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Registered Phenomena Code: 241
Object Class: Alpha-Orange
Hazard Types: Organic Hazard, Ballistic Hazard, Regenerative Hazard, Sapient Hazard
Containment Protocols: Due to the nature of RPC-241, relocation is impossible. Instead, a 10-meter tall perimeter fence has been erected in a 50-meter radius around RPC-241-2, with a sentry tower on each corner (the sentry towers are to be manned by at least two individuals at all times), as well as at least two other security personnel who are to patrol the perimeter.
Update: Any entities observed leaving RPC-241-2 are to be detained immediately. They will be subject to interrogation and, if possible, given Class-A amnesiacs and integrated into society. If for whatever reason this is not possible, they are to be terminated.
Description: RPC-241-1 is a Caucasian human male with a height of 1.80 meters (roughly 5 ft 9). RPC-241-1 is observed to wear attire resembling that of a Soviet soldier dating to the 1940's with the rank of сержа́нт (Sgt). RPC-241-1 is fluent in Ukrainian, Russian, and English. RPC-241-1 has been observed eating and drinking at regular intervals often consuming standard Soviet MREs. Where RPC-241-1 gets these supplies is currently under investigation. RPC-241-1's preferred weapon is either a Fedorov Avtomat or a Mosin-Nagant model 1891/30. RPC-241-1 is always seen guarding the entrance to an underground bunker (hereby designated RPC-241-2). No records exist of RPC-241-2's construction. The only observable feature of RPC-241-2 is the main entrance. RPC-241-2's entrance appears to be of standard Soviet construction circa 1957.
The only known method of entering RPC-241-2 is believed to be through the main entrance as no other secondary entrances or evacuation hatches have been observed. All efforts to drill into RPC-241-2 have met with failure.
Should an individual (hereby referred to as the subject) approach RPC-241-2's main entrance, RPC-241-1 will stand to attention and aim their weapon at the subject, instructing them to leave the area when they enter within a 15-meter radius. If the subject complies, then RPC-241-1 will put its weapon down and return to its post. If the subject does not comply, RPC-241-1 will attack the subject until they are deceased. Once the subject is deceased, RPC-241-1 will return to its post. Any injuries sustained by RPC-241-1 will instantaneously heal following the initial confrontation. The body of the subject will be taken by RPC-241-1 towards the entrance of RPC-241-2. RPC-241-1 will proceed to open RPC-241-2 and place the bodies inside before closing the door. Due to RPC-241-1's aggressive nature, attempts to recover these bodies have always ended in failure. Thus far ██ bodies have been seen disposed of in this manner.
RPC-241-1 has been observed to possess superhuman agility, being able to dodge gunfire from an M4 assault rifle at a distance of 10 meters. RPC-241-1 is also incredibly accurate with its weapons, being able to land lethal hits with almost pinpoint accuracy.
Thus far no entities have been observed exiting or entering RPC-241-2, save for RPC-241-1 himself. See Addendum 241-1.
Interviewed: RPC-241-1
Interviewer: Lieutenant █████████ (Formerly Lieutenant in the Soviet Military, retired circa 198█)
Foreword: On 22nd May, 199█ Lieutenant █████████ was approached by the RPC Authority to interview RPC-241-1 in order to see his reaction to encountering a 'superior officer'. Lieutenant █████████ approached RPC-241-2, unarmed and wearing his Major uniform which matched the uniforms worn by such high ranking officials in the Soviet military circa 1941. The Interview was carried out in Russian and translated to English.
<Begin Log>
Lieutenant █████████: Hello, soldier
RPC-241-1: Lieutenant █████████, sir! Upon spotting Lieutenant █████████, RPC-241-1 stood up and saluted him
Lieutenant █████████: At ease, soldier.
RPC-241-1: Adopts the 'at ease' stance
Lieutenant █████████: Name and Rank, soldier
RPC-241-1: Sergeant Vasily ███████, 273rd Guards Rifle Division.
Lieutenant █████████: Very good.
RPC-241-1: May I ask what this is about, sir? Have I done something wrong?
Lieutenant █████████: No comrade, you have fulfilled your duty well. This is just an inspection. May I see your precise orders?
