Procedurally Generated Furries
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Warning: Item has Sapient components that may act unpredictably.
Registered Phenomena Code: 256
Object Class: Gamma-Purple
Hazard Types: Regenerative Hazard, Mechanical Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Grouped Hazard
Containment Protocols: Humanoid Containment Site-006 has been built into RPC-256 in order to establish a reliable response to Creation events. A 4-meter high barbed wire fence has been erected in a 100-meter perimeter around RPC-256. 6 ASF personnel are to patrol the perimeter at all times. A security gate allowing access in and out of the perimeter is staffed with 2 members of ASF who are to rotate out on 8-hour shifts. All rooms within RPC-256 have been fitted with motion sensors so that personnel within Site-006 can track instances of RPC-256-A and detect intruders.
Civilians attempting to breach the perimeter are to be detained by ASF disguised as private security and questioned by ASF personnel posing as local law enforcement officers. If the civilian is determined to have no dangerous information or motives, they are to be released and charged with trespassing. If the civilian has gained dangerous information or is aligned with a hostile GOI, they are to be terminated with an appropriate cover story to explain their disappearance.
When a Creation Event concludes, Site-006 will be placed on lockdown. During this time, MST-X-Ray-8 ("Lab Rats") will mobilize and search RPC-256 for the new instance of RPC-256-A. Instances of RPC-256-A are to be taken into custody via tranquilizers or persuasion, however, termination can be authorized under the discretion of the acting Lieutenant Colonel.
In the event that an Instance of RPC-256-A breaches the perimeter fence, the termination will automatically be authorized and MST-Sierra-10 ("Mechanical Heart") will be mobilized. During this, ASF personnel are required to avoid the offending instance of RPC-256-A and are to retreat into Site-006. The use of heavy weaponry such as rocket launchers, high caliber ballistic weaponry, and infantry railguns are authorized in this scenario.
Captured instances of RPC-256-A are to be held in standard humanoid containment cells. Each RPC-256-A instance will be fed in accordance with legal minimums for prisoners in Canada. RPC-256-A instances are made aware that they have the right to make requests for objects, as a reward for continued good behavior.
Head Researchers not involved with RPC-256 may request a specific instance of RPC-256-A for study; note that research must comply with human experimentation laws in the country of experimentation. For a full list of RPC-256-A instances please contact the acting Site-006 Facility Manager or send a request to the North-American Regional Director.
Description: RPC-256 is a large industrial complex with office space and various laboratories, previously owned by the Global Enterprise for Advanced Research. RPC-256 has been completely mapped out and has exactly 512 rooms. RPC-256 has eight floors with 64 rooms on each level, but only the two uppermost levels of RPC-256 are above ground.
From this point on, this key will be used to reference floors in RPC-256.
- RPC-256/1: The top floor of RPC-256
- RPC-256/2: The ground floor
- RPC-256/3: 1st basement level
- RPC-256/4: 2nd basement level
- RPC-256/5: 3rd basement level
- RPC-256/6: 4th basement level
- RPC-256/7: 5th basement level
- RPC-256/8: 6th basement level
RPC-256/1 is an office space with a working internet connection; all attempts to sever this connection have failed. All of the office equipment in RPC-256/1 is non-anomalous in nature and performs its respective tasks as expected. RPC-256/2 has a design similar to an entrance that could be found in a regular corporate office. No other differences in RPC-256/1 and RPC-256/2 are notable.
RPC-256/3 and RPC-256/7 appear to be botany labs, with various pieces of esoteric lab equipment and machinery present on these levels. Various unknown species of plants encased in a glass containment tube are found throughout these floors. Certain plants found within these glass containers have been determined to be anomalous in nature, with properties ranging from enhanced regeneration to cognitohazardous flowers that make the observer perceive them as beautiful.
RPC-256/4, RPC-256/5, RPC-256/6, and RPC-256/8 house cylindrical tubes made of an unidentifiable glass-like material. These tubes measure 2 meters tall, have a diameter of 1 meter and are filled with an unknown green liquid that contains various proteins and DNA molecules. The tubes all have a metallic plate-like structure attached to their top and bottom with various LEDs and esoteric symbols visible. All of the aforementioned "growth tubes" within RPC-256 are labeled with a numeric designation that ranges from 1 to 128. However, there are only 57 such growth tubes within RPC-256. These, "growth tubes" have extreme self-repairing capabilities, as they will repair the damage done to them with no human input. The methods by which this is accomplished is unknown to the Authority.
