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{$translationblock} |
Registered Phenomena Code: 388
Object Class: Omega-Orange
Hazards: Grouped, Mechanical, High-Velocity, Sentient, Informational, Organic
High Velocity Hazard
Containment Protocols: A barbed wire fence that is 4 meters tall is to be erected around the RPC-388-A of RPC-388-B-32, and is to be patrolled by ASF personnel at all times. 160 Spotlights are to be mounted on this fence, and focused on RPC-388 at all times. Both the electrical equipment and containment setup are to be moved along with RPC-388-A. Under no circumstances are personnel to get within 50m of RPC-388-A, or RPC-388.
During a relocation event, personnel are to evacuate from the RPC-388-A perimeter, MST Papa-4 ("Big Rig Vedas") is to be mobilized and will enact protocol Lambda-18 until RPC-388 enters a new constructive state.
Additionally, RPC-388-B are to have their own containment protocols designed by the Protocol Laboratory specifically for that instance.
Protocol Lambda-18 overview
Name |
Designation |
Modifications (if applicable) |
Amount |
Gray Eagle Military Drone |
Lambda-1 |
N/A |
1 |
Boeing CH-47D Chinook |
Helix-1 |
Carries an Electromagnetic Polar Oscillator that can be raised an lowered by a complex winch and pulley system. |
1 |
Boeing CH-47D Chinook |
Helix-2 |
Carries a large electromagnet that can be raised and lowered by a complex winch and pulley system. |
1 |
- Lambda-1 is to follow RPC-388 to the best of its abilities, and relay information to Helix-1 and Helix-2.
- Helix-1 is to use its EPO to prevent RPC-388 from taking unwanted paths, such as through population centers.
- Whenever a vehicle is seen in the path of RPC-388, Helix-2 is to remove the vehicle from the path of RPC-388 using its electromagnet.
- This will continue until RPC-388 enters a new constructive state.
Description: RPC-388 is the designation given to the group of 6 biomechanical organisms that resemble construction vehicles, individually designated as RPC-388-1 through RPC-388-6 respectively. RPC-388-1 through RPC-388-6 possess various anomalous abilities/modifications that make them more effective at their respective tasks than traditional construction vehicles.
RPC-388-A is the designation given to the area in which RPC-388 creates structures in its constructive state. The structures created by RPC-388 are designated as RPC-388-B and always display anomalous properties of some kind. While in a constructive state, RPC-388 will completely ignore human subjects within RPC-388-A, and completely focus on the creation of RPC-388-B. RPC-388 is able to produce an RPC-388-B instance in a time span of roughly 3-4 months, with the quickest time of construction being 2 weeks and the longest being 16 months. No limit to the complexity of structures that RPC-388 is able to make has been discovered, as RPC-388 has been observed creating complex computer systems and organic matter with fully structured DNA.
RPC-388-1 resembles a front loader, that has extensive modifications to its loader lift arm, bucket, and hydraulic systems. Additionally, RPC-388-1's wheels have been replaced by wheel shaped organs made from a combination of flesh and bone. RPC-388-1's wheels have the ability to change into leg like structures which allow RPC-388-1 to traverse terrain that would be far too extreme for a regular front loader. While in a constructive state RPC-388-1 will dig foundations for RPC-388-B, and load the removed terrain into RPC-388-6.
RPC-388-2 is similar in appearance to a hydraulic excavator. The performance of RPC-388-2 suggests that modifications have been made to its treads, boom, arm, bucket, and hydraulic systems. Despite using treads RPC-388-2 is able to move at the same speed as the rest of RPC-388. RPC-388-2 is capable of drastically increasing the length of its boom and arm by separating at various seams allowing the flesh like material underneath the metal hull to expand. During a constructive state RPC-388-2 will dig molds for RPC-388-3 in order to make parts for RPC-388-B.
RPC-388-3 appears similar to a concrete mixer truck. The mixing drum on RPC-388-3 is completely hollow and houses a large biomechanical organ that is capable of producing a wide variety of chemicals by currently unknown means. During a constructive state RPC-388-3 will pour unknown chemicals into molds created by RPC-388-2, to create components for RPC-388-B.
RPC-388-4 appears to be mobile hydraulic crane. The winch and hook system has been replaced by a spherical fleshy organ the surface of which is covered in eyes of various size, shape, and colour. This organ is capable of projecting beams of cold plasma that are used by RPC-388-4 to move objects, and can be used in order to assemble pieces of RPC-388-B into full structures. Additionally, RPC-388-4 possesses the ability to strengthen the ground beneath it, which it uses to prevent itself from sinking into the ground when moving massive objects. During a constructive state RPC-388-4 will take completed components of RPC-388-B and assemble them.