RPC-241-1: Of course, sir! RPC-241-1 provides Lieutenant █████████ with a folder containing his orders
Lieutenant █████████: If you do not mind I shall take these with me. Check their authenticity.
RPC-241-1: Of course, sir.
Lieutenant ████████: Tell me, do you know what is behind those doors?
RPC-241-1: No sir.
Lieutenant ████████: And you haven't been curious?
RPC-241-1: No sir
Lieutenant █████████: Good. How long have you been stationed here?
RPC-241-1: About ██ months sir, been mostly quiet save for the odd incursion.
Lieutenant ████████: That's quite some time, have you not considered calling for a transfer?
RPC-241-1: Permission to speak freely?
Lieutenant ████████: Granted
RPC-241-1: Yes, I have entertained the idea of radioing for a transfer. Perhaps to one of the more exciting fronts. Like Moscow or Vladivostok.
Lieutenant ████████: But?
RPC-241-1: But I am proud to serve my country however I can. If I am to remain here until 19██, then I shall. For the glory of the Soviet Union.
Lieutenant ████████: Alright, carry on. Lieutenant ████████ salutes RPC-241-1 (who does the same back) before leaving.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: RPC-241-1 returned to its normal behaviour following this encounter. Later examination of the orders presented by RPC-241-1 found that though the signature was authentic to Field Marshall Gregory Zhukov, an investigation into Soviet military archives has found that no such orders were signed. Proposals to make use of former high ranking military personnel from the former Soviet Union in order to conduct further interviews are under consideration. Class B amnesiacs were given to Lieutenant ████████ following the interview.
Addendum 241-1: On the 22nd September, 19██, an entity, hereby referred to as RPC-241-3, emerged from RPC-241-2. RPC-241-3 resembled Genrikh Lyushkov, with the primary divergence being a different hairstyle and hair colour. The two entities had a short conversation, and it is unknown what this conversation entailed as any recording devices that were placed near the entities were destroyed by RPC-241-1. Following this, RPC-241-3 attempted to leave the area and was promptly detained and interrogated by security personnel. Since this encounter, humanoid entities have begun to emerge from RPC-241-2. So far they have all resembled Soviet persons of interest, though with one or more physical features different from their prime counterparts. Thus far 19 other entities have emerged from RPC-241-2, known as RPC-241-4 to -23. Containment protocols have been updated to take this into consideration. Autopsies of deceased instances have found no physical differences between them and homo sapiens.
Interviewed: RPC-241-3
Interviewer: Dr. █████
Foreword: Interview conducted immediately following RPC-241-3's exit from RPC-241-1, the transcript is translated from Russian to English. Interview conducted by Dr. █████, an onsite researcher who was present at the time. Initial struggle and refusal to cooperate is omitted for brevity.
<Begin Log>
Dr. █████: Please identify yourself.
RPC-241-3: Release me this instant! You have no right! I'll have you all shot for this!
Dr. █████: Identify yourself immediately, or we will make use of force.
RPC-241-3: …Fine. I am Genrikh Lyushkov, Commander of the NKVD in Central Russia.
Dr. █████: Don't you mean, the Russian Far East?
RPC-241-3: Of course not! I think I would know where I was assigned to command!
Dr. █████: Alright, my apologies. Dr. █████ presents a photo of Genrikh Lyushkov What can you tell me about this?
RPC-241-3: RPC-241-3 examines the photo Quite a doppelganger. I've heard about lookalikes.
Dr. █████: Tell us the purpose of the bunker you exited out of.
RPC-241-3: That information is classified.
Dr. █████: If you do not comply, we will be forced to take action to ensure your cooperation.
RPC-241-3: Do your worst. I'm ready for any method you may use against me.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: RPC-241-3 refused to answer any follow-up questions but was successfully escorted out of the room. While the use of more advanced interrogation techniques was considered, Dr. █████ decided against it. Following the interview, RPC-241-3 was given Class-A Amnesiacs and integrated into society. Low-level observation of RPC-241-3 was carried out but ended once it was clear that RPC-241-3 posed no threat and possessed no other anomalous properties.