Attending Division wing: Research division, Administration division.
Items used to perform the test: A small chopped-off piece of RPC-269-2, 1 CSD and 5 security guards.
Hypothesis: With the report of the descendants of Yggdrasil speaking how RPC-269-2 can be used to hypnotize people, we want to see if their fidelity can stand against this minor test. We are going to give a CSD a small piece of RPC-269-2 and hope for the best.
Experiment: Give an CSD a very small part of a leaf to consume to see the effect of RPC-269-2 in the body.
Image taken of a temporal blinded eye under the effects of RPC-269-2.
Results: After the CSD consumed the given part of RPC-269-2, the CSD started to cry and cease any type of voluntary movement in the body; the eye started to cover itself with a white type of substance, effectible blinding the test subject. After the stand-still the CSD stood immobile for at least 2 minutes, until one the security guards exclaimed to the CSD "can you at least move?".
The CSD exclaimed "Right away sir" and started to move around the area in an erratic movement. The security guards pointed their handguns to the CDS in fear of it becoming hostile, the CSD showed no fear or signal of distress at the sight of weapons.
Because of the small quantity of RPC-269-2 given to the CSD, the effect of RPC-269-2 in the body worn off after 3 hours after initial consumption, making the CSD felt asleep on the location. Medical personal entered the testing area to retrieve the asleep. After 2 hours of waiting the CSD woke up without the white substance covering the eye. Questioning after the testing reveals that the mind of the CSD went blank and he doesn’t remember anything about moving.
Notes: It seems that the descendants didn’t lie to us and RPC-269-2 can be used as an effective hypnotical drug which it opens up a more expanded catalogue of experimentation and use. It´s going to take a long time until we can use effectively RPC-269-2 into normal usage. As of right now, we are going to request more testing to the Research division in hopes to find more uses.
-Researcher Williams
Attending Division wing: Research Division
Items used to perform the test: One half of a RPC-269-2 leaf, 1 CSD, 2 security guards and various miscellaneous items like bottles of water, plastic balls, glasses and a table.
Hypothesis: Knowing that RPC-269-2 can be used at freely commands, we want to test the capabilities of doing menial labor. If the test subject shown a more advanced process of work than initialized, we may proceed into more complex tasks.
Experiment: Give a CSD a large doses of RPC-269-2 and test on it with simple task via verbal command.
Results: Once the effects of RPC-269-2 were shown in the CSD, researcher Williams told the CSD to serve a cup of water in the table, which the CSD responded "I obey" and automatically served the glass of water.
Another command was to juggle some balls in a clown type of fashion in which the CSD complied, grabbing the balls and started to balance them in a circulatory way.
As a last test, researcher Williams commanded the CSD to get naked and dance ballet; when the order was given, the CSD quickly put off it´s clothes and started dancing in a fast pace.
The test concluded after the effects of RPC-269-2 worn off the test subject, all recording instances were taken to the research division and to the office of researcher Williams.
Notes: After watching the recordings of today´s test, we have concluded that instances under the influence of RPC-269-2 can perform task with precision and equilibrium. This discovery will allow us to make more advanced test in the future and maybe use it as an interrogatory helper. As off right now, i will fill a form to the research division to allow us to make more complex task and receive more advance equipment.
-Researcher Williams
Attending Division wing: Containment division, Research division
Items used to perform the test: RPC-269-2 in 3 forms: normal liquefied, gaseous and mixed with painkillers in syringes, 3 CSD and 9 Security guards.
Hypothesis: This Experimentation log was requested by the containment division in search to store instances of RPC-269-2 without removing their anomalous properties and securing safe transportation to sites and GBO´s
Experiment: Make one CSD consume one sample of RPC-269-2 in their various forms and analyze the effectiveness of each one.
Results: The first test was in relation with dispensing one of the CSD with the aforementioned mixture in the body. The CSD showed the effects of RPC-269 in its system after being injected with the substance and it was requested to order a sheet of papers in alphabetical order. The effects of the syringe test lasted for 5 consecutive hours.
Our second test consisted on giving a normal glass of water mixed with liquified RPC-269-2. Instead of acting instantaneously as other methods of consumption, it took a period of 3 minutes to the effects of RPC-269-2 to fully manifest inside the CSD. The now RPC-26-2 instance was given the order to sit and started writing a biography about its favorite historic character. The effects of the water mixture lasted for 1 hour and a half.
