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{$translationblock} |
Assigned Facility: Site-014
Research Lead: Dr. Randal Criswell
Assigned MST(s): On-Site ASF
Director of Containment: Dir. Hines Delgado
Registered Phenomena Code: 319
Object Class: Beta-Orange
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Fig. 1:RPC-319/1 and RPC-319/3 within their containment unit.
Containment Protocols:
Specimens RPC-319/1 through RPC-319/4 have been contained within a 15x153 meter reinforced containment chamber within the Cryptozoological-Containment Wing of Site-014.
Female staff are restricted from entering RPC-319's containment unit at all times. Any female staff seen attempting to enter RPC-319's containment unit or showing suspicious behavior in regards to RPC-319, such as frequently coming into proximity to the containment unit or constant talk about RPC-319 instances, are to be detained, interrogated and given Class-C amnestics if a growing obsession over the RPC-319 instances has become evident.
RPC-319 instances are to be provided appropriate food and stimuli to keep them fed and occupied.
The containment unit is to be thoroughly cleaned bi-weekly and in-chamber toilets are to be maintained. All maintenance staff are instructed not to engage in any communication attempt with RPC-319. If an RPC-319 instance displays aggressive behavior, nerve gas is to be distributed to sedate all contained instances, in addition to removing any recreational amenities, which may be returned as a reward for good behavior at the discretion of the Research Lead.
Uncontained instances of RPC-319 are currently being tracked by MST Unit Hotel-11 "Karasu" within various precincts of downtown Tokyo, though RPC-319 instances have also resided outside of the city in Mikurashima and the further [REDACTED] regions. Any encountered wild instances of RPC-319 are to be neutralized on sight and the remains are to be disposed of according to the standard anomaly neutralization protocol. Civilian witnesses of RPC-319 activity or the termination of RPC-319 are to be administered amnestics.
RPC-319 is a genetically-engineered species of bipedal mammalian creatures, hybridized between Homo sapiens and Tursiops truncatus. Individual instances may differ in minor physical attributes, but all consist of a thick, leathery epidermis with beige skin pigmentation corresponding to Caucasian or Asian skin tones in varying shades. The lower half of the body is anatomically homogeneous to a muscular human male, and the upper half is similar in proportion and structure to that of a Bottlenose Dolphin, sans pectoral fins. A wide, flattened tail at the base of RPC-319's spine helps to counterbalance RPC-319's striding gait
RPC-319 possesses two brains; a 'forebrain' and a 'hindbrain.' The hindbrain functions as a typical human brain, responsible for complex nerve receptors, thinking, problem-solving, communication and maintaining bodily functions. The forebrain appears to replace the melon of a typical cetacean mammal. Instead of echolocation, this organ is speculated to be the reason behind RPC-319's anomalous psychokinetic abilities. Internally, while the bone structure of RPC-319 instances seems consistent with the hybridization of the two species genetically combined, the organs of RPC-319 are genetically human but morphologically altered in such a way as to remain functional with this skeletal structure.
Fig. 2:Close-up of RPC-319/2's head profile.
RPC-319 have proven to be highly intelligent, capable of complex communications through drawing symbols, and can write in English, Japanese and Korean, while using tools with their mouths and dexterous toes. However RPC-319 instances appear incapable of fully vocalizing human speech, despite autopsy studies showing a fully-formed human-like larynx and tongue within the throat of RPC-319 specimens.
Specimens of RPC-319 also show highly developed problem-solving skills and learning capabilities.
However, all instances of RPC-319 seem to all display several points of mental instability and emotional trauma. Many of the symptoms displayed by RPC-319 resemble mental conditions such as psychosis, bipolar personality disorder and acute paranoid schizophrenia.
It is currently unclear as to how these mental disorders developed, though one hypothesis is due to intense abuse and confinement by the GoI in question, and a possible existential crisis relating to the reason for their creation. Their mental health renders the actions of RPC-319 highly unpredictable due to mental instability
Additionally, RPC-319 instances are observed to be innately and overtly sexual, frequently fornicating when not near other RPC-319 instances, displaying an almost frequent and prominent erection in the presence of human females, and are seen to observe human females constantly through observation booths.
If a human female is observed within a reachable distance, RPC-319 will attempt to interact with the female subject physically, though initially in a non-aggressive manner unless provoked when perceiving a threat, especially after prolonged periods of isolation without the appropriate stimuli to keep RPC-319 preoccupied. RPC-319's typical methods of aggression consisted of "punching" with its nose, an action typical to dolphins, but also by kicking, tackling and stamping onto their opponents.
RPC-319's most anomalous form of attack/defense is their ability to project a 'psionic wave' emitted from their blowholes, that coming into contact with a human subject will produce enough force to knock back said subject, capable of rendering them momentarily unconscious.