RPC-388-5 appears to be crawler bulldozer. The blade and all mechanisms related to it have been replaced by an array of structures resembling eyes and other biological components that are capable of projecting cold plasma, taking the shape of the blade. RPC-388-5 can form the cold plasma into other equipment such as drills, pile drivers, lifts, and ect. Additionally, RPC-388-5 has the ability to deploy wings made of a thin flesh membrane stretched over a bone structure which grant it flight, allowing it to move at the same speed as the rest of RPC-388. During a constructive state RPC-388-5 will level the area in which RPC-388-B will be built.
RPC-388-6 is almost in distinguishable from a non-anomalous monster dump truck. The only observed difference between RPC-388-6 and a traditional monster dump truck, appears to be the replacement of the standard hydraulic tipper with a biomechanical organ resembling a hydraulic system. RPC-388-6 is capable of converting matter in its bucket into building materials and other objects. These materials can range in complexity from simple steel rebar to complex electrical systems.
The reason for RPC-388's reduced productivity during the day is believed to be the result of the optical devices used in RPC-388 being over stimulated. This results in RPC-388 having to filter out the extra stimuli, therefore reducing the amount of mental power available to for the construction of RPC-388-B. Forcing a decreased work speed. Additionally, RPC-388 will avoid areas with a rapidly fluctuating magnetic field, presumably due to RPC-388 perceiving it as a potential hazard.
Upon completion of RPC-388-B, and by extension its current constructive state, RPC-388 will begin a relocation event. During a relocation event, RPC-388 will leave RPC-388-A and move at approximately 50km/h towards the nearest road or highway in a single file line. When RPC-388 reaches a road or highway, it will rapidly accelerate to 150km/h. RPC-388 will make no effort to avoid collisions with vehicles it encounters on the road and will commonly run them over or off the road. During relocation events RPC-388 demonstrates an immense knowledge of all roads/highways that it's traveling on. Additionally, RPC-388 has shown the ability to go off-road for long distances.
At some point RPC-388 will reduce its velocity to 50km/h and exit the road/highway to go off road. During this period RPC-388 will go a distance of at least 21km away from the road/highway, before settling on a new RPC-388-A and enter a new constructive state. RPC-388 has never been documented to decelerate during a relocation event before this point.
Personnel with extended access to RPC-388 or information surrounding RPC-388 will occasionally report having dreams, designated as RPC-388-C, in which RPC-388 will be seen constructing a city. RPC-388-C are also reported to be much more coherent than other dreams that subjects may have.
Description Updated: Post RPC-388-B-32
Certain subjects that have knowledge about RPC-388 will occasionally have dreams in which they report having a conversation with an unknown entity, designated as RPC-388-C. Only subjects that have either work experience in construction or similar trades, knowledge/experience in industrial manufacturing, or a degree in an appropriate field will receive these types of dreams.
RPC-388-C itself is described as being humanoid with an appearance similar to that of featureless wooden doll. RPC-388-C is also always described as wearing a black and white robe with various unknown unknown patterns visible on it, and a solid red tie. When RPC-388-C is present in a dream, it try to convince the subject to accept a job from RPC-388-C. Ways in which RPC-388-C has tried to convince subjects into selling their services include, but are not limited to:
- Generous wages and benefits packages.
- Extremely comprehensive dental coverage (70%-90% of all dental expenses covered).
- Skills training and a red seal in their appropriate field (validity unknown).
- The ability to make credible change in the course of human history.
If the subject refuses the deal offered by RPC-388-C, then no further anomalous effects will occur. It should also be noted that when the deal is declined by the subject, RPC-388-C will state that "[they] understand [the subject's] decision and will respect it." It's currently unknown exactly what happens if the subject accepts the deal. But the examination of various disappearances within OL-Site-105 has lead researchers to assume that subjects are taken by RPC-388-C. How this is accomplished and what RPC-388-C does with these subjects is currently unknown.
Evidence of RPC-388's existence was first discovered on 02/07/2004 when large amount of Authority personnel began reporting that they were having very similar dreams. Due to the apocalyptic nature of these dreams, personnel from the Occult And Mysticism Component were assigned to finding a defined pattern to these dreams. However, on 18/07/2004 personnel stopped reporting having these dreams.
It was quickly discovered that civilians were also having these dreams during the aforementioned time period. Under the cover of various studies, large amounts of civilians were interviewed about their dreams during that period. Through the data gathered via this process, it was discovered that only subjects with technical knowledge about various industrial processes had these dreams.
Foreword: The following is a transcription of a detailed re-count of the dreams as given by a civilian during one of the aforementioned interviews. It should be noted that the civilian interviewed was a professional author, who used to work as a mechanical engineer.
Transcript: "…It started like my dreams normally do, I was lying on the ground opening my eyes as if it were the first time I'd done so. As I was opening them, I noticed that I was in the middle of a city. Or rather, what I assumed was a city. It looked like most cities do, but there was something not right about this one. It was completely empty, and the buildings were far from the concrete rectangles that I am used to seeing in the city skyline. It was more like the skyline was filled with smoke stack, and in the middle of it all, I saw a building that pierced the sky.
