor. It’s still a little difficult to regain… composure. Though I’m pleased to report that I have had much more control, since our last visit.
Dr. Breslyn: That’s good to hear. Would you be able to answer a few questions again today?
RPC-392: Of course, ██████.
Sgt. Crooner: Formalities, RPC-392. Doctor or Dr. Breslyn. Nothing else.
RPC-392: Apologies again; Sergeant, Doctor.
Dr. Breslyn: Moving on. You say you’re feeling better now, 392, yet the… “changes” your body has been going through have only intensified. Does it cause you any pain, discomfort?
RPC-392: No, not at all. In fact it only gets more comfortable as time goes on… like I’m growing into my own skin again, if you can excuse the euphemism.
Dr. Breslyn: Excellent, Dr. Yanov. I hope that your mobility returns just as soon. Maybe in time, the council can be convinced to let you return to work.
Sgt. Crooner: Doctor, you’re testing my patience.
Dr. Breslyn: I didn’t realize… Please, Sergeant. It isn’t intentional. I worked with Dr. Yanov for a very long time.
Sgt. Crooner: Intentional or not, this is your final reminder. Maintain formality.
Dr. Breslyn clacks his pen against the table.
Dr. Breslyn: Alright, 392. You said that you have “more control”, now. Control over what, exactly?
RPC-392: Well, myself… Before something was fighting me, trying to keep me out.
Dr. Breslyn: Keep you… out?
RPC-392: Ah… I suppose I should have said ‘in’.
Dr. Breslyn: Interesting. Now, near the end of our last session you said something about a… “presence” in the room behind you. Do you remember that, 392? Could this be related?
RPC-392: I don’t believe so. As I said, I’m feeling quite better now. All “this” has been very… taxing, on the mind.
Dr. Breslyn: Are you sure, 392? Please be honest. Once again, your reclassification depends on it.
RPC-392 can be heard breathing in sharply, as if impatient.
RPC-392: Yes Doctor, I am sure. I think we should move on, now.
Dr. Breslyn: Of course, Dr. Yanov. Apologies for pressing you. The next question…
Sgt. Crooner slaps his palms onto the table and stands up.
Sgt. Crooner: Alright, I warned you. I’m ending this interview by the authority of Site Direc-
RPC-392 interrupts Sgt. Crooner, speaking to him directly.
RPC-392: Sergeant… We are nothing more than two old colleagues, trying to figure out this affliction together. Sit back down, listen if you must. I ask you not to interrupt us again.
Sgt. Crooner: Yeah…
Sgt. Crooner sits again, his chair can be heard sliding back a few inches away from the table.
RPC-392: Thank you. Where were we, ██████?
Sgt. Crooner quietly grunts, but does not speak.
Dr. Breslyn: Just a few more questions, Dr. Yanov. Can you recall any details regarding the ultimate solution of RPC-292?
RPC-392: No.
Dr. Breslyn: I see. Did you transcribe your work on it elsewhere, not upon the object itself?
RPC-392 groans.
RPC-392: I grow tired of these questions, ██████. Perhaps we should end today’s interview early, after all.
Dr. Breslyn: …Yes, I think we can end our session for the day. Sergeant Crooner, thank you for your oversight today. I hope to speak with you again soon, Dr. Yanov.
RPC-392: Yes…
Sgt. Crooner stands, exiting the room first.
RPC-392: [Nearly inaudible] Doctor Breslyn… do me a favor, if you please…
<End Log.>
Closing Statements: Following the conclusion of the above interview session, Dr. Breslyn intentionally set the keypad-lock to disengage after a fifteen-minute timer had elapsed. Fortunately, whatever method RPC-392 utilizes to impress its’ will over those exposed to it is temporary. According to the subsequent debriefing report, Sgt. Crooner returned to his senses mere moments after exiting the hallway leading to RPC-392’s cell. He returned immediately to ensure 392’s containment, quickly discovering Dr. Breslyn’s tampering. Sgt. Crooner then detained Dr. Breslyn and reported directly to Senior Researcher Hughes. Dr. Breslyn was subsequently removed from active duties and placed under 24/7 observation in his quarters. To prevent another potential containment breach event, RPC-392 was then relocated to the Gamma-class containment wing of Site-015 and blacklisted from direct contact with site personnel. Suggested amendments to 392’s Hazards Card: Sensory, Mind Control. - Approved.
Subsequent to the events transcribed above, both Doctor Breslyn and Sgt. Crooner were removed from active research and security duties until the lasting effects of exposure to RPC-392 could be ascertained.
