Amazing! Co. Shampoo Prototype
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Registered Phenomena Code: 277
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Hazard Types: Bio-Hazard, Contact Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-277 is to be kept locked in a standard secure container, currently located at Site-███ and only be removed for testing purposes. Researchers must read the testing procedures manual and receive permission from current Lead Researcher before being granted access to RPC-277. As of ██/██/20██ testing has been suspended until improved testing procedures have been drafted and approved (see Addenda).
Description: RPC-277 is the collective denomination given to three bottles of shampoo. These bottles are standard, made of white plastic, 500 ml. in volume, with the words "for test!" written on each bottle with a black marker, currently designated RPC-277-A through C. Their anomalous properties manifest when applied on hair in the same manner as standard shampoo. While each have distinct effects, a common property manifests as a severely modified metabolism.
Effects begin as an increasing feeling of hunger which will eventually become a constant craving for food accompanied by hunger pangs, described by subjects as "almost unbearable" and only mitigated by the constant consumption of food items. In spite of this marked increase in metabolic requirements, the rate of digestion remains unchanged, meaning that subjects are at risk of incurring the side effects expected from excessive feeding. After reaching the food craving stage, assimilation of nutrients will also change with the body giving priority to bodily hair and allocating as much nutrients as possible to sustaining hair. These changes will remain at an incremental rate and eventually become unsustainable, with initial side-effects being an acute case of malnutrition, compounded by the consequences of excessive feeding, and damage to the digestive system. At that point subjects will die of starvation, unable to hold their food down due to these afflictions, usually within the span of one or two weeks after usage.
Animal testing is currently unsuccessful as nearly 95% of testing with subjects other than humans yields highly diminished effects. The remaining tests display none of these properties.
It is currently believed that these changes are made by RPC-277's active component, as chemical analysis of each instance has revealed the existence of [REDACTED]. Attempts by Authority researchers to synthesize this bio-chemical compound have been met with failure, though recent developments hint at the possibility of a breakthrough. The currently accepted hypothesis is that this active component reaches the bloodstream through dermal absorption and begins affecting subjects after reaching both the nervous and digestive systems.
The remaining descriptions and effects of each RPC-277 instance are as follows:
- RPC-277-A is identical to non-anomalous shampoo. Using RPC-277-A has the effect of forcing the body to constantly grow hair, this growth will increase until reaching a rate of approximately █ cm. per day, corresponding with the increasing hunger. Hair affected by RPC-277-A is generally described as very healthy, even when subjects are experiencing severe malnutrition. Hair growth will continue until death of the subject. See testing log.
- RPC-277-B has the consistency of hair gel. After using RPC-277-B, hair will become abnormally resistant to damage. Hair growth will begin to slow down until stopping completely, at which point nutrients will focus on increasing hair width and density, and hair will also begin to harden. These effects will eventually reach all body hair, and are described as extremely painful due to tears and skin damage caused by the widening hair filaments. These injuries will compound further as the effect increases in severity, with hair becoming chitinous plaques and the added weight tearing the skin further. In spite of the side effects, hair density will continue to grow until death of the subject and will retain its resistance to damage. See incident report.
- RPC-277-C is a substance similar to hair conditioner. Usage of RPC-277-C leaves the hair in optimal health despite previously existing damage and has been described as aesthetically attractive. However, further changes manifest as a powerful chemical compound that coats the hair and permeates the scalp. This substance acts as a repellent, effectively impeding infestation by ectoparasites as well as microbial and fungal infections, not only keeping the hair in excellent health, but also keeping it completely sterile. While growth rate is not anomalously affected, metabolic changes ensure that nutrients not only prioritize hair but also the production of the chemical repellent through changes made on hair follicles, which eventually leads to intoxication through dermal absorption. Since the production of this substance does not stop, subjects die due to said intoxication effects on top of the previously described metabolic complications. Hair remains in pristine condition in spite of this.
Recovery: RPC-277 was recovered after an incident at the local hospital in the city of ███████, USA where a man, Sal █████, was admitted under the effects of RPC-277-A. Embedded Authority agents moved in to take over the situation, but since the nature of RPC-277 was unknown at the time, Mr. █████ died shortly after. Authority agents then started interviewing the victim's family and acquaintances. Information obtained helped secure RPC-277 and agents afterwards proceeded to employ Class-B amnestic agents on all civilians directly involved, with the cover-up of a uniquely severe case of hypertrichosis being fed to the media.
