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Registered Phenomena Code: 233
Object Class: Neutralized (Formerly Beta-Yellow)
Hazard Types: Auditory Hazard, Sensory Hazard, Ideological Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-233 is to be contained within an Alpha-Class Containment Locker on a standard 15 in/s reel-to-reel tape recorder within Site-███. Under no circumstances are personnel with a Cognitive Resistance Rating lower than 7 to listen to the contents of RPC-233. Access to RPC-233 must be granted by 3 Level 4 personnel, as well as permission from Site Director ████. During all testing of RPC-233, a minimum of 3 site security personnel must be on standby to terminate any instances of RPC-233-1 in the event that they pose a risk to security. RPC-233 must not be tested on other anomalies without permission from at least 3 Level 4 personnel (See Addendum 05/07/1990).

Spectral Analysis of RPC-233.
Description: RPC-233 is a 4 minute and 30 second long recording of a prototype cognitive weapon developed by the United States Special Operations Command, known as "Operation Wandering Soul". It is believed the audio contained within RPC-233 was initially developed between 1964-1967, though much information regarding the prototype recording was destroyed after the Vietnam War. All surviving information regarding RPC-233 is considered Top Secret by the United States Government. Negotiations to receive additional information about the object is underway.
Contained within the recording is a Type-1 Cognitohazard, Classified as RPC-233-02, which upon spectral analysis, was discovered to be made up of several sub-frequency binaural tones within the range of 4-35hz which causes immediate distress to all who hear it (now classified as RPC-233-1), making RPC-233-1 to believe that their life is in immediate danger unless they make their way to the source of the recording as soon as possible. Symptoms of exposure to RPC-233 include, though are not limited to: Hysterics, Temporary psychopathic behaviour, nausea, and Schizophrenia. Due to this effect, all testing/use of the object is to be conducted within a soundproof space.
After significant testing was done in regards to RPC-233-02, it has been theorized that the effect of RPC-233 is reliant not only on its binaural qualities, but on the accompanying audio as well. If RPC-233-02 is played without any accompanying audio, those perceiving it will not exhibit the effect of searching for the source of the sound, instead, the subject will enter a panicked state. Further testing with other accompanying sounds is pending.
The Authority currently holds 23 copies of the prototype tape, and efforts are being made to capture the remaining instances of RPC-233. Any potential instances of RPC-233 are to be delivered to the Memetic and Cognitive Hazards Department of Site-███, to discern if they are in fact instances of RPC-233. Any tapes titled "Ghost Tape Number 10" must be promptly destroyed after testing for instances of RPC-233 as per the request of the United States Special Operations Command.

An instance of RPC-233 stored on Cassette, recovered near Dong Hoi, Northern Vietnam.
Due to the low frequency of the tones in the recording that cause this effect, the cognitohazardous sound travels approximately 7 miles further than the actual content of the recording, which often affected civilians within the surrounding area. The recording was briefly tested by the U.S Army in 1967 from a helicopter, resulting in the deaths of all onboard (See Recovery Log).
Recovery Log 24/7/1967: At approx. 0600 hours on the 24th of July 1967, A United States Army transport helicopter was reportedly shot down over Lake ███████████, Northern Vietnam via unknown means. MST-█-██ was sent undercover as US Army medics to investigate the cause of the crash. RPC-233 was discovered inside a cassette tape playback deck connected to loudspeakers on the hull of the aircraft and was seized by Authority Personnel for further study.
Test log RPC-233/01 - 3/9/1967
Subject: RPC-233
Procedure: Test to deduce the exact anomalous effects of RPC-233. CSD-233001 has been placed within a soundproof chamber and shall listen to the contents of the recovered cassette tape, hereafter referred to as RPC-233. No attempts to disrupt the behaviour of CSD-233001 during the test are to be made.
Results: Upon hearing the audio on the tape, CSD-233001 went into an immediate state of panic, screaming and banging on the chamber door to be let out. CSD-233001 was noted to claim that his life was in immediate danger and that he would be killed if he "didn't find that goddamn sound". The test is considered a success.
Comments: RPC-233 has proven to be a source of some form of Cognitohazardous effect. CSD-2330001 has been sent for immediate counseling and mental analysis post-test.
Test log RPC-233/02 - 15/4/1970
Subject: RPC-233-2, CSD-2330015
Foreword: After further research by Site-███'s Cognitive and Memetic Hazards department, the source of RPC-233's cognitive effect has been discovered. The cognitive effect of RPC-233 (Henceforth referred to as RPC-233-2) is believed to involve several sub-frequency resonant tones, that upon perception, cause distress to the subject. A reconstructed version of RPC-233-2 has been produced for the purpose of confirming this hypothesis.
Procedure: CSD-2330015 is to be locked in a standard Class A Soundproof Testing Chamber, with RPC-233-2 to be played without prior warning
Begin test log RPC-233/02
CSD-2330015: So what do you want me to do?
Dr. █████: Please stand in the middle of the chamber and await further instruction.
CSD-2330015: Sure, whatever you say.
RPC-233-02 begins to be played inside the test chamber
CSD-2330015: Yo, what the fuck is that?!? Where the hell is that noise coming from?!? H-hello?!? Listen doc, i dunno what it is, but something about this room is fucking spooky, its like there's something trying to kill me!
RPC-233-02 ceases audibility
CSD-2330015: I… Okay, i think its gone… Yo, what the fuck was that?!?
Dr. █████: That will be all for today CSD-2330015. Please Approach the back wall with your hands above your head.
CSD-2330015 Wha-… Yeah… Sure thing.
End test log RPC-233/02
Results: It has been confirmed that the source of RPC-233's cognitive effect lies within these sub-harmonic tones, though unlike previous tests, it seems that the effect of looking for the source of the sound only applies when the rest of the audio is accompanying it. Further research shall be carried out to determine the specifics of this effect. Re-classification to Neutralized has been approved.
Addendum 05/07/1990: By order of Global Director ███████████, A digitized copy of RPC-233 is now available for ease of testing and portability. Please see below for an excerpt from the file, or contact your on-site Cognitive and Memetic Hazards department for the full file. Use of all analogue copies within Authority custody must be granted by Site Director ███████. Additionally, permission for all cross-testing between RPC-233 and other anomalies must be granted by at least 3 Level 4 Personnel (Note that testing with objects with a lethality rating Orange and above must be permitted by 1 Level 5 personnel in addition to previous security measures.)