




Registered Phenomena Code: 273

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazards: Temporal Hazard, Explosive Hazard, Radiation Hazard.

Containment Protocols: RPC-273 is to be contained in an Enhanced Secure Containment Unit at Site-016, with 4 guards posted at all times. Following RPC-273's deactivation, it is to be contained at Site-016 in a Standard Secure Containment Unit with 2 guards posted at all times. RPC-273 is to be inspected every 6 months to ensure tampering has not occurred. Site-016 is also to house instances of RPC-273-1, RPC-273-2, and RPC-273-3, with RPC-273-2 instances being stored in the East wing near RPC-273.



Description: RPC-273 is the designation given to a deactivated Douglas AIR-2A Genie Nuclear Air to Air missile; RPC-273 is 3 meters long and has a wingspan of 1 meter. RPC-273's anomalous properties have only manifested when a Geiger counter, camera film, audio film, or the radio from an F-106A interceptor is within 70 meters of RPC-273. Upon entering this 70-meter radius these items are to be designated RPC-273-1, RPC-273-2, and RPC-273-3 respectively.

Geiger counters designated RPC-273-1 will display readouts that spike in Morse Code. Film, including photographic, video, and audio tapes designated RPC-273-2 will be found to contain relevant data on them and are additionally found to be slightly radioactive. F-106A radios designated RPC-273-3 will play audio regardless of being able to receive signal, or whether the radio is powered. Upon leaving this 70 meter radius these effects will cease. As a result of this effect all RPC-273-2 samples are to be stored near RPC-273. In addition to these precautions, recordings of all data from instances of RPC-273-1, RPC-273-2, and RPC-273-3 are to be made.

At this time it is suspected RPC-273 creates an anomalous link to an alternate timeline, with the divergence point of this timeline being the October 25th, 1962 bear intrusion of USAF command center Duluth. It is also suspected that there is a time lag of roughly 14 years. The key difference and divergence point are thought to be that the phone call from Duluth to Volk Airbase stating that the ongoing nuclear warnings were a false alarm was never made and that this change allowed the F-106A fighters to finish taking off. Information gleaned from the experiment logs has implied that from here the fighter pilots misidentified American bombers and launched their nuclear missiles. Additional information from the logs has implied that this spiraled into nuclear war, eventually leading to Soviet bombers targeting Chicago and with unknown further escalation.

Discovery: RPC-273 was given to the Authority by the United States Strategic Air Command in February of 1976 after anomalous events nearly caused an international incident. At the time of the incident, RPC-273 was attached to an F-106A fighter that was on a defensive patrol to deter Soviet air incursion near Alaska. The official cover story regarding the incident is that a senior member of the USAF, whose judgment was clouded via recreational drug use, used a long-range telecommunications radio to try to goad a pair of pilots into nuking a pair of MiGs that he suspected were carrying nuclear missiles. A review of the Douglas Aircraft Company's documents has shown no evidence of RPC-273's manufacture. Additionally, the on-site USAF ground crews all attested that none of them attached RPC-273 to the F-106A's hardpoints. Military documents show no evidence of RPC-273 existing before the incident.

Experiment Log Excerpts:

Addendum 273.1:

As of May 30th 1993 testing regarding RPC-273 has ceased due to shifting resource allocations.

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