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Registered Phenomena Code: 246
Object Class: Alpha-Orange
Hazard Types: Emotional Hazard, Sensory Hazard, Radiation Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-246 is to be stored within RPC-246-31 in an underground lead-lined Alpha-grade containment cell located at least 50 meters away from areas of high foot traffic. In the event of destruction or damage to RPC-246-3, the 50 m radius is to be vacated immediately and an appropriate replacement container is to be procured as soon as possible. The replacement should be delivered and used to recontain RPC-246 with the aid of a radiation-hardened, remotely-controlled robot such as a retrofitted bomb disposal unit.
Description: RPC-246 appears to be a feather belonging to a male member of the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) species. There are two distinct physical differences, however. Namely, the feather measures some 94 cm in length from base of the shaft to the tip, far exceeding even the wingspan of the common kestrel. The object also appears grayscale in colouration with no pigment commonly found in the aforementioned avian.
RPC-246-3 is a simple wooden box made of red acacia (Vachellia seyal) wood measuring 137.16 cm long, 34.29 cm wide, and 11.432 cm deep. Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) beeswax is used to seal the lid and all the internal surfaces are, as per specification, anointed with a 1:3:1 mixture of gum arabic, myrrh, and frankincense. Deviation from these specifications causes the breach of containment within a month.
RPC-246's two anomalous properties become apparent when the beeswax seal is broken. The object begins to immediately radiate across the entire electromagnetic spectrumin in an erratic pattern, with constant shifts in frequency and amplitude. As such, it is impossible to ascertain when relatively safe observation periods are to occur. The only constant is the radiation in the 400 - 700 nanometer3 range, resulting in concentrated white light with intensity measured at some 72,000 lumens4. This results in the object being effectively impossible to observe with the naked eye and all personnel working in the vicinity being required to carry a pair of blackout goggles.
The second anomalous property becomes only apparent in the vicinity of RPC-246, rapidly fading approximately 45 m away from it. The object provokes dangerous levels of activity in the limbic system and auditory cortex within the brain, resulting in auditory hallucinations and a plethora of emotional states varying between the affected individuals. This results in anything from extreme anxiety, euphoria, to effectively being 'frozen with fear'; although the object does not impose control over individuals, this can result in actions that are dangerous to themselves or others. The experienced sounds are described as a 'deafening' mixture of white noise and brass instruments. After being removed from the vicinity of the object effects slowly fade over the next 4 hours with full clarity returning within 12 hours. Mentally unstable and otherwise emotionally vulnerable individuals have, in two-thirds of recorded cases, entered a temporary catatonic state when exposed to RPC-246 where some curable neurological damage has occurred.
The long-term effects are indicative of severe mental strain and include irritation, susceptibility to loud noises, as well as mood swings. Appropriate therapy and medication can help alleviate the symptoms.
Acquisition Log RPC-246-A: RPC-246 had come into Authority's possession in 18██ by the hands of Father Alberto ██████, a then Papal agent whom has defected from the Holy See with a fragment of the anomalous section contained within the Vatican Secret Archives. An altercation with pursuing forces led to RPC-246 breaching containment by way of the original containment unit RPC-246-1 being destroyed with the resulting chaos leading to ██ civilian deaths. Following recontainment, the object was moved between several European facilities until being eventually secured at Site-007 after its establishment where it remains to this day.