The last test consisted of dispensing smoke generating by burning instances of RPC-269-2 in the testing chamber. Because of the 3 remaining security guards were present in the testing chamber, they were affected. The now improvised testing subjects were given the order to play a game of hide and seek. The effects of the gas lasted for more than 7 hours and 45 mins.
Notes: This is the first time i see that the Containment division is actually interested in our field of research. As for the test in general, this could help us more in the field of trying to weaponize it or use it as a interrogation tool, but as for the moment this findings will prove useful for the duration of longer tests and storage of this entities. Thanks to the sight of the entities making their activities doing their orders in order and precision, i think we are ready for more complex tasks
-Researcher Williams
Attending Division wing: Research division
Items used to perform the test: 4 syringe with RPC-269-2, various cooking instruments/recipes/ingredients, 10 throwing knifes and a .22 Long Rifle handgun with rubber ammunition and paper targets, a book with vectoral equations with spare paper/pencils/erasers, 3 tables, 5 CSD, 8 security guards and 3 medical personal.
Hypothesis: Because we saw that entities possessed by RPC-269-2 still retain full mobility and ability, we can use this to make more complex tests and search the limits of RPC-269-2 with the body.
Experiment: Give a CSD a RPC-269 injection and propose them to a specified task to be completed.
Results: For simplicity sake we are going to divide the different results of experimentation according to their task and results
The first CSD administered with the RPC-269-2 injection was tasked to perform a 5 course meal with their respective order of food for a quantity of 4 individuals, with the theme of the occasion being a Mediterranean vacation. The CSD responded with a "Yes master" and started to read in quick succession the recipe books given to him, ending its reading spree at 30 mins after initial period.
After a period of 3 hours the CSD managed to complete its task with success, creating the aforementioned 5 course meal with their respective dishes: Greek Easter Lamb Soup with Egg Lemon Sauce (Soup), Skillet Spanakopita (appetizer), Simple asparagus with Mediterranean salsa (salad), Baked Brie with Figs, Walnuts and Pistachios (main course) and an Italian Apple Olive Oil Cake (dessert).
Later after finishing the dishes, the CSD promptly suited up the table for commodity and started to act as the waiter, serving the food for the medical staff and researcher Williams.
The second CSD was tasked to complete the book "professional vector geometry" at the best of its capabilities. The CSD responded with a "Right away sir" and started to use the given spare papers to write complex vectoral formulas and equations.
In the time spam of 4 hours, the CSD was shown signals of hand pain and high blood pressure derived from making complex formulas without a calculator; despite all of the signals showed to the CSD, upon momentary revision the book was completed in a 3/9 all with a 49 spare papers with their corresponding problem and solution at detail, with some problems being fixed by errors of the author.
Before concluding its phase of being controlled, the CSD managed to finish 7/9 of the book; after multiple validations from most mathematical experts, they concluded that the exercises were correctly resolved.
After waking up post-RPC-269 possession, the CSD expressed a type of burning sensation in the right hand and headache.
The 3 last CSD´s were collected and sent to an indoor shooting range, with one being tasked with throw knifes at the sides while avoiding the normal CSD standing in the middle of the shooting range; the other was in standby.
The CSD succeeded in the task, throwing the knifes in the center at the 5 paper targets at the sides of the unaffected CSD.
The last CSD was tasked to shoot the CSD and the remaining paper targets at close range while aiming to the arms and torso. The 22 Long Rifle handgun was used to this experiment.
The CSD succeeded, with an 87% of accuracy while the target was in movement and 100% of accuracy in the paper targets. The injured CSD showed marks of rubber shots on the arms, legs and torso of different depths. The CSD was taken to the nursing room for treatment.
Notes: Well I’ll be damned if the test results of today didn’t show any interesting results. It looks like with this report, our colleagues in the higher chairs will like to use our new findings to give us an even more complex field of experimentation!. I just hope that they are reasonable and don’t rush us or the descendants to produce more of RPC-269. As a minor note, i want to thank the CSD-████████ for the delicious Mediterranean buffet, that ████ was delicious.
-Researcher Williams
Attending Division wing: Research division, Protection division
Items used to perform the test: 2 Barrett M82 sniper rifles, 40 .50 BMG rounds, 40 meat targets, 1 professional sniper taken from security barracks, 1 normal CSD, 2 RPC-269 syringes, 3 security guards, one explosive collar with remote detonator and 2 medical personal.