I decided to make my way towards the enormous building, walking down the extremely smooth streets. It was odd, there were no cracks, no chips, no potholes. Just a smooth street with all the required paint. I didn't even see any cars, so why did this city have streets in the first place.
As I made my way to the building that pierced the heavens, I saw destroyed military vehicles litter the streets. There were helicopters embedded in the buildings, and APCs thrown about as if they were toys. Despite this, I never saw any bodies. Not one body. Carrying on towards the center the frequency of these destroyed vehicles became greater and greater. I even started to notice a symbol I didn't recognize on the sides of some of them. It looked like triangle, with one of the points facing down.
But the closer to the center that I got, the less recognizable the vehicles became, and I swear that I started to see spaceships off to the side of the road once I got close enough…. That's what got me, not the crashed spaceships, but the fact that nothing was ever blocking my path or any of the roads. Like something was keeping streets clear for some reason.
Eventually, I made it to where the tower of babel was located, and that is where I saw the harbingers. The only movement besides myself that I have seen is this god forsaken place. Six vehicles working tirelessly to build the tower to the destroyer; I witnessed as the last piece was put into place. The harbingers turned to me before they to stopped moving.
That is when I woke up in a cold sweat. I have slept through dreams that I thought were much worse that in the past. But… there was something off with this one."
Through the assembly of various details gathered from hundreds of these interviews, the location that was depicted in the dreams was able to be discovered. Investigation into this location revealed the presence of RPC-388, and containment was formally established.
Addendum.2 |
Recorded RPC-388-B instances |
Registered Phenomena Code: 388-B-15
Object Class: Gamma-Purple
Hazard Types: Mechanical, Geological, Sentient, Animated
Containment Protocols: An Authority Mobile Reactor Truck that has an REMPG installed into to it, has been designated as OL-Site-81 for the purpose of containing RPC-388-B-15.
OL-Site-81 is to stay within 100 meters of RPC-388-B-15 without getting closer than 50 meters. In the event that RPC-388-B-15 becomes active, OL-Site-81 is to activate its REMPG until RPC-388-B-15 returns to its dormant state.
In the event that OL-Site-81 ceases to be an effective method of containing RPC-388-B-15, then a neutralization order is to be issued.
Description: RPC-388-B-15 is a machine resembling an industrial grade bucket wheel excavator, that is approximately 63 meters tall and has a maximum length of 98 meters when its trailer is outstretched. The bucket wheel of RPC-388-B-15 has a radius of 12 meters. RPC-388-B-15 can move at a maximum speed of 5km/h, and can spin its bucket wheel at speeds in excess of 100rpm.
Exploration of RPC-388-15's interior while it's inactive has revealed that its walls, ceilings, and floors are completely covered in various esoteric runes drawn in human blood. The blood used for these runes does not appear to deteriorate like traditional human blood, instead permanently appearing as "fresh" blood.
RPC-388-B-15 will occasionally activate, and begin to move towards the nearest geological feature. All obstacles between RPC-388-B-15 and this feature will be excavated by RPC-388-B-15's bucket wheel. Once RPC-388-B-15 reaches the geological feature, it will begin to excavate the feature with its bucket wheel. All materials excavated by RPC-388-B-15 will be separated into their base elements, with all of the non metals being ejected from RPC-388-B-15. Then RPC-388-B-15 will separate all of the metals that it has collected and mold them into ingots. These ingots will occasionally be released from RPC-388-B-15 trailer on an irregular basis.
The only way to get RPC-388-B-15 to leave its active state is to detonate an EMP near it. Over time RPC-388-B-15 has started to become resistant to EMPs with more being required to force RPC-388-B-15 into its inactive state. The reason for this effect is unknown.
Registered Phenomena Code: 388-B-21
Object Class: Gamma-Orange
Hazard Types: Animated, Replicating, High-Velocity, Ecological, Climatological, Mechanical, Sentient, Radiation
Containment Protocols: Public access to the area around RPC-388-B-21 has been restricted under the cover story of a military compound, with the Russian government helping to support the cover story. Due to RPC-388-B-21's isolated location, a guard post with a road gate located on the only road leading to RPC-388-B-21 has proven sufficient at preventing civilian entry.
OL-Site-104 has been constructed 2km from RPC-388-B-21 for the purpose of monitoring the anomaly. Site-104 is staffed by 24 personnel who are trained is ecological cleanup. No roads are to lead from RPC-388-B-21 to OL-Site-104; if any such roads are discovered they are to be destroyed. Personnel are required to remain indoors during storms that have been affected by RPC-388-B-21.
A simplistic road system has been constructed around RPC-388-B-21 which is to be inspected on a weekly basis and repaired appropriately. Any instance of RPC-388-B-21-B seen leaving RPC-388-B-21 is to be tracked until de-manifestation. After which personnel are to take the appropriate measures to clean up the materials left by RPC-388-B-21-B instance.
