I Am My Fathers' Son

Registered Phenomena Code: 311
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Hazard Types: Radiation Hazard, Info-hazard, Auditory Hazard, Emotional Hazard, Ideological Hazard, Visual Hazard.
Containment Protocols: RPC-311 artworks are contained at OL-Site-311. Personnel on site are to wear Level A HAZMAT protection at all times. A radiological shield is to encompass RPC-311-B and RPC-311-L to nullify their nuclear effects.
Description: RPC-311 is a collection of artworks designed by an artist under the pseudonym "Fernández."
While the majority of RPC-311 instances were created with non-anomalous base materials, the liquid solutions used on the surfaces or inside of the artwork (gelatin or paints) contain trace anomalous metamaterials. Due to this, each exhibit unique anomalous properties. Exceptions exist in instances made from organic materials, which are exceptionally resilient to entropy.
RPC-311 instances preserve anachronistic elements that contrast with their appearance. Radiocarbon dating of pigment and dye samples date back between 2220-1560BC.
Despite hypotheses put forward on the nature of its temporal displacement, researchers remain divided on the motivating factor behind the construction of RPC-311 instances.
Attempts at removing RPC-311 instances is impossible due to an unknown property, which permanently fixes them in place.
Acquisition: On 1982/02/12, a radio station called Paranormal Inc. were notified of an anomalous art exhibition by a caller. ACI operatives received this intel via wiretaps and were dispatched to the location in Austin, Texas at ████ EST. Upon investigation of the premises, operatives spotted graffiti marking a slide-door that led into the storage unit, which read "Exhibit ∞."
Operatives persuaded the local utility manager to unlock the paddock to the door to enter and examine the contents. They discovered that there was a breach spanning several meters into the ground. The contents interred below were partially obscured by white fabric, with certain objects inflicting a diverse set of minor visual and auditory anomalies on those presently viewing them.
Promptly thereafter, a Containment Division detail was called to quarantine the area. Further inspection revealed that the 25m X 25m X 30m holding area (retroactively designated RPC-311-1) was constructed with organically hardened walls. The composition was comparable to substances found in organic RPC-311 instances. Partitions, of the same make, segregate spaces for individual displays. Researchers believe that this architecture specifically allows for the containment of highly volatile content.
Addendum: RPC-311 instances are categorized from RPC-311-A to RPC-311-M. The following are divided by placards that outlined rooms where installments were categorized. Screened pictures have been provided for safe-viewing.
Sub-exhibit: Normalcy
Title: "Sunday"
Description: RPC-311-A is a painting that depicts a sunrise over acres of ranchland, with a chapel situated at the center. The frame is trimmed with golden regalia; tangles of trees; rose vines; wildflowers;1 and apples. These elements are composed to fit an art nouveau aesthetic. Depicted in the background is a sun with an obfuscated face, which blurs depending on where the viewer is situated from left-to-right.

Title: "Monday"
Description: RPC-311-B is a postcard that depicts the Hall of State located in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. RPC-311-B emits a constant flux of radiation between 400 - 6,000mSv every hour at a radius of 15cm. A self-nullification property allows RPC-311-B to resist damages incurred by both radiation and temperature.
RPC-311-B is consistently wet and is covered in a layer of contaminated condensation. Pollutants include cesium, strontium, and iodine. Subjects that view the multicolored skyline for over several minutes will hear the sounds of tides and explosions. Audible beeps, similar to electronic dosimeters, have been observed in the background.

Title: "Tuesday"
Description: RPC-311-C is an acrylic painting that separates into three partitions when viewed by three or more individuals. The top portion ascends to the ceiling and the bottom descends to the floor. A part ceases movement when it collides into a foreign surface.
Subjects that view the sections that contain the water note the appearance of face-down bodies. Samples scraped from this section contain human cells that possess no apparent genomic markers.
RPC-311-C resets to its initial form when not viewed.

Title: "Wednesday"
Description: RPC-311-D is a photograph. RPC-311-D consists of a transparent fungal film-base that is coated in an anomalous gelatin composition, made from a non-standard emulsification technique. RPC-311-D exudes hallucinogenic spores. When inhaled, subjects experience effects similar to psilocybin. In 70% of all occurrences, subjects will begin to perceive the faces within the photo to move, articulating Genesis quotes from the Greek Orthodox Bible in unison. Particular alterations exist in 1:17 - 1:18, which read "Then God put these Lights on the Earth, to rule Day and Night, and to be the very Laws of the Sun. Therefore, the Seraphin were tasked in the Separation of Light from Darkness and Time from Absence. God looked at what he had done, and wept. Evening came, then morning, then the Unnameable Hours that were the Seraphin."
Title: "Thursday"
Description: RPC-311-E is an abstract object, which was made from multiple firearms welded and warped together to match the appearance of a gravestone. Amniotic fluid leak from small rifle barrels. Two lists are shown side-by-side, with each containing the title "Belligerents." Notably, these lists contain the names of World War II figures, such as Dwight D. Eisenhower or Erwin Rommel. Cross-evaluation of the list pinpointed the full names of several senior or ex members of the Global Directorate. Blank dog tags decorate the bottom of this fixture. Further inspection reveals these dog tags to be made of teeth and bone.