Hypothesis: Knowing the percentages of hit accuracy of the last test, we want to see if the capabilities of a subject are affected; being augmented or worsened by the effects of RPC-269-2
Experiment: Administer 1 doses of RPC-269 to our professional sniper and CSD to see if their ranged weapons capabilities get an overall improvement
Results: The first test subject was the sniper who was given the instructions to shoot at the 10 meat targets without time limit and with a non-windy type of environment at a distance of 1500 mts. The results of said testing revealed that 6 targets have clean headshots, while the remainder 4 have been shot in the neck or in the torso.
After a minor break, the sniper was back to testing, this time before the testing started it was administering the injection of RPC -269-2. The meat targets were replaced and the environment was given a rougher wind and a time limit of 10 minutes.
The sniper under the effects of RPC-269-2 was given the same order before, in which the sniper replied with a "Right away sir.". When the alarm sounded, at 20 seconds of testing the first shot was heard. After that every 20 seconds a shot can be heard. The testing ended at 3 minutes with 20 seconds.
After the testing was over, revisions with the meat targets revealed that all of the shots were headshots with 8 meat targets getting centered shots around the cranial region.
The last test subject was given the same order but due to the disponible of being a CSD, an explosive collar was put in their wrist to avoid any type of violent event. The order was given to the CSD and while he wanted to avoid doing it, he abridged and effectively started the test.
Post-test revisions with the meat targets revealed 2 targets were hit in the stomach region and 1 was hit in the left arm, the rest were left intact or with sniper shots close to their respective place.
After the obligatory break, the CSD was administer with the RPC-269-2 injection but the previous changes to the testing environment were left unchanged for this time, only 5 meat targets we dispensed for this test. The explosive collar was removed from the CSD due to the pacification of the aforementioned.
When the alarm sounded, the first shot was taken instantly and in less than a minute with 30 the test was over, post test revealed that most of the shots were headshots, but instead of being centered around the area most of the shots were located in the eyes, mouth, nose and one shot was located in the throat.
As a last test, the environmental condition was changed to fit the first test to see if the CSD can still outperform itself with the testing. The CSD was given the order to shoot to all 5 targets with the rough conditions in a spawn of 10 minutes. After the ring of the alarm at the beginning of the test, the CSD took approx. 40 seconds to shoot at one target, finishing the test at 3 minutes with 20 seconds.
Post-test revisions with the meat targets revealed that 3 targets were shot in the torso with almost precise shots to the heart and the remainder targets had headshots in the eyes and mouth region.
Notes: After long debates with the protection division, we have arrived at the conclusion to make one test log to see the endurance of the body with RPC-269-2 as we consider the entire testing log to be concluded for now.
As for the test itself, we didn’t expect the sheer amount of information received for this experiment, as it stands out, we can use RPC-269-2 with a normal test subject and it will become more of less good with ant task given no matter how hard it is. Maybe we can use this to make more CSD act at our commands without worrying too much about disobedience or rebellion plus we have contacts with sites around the world to be dispensed with RPC-269-2, it looks like the descendants are going to become rich with this.
-Researcher Williams
Attending Division wing: Research division, Protection division
Items used to perform the test: 2 50 Lb. dumbbells, 1 Barbell with a set of weight plates of 25 kg, 1 treadmill, 1 climbing wall of 1 km, 2 normal CSD, 2 security guard and 6 medical personnel.
Hypothesis: Knowing that RPC-269-2 would potentially neutralized the unconscious limitation to prevent permanent damage on the body. We wanted to see if the strength and endurance of affected subject would augment moderately or considerably.
Experiment: Give the CSD a RPC-269-2 injection and ask them to complete the exercises
Results: The first test began with the CSD being asked to accomplish certain task requiring the use of the dumbbells. Subject succeeded in accomplishing all of them only with mild muscular straining.
CSD was then ordered to lift the barbell for 100 times. following the 75-time, subject showed minor muscle tear but didn’t seem to be affected by it. The 100 time showed no other significant changes.
The second CSD was tasked to run on the treadmill for 15 minutes on the highest speed setting, Subject showed sign of fatigue at the 10 minutes park but quickly recovered 1 minute after. after the CSD had accomplish the task, he suffered from moderate dehydration but seem unaffected by is current condition.
The subject was then ordered to scale the climbing wall without any protective equipment. CSD was successful in the task and was also capable of backtracking without any assistance. subject showed significant dehydration and exhaustion, causing them to faint shortly after.
Notes: This is marvelous, we are maybe faced with a opportunity that could be used in so many ways. We could make this substance into an amnestic of some sort or turn it into a medicine that would improves our security personnel and the MST. They would more tolerant to pain and accomplish task considered impossible to normal human. No wonder the protection was interested, this will become our greatest advancement in the field.
-Researcher Williams