While in most male subjects this defensive/offensive mechanism is mainly a form of a telekinetic attack, around 10-15% of cases in male subjects and 100% of female subjects who have been exposed to these waves undergo extreme psychological fluctuation. In these instances, the amygdala of these subjects are heavily altered to induce what has been described as a "psycho-sexual stimulant." Subjects have been observed to undergo increasing periods of 'hypersexual' behavior and desires, often expressed towards an increasing attraction towards the individual instance of RPC-319 that exposed them to the full waves.
Subjects are apparently made 'aware' of subconscious paraphilia and sexual curiosities they would have otherwise not expressed in a conscious state, especially those that inform a desire or curiosity with zoophilia and bestiality. These psychological conditions were probably implanted by RPC-319 instances, though a few researchers hypothesized that in some subjects exposed to RPC-319's effects, these are repressed innate desires that have been brought into consciousness by RPC-319's psionic waves, yet this is still debated.
Interview Logs:
Fig. 3: POI-1344, AKA Dr. Toshi ████████, head geneticist and designer of RPC-319.
It has been suggested that RPC-319's current appearance has been regarded as a 'mistake' by their creators, 'Kabushiki Kawaii', as gathered through interviews with RPC-319's alleged creator and high-ranking geneticist of Kabushiki Kawaii, Dr. Toshi ████████. According to Mr. Toshi, RPC-319 specimens were created as male escorts, primarily to be sold to female clients of the aforementioned GoI. The RPC-319 instances, at some point, developed significant self-awareness that proved enough to attempt and succeed in escaping from their captors and were set loose onto KK's base of operations in, [REDACTED], Tokyo.
MST Alpha-21 apprehended Dr.Toshi at his base of operations on the island of Mikurashima after gaining substantial evidence linking him to the website responsible for advertising RPC-319 to the public, and upon further research it was discovered that Toshi ████████ claims to have been the creator of RPC-319. He was subsequently detained and taken to Site-015 for further interrogation.
Interviewed: "Dr. Toshi" [Full name undisclosed]
Interviewer: Dr. Criswell
Foreword: Prior to capture and prep for interrogation, Dr. Toshi convinced the Authority interviewers to grant him a plea bargain. In exchange for keeping the private information of his associates at "Kabushiki Kawaii" safe from Authority knowledge, he will expose information on the creation process of RPC-319 as well as the addresses of all clients with pre-ordered RPC-319 before discontinuation.
<Begin Interview Log:>
Dr. Criswell: Okay, the recording has started. Ready when you are, Mr. Toshi. Before we start, can we bring in a translator if you prefer to have this interview in Japanese?
Dr. Toshi: That is quite all right. I am very fluent in English.
Dr. Criswell: Duly noted. Well, all right then.
Dr. Toshi: Wait, before we start— the conditions, are they still…?
Dr. Criswell: Yes, you're still allowed to keep names and locations classified as per our agreement. All we want to know is the nature of RPC-319 and how it was created. Anything you can tell us about the manufacturing process will be greatly appreciated.
Dr. Toshi: You're asking me to go into some very close-kept secrets here. But— okay, I'll cooperate. If this helps to eliminate this whole mess, I'll tell you all I know.
<Dr. Toshi proceeds to light a cigarette as Dr. Criswell prepares his notes.>
Dr. Toshi: So I actually came up with the concept. I watched some weird documentary one night about this weird "psycho sexual" fantasy thing that some people have, and one of them had to do with dolphin-lovers, typically women. It was on a very sketchy channel anyway, so I can't be sure if it's even reli-
Dr. Criswell: Sorry to interrupt. What was the name of this channel?
Dr. Toshi: <brief pause>…I forget. But anyway, I got this idea. "Hey, why not create a companion for women that's a merman! But instead of half-fish, it's half-dolphin!"
Dr. Criswell: And by companion, you mean—
Dr. Toshi: It can mean anything the customers want it to mean. What they do with our products is of no concern to us once they've left as long as the products don't leave a messy impression on our clients. But back to the concept.
For years we've considered the possibility of a mermaid or merman type product, and we were so close. But shark and human DNA aren't exactly compatible, let alone the fish species we tried first. But when I had the brainstorm about dolphins, we suddenly had a working product on our hands! The formula was written out, the developers got all the notes, equipment was set up in the labs and we got to work.
Dr. Criswell: Did you use human subjects for the creation of RPC-319?
<momentary pause from Dr. Toshi>
Mr. Toshi: Umm—— that would be divulging information on some personnel, which was against our agreement, right?
Dr. Criswell: I don't see how— <audible sigh> alright. Please continue. <Dr. Criswell writes down a few notes>
Dr. Toshi: So yeah, there we were, ready with the marketing team working their asses off on all these amazing ad campaigns. Great ads as well. Very well received. And the test audience loved the concept, plenty of positive feedback there.
