
Life Imitates Art





Registered Phenomena Code: 221

Object Class: Beta-Yellow

Hazard Types: Sapient Hazard, Regenerative Hazard, Transmutation Hazard

Containment Protocols: RPC-221 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell with basic necessities such as a bed, bathroom, and clean clothes in Site-009. One on-site ASF personnel is to be stationed outside of its containment cell. Pending good behaviour, RPC-221 is allowed to request for objects that won't trigger its anomalous properties such as paper, a pen, and a mechanical pencil. RPC-221 is to be provided with a standard three meals a day and its containment cell is to be cleaned every Sunday at 17:00. Testing of RPC-221 is to be approved of by Head Researcher Harold R. Ames through a signed letter of authorisation.

Any RPC-221-A instances created during testing are to be obstructed from their stretcher and transferred to Site-016, contained in a standard containment locker of Level 3 access that is equipped with humidity and temperature-controlled devices. No RPC-221-A instances are to be taken out of containment under any circumstance. Any personnel caught taking RPC-221-A instances out of containment are to be apprehended and questioned. The RPC-221-A instance depicting RPC-221 will not be obstructed under any circumstance; Failure to act in accordance with this will result in demotion to Level 1.


RPC-221 upon discovery.

Description: RPC-221 is a 30-year-old Caucasian male of Australian descent, standing at 190 centimetres tall and weighing at 76 kilograms. RPC-221 has the ability to paint pictures that appear photorealistic, whether it be a person, object or a landscape, and link the subject's physical properties to the painting. These paintings are to be referred to as RPC-221-A instances. Subjects of RPC-221-A instances cannot be altered in any physical way but are able to be altered through altering the image depicted on RPC-221-A instances. This has caused RPC-221's first painting of itself to alter its appearance with an absent right forearm. The right forearm however merely appears absent, with RPC-221 demonstrating on multiple occasions its ability to be used despite the lack of visual appearance.

RPC-221 is only able to manifest its anomalous properties if it uses its desired materials such as paint mixtures of acrylics and pastels. RPC-221 is unable to produce the same effect with pencils, pens, crayons and chalk. RPC-221's anomalous properties also do not occur if it deems its RPC-221-A instance as 'unfinished' in some way. The easiest way for RPC-221 to deem its works as 'unfinished' is to obstruct them from their stretcher after testing. However, the changes done to RPC-221-A instances are permanent even after obstruction and require RPC-221 to revert the changes in order to restore the subject to its original state.

Humanoid subjects of RPC-221-A will gain the ability to avoid further physical maturity, such as RPC-221 being the age of 30 years old but retaining its physical features from when it was 19 years old. It is currently unknown what will occur if an older subject of RPC-221-A would have their instance obstructed due to current limited knowledge. This is why it is discouraged to obstruct RPC-221's painting of itself due to certain risk factors.





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