(Redirected from Provisional Site 052.)

RPC-307 in situ, seen via viewport.
Registered Phenomena Code: 307
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Primary Hazard Types: Corrosive Hazard, Contact Hazard
Secondary Hazard Types: Explosive Hazard, Visual Hazard, Ideological Hazard
Containment Protocols: Provisional Site 052 is to be made into an exclusion zone and sectioned off by 200m x 200m chain-link steel alloy fencing, with Grade II security bundle provisions in place.
All personnel participating in research are prohibited from maintaining their field of vision towards or on the last known location of any object interacting with RPC-307, and must disengage visualization of this location after the object-RPC complex has become microscopic. Proxy viewing of the microscopic process is permissible via approved hypermicroscopy visualization tools.
Materials made of or containing significant portions of xenon, cesium, uranium, or other periodic elements which display a wide variety of radioactive isotopes are prohibited from passing the fenced perimeter of Provisional Site 052.
Description: RPC-307 is an orb of a black, hyper-dense, and highly corrosive liquid measuring at approximately 15cm in diameter. Any material that comes into physical contact with RPC-307 will experience markedly accelerated corrosion.
The corrosive process enacted by RPC-307 does not terminate at a molecular level and will continue to reduce matter beyond the usual liquid or gaseous state, continuing well into the microscopic, atomic, subatomic, particle, and subparticular scales. The factor at which RPC-307 reduces matter is approximately 1x101m (or a power of ten) per 30 seconds.2 Hypermicroscopy has confirmed degeneration of nuclear matter such as protons, neutrons, and even electrons into quarks, and those into a quantum scaffolding of dispersed probability waves. While visualization of the smallest scales is currently beyond the scope of the Authority's scientific technology, the rate of corrosion suggests matter is reduced beyond third-, second-, and first-dimensional meaningfulness, as well as the Planck length,3 ultimately achieving a complete material and theoretical vacuum. Despite an observable measure of RPC-307 separating from the orb to corrode foreign matter, the volume and density of RPC-307 do not diminish.
Corrosion of the subatomic components of radioactive elements have been demonstrated to precipitate nuclear chain-reactions.4 As such, no radioactive materials or elements with a wide variety of isotopes are allowed in proximity to RPC-307; even trace macroscopic amounts of such materials may result in an explosion that would destroy current containment and cause loss of life.
Research has begun to investigate probable secondary anomalous effects of RPC-307, which are experienced by any who view a material object's complete corrosion into non-existence.5
- Discovery
- Initial Testing
- Incident Report 307.1
- Incident Report 307.2
- Interview - Researcher M. Lyigeti
- Conceptual Testing
- Incident Report 307.3
In early 2012, a report was forwarded to Authority case recruitment teams through established channels in the Bavarian state police force regarding an astronomy observatory in Munich, where a staff of eight — four astronomers, two earth scientists, one communications engineer, and one theoretical physicist — were reported missing with no supporting data or forensic evidence. The observatory was part of the COPENHAVEN global research complex.6
Upon scanning the facility, RPC-307 was discovered in the center of the observatory's primary communications transceiver, the relay of which was trained at the stellar coordinates of GRO J1655-40, 4U 1543-475, and additional cataloged black holes.7 The area housing the transceiver's internal components was replaced with a hollow chamber, in which RPC-307 was suspended.

Primary communications transceiver housing RPC-307.
Attempts to manipulate the object showed that it was an ink-like substance with a density similar to degenerate matter,8 which is theorized to compose neutron stars. The object however had no gravitational presence or effects, nor measurable radiation signatures. When disturbed by a non-tactile force (e.g. pressurized air, gravity, magnets), the substance temporarily behaved in an anti-gravitational manner before it would reconfigure to its spherical shape.
Containment proved difficult in that whatever touched the object was subject to its interminable corrosive properties. Initially, a pipette, then a vacuum-equipped beaker were lost. The containment team at that time recommended the site be converted to a provisional site, as the anomaly was technically sufficiently contained already; this was approved and designated Provisional Site 052. Research and supportive containment directives were then initiated. The initial containment chamber was fitted with a suitable testing apparatus including a viewport and nuclear-grade glovebox.