During a creation event, various monitors and screens within RPC-256 will begin to display readings similar to that given by life support systems. At this time, all of the glass in the "growth tubes" will become translucent (the glass is normally transparent) and a shadowy humanoid figure will become visible within all of the "growth tubes". An indeterminate amount of time after the event begins, (minimum of 4 hours, maximum of 2 months) an instance of RPC-256-A will break out of one of the "growth tubes" and begin to wander RPC-256. After this point, all other "growth tubes" and the monitors will return to normal.
Instances of RPC-256-A are human subjects with various animal features/organs attached to or in-place of human features/organs. RPC-256-A has various anomalous abilities of which the power/applicability depends on the floor that the subject emerged on, with those that emerge on RPC-256/8 having more powerful/applicable abilities than those that emerge on RPC-256/4. RPC-256-A are generated with memories of a random human with no determinable pattern; physical traits of RPC-256-A don't need to match those of the person whose memories they have.
Partial list of RPC-256-A instances:
Note: RPC-256-A subjects are designated by a letter signifying the floor they emerged on (A for RPC-256/4, B for RPC-256/5, and etc), and a number.
Warning entity has telekinetic abilities.
Designation: D-01
Subject Status: Contained
Containment Protocols: D-01 is contained in a standard humanoid containment cell with standard amenities. Care staff attending D-01 are required to be accompanied by at least two members of ASF. D-01 will undergo a full medical examination on a monthly basis and is to attend a weekly therapy session followed by a psychological evaluation.
Description: D-01 appears to be a Caucasian female in her early to mid-thirties. The entity has naturally grey hair, and its hands have been replaced with claw-like structures that are covered in grey fur. A reptilian tail with black scales is attached to the rear of D-01's hip bone and restricts the entity's ability to excrete waste resulting in constipation. D-01 breathes through its skin and lacks a diaphragm despite having a fully formed right lung.
D-01 is incapable of vocalization and instead communicates using a CPO. An organ that resides on the left side of D-01's chest cavity allows it to generate telekinetic energy, which can control a purple gas-like substance that is released through pores in the entity's skin. This gas can be absorbed by D-01 for storage and is capable of reliably applying force to an object. D-01 is aware of how to utilize this ability, and mainly uses it for mundane purposes. The full capabilities of D-01's telekinetic abilities are unknown as of the present.
D-01 claims to have the memories of Klaus Fuchs, a German theoretical physicist and a notorious Soviet spy who worked on the Manhattan project. D-01 only remembers up to the date 28/10/1953, after which it claims to have woken up in RPC-256.
Date: 10/02/2022
Request: One school textbook on the Cold War.
Status: Denied
Notes: D-01 has the memories of a notorious soviet spy. So learning about the collapse of the soviet union all at once may cause an unpredictable emotional reaction.
Date: 23/02/2022
Request: A work of fiction
Status: Approved
Notes: No fictional books published after the collapse of the soviet union are to be given to D-01.
Date: 17/04/2022
Request: To go outside for a short period of time.
Status: Denied
Notes: RPC-256-A are not allowed outside the confines of Site-06 outside of pre-approved facility transfers.
Date: 02/05/2022
Request: To remove the back of the chair in its cell.
Status: Approved
Notes: N/A
Date: 29/07/2022
Request: A newspaper
Status: Denied
Notes: See D-01's first request.
Interviewed: RPC-256-A (D-01)
Interviewer: Researcher, Dr. Eric Vanson
Foreword: D-01 was using Morse code in order to communicate, and was unable to punctuate sentences or express tone of voice.
<Begin Log>
Vanson: Hello D-01, I'm Dr. Eric Vanson.
D-01: hello eric
Vanson: Today I will be asking about your time in GEAR captivity.
D-01: what do you want to know about the capitalists
Vanson: Details, such as how they treated you.
D-01: poorly to say the least
D-01: they fed me just enough to survive
D-01: and cells were less than half the size of the ones in prison
Vanson: Next, can you tell me if they did any experiments on you?
D-01: y
D-01: sometimes the dogs would take me to a room and force me to lift objects with my abilities
D-01: other times they would strap me to a table and stick needles in me
D-01: but they were never cruel for the sake of it
D-01: the capitalists did everything with a purpose in mind
Vanson: Did any of them ever speak to you, while you were in captivity?
D-01: none of them ever spoke to me with anything other than orders
Vanson: Did you ever try to escape?
D-01: I am not going to answer that
Vanson: Okay, that will be all. Thank you for your time D-01.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: D-01 was returned to its containment unit without incident.