Gathered testimonies state that Mr. █████ received RPC-277 in an attempt to alleviate his balding head. It was assured that Mr. █████ described the products as a complete treatment but never discussed in-depth who gave it to him. Further evidence revealed the packaging utilized in the delivery of RPC-277 bared markings commonly associated with Amazing! Co., along with the following note:
We give thanks to you, Sal, for giving your signature up for Amazing! Co. testing! As you told us, you have a balding head, and we hope our Ultimate Hair Repair prototype helps you get the better, more strong, and pretty looking hair you want! Please let us know if you present problems in testing, we only want the greatest for our costumers!
For the tests you make for us, you get our special 25% discount on other Amazing! Co. products, enjoy!
Due to the nature of each RPC-277 instance, alongside its active component being a bio-chemical compound that features effects on humans, current research endeavors are focused on attempts to understand, isolate, synthesize, and/or modify said bio-chemical compound. It is encouraged that research teams not only pursue this goal but should also look into further applications related to each instance.
Currently, researchers have proposed the following:
RPC-277-A: This instance has a marked focus on growth. For this reason, it has been suggested that RPC-277-A's properties be adapted for the creation of extremely effective fertilizing mixtures and experimental medical applications.
RPC-277-B: Due to the hair modified by this instance displaying anomalous strength, proposals are focused around lessening its detrimental effects in order to create subjects from which the material can be harvested or otherwise created. This highly resistant material can be utilized as armor for ASF/MST personnel or in the containment of certain particularly hazardous Alpha-class anomalies.
RPC-277-C: The antiseptic properties of this instance can be invaluable for medical use and also as an emergency solution for certain biohazardous breaches. Current discussions are similar to that of RPC-277-B: lessening the consequences of its use in order to harvest or otherwise create this substance.
The following is an abridged version of the testing procedures manual, kept for archival purposes.
Testing must be carried out by an authorized researcher with permission of current Lead Researcher by using a single CSD personnel in a standard humanoid containment cell. The test will begin by providing the CSD personnel with the appropriate RPC-277 instance intended for testing. After usage, the CSD personnel must be transferred to the testing chamber and RPC-277 returned for containment.
Observation must be carried out by the researcher through external means over the course of seven days, during which researcher will take note of significant developments (recommended format is to note developments on days one, four, and seven) and only interact with the CSD personnel if necessary under escort by two ASF guards. Due to the effects of RPC-277 instances on metabolic processes, the CSD subject must be drip-fed nutritional solution NS-277-Ex through an IV intake, intended to avoid the consequences of malnourishment and excessive eating, and enable a more efficient use of Authority resources.
After the testing period is finished, the CSD subject's cadaver is to be delivered to medical staff for autopsy should death of the subject occur, and researcher must make his or her notes available for registry on the current testing log.
Consult current Project Lead for a complete testing log.
Researcher: Dr. Vega
Test subject: CSD-3090
Instance used: RPC-277-A
Foreword: This is an attempt to see how the recently developed solution NS-277-Ex affects the consequences of exposure to RPC-277-A. In addition to the standard testing materials, subject CSD-3090 has been provided with amenities to avoid hair from obstructing or otherwise affecting the IV intake.
Day One: First day transpires as expected, with all hair beginning to grow at an accelerated rate. Of note is that, unlike previous testing with feeding, subject CSD-3090 has not expressed any feelings of hunger. Solution NS-277-Ex so far appears to have mitigated the metabolic disturbances, at least for the time being.
Day Four: Subject has begun complaining about the hunger pangs, though the severity of the complaints is significantly lesser than those experienced in previous tests. This hints that solution NS-277-Ex is only a temporary work-around to the effects of RPC-277-A as the increasing metabolic requirement rate remains unchanged. CSD-3090's condition, however, is also considerably better at this stage than other subjects in previous testing so, even if temporary, NS-277-Ex shows to be a viable method of testing this RPC object.
Day Seven: Even though CSD-3090 progressed far better than previous test subjects, he grew significantly weaker by day six, not only this but hair quality has also been affected, as it appears very thin and displays an abnormal quantity of dandruff. Growth also reached an unprecedented rate, peaking at ██ cm. over the last 24 hours. It appeared that near the end of the test CSD-3090 would perish from acute malnourishment, but before ordering termination, subject suddenly shed all body hair and showed continued vital signs. I notified of this development and was granted an additional day of testing.
Day Eight: Due to the effects of malnourishment, CSD-3090 was left being drip-fed through the IV intake. No body hair appears to be growing anywhere on subject's body. No further anomalous effects were noticed and subject begins to recover. Termination was postponed to see if CSD-3090 could be brought to a healthy condition for further assignments.
