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Assigned Facility: Site-002
Director of Research: Dr. Jackson Ventaleni
Assigned MST(s): N/A
Director of Containment:[DATA EXPUNGED]
Registered Phenomena Code: 251
Object Class: Beta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Sapient Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Destabilization Hazard, Teleportation Hazard
Containment Protocols: All instances of RPC-251-A have been granted permission to return to their friends and family under Authority supervision. RPC-251-A instances must not come in contact with each-other whilst outside of direct Authority containment at any and all costs. Vehicles used by RPC-251-A1 through RPC-251-A5 are to be thoroughly inspected and fueled before potential use for testing.
Description: RPC-251-A is MST Sierra-99 “The Escapists”, composed of five members named, Ethan ████ (RPC-251-A1), Thomas ██████ (RPC-251-A2), Sergio ███████ (RPC-251-A3), Shane ███ (RPC-251-A4), and Charlie ████████ (RPC-251-A5).
Description: RPC-251-A1 is an African American male measuring 170 cm in height and weighing 58 kg. RPC-251-A1 was born on 07/09/1991 in Dallas, Texas. RPC-251-A1 was formerly employed by the U.S. military before its recruitment by the Authority.
Description: RPC-251-A2 is an Hispanic male measuring 185 cm in height and weighing 62 kg. RPC-251-A2 was born on 01/03/1989 near Rio de Janeiró, Brazil. RPC-251-A2 was formerly employed by Destacamento Contranatural and stationed at a garrison located near the border of Venezuela. RPC-251-A2 defected from the organization to the Authority bringing several files on operations being conducted by Destacamento Contranatural.
Description: RPC-251-A3 is an Hispanic male measuring 190 cm in height and weighing 67 kg. RPC-251-A3 was born on 12/31/1990 in Havana, Cuba. RPC-251-A3 was formerly recruited by the AEP Association and was enlisted into reconnaissance team known as ART-13 (‘Dreaming of Providence’). ART-13 was ordered by the Association to locate and contain an entity designated “AEP-667”, codenamed “The Cuban Howler”. Upon arrival to the entity’s location the task force was ambushed by the entity. The entity managed to eliminate all members of ART-13 minus RPC-251-A3. MST Papa-53 “Refs” intercepted a distress signal from the task force and traveled to the origins of the signal. The team found RPC-251-A3 on top of the corpse of the entity repeatedly stabbing it. RPC-251-A3 was taken to Site-███ and offered to give information on multiple facilities belonging to the Association if the Authority were to help RPC-251-A3’s family immigrate to the United States. RPC-251-A3’s terms were accepted and on 01/01/2014, RPC-251-A3 defected to the Authority.
Description: RPC-251-A4 is an Caucasian male measuring 194 cm in height and 64 kg in weight. RPC-251-A4 was born on 02/23/1988 in Florida, United States. RPC-251-A4 was employed by UNAAC and placed under the United Nations International Security Anomalous Assistance Force (UNISAAF) or ISA. RPC-251-A4 was left the ISA after a failed raid on a Church of Malthus stronghold in Syria. RPC-251-A4 was hired by the Authority on 07/19/2013.
Description: RPC-251-A5 is an Hispanic male measuring 201 cm in height and 69 kg in weight. RPC-251-A5 was born on 12/07/1988 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. RPC-251-A5 was formerly employed by the Armed Forces of the Dominican Republic. During a training operation, RPC-251-A5 and other members of the Armed Forces of the Dominican Republic encountered a group of anomalous humanoids calling themselves “La Nueva Autoridad”, now Believed to have ties with the GoI known as the “Righteous Central Protection Authority” or “RCPA”. RPC-251-A5 alongside ten other members of the Armed Forces of the Dominican Republic managed to eliminate and contain many members of the group before the Authority could intervene. Once Authority forces were on the scene everyone was taken into Authority custody. During Authority custody RPC-251-A5 was offered a position within the Authority, which it gladly accepted.
RPC-251-A1 through A5 are physically non-anomalous humans that manifest an anomalous phenomenon when all five RPC-251-A instances are moving at 140 km/h or above. When all RPC-251-A are moving at a constant speed of 140 km/h or above for 5 seconds in any vehicle, all RPC-251-A instances and the vehicle will be spatially displaced into an alternate universe. Universes traveled to by all RPC-251-A instances are similar to our home universe. The RPC-251-A instances will all appear within the alternate universe within the vehicle they used to arrive at their current location.
All RPC-251-A instances can return to our home universe via traveling 140 km/h or above for 5 seconds in the alternate universe. Once they achieve this they will be spatially displaced into our universe at the same place they were originally displaced.