Description: RPC-388-B-21 is the designation of a structure that superficially resembles an oil refinery, that has multiple anomalous phenomena centered on it. The smoke stacks of RPC-388-B-21 will occasionally release black smoke that dissipates into the air, resulting in rain clouds within 1km of RPC-388-B-21 precipitating what has been determined to be human blood. This blood is highly radioactive, with a half-life of 17 minutes, and will deteriorate into a mixed solution of various oils, alcohols, and other organic compounds. Examination of this solution after the blood has completely deteriorated has failed to produce any evidence of iron present, despite iron being a key component in hemoglobin. Observations of RPC-388-B-21 have revealed that it is chemically inert, and is unaffected by the radiation caused by the decaying blood.
RPC-388-B-21-A are humanoid entities that wear orange robes that use reflectors as trimming, and wear hard hats that vary in colour. Instances of RPC-388-B-21-A resemble wooden dolls, lack all facial features, are resistant to caustic chemicals, and have a Thaumaturgic rune of unknown purpose printed on their face. It's currently unknown how many instances of RPC-388-B-21-A inhabit RPC-388-B-21. Instances of RPC-388-B-21-A will either work on maintaining RPC-388-B-21 or expanding it at a slow but constant rate utilizing materials from an unknown source. Examination of instances of RPC-388-B-21-A have revealed that they are made of a plastic polymer with various organic growths being found throughout it.
Instances of RPC-388-B-21-B are biomechanical organisms that resembles a semi-truck with a trailer appropriate to the product that it's transporting (tanker-trailers for liquids, and box-trailers for solids). Instances of RPC-388-B-21-B always carries raw materials that are made from the refinement of oil. Instances of RPC-388-B-21-B will periodically manifest at RPC-388-B-21, and depart 30 minutes after initial manifestation. Instances of RPC-388-B-21-B will obey all rules of the road while driving on one. Instances of RPC-388-B-21-B do not travel towards any concrete destination, instead driving in seemingly random patterns until de-manifestation.
Approximately 4 hours after an instance of RPC-388-B-21-B manifests it will de-manifest, leaving behind all of the materials it was carrying. The frequency of RPC-388-B-21-B manifestations is increasing with the size of RPC-388-B-21; multiple instances of RPC-388-B-21-B can manifest at the same time.
Registered Phenomena Code: 388-B-24
Object Class: Omega-Yellow
Hazard Types: Mechanical, Animated, Sentient, High-Velocity, Extra-dimensional, Immeasurable, Teleportation
RPC-388-B-24 on [date redacted] when it manifested near RPC-388-B-21
Containment Protocols: Currently containing RPC-388-B-24 is not possible due to the nature of the anomaly. Instead RPC-388-B-24 is to be tracked via Authority satellites using its unique Thaumaturgic signature. All manifestations of RPC-388-B-24 are to be recorded for further study and research.
Whenever RPC-388-B-24 manifests near another RPC-388-B instance, all personnel stationed at said RPC-388-B instance are to evacuate the area around the RPC-388-B instance until RPC-388-B-24 has left the area.
Description: RPC-388-B-24 is a diesel electric locomotive of an unknown design that will occasionally manifest near RPC-388-B instances (excluding RPC-388-B-5, RPC-388-B-9, and RPC-388-B-13). RPC-388-B-24 itself has a yellow and brown paint job, with the yellow on the lower half of the locomotive and brown on the upper half. The numbers 66057 can be seen printed above the locomotive's left head light, the significance of this is unknown.
Whenever RPC-388-B-24 manifests, a railway track designated as RPC-388-B-42-A will materialize between the locomotive and the nearest RPC-388-B instance. As RPC-388-B-24 moves along RPC-388-B-24-A train cars, designated as RPC-388-B-24-B, will manifest behind the locomotive. These cars will always be optimized to carry materials that can be provided by the RPC-388-B instance that RPC-388-B-24-A is connected to. The amount of RPC-388-B-24-B that manifest with RPC-388-B-24 varies by as of yet unknown factors.
After manifestation, RPC-388-B-24 will move towards the RPC-388-B instance at a speed of no less than 120km/h seemingly unaffected by slopes or other hazards that it comes across. Once RPC-388-B-24 reaches the RPC-388-B instance, humanoid entities designated as RPC-388-B-24-C will manifest near RPC-388-B-24. RPC-388-B-24-C are humanoid entities that wear orange robes that use reflectors as trimming, and wear hard hats that vary in colour. Instances of RPC-388-B-24-C resemble wooden dolls, lack all facial features, are resilient to extreme environments, and have a Thaumaturgic rune of unknown purpose printed on their face.