But by the time the production started, there was a major disastrous error.
Dr. Criswell: And what was that?
Dr. Toshi: Some idiot team leader in the production facility got the details mixed up! Everything was reversed!
So instead of an attractive male upper body and the lower body of the dolphin, well you've seen how they look.
Dr. Criswell: Well, that is a strange error. How was that possible?
Dr. Toshi: As if I know! I, to management, reported the error, but those greedy fools insisted we do not terminate the production line. I asked why, and they explained to me: "There is a market for everything and anything in this company"; If someone out there wants one of these "reversed-mermen", we shall sell them.
It was a nightmare. All the online commercials were pulled, and we had to contact clients privately to see if there was any interest.
Dr. Criswell: And was there?
Dr. Toshi: Indeed. However, I'm not obligated to reveal my clients' names. Some people you will never understand. My vision was completely ruined. The art of it all is mutilated — subverted, literally, and it just looks strange.
Dr. Criswell: I see.
Dr. Toshi: It wasn't just their appearance, but other things were also reversed. For example, did you know these things have hydrophobia?
Dr. Criswell: Really?
Dr. Toshi: Oh yeah. Can't stand even dipping their toes in water. Imagine an undersea fantasy product that's afraid of water! If it had to, it could probably swim, but I doubt it would like it.
Dr. Criswell: Wonderful. It would certainly help containment procedures.
Dr. Toshi: Sure. Desperate creature things, though. When we tried to catch them, they preferred swimming into the sewers rather than being captured.
Hey, speaking of water, I’m rather dehydrated. May we have a quick break?
Dr. Criswell: That can be allowed. Come back in five minutes to continue.
<End of Log>
Interviewed: "Dr. Toshi" [Full name undisclosed]
Interviewer: Dr. Criswell
Foreword: After approx. five (5) minutes after the interview break, Dr. Toshi returns in a slightly stressed state. During this time, MST Unit Hotel-11 "Karasu" had uncovered the identity of a buyer of several RPC-319 instances (POI-1353) and had informed Site Director Hines Delgado of their discovery.
<Begin Interview Log:>
Dr. Criswell: Let's talk about RPC-319's psychotronic abilities. How did that come about?
Dr. Toshi: Honestly? I'm not sure. My only answer could have something to do with the combrained—- <pauses, softly chuckles> Sorry, I meant to say combined intellectual properties of a human and dolphin brain. I'm not certain. But I can assure you this wasn't the intended effect.
Dr. Criswell: Well, if that's all the information you have on the possible origin of these psionic waves, then we should move on to the next——
Dr. Toshi: Wait! I just thought of something, regarding these psycho-sonic wave things.
Dr. Criswell: Oh? Let's hear it. What's your theory?
Dr. Toshi: So, we usually implant these frequency receptors within the brains of many of our products. It's a way to "recall" them, so to speak. Activating the frequency and broadcasting it to the desired location will send whoever and whatever escaped to come running back. It's practically embedded into their minds that this is where they need to go if they ever step out of line, or refuse to return after providing efficient services to our clients. We were testing the latest model receptors on these new products.
Dr. Criswell: And you believe that this radio frequency could somehow relate to their abilities to influence the minds of their victims?
Dr. Toshi: It's the only thing I could think of. Doesn't make much sense, but hey. Our company prides itself in making weird and wonderful products that don't need to make sense to be enjoyable. Obviously, it was never meant to result in such a massive blunder like this.
<Dr. Toshi remains silent as Dr. Criswell writes down several notes, before being contacted by Dr. ██████. Dr. Criswell leaves to receive the call, as Dr. Toshi waits. Several minutes later, Dr. Criswell returns to the interview room>
Dr. Criswell: I'm sorry to cut this short, but we're changing interviewers.
Dr. Toshi: Huh? Why?
Dr. Criswell: I wasn't informed why, but Dr. ██████ will soon be here to conclude the interview. Please wait here until he arrives. Thank you very much for your cooperation, Dr. Toshi. You've been most helpful.
Dr. Toshi: Oh…no problem, I suppose. But-
<Dr. Criswell gathers his paperwork from the desk>
<End of Log>
Interviewed: "Dr. Toshi" [Full name undisclosed]
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Foreword: It is observed that Dr. Toshi's increased agitation as the interview progresses causes him to reveal crucial information he was unintentionally withholding prior. Upon the decision of Director Hines Delgado, Dr. Criswell was replaced by Dr. ██████, and alternative interrogation methods were put into effect. Dr. ██████ had suggested testing Dr. Toshi's current stress levels by prompting a hostile response before continuing with the alternative procedures on Dr. Toshi.
