Interviewed: [REDACTED], RPC-344-16
Interviewer: Dr. Edward Gallo, BNNP
Foreword: Dr. Edward Gallo interviews RPC-344-16, a 27 year old woman and the sixth instance understood as such in containment. It has verbalized information about RPC-344 that was not given prior, such as the details of its retrieval by the Authority, and its prior owner.
<Begin Log:>
Dr. Gallo: And what else did RPC-344 reveal to you? Anything you can tell us?
RPC-344-16: Yes, would be happy to. She told me to go find preparations and that we could meet the man of our dreams at any time. That we need to store it all in case it is today. She's very optimistic despite her age, and I love that about her.
Dr. Gallo: She?
RPC-344-16: Yes.
[Dr. Gallo writes on his notepad.]
Dr. Gallo: What exactly did this "she" instruct you to find?
RPC-344-16: Clothes and jewelry.
Dr. Gallo: Testing observed you bring CSD-9320 to RPC-344. When you two arrived at the chest, you asked him to enter it. But it wouldn't open. He couldn't open it up. Why did you do that?
RPC-344-16: She would have, but it wasn't right.
Dr. Gallo: … I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't follow.
RPC-344-16: He was not right for her! She knew. First impressions.
Dr. Gallo: Oh. So if there was someone who was right… she would be OK with opening up?
RPC-344-16: Oh I'd think so, yes.
[Dr. Gallo leans on his elbows and his voice is quieted to a whisper.]
Dr. Gallo: Tell me… do you know what is inside RPC-344, exactly?
RPC-344-16: Oh yes.
Dr. Gallo: Splendid. Could you… describe it for us?
RPC-344-16: His body, however, was never recovered, but not because he died in the tornado. She found him, and curled in here with him in order to feel the warmth leave like dusk. She has one skin less than usual. There were some hazards on the surface of her skeleton; genetics. Her smile was the source while she was living; now all she does is smile and it doesn't even matter anymore.
Dr. Gallo: Uh huh. And… [writing]… how can we verify this? Any way you know how to get inside?
RPC-344-16: Yes but… it's hard to describe. It's… (struggles) (Sighs, frustrated) I could try to show you I suppose.
Dr. Gallo: Very well. I'd like that.
«00:05»: Dr. Gallo and RPC-344-16 walk down the East Hall, towards the containment wing.
«00:09» From the security camera in RPC-344's containment chamber, the lid of RPC-344 is shown to spontaneously open. Scratch marks can be seen on the interior surface of the lid.
«00:11» The two begin conversing, nodding hello to those they pass in the halls.
«00:28» The two are by now engrossed in each other's conversation, noticing little else around them and almost running into several Authority personnel while walking.
«03:34» The two stop at the coffee shop next to the site cafeteria. They sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee together, conversing enthusiastically.
«13:34» The two leave the coffee shop, holding hands.
«14:08» They access a Level 3 Security Door outside of Suite B in the Site's containment wing.
«16:14» The two enter into RPC-344's containment chamber. RPC-344 is in the center of the room, per containment protocols. Conversation ceases, and the two stare at RPC-344 without saying a word.
«18:20» The two simultaneously and suddenly break their staring. They turn towards one another with their forearms embraced by the other's hands. They smile into each other's eyes.
«18:29» Dr. Gallo and RPC-344-16 walk towards RPC-344 in a solemn procession, each placing one foot out before the other and resting in stance before jointly taking the next step.
«19:14» Upon reaching RPC-344, Dr. Gallo places his left foot into it. The interior dimensions of RPC-344 appear to be a spatial anomaly, as he is able to step down to a depth of his mid thigh, well through what should be the bottom of the chest. He holds RPC-344-16's hand and she assists him as he steps his other leg into RPC-344.
«19:25» Now waist deep in RPC-344, Dr. Gallo supinates his hands to hold RPC-344-16's in his. He is slowly lowered by an unseen force or mechanism as he gazes longingly at RPC-344-16.
«19:28» A purple glow emanates from within RPC-344, and colors the skin of both Dr. Gallo and RPC-344-16. RPC-344-16 lets go of Dr. Gallo's hands.
«19:31» Dr. Gallo is almost entirely engulfed in RPC-344, now just his head remains. His expression is content, as if wholly relaxed. The two speak softly, and the camera's microphone cannot pick up the words. Despite this, the primary security footage captures his lips moving and can be read as follows: "I am afraid. I love this life and I am afraid to die. Please help me."
«19:32» In the obverse security footage, the lips of RPC-344-1 can clearly be seen and interpreted from the perspective. RPC-344-1's mouths the words: "I love you, Ray." The sound of weeping is picked up on audio with no apparent source.
«19:35» Ray is no longer visible and disappears into RPC-344.
«19:39» RPC-344's lid slowly begins to close.
«20:43» RPC-344-16 turns towards security camera 1 and smiles. She then courtseys, pinching her dress in her hands. She sits down onto RPC-344, using the sides of the chest to force her pelvis further down into it. Her hip bones eventually fracture and her legs are pushed straight up into an unnatural angle, her heels pointing towards her head. The contortion allows her to drop into RPC-344 unobstructed. She is happy during this.
«21:13»: RPC-344's lid closes.
<End Log>
Closing Statements: RPC-344 has resumed its anomalous closure and remains unable to be opened by any alternative tested means.
None of us know who "Dr. Gallo" is. We fondly recall Ray.
We've pulled at the sternum with our hands and crushed it with our heels like making wine. Her body has been deleted; just limbs and a head, asterisking an organic pomace. Plenty of bone left to still be cognitohazardous. The pigment stains the floor and walls to this day.
It remains odd that some do not want to enter RPC-344.