After RPC-388-B-24-C instances manifest, they will begin to load materials into all of the RPC-388-B-24-B instances until they are all full. 10 minutes after all of the RPC-388-B-24-B are full, all RPC-388-B-24-C will dematerialize and a spacial anomaly similar in appearance to a traversable wormhole will manifest at the end of the RPC-388-B-24-A. RPC-388-B-24 will then proceed to enter this spacial anomaly. Once all of the RPC-388-B-24-B have made it through the spacial anomaly, RPC-388-B-24-A will dematerialize.
Registered Phenomena Code: 388-B-27
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types: Extra-dimensional, Newtonian, Immeasurable, Destabilization
Containment Protocols: A 4 meter high barbed wire fence is to be erected in a 30 meter perimeter around RPC-388-B-27, and is to be patrolled by ASF personnel at all times.
Description: RPC-388-B-27 appears to be a standard shipping container that measures 2.43m wide, 2.59m tall, and 12.2m long. RPC-388-B-27 is completely white with no markings visible on it. Additionally, RPC-388-B-27 is oriented such that the doors align with both the north and south poles.
Entering RPC-388-B-27 through the south doors will allow someone to access the interior of RPC-388-B-27 which is consistent with the exterior measurements. However, the Northern doors of RPC-388-B-27 lead to an extra-dimensional space designated as RPC-388-B-27-1.
RPC-388-B-27-1 is a space that resembles the interior of a traditional industrial warehouse that is 10 meters tall. Currently the floor space of RPC-388-B-27-1 is unknown, as no boundaries have been found inside of RPC-388-B-27-1 it's believed that its size is unlimited. The inside of RPC-388-B-27-1 has been measured to have an ACS value of 3, which classifies it as an ACS 3 reality. This is despite the fact that RPC-388-B-27-1 shows none of the traditional macroscopic signs of an ACS 3 reality; appearing as an ACS 4 reality to the naked eye.
RPC-388-B-27-1 is occupied by humanoid entities similar in appearance to instances of RPC-388-B-21-A and instances of RPC-388-B-24-C. These entities will act as workers inside of RPC-388-B-27-1, and will commonly be seen moving boxes throughout the building. Additionally, explorations of RPC-388-B-27-1 has revealed that it is also occupied by tripedal biomechanical organism with mechanisms similar to that seen on forklifts attached to them. These organisms are normally seen being used by the humanoid entities in RPC-388-B-27-1 to load and unload boxes from the higher shelves. No limit to the height that these creatures can reach has been discovered.
Registered Phenomena Code: 388-B-32
Object Class: Omega-Unknown
Hazard Types: Sentient, Transmutation, Grouped, Newtonian, Destabilization, Titanic
Containment Protocols: See RPC-388 containment protocols for details
Description: RPC-388-B-32 is the only RPC-388-B instance that has been in construction for over two years, and is still currently under construction. RPC-388-B-32 appears to be the foundations to a city with all of the road work laid out. This road network is cetralized around a singular point in the center of RPC-388-B-32 . When viewed from above, RPC-388-B-32 appears to have a radius of 16km around this center point, with no roads visible within the a radius of 1km from the exact center. A single paved road leads into RPC-388-B-32, with a welcome sign that names the city as "Neo'n'yril" the significance of this is unknown.
RPC-388-B-32-A are humanoid entities that wear orange robes that use reflectors as trimming, and wear hard hats that vary in colour. Instances of RPC-388-B-32-A resemble wooden dolls, lack all facial features, are resilient to extreme environments, and have a Thaumaturgic rune of unknown purpose printed on their face. Examination of RPC-388-B-32-A instances have revealed that they are made of an unknown plastic polymer with various organic growths being found throughout it. Additionally, instances of RPC-388-B-32-A are always seen working on the construction of various structures within RPC-388-B-32.
Various train tracks are scattered throughout RPC-388-B-32. These train tracks occasionally allow for RPC-388-B-24 manifest and drop off materials within RPC-388-B-32. These materials are used by instances of RPC-388-B-32-A to work on the construction of RPC-388-B-32. Additionally, exploration of RPC-388-B-32 has revealed that various doors located within the city allow for access to RPC-388-B-27-1. These entrances to RPC-388-B-27-1 are frequently seen being used by instances of RPC-388-B-32-A to gather specific parts/materials needed for their efforts to construct RPC-388-B-32.
Additionally, as one approaches the center of RPC-388-B-32 the ACS value decreases form the 3.79 of baseline reality, with the center of RPC-388-B-32 having an ACS value of 2.65. As one increase their altitude at the center of RPC-388-B-32 the ACS value will also decrease, down to a minimum that is extremely close to the SEV.
Note: the following excerpt has been modified from its original such that it can be understood without requiring the context of the rest of the paper.
