




RPC-303. Image taken during recovery.


Registered Phenomena Code: 303

Object Class: Alpha-Yellow

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-transmutation.png Transmutation h-radiation.png Radiation

Containment Protocols: RPC-303 is currently stored in a 2x2x4 meter container lined with 2cm of lead. This container is to remain in a dedicated testing chamber which contains a bed, bathroom, and IV stand. Personnel exposed to RPC-303 outside of authorized testing must be immediately reassigned.

Any instances of RPC-303-2 produced during testing must be removed and incinerated. If an RPC-303-3 hatches, the testing chamber should not be entered until RPC-303-1 and all RPC-303-3 expire, at which point their remains may be collected and examined.

Description: RPC-303 is a 3.8 meter-tall statue made up of several substances including wood, limestone, jade, and bone. The object lacks any visible seams, suggesting it was formed or carved from a single block of material despite its varied composition. RPC-303 emits a form of beta radiation that induces consistent physical alterations in human subjects, henceforth designated RPC-303-1.

RPC-303-2 are balls of keratin averaging 8cm in diameter. Instances form in the stomach of male RPC-303-1 instances that have reached stage 6 of exposure at a rate of roughly once every 23 hours, and pass through the digestive system before they are extruded.

After an additional incubation period of 6.5 hours, instances will hatch into RPC-303-3. RPC-303-3 are entities resembling human infants with an elongated torso to accommodate six extra pairs of legs1. The skeletal structure of instances consists of a single spinal column supporting seven sets of shoulders and ribs. Only the first set contain a heart, lungs, and a stomach. The liver, pancreas, and gall bladder occupy either the second or third set, while the unfurled intestines run parallel to the spinal column.

RPC-303-3 are born at a length of 6 centimeters, but grow to an average of 2.2 meters over the course of nine months. They lack any sense of self preservation, acting only to defend nearby RPC-303-1 instances or RPC-303. As RPC-303-3 do not attempt to feed themselves, and RPC-303-1 is incapable of caring for them, specimens will starve to death without outside intervention.2

Discovery: RPC-303 was discovered while investigating coordinates produced by AND-13-ASIA. Four speakers3 were placed radially around the object's base, with each repeating the following phrases in an unidentified female voice.

You're making great progress.

You will be glad you did this later.

It's time to give back to your community.

Think of your family. Your future children. This is what they would want.

While RPC-303 was moved immediately, these speakers were left in place. The signal quality of the broadcast gradually degraded over the next several hours before it was lost entirely.

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