Closing statement: Solution NS-277-Ex does seem to directly affect the development of RPC-277’s properties. It is unknown if NS-277-Ex ended the effects of RPC-277-A or if there is a temporary nature to its anomalous properties. Further testing recommended.
Researcher: Dr. Morrison
Test subject: CSD-4020
Instance used: RPC-277-B
Foreword: This is an attempt to see if there is consistency between solution NS-277-Ex's effects on RPC-277 by testing with a different instance as suggested by Dr. Vega's notes.
Day One: As expected, hair is now impervious to damage. Unlike previous testing, however, hair growth stopped within 10 hours and the hardening phase has already begun. Subject's movement has also been affected, the current complaint is that his body feels rigid, though no notable disturbances are present on CSD-4020 aside from the anomalous hair.
Day Three: Effects have scaled in both speed and severity. RPC-277-B's properties have now spread over CSD-4020's entire body, much sooner than anticipated. Hair now resembles the chitinous plaques, with density and area growing much faster than in previous tests, CSD-4020's skin has also been extensively damaged due to this increase in severity. CSD-4020 is also unable to move, being only able to scream, or at least attempt to since his face is paralyzed as well. I attempted to sedate the subject, but the chitinous plaques grew around his IV intake, as if the anomalous hair tried to assimilate it.
Day Five: CSD-4020 died, ending the test prematurely. His body was almost completely covered by the effects of RPC-277-B, with damage shown being much more severe than in previous testing. Not only was skin stretched and disfigured, muscle tissue was also torn, with some wounds reaching as deep as the bones. These wounds, however, provided insight into the unexpected severity of the effects: in addition to the skin and muscle tissue damage, the tissue near the chitinous plaques seemed to be fused into the material, as if RPC-277-B's effect was not limited to giving additional nutrients to hair, but also assimilating surrounding sources of "food".
Closing statement: The test ran contrary to what Dr. Vega suggested, with NS-277-Ex apparently accelerating and somewhat "optimizing" RPC-277's anomalous properties. The attempted assimilation of the IV intake, coupled with the tissue fusion/assimilation leads me to believe that there's more to RPC-277s active agent than previously known. I recommend both a more thorough chemical analysis of RPC-277's components alongside an examination to determine the nature of NS-277-Ex as an apparent catalyst to said components.
Researcher: Dr. Vega
Test subject: CSD-2772
Instance used: RPC-277-C
Foreword: This test is performed to confirm the nature of NS-277-Ex as a catalyst to RPC-277's effects to further examine Dr. Morrison's findings, as isolated chemical analysis and laboratory testing produces inconclusive results.
Day One: Day transpires as expected, with CSD-2772's hair showing RPC-277-C's initial effects. Nearing the end of the day, however, subject complained about a constant itching on the scalp.
Day Two: The itching worsened considerably, CSD-2772's has expressed severe distress over this. Further examination shows that the scalp has become notably irritated. Constant hair washing partially mitigates the effects as the rate by which the chemical repellent produced by hair follicles has also substantially increased.
Day Three: Over the course of the day, CSD-2772's condition kept deteriorating. The irritation evolved into boils that further eroded into bleeding wounds, a condition that subject described as an extremely painful burn. I obtained a sample of the chemical created by RPC-277-C's effects for further studying. During the final hours of the day, the entirety of CSD-2772's scalp fell off her head, having being turned into a slurry, ending the test prematurely. While hair was initially in excellent condition, by the end it also began to be dissolved and mixed into the slurry.
Closing statement: I'm forced to conclude that NS-277-Ex does indeed serve as a catalyst for RPC-277's effects, as the antiseptic solution generated as a side effect of this recent test not only retains said antiseptic property but also became extremely acidic, which lead to the breakdown of CSD-2772's scalp. I will be reviewing prior tests and documentation on RPC-277 with the rest of the research team assigned to this project.
It's obvious that we struck gold with this recovery. Previous analysis of other RPC objects associated with Amazing! Co. always yielded inconclusive or otherwise unsuccessful results due to the currently unknown anomalous means by which their products are created. This time, however, we found a product that they are currently iterating on, which means that we can manipulate the current shampoo prototype that we possess.
Such a claim is made based on the serendipity that NS-277-Ex became. My personnel believe that, by having all necessary nutrients readily available through an IV intake instead of waiting for digestion to be over, RPC-277's active component was "optimized", confirming that there is some influence that can be exerted on the way RPC-277 works.