A third interview was planned and scheduled for the following week. Though discouraged by both ranking ASF personnel and active Research Staff, Senior Researcher Hughes approved the pending interview with some concessions to appease present security concerns.
Date: 1959/09/08
Interviewed: RPC-392
Interviewer: Doctor ████ Caillech, under supervision via single hidden-camera CCTV feed by Senior Researcher Hughes and several ASF personnel stationed in a nearby ready-room.
Foreword: At time of recording RPC-392 had reached its final morphological state as described in the above file description, and was still presumed to be paralyzed.
<Begin Log.>
Video feed opens, showing RPC-392 in the position it was previously left in- lying face-up on a plastic gurney bed. Dr. Caillech enters alongside two unarmed ASF personnel, both of whom take positions standing at foot of the bed. Dr. Caillech remains standing beside RPC-392.
Dr. Caillech: Subject ‘Three-Nine-Two’, Interview Three. Conducted by Researcher ████ Caillech, in the company of ASF Smith and ASF Mathers by order of Senior Researcher Hughes.
Dr. Caillech: Subject 392, are you awake? Can you hear me?
RPC-392 experiences a slight tremor, shaking the bed.
RPC-392: Yesss… Where is Dr. Breslyn…?
Dr. Caillech: I am not authorized to share that information with you. You may call me Dr. Caillech- I will be conducting today’s interview.
RPC-392: Doctor Caillech…
Dr. Caillech: Yes, that’s correct. I’d like to ask you about RPC-292… The letter you worked on. It is important to us that we understand what it described.
RPC-392 begins to turn its head toward Dr. Caillech, who in turn becomes visibly distressed.
Dr. Caillech: We… We thought that you were paralyzed. When did you regain motor functions?
RPC-392: I lost them?
RPC-392 begins to weakly struggle in the bed, prompting the present ASF personnel to manually immobilize its wrists.
Dr. Caillech: Since the mutations began… You haven’t been able to move.
RPC-392: Mutation… Would you consider the change from fetus to man… ‘mutation’ ?
As RPC-392 finishes speaking, ASF ████ and ██████ release it and take four steps back each. Once free, 392 rises to a sitting position and turns once more to look at Dr. Caillech, who freezes in place upon eye contact.
RPC-392: You concern yourselves only with what remains inside this head.
RPC-392 stands up from the bed and takes a step towards the center of the room. Five seconds of still silence pass before Dr. Caillech the present ASF personnel begin to leave the room without warning.
RPC-392: Mister Hughes.. Why don’t I show you…?
<End Log.>
Closing Statements: Immediately following the end of the preserved footage transcribed above, RPC-392 initiated a Class I Containment Breech Event. A detailed report can be found below.
The following report has been compiled through the consolidation of witness debriefings and recovered camera footage.
At approximately 11:32am on the day of 09/08/1959, Site-015 was temporarily compromised during an event that has been informally referred to as the “birth” of RPC-392. During an interview with RPC-392 itself, the entity very abruptly ceased cooperation and began to project a large sphere of hostile psychotropic energy centered on itself. This sphere of influence quickly grew to a diameter in excess of six-hundred meters, engulfing much of Site-015 and the personnel therein. Those affected by RPC-392’s sudden burst of activity were invariably overwhelmed by the intrusive mental influence, and many fell unconscious nearly immediately. Those who remained cognizant and lucid recalled intermittent visions of differing apocalyptic proportions. Less severely affected personnel were able to alert nearby Site-███ to the incident, and an emergency response force was organized and deployed within the hour. Upon their arrival immediate efforts were made to evacuate and triage affected Site-015 staff in all sectors excepting the Gamma-class containment wing, wherein RPC-392 was presumed to be active under unknown conditions. After two security teams failed to report in after insertion for re-containment, more extreme measures were considered by present Security Command- and finally, the decision was made to introduce a strong aerosolized sedative into the central ventilation running throughout the Gamma-class wing in order to fully incapacitate RPC-392. This measure was successful, and containment was adequately re-established on site. Unfortunately, the volatile nature of the analgesic gas used claimed the lives of ██ Site-015 personnel, including seven ASF emergency response officers sent in after the incident. Further, Senior Researcher ██████ Hughes was found dead in Ready-Room G1-A. Desiccated beyond recognition, his remains were identifiable due only to his clothing and an I.D. lanyard, both of which were found in pristine condition upon his person.
Current containment protocols for RPC-392 were quickly drawn up in response to this incident, with the express intent of denying the entity the opportunity to attempt another emergence.