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Registered Phenomena Code: 308
Object Class: Beta-Red
Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Sentient Hazard
Containment Protocols: Every 15th of January, all personnel on OL-Site-308 belonging to MST Echo-25 (“Dreaded Out”) will standby on RPC-308-Alpha’s location at 06:00 A.M in preparation for RPC-308’s manifestation.
MST personnel are to remain inside positioned sheds near the RPC-308-Alpha location in order to maintain visual contact with RPC-308 without entering RPC-308's line of sight. Upon manifestation of all 30 instances of RPC-308, personnel are to identify the respective RPC-308-1 instance and disable it via blunt force trauma to the head using the equipped baton or any blunt object that available immediately. Approaching RPC-308-Beta is unnecessary for the personnel.
If any unauthorized person attempts to break these protocols, they must be subdued immediately. If any unusual phenomenon occurs on any day other than the 15th of January, personnel must inspect RPC-308-Alpha in case of intruders and secure the location immediately until everything is under control.
OL-Site-308 has been established bellow Mt. Cikuray, disguised as a storage facility, for housing researchers involved in RPC-308 research, security personnel, and 50 members of MST Echo-25. OL-Site-308 is to remain empty and unused for every month of the year save January, and is protected by local ASF assets.
Description: RPC-308 is the collective designation for 30 soldiers from the Indonesian National Armed Force(TNI) 32nd Infantry Battalion/Garuda Hitam which appear to originate from the year 1948. RPC-308 instances are humanoid entities characterized by pale skin colouration, designated RPC-308-1 through -30. All 30 instances of RPC-308 wear standard Indonesian Army uniforms from 1945.
RPC-308 instances do not display normal human behavior. Observations have shown that RPC-308 does not have a high level of intelligence and are unresponsive to normal human communication methods. RPC-308 are hostile toward any humans and will attempt to terminate any person on sight. Attacks by RPC-308 are attempted via strangulation and physical strikes towards the target’s upper torso, throat, and head. RPC-308-2 through -30 seemingly attempt to protect RPC-308-1 from any attacks.
RPC-308 manifests at an area on Mt. Cikuray, West Java, Indonesia, every January 15th. The time of RPC-308’s manifestation is irregular. RPC-308 generally manifests between 08:00 A.M and 09:00 P.M local time. Prior to initial appearance, dense fog will begin to form and encompass RPC-308's area of manifestation, effectively reducing visibility to zero.
After a period of time, RPC-308 begins to emerge from the fog. When an RPC-308 instance manifests, it begins moving towards a large man-sized mountain stone in the area, hereby designated as RPC-308-Alpha.
Once all instances have manifested and surrounded RPC-308-Alpha, RPC-308-1 will position itself in front of the group. RPC-308-1 will then begin to engage in various activities resembling acts of ritual worship (directed toward RPC-308-Alpha). This procedure begins with RPC-308-1 kneeling before it and beginning to vocalize in an unknown language. The worshipping process, as the Authority has ever known, takes approximately one hour. While the process continues, various unidentified entities will begin to emerge from the fog. These entities, hereby designated RPC-308-Beta, resemble featureless, black humanoids with red luminescent eyes. The highest number of RPC-308-Beta ever known by the Authority to date is more than 50 entities. This number, however, is suspected to increase as the worshipping process continues.
Two first instances of RPC-308-Beta. Manifested 5 minutes since the worshipping process occured.
These entities once manifested, will begin to speak in the Indonesian language. RPC-308-Beta will encourage RPC-308 to continue the ritual. RPC-308-Beta does not respond to any attempt at communication although it does appear to be aware of other entities beyond RPC-308. RPC-308-Beta remains within the fog all the time but is suspected to be capable of leaving the fog when the ritual is finished. RPC-308-Beta, based on several sources, are presumed to be extremely hostile if managed to leave the fog. Attempt to approach RPC-308-Beta through the fog is futile, as RPC-308-Beta is intangible.
