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Registered Phenomena Code: 280
Object Class: Beta-Purple (Previously Alpha-Yellow)
Hazard Types: Mechanical Hazard | Immeasurable Hazard
Revised Containment Protocols: RPC-280 is to be kept in a vacuumed satellite container orbiting Earth, with an orbital period of 2.7 hours2. RPC-280 is to be monitored on a daily basis to ensure that it maintains its orbit away from Earth re-entry point. Any signs of RPC-280's re-entry are to be reported to a Senior Researcher and protocols to move RPC-280 away from re-entry are to commence as soon as possible. Additionally, RPC-280 is to be monitored for any approaching shuttles. In the event that a shuttle is approaching RPC-280, a message is to be sent informing the shuttle to cease their current course. Should the shuttle continue its course to RPC-280 and approach it at a distance of 10 kilometers, personnel are authorized to destroy the shuttle by means of anti-satellite weaponry.
Description: RPC-280 is a standard green ████ ████ ██-████ Cassette Player, with earphones connected to the Audio-Jack port of RPC-280. The interior of RPC-280 contains a black cassette tape labeled in red marker on a white sticker "William's Dreams i…"3, with the sticker showing signs of degradation. RPC-280's tuning mechanism appears to be missing, and the volume mechanism is incapable of being turned down but can be turned up endlessly. RPC-280's earphones are permanently lodged in its Audio-Jack, and all attempts to remove it have failed. Attempts to destroy RPC-280 were met with failure with no signs of damage being presented when applied with explosives, blunt force, or cutting.
RPC-280's anomalous property is to continuously play music with no regard for battery life or environment. The music played by RPC-280 are commonly songs under the genre of 1980s popular music, but will occasionally have variation in both time and genre. The amount of songs stored by RPC-280 is currently unknown. RPC-280 will continue to play music until approximately 00:00 of New Years Day, where at the end of the last song RPC-280 will stop playing music. During this time RPC-280 can be seen rewinding its cassette tape; this process will continue until approximately 00:00 of April 1st. In the time of activation, RPC-280 will continually play the same song, and the song will only change once the dormancy period has ended. Additionally, RPC-280 is capable of emitting sound beyond the physical limits of RPC-280's earphones, with current estimates placing it in 145 db4(See Incident Log 280-1). Due to a recent discovery, RPC-280 can be highly dangerous with the object being capable of causing structural damage.
Discovery Log: RPC-280 was discovered in █████████, Alabama, on ██/██/1996, following local law enforcement responding to a noise complaint occurring near an abandoned building. The investigation of the building led the police to discover RPC-280 with no signs of any individuals in the area. Authority agents were later informed of RPC-280's discovery, following an insider report, and promptly retrieved the object from the local police station. At this point, RPC-280 was playing music at 95 db.
Activity Log:
Incident Log 280-1: On 31/03/2015, as preparations for the reactivation of RPC-280 had commenced, an experiment was conducted to test a hypothesis on whether the increase of volume was centered around a standard scaling system or an entirely unique system in itself.5 The experiment was headed by Dr. █████████, and 4 junior research staff assigned to Installation-002-013, who were the only staff members present in the installation at this time. The test involved increasing the volume of RPC-280 by two rotations and instructions to increase this volume by the two rotations was sent to all junior researchers PDA tablets as per protocol.
Following the time of activation for RPC-280, contact with Installation-002-013 had completely ceased, with investigation presenting the destruction of Installation-002-013 along with the death of all researchers there and destruction of 2 anomalous objects. The data as to how many decibels the item increases per rotation could not be determined due to the sound being too loud to have a decibel number, however, investigation teams when located 5 kilometers away noted that the sound produced by RPC-280 was calculated as being 120 db.
Theories as to how the incident was incited vary, due to the lack of witness testimony. One theory suggests that the destruction of the installation system was caused due to the volume not working by the logarithmic system and operating under an even more rapid increase system, however, no evidence has come to support this. Another theory involves a lack of communication by junior researchers, through their PDA system, and the determined increase rate of RPC-280 caused the destruction of Installation-002-013. The theory suggests that each junior researcher had in fact work by the Lead researcher's orders, but had not informed one another the task had been followed. Due to this, each personnel took it upon themselves to increase the volume for the experiment. This theory is supported by post histories on Authority PDA systems.
Note from Doctor Molasses: It has come to my attention that due to recent events that the designation of RPC-280 from registered item to Lesser Anomalous Object would be completely inappropriate. Because of this, I advise that the designation of RPC-280 change from Alpha-Yellow to Alpha-Purple due to its anomalous capabilities presenting the object being capable of even destroying internal infrastructure. Additionally, due to the object presenting no effect when being presented with force of any kind, and the massive loss of life the object appears capable of, I would also like to make a recommendation to have RPC-280 be located away from earth in order to prevent any further loss of life or containment breach by RPC-280. This containment breach is especially of concern due to the possibility that the RPC could be used as a weapon of mass destruction.