The Self Existence Value (SEV) is the point in which ASC value allows entities to spontaneously cause themselves to exist when they previously did not. This process works because after the entity starts to exist, the ASC will naturally rise to a point where the entity can't cease to exist resulting in that new entity continuing to exist. The reason for this effect is that the existence of an entity will naturally cause a small rise the ASC value around themselves, and when the ASC value is at SEV that small rise will occasionally result in the ASC being to high for the entity to cease existing. Additionally, it should be noted that the SEV is an extremely unstable ASC value which will cause many different effects that result in the ASC value shifting.
Excerpt originally from: Exploration of effects that occur at certain ACS values.
Published internally by: Dr. Louise Carter, Dr. Noah Bell, and Dr. Kai Lee
Addendum.3 |
Recorded RPC-388-C interview transcripts |
Foreword: The following dream occurred almost immediately after RPC-388 began construction on RPC-388-B-32. Agent John Connors was among the first individuals to discover the existence of RPC-388-B-32, as he is a member of MST Papa-4 ("Big Rig Vedas") and helped enact protocol Lambda-18 during the proceeding relocation event.
Transcript: "…After the relocation event concluded, I decided that I needed some sleep… I had been chasing those eldritch construction vehicles for 13 straight hours, so I needed some rest. I got permission from my superior officer to land the copter so I could sleep, so I set it down in an empty field nearby. Then I fell asleep in the helicopter, not the first time I've done that and I doubt it'll be the last.
After I fell asleep, I saw the darkness morphing into a large desk and chair with its back facing towards me, "please, take a seat" a voice spoke from the other side of the turned chair. As I approached the desk, another chair of darkness formed for me to sit in.
I took my seat, and the chair behind the desk turned to face me. In the chair was a faceless humanoid that was closer to a mannequin than a human; they didn't appear to be of any specific gender. They were clothed in a black robe with a white under robe, both of which were covered in blood red patterns that I could only describe as runes. As I examined this creature further I noticed that they were wearing a tie of red so sheer I can barely put it to words.
"I bet you are wondering why I brought you here" it began to speak to me, "you see, I am in need of some skilled workers that aren't afraid of a little overtime."
I asked a question, "What would I be doing?"
"You will be involved in the creation of Neo'n'ryil, the city of the future!" it proudly asserted.
"What do you mean by 'city of the future' exactly?" the curious side of me had taken control of the conversation.
I could've sworn that this faceless thing smiled before it spoke next, "Neo'n'ryil is the next step in the evolution of humanity's industrialization. Imagine all of humanity sustained within one city for the rest of time. That is what we mean by the city of the future."
My loyalty to the Authority was unquestioned… but I had been experiencing fiscal problems putting my daughter through post-secondary, "What is the pay that this job you are offering me?"
The mannequin must've know about my financial issues because I could feel a sense of victory coming from it, "your starting salary will be $██,███ USD a year, and judging by your specifically valuable skills you will most likely have your salary raised to $███,███ USD per year after about 3 years on the job."
I evaluated my choices, and what exactly that pay could do for me and my family. But before I could speak again it added another thing to my deal, "additionally, by accepting this offer you and your family will be entitled to live in Neo'n'yril after its construction."
…I had a lot to think about after that comment… What I said next were quite possibly the hardest words that I have ever spoke, "I am sorry but, I can't accept you very generous offer."
It spoke to me one last time, "I understand your decision and I will respect it. But if you ever change your mind, I will find you."
That is when I woke up, it was a peaceful awakening right at the crack of dawn…"
Note: Wizard is the official title of senior research personnel that work with thaumaturgy.
Foreword: The following dream occurred some years after the discovery of RPC-388-B-32 and RPC-388-C. Dr. Erika Smith is a part of the Occult And Mysticism Component, and that she has extensive knowledge on thaumaturgy, occult deities, and various other subjects.
Transcript: "…The day before I saw RPC-388-C was a busy one, we had been experimenting with the possibility of using thaumatugic runes to light up the entirety of the are that RPC-388-B-32 occupied to decrease the work speed of RPC-388. But… I shouldn't go into to much detail about that, considering that the actual usage of thaumaturgy is classified and all.
But I digress, that night when I went to sleep the darkness took the shape of an office, the inside of which was covered in thaumaturgic runes of life, flesh, and metal among various other types of runes. It took only a few seconds for a table and two chairs to form, a smaller chair right behind me, and a larger chair that was facing away on the other side of the desk.
I took a seat in the chair just behind me and then I heard it speak, "you are knowledgeable about me it seems, though quite limited."
The chair on the other side of the table turned to face me, revealing that it was occupied by none other than RPC-388-C. Those unknown runes that others had described as being on its suit were like none I had ever seen, and I wondered if they were even thaumaturgic in nature.
"You also seem to be quite knowledgeable on thaumaturgy Madame Smith" it spoke again.
I opened my mouth but it spoke before I could, "before you start asking pointless questions, let me give my little sales speech"
I nodded, mainly because I believed that cooperating would make it give me actual answers to the questions that I would ask.
"I bet you are wondering why I brought you here" it said to me, "you see, I am in need of some skilled workers that aren't afraid of a little overtime."