After reviewing the most recent tests conducted by my personnel, along with another look at previous testing, we have concluded that the original statement made by the late Mr. █████ was misinterpreted. We thought that the idea of a "complete treatment" meant that RPC-277 was to be applied in stages, with each instance being used in sequence.
An additional analysis, this time focused on mixing the three instances confirmed our newfound suspicions: RPC-277's active component bonds with each instance of itself in order to create a "complete" or "true" version of RPC-277.
I request that my personnel be allowed to test this mixture in order to ascertain the true nature of RPC-277. I'm aware of the risk this entails, so in addition to our standard testing procedures (with the exception of NS-277-Ex, to avoid potential side-effects), I propose the removal of non-essential personnel from the immediate area for the duration of the test and the deployment of elements from biological containment specialist MST Echo-8 ("Plague Doctors") on site to be kept on stand-by in the event of any contingency or breach.
Now, regarding the elephant in the room, it remains unclear to us why Amazing! Co. chooses to test their products in such a careless manner, our only theory is that it's probably another layer of their trademark ineptitude. We currently have no way of confirming or denying if this is the only way that Amazing! Co. conducts their QA testing, I suggest that attempts at looking into Amazing! Co.'s activities be more thorough.
Current Project Lead,
Karl Rüppell
Addendum 277.5: Incident 277-X1
After authorization from Site Director, Project Lead Karl Rüppell supervised his proposed test using the RPC-277 mixture. CSD-3399 was provided with a sample of the mixture and moved to testing chamber to begin monitoring as outlined by the testing manual. Initially, testing was somewhat uneventful, with CSD-3399 complaining of constant itching in spite of a lacking rash. Eventually, CSD-3399 complained of a general feeling of numbness and reported no other afflictions.
During the early morning hours of Day 4, sudden changes occurred to CSD-3399's body. The following is a video transcript of the incident.
[4:04]: CSD-3399 begins suffering from a seizure, displaying severe muscle spasms.
[4:08]: CSD-3399's movement slows down, with the seizure seemingly stopping. However, wriggling movement begins to occur under his skin. One of his eyes is also missing, apparently being engulfed from within by hair.
[4:15]: The wriggling movement has grown severe, with multiple growths constinously shifting all over CSD-3399's body. CSD-3399 displays diminished movement in what appears to be attempts to fight his discomfort.
[4:18]: CSD-3399's body is now disfigured having been markedly engorged, movement has become erratic, and a slowly swelling growth now concentrates on and overtakes CSD-3399's back, severely stretching the skin.
[4:21]: The growth on CSD-3399's back ruptures the skin, a large mass of hair begins to exit through the opening. This mass struggles to do this as it attempts to stretch and tear both skin and fat tissue further, a task made difficult by their poor elasticity. The MST-Echo-8 team is now alerted and prepares to enter the room.
[4:23]: Hair mass now violently exits CSD-3399's body, discarding his skin. This hair mass is humanoid in shape. The limbs partially show some bone and muscle tissue crudely fused to the hair, with viscera assimilated in a similar fashion. The skull, partly exposed, is moderately free from this assimilation, with sensory organs still in place. Entity flails and thrashes around the containment chamber, seemingly attempting to escape. MST Echo-8 members King, Andea, Cape and Geier have entered the chamber.
[4:25]: MST Echo-8 members open fire on the entity. This has limited effect as the hair mass only suffers minor damage while becoming highly distressed.
[4:26]: Andea and Cape switch to using their flamethrowers which appear to better deter the hair mass. While initially effective, entity manages to reincorporate and rushes at Andea's position, tackling and pinning him to the ground. After engulfing Andea's head and arm with hair, entity proceeds to tear the body parts, merging them into itself.
[4:27]: Geier and King proceed to deploy their chemical spray units, loaded with experimental corrosive agent [REDACTED]. This seems to markedly hinder entity's movement, with limbs apparently going limp.
[4:29]: Continued spray of the corrosive agent manages to completely subdue the hair mass, which begins to slowly turn into slurry. At the request of Dr. Rüpell, what samples could be salvaged were recovered for further study. Situation now considered under control.
Analysis of samples further confirmed that the mixture effectively showed all anomalous properties of RPC-277 instances simultaneously: accelerated hair growth rate, extreme resistance to damage, and an antiseptic, chemical coat as an agent to prevent exposed tissue from becoming infected or otherwise affected by microorganisms and parasites.
Due to the results of this test, current Site Director has suspended any and all testing on RPC-277 until safer testing procedures are enacted. Attempts to investigate the potential existence of other Amazing! Co. prototypes, their active testing phases, and their interception/intervention by Authority personnel are currently being discussed.