RPC-308 instances exhibit resistance against injury from firearms, blasts, slashing, burning, and exposure to corrosive materials. However, RPC-308-1 are vulnerable to blunt force trauma inflicted upon the head. RPC-308's worshipping process can only be halt by knocking RPC-308-1's head with a blunt object. When successful, RPC-308-1 itself, RPC-308-2 to -30 instances, RPC-308-Beta and the fog surrounding the area will demanifest immediately
Addendum 308-1: The Authority was first made aware of the existence of RPC-308 on 20/12/2009, when a group of people, claiming from the Indonesian government officials approached one of the Authority's sites in that country. These individuals were forthcoming in explaining the location and nature of RPC-308, and confirmed that they had been attempting to contain the anomaly on an ad-hoc basis since 1983.
On 30/01/2010, The Authority approach Moh. A████, formerly in charge of the informal defence against RPC-308.
Interviewed: Moh. A████
Interviewer: Dr. C. Louis
Foreword: Interview conducted in subject’s home. The following was translated from Indonesian.
<Begin Log>
C. Louis: Good afternoon. My name is Dr. Louis. I'm from an organization called the Authority. We believe that you were the leader of several men who contained several entities on Mt. Cikuray before us. Is that true?
Moh. A████: Ah, yes. I had a friend who works on one of your sites as a janitor. He thought that this organization could help us. So I ordered my men to scout and approach you and your organization. I glad that you’re agreed to handle these monsters.
C. Louis: It's our duty to the world. Now, what are these entities actually? did you come to learn about them?
Moh. A████: It all started a few days before the Renville Agreement. When the TNI still fought against the Dutch on Mt. Cikuray. Now, there was an… incident. Where several soldiers attempted an occult practice.
C. Louis: Could you elaborate?
Moh. A████: 30 soldiers from Yon 32/Garuda Hitam attempted to worship a sacred stone on Mt. Cikuray. They prayed to the mountain spirits to make them bulletproof and help them gain victory against the Dutch. The leader of the unit, Mohammed Rivai, had explicitly forbidden them from trying it. He reminded them of god existence. Still, they did the ritual.
C. Louis: Something happened?
Moh. A████: Of course! All of them got possessed by some sort of spirit. Rivai wrote about it in his memoir. Have you ever read a book titled [REDACTED] before?
C. Louis: No. There's a book about this event? Is there’s some sensitive information regarding these entities inside that book? Should we redact it?
Moh. A████: No. In it, Rivai said that he attacked the ritual leader. Kicked him until they all turned back to normal. But, when we interviewed several people who knew about this incident, that turned out to be a lie.
C. Louis: What happened, then?
Moh. A████: Rivai had brought some of his other men along. They couldn't stop the ritual at first. These 30 soldiers couldn't be killed! After a while, several tall black creatures with red glowing eyes, that we presumed as demons, began to show up. These demons invited Rivai and other soldiers to join the ritual. They promised to help him win the war and conquer the whole country. Now, Rivai is a religious man. Of course, he knew that summoning every single demon that exist on mount Cikuray, even for Indonesian independence, was a bad idea, and he refused the offer. He sat down and began to pray to the god and after a few moments, he stood up, grabbed a rock and hit the ritual leader’s head with it. All of the 30 soldiers and the demons that surrounded them began to disappear.
Moh. A████: This incident was forgotten by everyone until a few years later. On the 4th of January 1983, a local shaman reported to the government about the existence of these entities.
C. Louis: Wait, so the government knew about it?
Moh. A████: Well, technically, the Garut's police station in 1983 knew about this. The shaman stated that "several people have summoned these soldiers". Of course, nobody believed it at first. The shaman almost got arrested. He asked for a chance to prove it. It took him several tries to gaining trust. Cost him some money too, but they finally agree.
Then, several locals were hired to check the truth about this event. That is us. We were also skeptical at first, some even refused to do it. But since we were being paid, so we went along with it. We watched the mountain and made preparations. Then we saw it. I saw it with my own eyes, those soldiers appeared from the fog one by one. Of course, we were scared at first, our bullet can't kill them. But then the shaman told us what to do. Hit them in the head. It sounded ridiculous, but it worked. The shaman then asked us to keep this as a secret to prevent another incident, and he left Garut. We've been guarding the mountain ever since.