<Begin Interview Log:>
Dr. ██████: Good evening, Dr. Toshi. Sorry to keep you waiting. I promise I won't take long.
Dr. Toshi: I'm not sure what's going on here? Why the sudden change around? Did something happen?
Dr. ██████: Well, it would seem that RPC-319 has been attempting to breed with human females and has apparently succeeded.
Dr. Toshi: I'm sorry, come again?
Dr. ██████: Well…it seems that one woman may have become impregnated by RPC-319.
Dr. Toshi: What?! Impossible!
Dr. ██████: What do you mean?
Dr. Toshi: The mermen were supposed to be sterile! Hell, all of our stock is supposed to be sterile before shipment! We can't have our products having babies, so we operate on them beforehand.
Dr. ██████: Did you oversee this operation yourself?
Dr. Toshi: Well…no. I was busy at the time.
Dr. ██████: Do you know who could have been responsible for overseeing the operation?
Dr. Toshi: I…I have my suspicions. But we had a deal, remember? I'm not telling you anything about any of my associates. <Mr. Toshi paused to smoke his cigarette> You know what I do think, in any case?
Dr. ██████: What is that?
Dr. Toshi: I think this was done on purpose. Someone on the inside was trying to perform industrial espionage. And it damn worked. Someone's actively trying to ruin our company.
Dr. ██████: If you want my honest opinion, I think they should. From what I've read in your notes, you're a very cold individual, Dr. Toshi. The way you speak of these living creatures and refer to them as "products" makes me sick.
Dr. Toshi: <suddenly raises voice> Hey, screw you! You think you're better than me? Do you think you're any better how you lock up monsters in little metal boxes so you can poke and prod them? Don't sit on your high-horse and lecture me with this shit! Damn you!
Dr. ██████: Nevertheless, I believe we're done here for now. You'll be taken to Interview Block E for further questioning.
<at that moment, two ASF members entered the room, approaching Dr. Toshi from either side as Dr. ██████ collected the papers and files off of the desk>
Dr. Toshi: *Nē, ittai nani?* This wasn't part of the deal. Hey! Where're you taking m-
<End of Log>
Closing Statement:
Dr. Toshi is currently being held indefinitely at Site-██ for further questioning on the nature of "Kabushiki Kawaii" and its business associates.
Regarding RPC-319's possible ability to successfully breed with human females, containment research protocols are currently being revised.
Fig. 4: POI-1353, AKA Ms. ███████ ████████, documented as a member of APAS.
A month prior to Dr. Toshi ████████'s detainment by the Authority, MST Unit Hotel-11 "Karasu" received reports that an American female tourist (designated as POI-1353) from [REDACTED],California had boarded a private flight back to the states from the Tokyo International Airport. They were apparently in possession of several crates containing live specimens of RPC-319.
A dispatch team was sent after the target to investigate further and to detain POI-1353 for questioning. However, upon arriving at the target's residence in [REDACTED], it was discovered that POI-1353 had █ RPC-319 instances bound and confined in various rooms within her large home, with many of the instances showing signs of scarring from lacerations and tightened bondage, as well as severe malnutrition.
The general speculation of this incident was that POI-1353 was heavily exposed to the waves produced by RPC-319, resulting in developing an abnormally prevalent sado-masochistic obsession with her RPC-319 captives, causing massive physical trauma to the instances in various ways.
Additionally, when POI-1353 was discovered in her bedroom after Hotel-11 forced entry into her residence to apprehend her, POI-1353 was seen holding what looked to be several newborn infants. However, upon attempting a slow approach as to not provoke any unwarranted actions, POI-1353 turned and leapt out of the five-story bedroom window, terminating herself and the (currently) unknown number of infants in her possession.
Clean-up and retrieval of possible infant specimens are ongoing, as it is possible that several of the remains may have been propelled over the sea-balcony upon ground impact.
RPC-319 was originally intended to be advertised via KK's website to loyal customers as the latest product. While the original ad was taken down due to RPC-319's manufacturing 'failure' and subsequent containment breach at their [REDACTED] Headquarters, the transcript of the original ad was still available on the site:
[Translated to English]
What is a woman's greatest desire?
To lay on a tropical island, on the warm sand-swept beaches. A cold drink in hand, and the gorgeous sun lighting up the palm trees.
But what of a companion? Who can you share this perfect paradise with?
KK is proud to present the ultimate fantasy for those willing to go on a spectacular sea adventure!
Will he take you to Atlantis? Or will he stay on land with the woman of his dreams?
Buy your very own 'Merman' companion, and let everyday at home feel like a tropical ocean fantasy!
Disclaimer: KK is not responsible for water maintenance fees. Order early and receive a free aquarium installation for your purchased product.