Designation: A-19
Subject Status: Terminated
Containment Protocols: A-19's remains are housed within a standard item storage locker. Any personnel wishing to gain access to them must alert the Facility Manager that they are doing so.
Description: A-19 appears to be an Asian male in their late sixties to early seventies. The entity’s chest and arms are covered in thick green scales. Four avian wings sprout from A-19's shoulder blades granting the entity flight, despite not having enough surface area to physically do so.
A-19 had the ability to siphon kinetic energy from the environment in order to heat objects/persons. The internal structure of A-19 was unable to be determined due to the manner in which it was terminated.
Requests: N/A
Termination Report: RPC-256-A (A-19)
Filing Person(s): Lieutenant Colonel, Sarah MacKenzie
Cause for Termination: Breach of the RPC-256 perimeter fence.
Method of Termination: Infantry Railgun
Written Report: A-19 was generated on the 4th basement level, and proceeded to attack all personnel that came in contact with it. A-19 ascended RPC-256 until it escaped out a window on RPC-256's top floor. This allowed the entity to breach the perimeter fence with ease via the use of its flying abilities. At this point, Mechanical Heart was deployed. They proceeded to kite A-19 by using RC drones. Eventually, they lead the entity to where they had set up some infantry railguns and opened fire. A-19 was neutralized when one of the bolts struck it in the chest. The impact caused the entity to be destroyed by the explosive force. Because of this, the remains of A-19 were almost completely destroyed, and no valuable data has been gathered from them.
Recovery Log: RPC-256
RPC-256's anomalous properties were discovered during a raid on a GEAR facility. During the raid, GEAR personnel released various humanoid entities with anomalous abilities from holding cells to combat Authority operatives. Most of these entities were terminated during the raid. Additionally, several hostile robotic entities were also present during the raid.
Debriefing: Operation-284/005
Interviewed: Corporal John Smith, MST-Kilo-5 ("Beaker Breakers")
Interviewer: Nitrogen, De-Brief Specialist
Foreword: Immediately after Operation-284/005
<Begin Log>
Nitrogen: I need you to tell me what you saw while in the Facility.
Smith: I saw people, modified people. They had animal feature at various points on their body, and in place of various parts of its body. For example, one of the things had eight (8) eyes, like a spider, and had two (2) tentacles attached to its back.
Smith: Someone was standing near one of the cells holding a two-way radio. They surrendered with no resistance and were subsequently interrogated. But a different person ran for a lever and pulled it, opening the cell doors. When one of the creatures tried to exit a cell, we shot it dead. We killed five (5) of the things before we closed the doors.
Smith: After that it was just the usual, you know, bag'em and tag'em.
Smith: But around three (3) days in, a bunch of the screens went… odd. 'Started displaying some weird shit. I could've sworn that one of the readings on the things was a heartbeat, but what do I know. About eight (8) hours later, one of the tubes on the lowest level broke, so we went to investigate.
Smith: We found that a person had broken out one of the tubes. They also looked modified, and scared. I managed to talk it down, convince it to come with us. Then we stuck it in a cell while we waited for orders from the higher-ups. Before long, MST-Kilo-5 was assigned to a different operation. That was the last that I heard of that place.
Nitrogen: Thank you for your cooperation. That will be all.
<End Log>
Recovered GEAR Documents:
The following file requires administrative to access. Unauthorized access will result in penalties ranging from pay cuts to summary execution.
If you accessed this file by accident, please close this file and report to your facility manager immediately; if you do so you will not be punished.
Recovered GEAR Documents
Subject: Update on Project Synthetic
Sender: Dr. John Leroy
Receiver: Facility Manager Anderson
I have set up the "Growth Tubes" to work off of a self-learning AI. Because of this, we will occasionally have to send security to gather the created synths. We should see it complete in approximately 5-6 years, which is much sooner than the 24-52 years we would have to waste doing it by hand.
Finally, I would like to mention that one of my researchers has gone missing while on vacation. Because of this, I believe that an Authority raid is imminent and we should evacuate any vital data and personnel.
-Dr. John Leroy, Lead Researcher: Project Synthetic.
Subject: Orders
Sender: Facility Manager Anderson
Receiver: Dr. John Leroy
Body: Leave the facility, take all important documents with you, and don't tell anyone. You will make your way to rendezvous location-341 and evacuate via helicopter. Then move to safe house-218 on foot and wait for further instructions.
-Facility Manager Anderson