Title: "Friday"
Description: RPC-311-F is a graphic illustration of a woman that moves and speaks via anomalous means. The woman appears to be in an interview setting, as evidenced by momentary pauses in her speech and facial gestures, which include winking or nodding to an individual out-of-view. While a replica of such a magazine cover (released in July 1945) exists in baseline reality, the date signified at the top of RPC-311-F depicts date and time in an ISO 8601 and UTC template. RPC-311-F has been censored for info-hazardous content. Linguists have translated strings of words stated in Portuguese from reading lip movements into excerpts, which range from:
- advertisements;
- daytime radio dramas;
- excerpts from the Homage to Catalonia;
- excerpts from illustrated magazines under Mundo Gráfico;
- segments of President Ronald Reagan's speech in West Berlin;
- nuclear launch code designations;
- non-anomalous orders of animals;
- and number designations of parazoological species.
Initially, the latter was believed to be registered phenomena codes.
Title: "Saturday"
Description: RPC-311-G is an imitation of a human corpse made from various animal parts. RPC-311-G is encased in a glass container. The gastrointestinal system, made from pig intestines, exhibit a type of locomotion analogous to vermiform animals, and perpetually moves or "slithers" in circular rotations. Scrawled on the back of RPC-311-G is the Authority emblem.
Sub-exhibit: Backroom
Title: "Adoniday"
Description: RPC-311-H is a calendar, with all of the pages for months presenting the same landscape picture of an eclipsed sun situated over a facility that appears reminiscent of Site-002. Notably, for each month, five extra days have been appended to weeks, including Adoniday, Hohamday, and 3 days with scratched-off names. Red circles outline certain appended days, marked as "Day of Rest" in acrylic paint. Subjects that view RPC-311-H describe a deep sense of unease and nostalgia for memories they cannot recall.

Title: "Hohamday"
Description: RPC-311-I is an incomplete almanac released under the Ministry of Malthusian Maxims.2 Over 81 out of 102 pages have been torn or eroded over time. In contrast with the baseline group of interest of the same namesake, the almanac describes the Society of Malthus as a global security apparatus against the paranormal.
RPC-311-I describes a phenomenon known as the Cycle of the Clandestine, which extrapolates on symptomatic patterns that led to the fall of civilizations.
- Stage 1: Characterized by disparate tribes of man that rise from a major pandemic or calamity. These tribal federations are highly volatile and are protective of their identities and nationhood. Eventually, they will either uncover or rediscover anomalous artifacts and will utilize them in acts of warfare or diplomacy.
- Stage 2: Characterized by a unifying group that is made from separate tribal federations. Classified as a nation-state, this dominant organization will endeavor to obliterate extant tribal identities, domineer their people, separating designations of people in a caste system, and streamline a holistic identity for all to abide under. Interactions, boundaries, and rules for the utilization of the anomalous are realized in this stage.
- Stage 3: Characterized by the dominant group codifying religious traditions to guide constituents and consolidate power. These foundational tenants influence research, procedures, and containment specifications for anomalous artifacts. Furthermore, these cultural memes progress into future permutations or sectarian divisions of the group.
- Stage 4: N/A. Content was either incomprehensible or removed.
- Stage 5: N/A. Content was either incomprehensible or removed.
RPC-311-I's activates when read by subjects with acute knowledge of the Authority. Subjects receive minor info-hazardous payloads, which influence their perception of history. They will broadly speculate on the missing pages, drawing contextual parallels to baseline Authority history/pseudohistories. Specifically, RPC-313 has been referenced in theories of Stage 5 civilizations.

Title: "Unknown"
Description: RPC-311-J is a photograph of a tree. When viewed from skewed angles, subjects note that the tree is set ablaze. Subjects experience sensations of warmth, euphoria, and heightened libido. They will smell the scent of burnt fruit and rosemary.
Title: "Unknown"
Description: RPC-311-K is a regenerating organic sculpture of a naked female figure. In place of legs, the figure displays seven serpentine appendages that terminate at fossilized reptilian heads. Each appendage is ambulatory; specifically, heads move in V-shaped patterns and devour portions of RPC-311-K. A 2m spear penetrates through the cranium and neck of the sculpture, exiting out of the pelvic region. Manichaean cuniform is present on the blade, which roughly translates to: "days of rest; seed of storms; survival beyond the end."
Title: "Unknown"
Description: RPC-311-L is a series of highly-resilient sculptures that depict entities similar in appearance to RPC-311-K. They are positioned underneath a large mass of corium that expands indefinitely from its core. RPC-311-L sculptures possess concave holes that span large sections of their faces, which collect outpouring corium. It is theorized that the holes demonstrate a form of spatial anomaly that stores molten deposits.
Sub-exhibit: New Normal
Title: "Sunday"
Description: RPC-311-M is a painting that depicts a sunrise over acres of ranchland, with a chapel built on top of a ruined structure. There is no frame. Depicted in the background is an indented black hole. A viscous black liquid drips from its circular rim via unknown means, and colors the contents below it in shades of auburn and incarnadine red. Subjects viewing it experience minor paranoia from what they describe as faces perceived within the void. Cameras have been unable to detect such descriptions.