"What would I be doing?" I asked the question despite never opening my mouth.
"You will be involved in the creation of Neo'n'ryil, the city of the future!" it proudly asserted.
I decided to start asking it questions, "Can you tell me about this destroyer that was mentioned in some documents we recov-"
It interrupted me, "look, I can already tell that you won't accept this job offer under any circumstances. So can you please just reject it and stop wasting my time?"
I don't know why, but I began to speak against my own will, "I am sorry but I cannot accept this offer."
It spoke one last time, "I understand your decision and I will respect it."
Then I woke up in a cold sweat, way before I normally do. And just as I did, I saw a pitch black figure with a thousand eyes on its face standing over me; I blinked and it was gone. I should mention that a few weeks ago, I saw a thing like that through an ajar opening to Johnson's quarters the same night he went missing. Though I haven't seen one since."
Foreword: Micheal Corsair was a low ranking member of the engineering component, and was assigned to the maintenance of the lights used to suppress RPC-388.
Transcript: "…As for the day before I had the dream… It was pretty average, I checked that the lights were still working 3 times, and then my shift was over. Following that, I was just exhausted. Not that my job is physically demanding, but I had been dealing with a lot of shit that week. So having an average day allowed me to get some much needed rest. So I went back to my quarters, got into bed, and fell asleep.
Upon entering my dream, I found that the darkness around me formed into a room I could only describe as the office of a wealthy executive. Coming to form two chairs and a desk suited to only the elite of the elite, and I was back to the man that I normally was.
I took a seat in the chair that was closest to me, opposite of which was a bigger chair behind the desk. Then I heard it speak to me, "It seems that your entire organization knows of me now."
The chair turned around to reveal that RPC-388-C was seated in that chair, "Hello Micheal, you seem stressed. But I can assure you that there is nothing to worry about"
"If you insist" For some reason I felt a sense of calm within this room of darkness.
"Do you want to hear the sales pitch, or do you know it well enough from those logs that you read?" it inquired.
I answered honestly, "No, I've heard it before."
The mannequin began to speak again, "Is there anything that you would like to know about? I am open to any questions."
This business man was very charismatic, and appeared to genuinely care about my mental well being. Which was more than I could say for the Authority at the time.
"Might I ask about the benefits packages that you offer?" I inquired.
That mannequin was quite happy to explain the intricacies of the benefits packages that were on offer. It also explain the borderline insane dental coverage, the generous vacation time, and he explained how my work on Neo'n'yril would be a great boon to human kind. I was almost completely sold on this, but you have to understand at the time I felt that my position in the Authority was unimportant.
I asked one last question, "Can you tell me your name?"
"I don't have a name, unfortunately." It replied.
My curiosity was peaked, "Why's that?"
"Because its the will of the Destroyer."
"What do you mean by 'the Destroyer' exactly?" I asked the mannequin.
"You wouldn't understand its importance" It spit this line at me with venom in its voice, and daggers in its eyes.
"Why wouldn't I understand?" I inquired, though slightly frightened by this unforeseen change it tone from RPC-388-C.
"The actions of you humans speaks louder than your words" RPC-388-C spoke as if I personally offended it by asking.
It was then that I woke up in a cold sweat. After waking up I saw a pitch black figure standing over me, its face completely covered in eyes. But just as I blinked it was gone, like it never existed there in the first place. When I was doing my rounds a week back, I swear that I saw one of them in RPC-388-B-32 proper just out of the corner of my eye. Though I haven't seen one since that day.
I don't know why RPC-388-C made me wake up, maybe that question got under its skin. But now that I look back on it, I am glad that it did wake me up. Because after the rest of the RPC-388 file was declassified, I realized just how important what I doing actually was.
Foreword: GD-██ became aware of RPC-388-B-32 due to their position as Global Director. It should be noted that GD-██ started this recording off by talking about RPC-388.
Transcript: "…Back when we first discovered "The Harbingers" we thought it was the most dangerous anomaly that the Authority had ever encountered. Because people around the globe having similar dreams is something that only happened in fiction; at least that is what we thought.
However, as time went on we started to pay less and less attention to RPC-388. Mainly because we needed to divert resources to more immediate threats. But also because we had so little evidence that RPC-388 actually posed the same threat that it did in the dreams, and that is the way it was. Even after the construction of the city that we saw in the dream began.
But recently I had a dream… This was not a normal dream; far from it.
When it started I found myself inside that city I saw when all of this began: Neo'n'yril
Neo'n'yril was almost exactly as it was during the dream that started this wild goose chase. The streets were littered with our vehicles, and there were no bodies. And the buildings were rounder than those that you would see in a normal city.
I decided to do as I did in that dream all those years ago, and make my way to that enormous center building. It took me some time to realize it, but there were things moving about the city. Couldn't see what was moving around as they would just avoid me, but I could easily hear them. It was like plastic hitting concrete, like whatever I could hear had plastic soles on its shoes.