Discovery: On 12/31/2015, MST Sierra-99 conducted a raid on a ritual site belonging to a subsect of the GoI known as “The Children of Nihil” known as the “Happy Followers”. Sierra-99 failed to disrupt an ongoing ritual which resulted in all members systematically committing suicide which resulted in the manifestation of a tall four (4) meter tall humanoid. Sierra-99 attempted to terminate the humanoid by ramming it with a the vehicle Sierra-99 used to arrive to the ritual site. The vehicle crashed into the entity at 143 km/h activating RPC-251-A’s anomalous properties. The following is a recording one the incident:
<Begin Log>
RPC-251-A1: Everyone hang the fuck on!
RPC-251-A1 alongside RPC-251-A2 through A5 ram their vehicle into the entity.
RPC-251-A3: Dammit.
Sierra-99, the vehicle,and the entity are spatially displaced.
RPC-251-A4: What the fuck. Where are we?
The outside of the vehicle shows a view of forest with multiple land masses floating in the distance.
RPC-251-A2: Ethan it’s getting up!
The entity is seen getting up and moving towards the vehicle.
RPC-251-A1 turns the vehicle 180 degrees and drives forward.
RPC-251-A5: Where are we?
RPC-251-A3: The creature probably took us here.
RPC-251-A4: Speak of the devil he’s right behind us.
The entity can be seen on all fours pursuing the team.
RPC-251-A2: Drive faster.
The creature is seen slowly catching up with Sierra-99.
Sierra-99 are spatially displaced and return to their original location in our universe.
RPC-251-A4: Woah.
RPC-251-A5: Are we back?
RPC-251-A1: Contact Site Command.
RPC-251-A5 contacts site command.
RPC-251-A5: site command come in.
Site Command: Who is this?
RPC-251-A5: Site command this is Sierra-99 and we’d like to request back up.
Site Command: Si- Sierra-99. You’ve been MIA for two weeks.
RPC-251-A3: What?
RPC-251-A5: That can’t be right we’ve been gone for around 12 minutes.
Site Command: Hang tight. We’re sending backup to your location.
After Incident Report: Sierra-99 was extracted from the area by MST Alpha-32 in an Authority Transfer Vehicle. During their extraction the extraction vehicle managed to demanifest from our universe ten (10) times before arriving to Site-002. In between the demanifestations periods, Dr. Alexander, a research on board the Authority Transfer Vehicle, noticed a correlation between the vehicles demanifestation and the vehicle hitting 140 km/h before the demanifestation of the vehicle. The Authority Transfer Vehicle arrived to Site-002 and the members of Sierra-99 were placed in temporary containment. On 01/07/2016, Sierra-99 were designated RPC-251-A1 through RPC-251. Current containment procedures were written on 02/08/2016.
Addendum.251.A: Test Logs 251-A
Test #: 001
Procedures: RPC-251-A are to drive a vehicle 140 km/h until they shift into a different universe. RPC-251-A are to document and collect samples of materials or entities found within said universe.
Supplies: 1.5 kL of bottled water, seventy five (75) MREs, five (5) Extra Planetary Exploration Gear (PEG), five (5) M4 carbines, five (5) M9 pistols, five (5) combat knives, ten (10) sample collecting vials and containers, five (5) oxygen canisters filled with 50 kilograms of oxygen, five (5) video recording devices.
Subjects: RPC-251-A1, RPC-251-A2, RPC-251-A3, RPC-251-A4, RPC-251-A5
Results: RPC-251-A reach 140 km/h and manifest within another reality. RPC-251-A manifest atop a hill top looking onto a small town. RPC-251-A5 spots a road one mile away from their current location and the group decides to investigate on the vehicle. RPC-251-A arrive to the road and discover a large build board with multiple speakers. The group recorded the following from the speakers:
An alarm similar to a tornado siren can be heard coming from the speakers.
RPC-251-A2: Fuck that’s loud
A male voice can be heard in the speaker.
RPC-251-A3: Shut up Brazil.
Unknown Speaker: Warning, warning. This is an alert to all American citizens. A spatial anomaly had been detected along highway thirty eight. All civilians using highway thirty eight are to proceed with caution. The Union thanks you for your cooperation. God bless America.
Siren sound returns to the speaker.
RPC-251-A5: The Union? You guys don’t think.
A female voice can be heard coming from the speaker.
Unknown Female Speaker: The spatial anomaly is not believed to be Demonic in origin. Secure Team six eight two has been sent to the location of the anomaly.
Sirens return.
