
An Ocean Bear





A junior researcher within a segment of RPC-332-1, circa 198█.


Registered Phenomena Code: 332

Object Class: Gamma-Purple

Hazard Types: Climatological, Geological, Organic, Corrosive, Electromagnetic Force, Ideological, Titanic

Containment Protocols: Containment of RPC-332 is focused on two objectives - researching its metabolism & biofeedback, and with aid by China's "People's Committee for the Acquisition of Anomalous Objects", minimizing damage dealt to civilization by MDW-Lucidity events, which are caused by RPC-332's anomalous behaviors & attributes. RPC-332 cannot be restrained by artificial structures due to its biology, however it is also left sedentary by this, and its active location is naturally remote. This allows for a perimeter on land to be designated surrounding RPC-332. Every 150 km along this perimeter, a monitoring station has been established, the primary of which being in northwestern Bayan Nur, Mongolia. Half of these stations are organized by the Authority, the other half by mostly the People's Committee in collaboration with the Authority, and the primary station entirely by the Committee. These monitoring stations are each the size of a small Alpha-Class storage facility, however the Bayan Nur station is approximately the size of a small Beta-Class containment facility.

Description: RPC-332-1 is a cave fissure located in the Gobi Desert approximately 5.5 km deep and the only direct means by which to have line-of-sight of RPC-332. From an observation chamber3, RPC-332 appears as a wall of semi-transparent calcified animal epidermis4. Survey study cross-referenced with People's Committee surveillance reports allowed researchers to estimate the dimensions of RPC-332. DNA samples acquired during RPC-332-1 Expedition █ revealed RPC-332's heredity.

RPC-332 is an individual subterranean megafauna residing below the Gobi Desert, approximately 966 km long from end to head, 462 km at its greatest point of lateral width, and just under 58 km at its greatest point of vertical width5. These body dimensions make RPC-332 the largest creature on Earth6, and indicates that RPC-332's underside nearly breaches the bottom of the Eurasian continental plate7.


Approximation of RPC-332's length relative to the region it resides under.

RPC-332 is more than 90% water in body mass, confirmed by specialized instruments during RPC-332-1 Expedition ██, with most of its solid mass composing the thickness of its epidermis. Biological electricity has been & can be detected within RPC-332, the highest concentration at its eastern-most end8. Because of its enormity and entrapment by solid landmass, RPC-332 is considered immobile and catatonic, with the exception of when it presents a minuscule amount of motion or increased synaptic activity during a MDW-Lucidity event.

Research has shown that haphazard penetration of RPC-332's epidermis triggers a fast-acting metabolic defense, observable as an immense vacuole that forms within RPC-332. The vacuole contains an acid possessing a pH of ██ capable of melting [REDACTED] at a rate of [REDACTED]. Once formed, the vacuole appears behind the point of penetration and presses against it. The vacuole seals & opens around the penetrative point before rapidly compressing, pushing the acid out & shooting it at high velocity. Afterwards, the vacuole membrane serves as a clot to cease any bleeding of vital fluid. If left undisturbed, the acid degrades and dissipates completely between 14 to 37 hours subsequent of ejection from RPC-332.

Another metabolic defense is observed upon haphazard attempt to access RPC-332's biological electricity, wherein a surge of biofeedback occurs within RPC-332's body to suddenly unleash a deadly electrical discharge9. 92% of these discharges are directed at the origin of interference within the RPC-332-1 observation chamber. This biofeedback has resulted in ███ casualties across all Authority expeditions into RPC-332-1, henceforth requiring RPC-332 bio-electricity experiments to have cautious oversight.


The Gobi-Altai Earthquake, caused by a Class 2 MDW-Lucidity event, circa 1957.

Over decades, technological & analogue observation alongside research of the Gobi's history revealed that RPC-332 can cause cataclysmic events, referred to as MDW-Lucidity events10, circa 19██. The earliest lucidity event definitively identified in recorded history was the Gobi-Altai Earthquake of 195711, an earthquake that scaled 8.1 in magnitude and created a fault-line as high as 8.85 m. Ascertainment of whether or not Class 2 MDW-Lucidity events have occurred prior to this is ongoing. The number of Class 1 MDW-Lucidity occurrences prior to 1957 is unknown.

After consequences of RPC-332's anomalous properties had been observed and measured adequately, classifications as of ██/██/████ were updated. To clarify: there are three Classes of MDW-Lucidity events, each being a specific event tiered upwards based upon threat level:

  1. Severe, dense, ionized lightning-storms.
  2. Earthquakes between 7 & 9 in magnitude.
  3. Tectonic bifurcation of East Asia and/or RPC-332's subterranean containment breach.

To conclude MDW-Lucidity briefing: lucidity event occurrence rate decreases as the tier of severity increases. To date since 1957, there have been █ dozen Class 1 MDW-Lucidity events, less than █ Class 2 MDW-Lucidity events, and there is no sign yet indicating that RPC-332 can enact a Class 3 MDW-Lucidity event. For extended description on MDW-Lucidity event research & causality, see Research Logs 332.1, 332.1B, & 332.MDW.1 through 3.

Agreement as to whether or not the Gobi Desert is an anomaly itself is pending. Classification as natural or anomalous is ambiguous, as it is an indirect consequence of RPC-332 rather than a direct consequence. However, 100% confirmation that the Gobi would not be a desert in absence of RPC-332 is also pending.


Echiniscus granulatus, a close relative of RPC-332.

Taxonomic reference of RPC-332's DNA match it as being part of the Echiniscus genus of Kingdom Animalia, making RPC-332 a sibling species to the common tardigrade. Colloquially "water bear", this animal is usually a microscopic extremophile, the previously largest species being only 1.2 mm in length. The Authority taxonomist who discovered this dubbed RPC-332's species Echiniscus atlasi. While this is officially recorded within Authority taxonomic records, information about RPC-332 has not and will not be released outside Authority jurisdiction in the foreseeable future.

Addendum 332.1: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Addendum 332.1.A: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Addendum 332.0.A: As of 20██, the following has been made a mandatory transcript for any new personnel assigned to Gamma Duty on RPC-332 who have a minimum of Level 3 Security Clearance:

Research Logs:

RL.332.1: █/█/████, [DATA EXPUNGED]
RL.332.1B: ██/█/████, [DATA EXPUNGED]
RL.332.MDW.█, █, █: [DATA EXPUNGED]

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