When I reached the central tower, I looked up and saw the void open above its peak. I was pulled into the void, and began to see the truth. The remains of metal machines began to sing of what we could've done. Saying that we let this happen; taking any action would've been preferable to this. I watched as our little blue marble was overrun with the waste of our greed; our overwhelming desire to be better than those around us.
We left the marble that had been stained brown behind, left to the machines that we couldn't have been bothered to take with us. Left to those that didn't have the knowledge to know that something was wrong. Left to the masses that can only believe what they are shown. I saw as the tower that once pierced the heavens began to curl and twist around me. I began to ascend the massive tower, not starting at the bottom, but most of the way to the top.
I then watched as the metal tower below me became overridden with flesh. Flesh that seemed to come from nowhere, forming eyes, arms, legs, and ears. I was at the top of the tower of mechanical flesh looking towards the spiraling void that laid above my head. I could stop it all, I could stop climbing the tower and prevent all of this. But I didn't want to, just because the others didn't want me going up and into the spiral doesn't mean that I should have to.
Staring into the downwards spiral began my focus, until it began to stare back at me. As I watched the void that I so desperately sought, it began to watch me back. The downwards spiral above my head stared into my soul, seeing my accomplishments and sins on full display.
I watched as the downwards spiral of our own industrial ambition got higher and higher in the tower. I followed as fast as I could; I must reach it before the others do. I must be the first to claim it as mine, but the closer I got to it the farther it would move to stay just out of my reach. Nothing else mattered to me, I must claim the industrialized Destroyer's downwards spiral into oblivion for myself.
Immediately after I claimed the downwards spiral as my own, I found myself in an area of never ending industrial pipes. The pipes stretched and bent seemingly at random, every turn I took only lead me to more pipes. Every so often I would see a what used to be a functioning smoke stack, but was now nothing more than another piece of garbage. I kept walking, the pipes never seeming to lead anywhere at all. I don't know why, but I knew I needed to get out of the pipework. As I ran through the pipes, I saw as the sun rose and set a countless amount of times. There was nothing else here, no plants, no animals, hell I doubt that there were even bacteria living in the soil.
My walking eventually turned into a constant sprint. I was only motivated by a desire to see something other than the pipes and the dead sky. As I ran and ran I never got any closer to leaving, and yet I knew that I was never retracing my steps. At one point I couldn't take it any more, and just fell down on the hard metal pipes. I had never given up before in my life, but this nearly broke me.
Suddenly I heard as the pipes moved to reveal an exit. I ran towards the light, and saw what was outside the unused pipework. Nothing but dead trees and polluted grounds. Truly there must've been no life left on this god forsaken planet. This is when I broke, I counted that I was in the pipework for 153 solar cycles, and I came out to see that I might as well have stayed within those pipes. I just fell to the ground motionless.
The next time I blinked, I was on the streets of an uninhabited city. It was large and almost completely made of metal, with very little concrete structures. I began to wander like I did in the pipework, but this time I wasn't trapped in some kind of plumber's hell. I made my way to what I saw as the edge of the city. Looking over this edge revealed that this city was built on top of an oil rig, and that this oil rig was connected to several other oil rigs. I was surprised to say the least.
The more I looked the more I realized just how desperate the people living here must have been. Eventually I looked to the east and saw what must've once been a relatively large city completely submerged in the ocean. The ocean itself was brown with the garbage that was plentiful within it. I leaned over the railing to get a closer look, only to fall off the platform and into the ocean.
Impacting the water I went limp and slowly sunk to the bottom. I closed my eyes, expecting this to be the end of it all. But instead of drowning, I found all the air sucked out of my lungs. Opening my eyes to find look upon the array of satellites that were orbiting our planet. The array was full of small objects orbiting our world at dangerously high speeds; I witnessed my body being torn apart by these tiny particles.
I was back at the downwards spiral that I needed to go into. It didn't matter that I knew what would happen if I did, the downwards spiral of the Destroyer would be mine. The cost of which matters not to me, whether it be human or otherwise. Embracing the downwards spiral as if it mattered more than the lives of my children, I saw the truth of my actions. It didn't matter what I did to the world, because I would be dead long before the consequences of my greed would actually have an effect.
Witnessing all that I accomplished while embracing the downwards spiral, I held it tighter and tighter. Keeping people from learning things that would imply the downwards spiral exists was essential to prevent them from separating me from it; all it took was a simple call to those who distribute the facts.
Even those that exist to protect their people are willing to deny the existence of the spiral if I give them enough. Like they would be able resist what I can offer them. 'A necessary evil' they would tell themselves, but there is nothing evil about it. I just need to be raised even higher, no matter the cost.
'Do you see what utopia the Destroyer can offer you now?' I heard a voice in the darkness; then I woke up. I do not know what utopia was spoken of, but I witnessed no such thing."