After several minutes the team are approached by a white truck with five armed men. The armed men raise their weapons to the group. One of the armed men exclaim, “Authority Men. Kill them!” Both groups begin unloading their weapons into each other. RPC-251-A managed to terminate three of the five armed men. Five more white trucks are spotted by RPC-251-A1. The trucks are filled with multiple armed men. The group return into the vehicle and drive away from the scene. The group reach 140km/h and remanifest within our reality.
Test #: 002
Procedures: RPC-251-A are to drive a vehicle 140 km/h until they shift into a different universe. RPC-251-A are to document and collect samples of materials or entities found within said universe. RPC-251-A are allowed to abort the test and return to our reality if any major hostile force are encountered.
Supplies: 1.5 kL of bottled water, seventy five (75) MREs, five (5) Extra Planetary Exploration Gear (PEG), five (5) M4 carbines, five (5) M9 pistols, five (5) combat knives, ten (10) sample collecting vials and containers, five (5) oxygen canisters filled with 50 kilograms of oxygen, five (5) video recording devices.
Subjects: RPC-251-A1, RPC-251-A2, RPC-251-A3, RPC-251-A4, RPC-251-A5
Results: RPC-251-A reach 140 km/h and manifest within another reality. The group manifest in the middle of a city like place. Skyscrapers are seen to be made various unknown trees reaching 30 to 50 kilometers in height. Many humans and animals can be seen throughout the city. RPC-251-A1 and RPC-251-A2 approach one of the many skyscrapers like structures to obtain a sample of the material. RPC-251-A3 and RPC-251-A4 look at an area filled with children playing around. Many children can be seen approaching trees filled with fruit and the trees swaying toward the children so the children may obtain fruits. A crowd begins to form around RPC-251-A and the vehicle. The crowded appear to angry and begin to shout at the group in an unknown language. Many in the crowd began to attack the group and the vehicle. The group retaliate and successfully subdue the crowd. From one of the many skyscrapers like building a large humanoid entity made of many forms of flora emerges from the skyscraper like structure. The entity is approximately 20 meters in height. The group claims the entity communicated with the group though no audio was pick up coming from the entity. The team claim the entity said the following:
Entity: Your kind is not welcome in Yggdrasil City. For many years the Sons of Yggdrasil has toiled to create a perfect utopia free from humanity’s harmful tools. You do not come from here, yet you assault many of our people. Return to your place of origin before I retaliate against you.
The entity raised both its arms into the air. Many humanoid bovine creatures begin to appear from the ground. The team enter the vehicle and return to our reality. The samples collected by RPC-251-A1 and RPC-251-A2 was taken to Site-031-2’s Chemistry Department.
Test #: 003
Procedures: RPC-251-A are to drive a vehicle 140 km/h until they shift into a different universe. RPC-251-A are to document and collect samples of materials or entities found within said universe. RPC-251-A are allowed to abort the test and return to our reality if any major hostile force are encountered.
Supplies: 1.5 kL of bottled water, seventy five (75) MREs, five (5) Extra Planetary Exploration Gear (PEG), five (5) M4 carbines, five (5) M9 pistols, five (5) combat knives, ten (10) sample collecting vials and containers, five (5) oxygen canisters filled with 50 kilograms of oxygen, five (5) video recording devices.
Subjects: RPC-251-A1, RPC-251-A2, RPC-251-A3, RPC-251-A4, RPC-251-A5
Results: RPC-251-A reach 140 km/h and manifest within another reality. The group manifested in within a red landscape with sparse trees spread throughout the area. The group collected samples of the dirt and trees. The team explored the reality on the vehicle. The group notice by looking up into the sky that there were two suns in the sky. The team drive for five (5) hours as night begins to fall on the area. The group camp in the vehicle consume a portion of their water and MRE supplies. The team noticed that there are five moons in the sky. The team spent seventeen (17) hours until morning came and set out. The team travels several kilometers until they reach various derelict buildings surrounded by a chain link fence. The group make their way into the area and enter many of the buildings. Many of the buildings were filled with human bodies. Many of the bodies wore the logo belonging to the GoI known as “Project Blue Book”. The group approached a large building at the center of the area. A symbol made of a red substance theorized to be blood created a symbol belonging to the Nihil religion. Below the symbol was the phase:
As the group observed the symbol. Many of bodies surrounding the buildings begin to get off the ground. All of the bodies presented a large forced smile on their face. The bodies began to approach the group. The group make their way toward the vehicle and begin to fire upon the entities. The group enter the vehicle and exit the reality. The group returns unscathed. The samples of the trees collected early in the test were sent to Site-032-2’s chemistry department. The dirt sample was taken to Site-███ 's chemistry department. The soil sample reveals that the soil is composed of iron oxide.
Addendum.251.A: Test Logs 251-B
The following test logs has its own page in the database. Access link below to learn more:
Extended RPC-251-B Test Logs