C. Louis: Why give this information to us?
Moh. A████: Retirement. I am 57 years old now. We cannot handle this entity forever. After I learned that you all can be trusted, I can finally live in peace.
C. Louis: You're welcome. Now, I think that's all, thank you for your cooperation.
Moh. A████: Oh, and one other thing! Keep the soldiers a secret. Don't let any strangers know about it. That was the shaman's last message. Maybe it means something
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Moh. A████ remain under the Authority observation.
Incident report: On 14/01/2019, heavy rain suddenly occurred on Mt. Cikuray for more than 24 hours. This sudden weather change was not predicted by the Authority or local meteorologists. MST Echo-25 were unable to reach the RPC-308-Alpha location early for the yearly protocols. On January 15th, at approximately 04:00 A.M local time, all personnel inside OL-Site-308 suddenly lost consciousness. This effect remained until 09:00 A.M. Eleven personnel that were coincidentally outside the Site when the event occurred were unaffected and decided to carry out the containment protocol. The containment protocol were succesful with one casualties.
The following interview is conducted to understand what happened during the incident:
Interviewed: Agent R. Pratama
Interviewer: Dr. C. Louis
Foreword: The following interview has been translated from Indonesian.
<Begin Log>
Pratama: -professional or I'll get punished, eh?
C. Louis: Sir, the recording is on.
Pratama: Ah, okay. Sorry.
C. Louis: Now, you and ten other personnel were outside during an unidentified event which caused all personnel inside OL-Site-308 to suddenly lose consciousness, right? Could you explain more about what happened?
Pratama: So, if I remember correctly, there’s me, six security guards, three MST Echo-25 personnel, and a researcher outside the site. The researcher is the one who realized you all passed out. We were confused at first. Then, as you may hear from the others, I recommended that we must carry on the yearly containment protocol.
Pratama: Now, hiking that damn mountain while it's raining isn’t an easy stuff. I think we were several hours late. We were lucky that those MST dudes lead the way. But the worst was when the fog began to show up and surrounded the manifestation location. As the document says, zero visibility. We had to hold hands to keep from getting lost. Once we managed to escape from the fog, the first thing that I see is that all thirty instances of RPC-308 were already manifested.
Pratama: Then, I saw two people right beside the rock, err, RPC-308-Alpha, I mean. An old guy, maybe around sixty years old, sat on the ground with several candles and a bowl. The other one was kind of younger, maybe around thirty years old. He was standing, raising a Kris in the air. Now, the first thing that comes up in my mind is that these two folks are some sort of shamans. But I can’t think much at that moment since we had to stop the ritual. Several black entities, that you referred to as RPC-308-Beta, were also visible. More than fifty entities, if I remember correctly. They were gathering all around the area, standing, staring at us for the whole time. Some of them were encouraging the soldiers to release them.
Pratama: Hah… Eleven men against thirty undead soldiers in a goddamn rainstorm. Thinking of it now, it kinda sounds like a chess game. No matter how many pawns they have left, if you knocked the king, you win. So while the others handled the rest of the soldiers, I grabbed a spare baton from one of the MST members and hit RPC-308-1’s head as hard as I could. And they all were disappeared.
C. Louis: Interesting story. Now, could you explain more about how one of the agents was killed during the encounter?
Pratama: Ah, yes. As the proverb says, “escaped from the tiger, and straight to the crocodile”. We were still distracted by the demanifestation event. We didn’t realize that one of those shamans, the older one that I mentioned before, managed to stab one of our agent in the chest with a Kris. The guy who was the closest to him, said the shaman said something like, "This is for ruining our ritual. People like you keep coming and stopping us from our goal. Did another traitorous shaman tell you about our plan just like thirty-six years ago?". Then he ran away with his bloody Kris into the forest. We tried to catch him, even tried to shoot him, but the rain made things difficult and he and his partner managed to run away. At least the rain stopped at that point.
C. Louis: Thank you for your cooperation. We will discuss more of this event and the shamans you mentioned. Are you sure that's all you can remember?
Pratama: Yes.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Following this incident, the Authority will limit access to RPC-308-Alpha and increase security in the area, especially a week before the 15th of January.