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Registered Phenomena Code: 218
Object Class: Omega-White
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Containment Protocols: Due to previous unsuccessful attempts to contain RPC-218, containment for RPC-218 has been deemed impractical. All incremental information indirectly involving RPC-218 are to be suppressed and expunged from public access, this including historical documents and current events. Personnel are prohibited to interact or approach RPC-218 during field operations.
Potential manifestations reported to the media are to be investigated. In the event that RPC-218 has been located, Rapid Response Team "Observers" are to be dispatched and observe RPC-218 at all times. In addition, documents and imagery are to be classified Level 4 and above.
To date, RPC-218 has never been contained by the Authority.
Description: RPC-218 is an unidentified Class IV traveler entity, seen in a 1950s era suit with a fedora and black briefcase. Initial contact with the subject came direct following an incident in [REDACTED], Switzerland, which lead to the subject's initial discovery. (See Addendum 218.01)
Subject's anomalous behavior is indicated when an incident, often depicted as historic, occurs anywhere in the world. When manifested, RPC-218 will instantaneously travel to the location via unknown means, albeit theorized to be crossing the intervening space. Subject has been noted to travel and move at multiple locations at the same time; this has been observed when RPC-218 was sighted in London during the seven-seven bombings and an espionage scandal in Ottawa, in 2005.
During surveillance proceedings, subject is often seen to blend in with civilians as to evade or obstruct the view of field agents, causing difficulty to maintain visual contact with RPC-218. Reportedly, RPC-218 has been sighted to hold a small leather notebook with unknown symbols written in it, but the contents captured via imagery appear to be written in an encoded language. Some symbols are recognizable and translatable into dates, but their significance are often unclear as the year are not included.
Attempts to decode the notebook were impractical to decipher due to the fact that captured images of the contents alter when eye contact is broken.
Addendum 218.01: Discovery
On [REDACTED], security personnel at Site-███ reported sightings of an unknown subject dressed in a black suit roaming around the facility. Security attempted to detain and apprehend the man in question, but were unsuccessful after it was reported that they had exhibited anomalous behavior. (See Addendum 218.02)
An hour following the security incident, RPC-███ was reported to have breached containment and fled to [REDACTED], Switzerland, causing [DATA EXPUNGED] casualties. Mobile Specialized Team November-7 ("Hammer The Gamma") was dispatched and successfully recontained RPC-███. During the recontainment operation, November-7 members reportedly encountered the unknown subject during the operation.
Director of Site-███ ordered a preliminary investigation onto the unknown subject following the incident, who was suspected to be the cause of the breach. Two weeks after the incident, the Office of Information Security and Records (OIRS) concluded that the unknown subject was a manifested anomaly that was previously reported in numerous Sites since ████.
As of June, ████, the unknown subject was formally given RPC designation. (See Addendum 218.04)
Addendum 218.02: Post-Incident Interview
Four days after the incident at Site-███, Agent Philip Barrett was tasked to investigate the security incident with RPC-218 of a suspected containment sabotage. The following is an interview transcript between Agent Philip Barrett and Security Officer Robert Millerson.
Date: ██/05/████
Interviewer: Agent Philip Barrett, ACI
Interviewee: Security Officer Robert Millerson, ASF
Security Officer Millerson: My morning was fine and all, except the coffee machine broke again as usual.
Agent Barrett: Let's cut to the chase sergeant. Mind telling me about this 'person' you saw at [REDACTED] containment entrance?
Security Officer Millerson: What person?
Agent Barrett: (Flips pages) At exactly [REDACTED], you reported to command about an unidentified person still at the mentioned entrance.
Security Officer Millerson: Yeah.
Agent Barrett: Can you recall what you did when you saw this person around the premises?
Security Officer Millerson: I didn't do anything at first. I just assumed it was maintenance staff doing inspections on the door initially. But when I asked around through the radio, I immediately approached the guy, my hand on my gun, and asked for some identification. He didn't turn or respond back to me when I asked for some ID, though I noticed him writing down something.
Agent Barrett: Did you see what he was taking down?
Security Officer Millerson: (Scratches head) No, sorry. I was occupied with reporting the situation to my supervisor.
Agent Barrett: Then what?
Security Officer Millerson: Tried talking to him and still wouldn't respond. I was ordered by my supervisor to detain him, but he just quickly packed up and proceeded to walk away from me. Ran after him with assistance that just came by, took a right corner and he just vanished.
Agent Barrett: Vanished? Just like that?
Security Officer Millerson: Yeah.
Agent Barrett: Were there any markings on the floor, walls or anything that he left behind before vanishing?
Security Officer Millerson: Not that I can recall, he just disappeared into thin air.
Agent Barrett: Right. I see.
(Agent Barrett took down notes)
Agent Barrett: One more thing sergeant.
Security Officer Millerson: Hmm?
Agent Barrett: It's oddly coincidental for that person to be at [REDACTED]'s containment entrance for only to be breached an hour later. There were no signs of sabotage or anything. It's as if they knew that RPC-███ was gonna breach from its containment.
Security Officer Millerson: Yeah. I noticed that as well, it was very unusual.
Agent Barrett: Did you see this person holding any tools or anything that would've indicated they damaged the entrance?
Security Officer Millerson: No sir. I have not.
Agent Barrett: Right. Thank you for your time.
Additional Note(s): Preliminary investigations ruled out sabotaged as the cause for the breach. The intentions or the identity of the person spotted at [REDACTED]'s containment entrance remains unclear. The investigation has been handed over to OIRS and ACI, they're the ones going to handle tracking down the person. - Agent Philip Barrett.
Addendum 218.03: Historical Records Log
Attachment 218.03.1
On May 3, 1901, a conflagration occurred in Downtown Florida which resulted in many structural buildings being destroyed and leaving at least seven casualties. During the incident, however, many witnesses had reported of an unidentified individual in a black suit leaving the Cleveland Fiber Factory minutes before the conflagration had occurred.
Attachment 218.03.2
On June 28, 1914, minutes before the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand took place, many bystanders reported a man in a black suit stood and talked to a man, whom would be later identified as Gavrilo Princip. Gavrilo would go onto assassinate the Archduke. Civilians among the crowd reported that the suited man was scribbling down notes before disappearing into a nearby building.
Attachment 218.03.3
On November 8, 1929, when Adolf Hitler attempted to bring a coup against the Bavarian Government, many bystanders reported of a man in a suit standing in St Mary's Square and took down in his notes while the coup was taking place. According to BündesOkkultAbteilung (FOA) files, undercover operatives during the coup have noted that the unidentified individual had disappeared following the coup's suppression by government forces.
Attachment 218.03.4
On May 2, 1980, two days after the Iranian embassy was taken over by a group of six armed men, British Security Service (MI5) reported of an unconfirmed twenty-seventh hostage observed to be walking around the embassy. An hour later, the unconfirmed hostage had then been observed to exited through the back-entrance of the embassy causing authorities to pursue and apprehend the unidentified person.
Metropolitan Police officials apprehend the person, but it was later reported that the person had somehow escaped police custody. Military Intelligence Section XIII was notified about the incident after the siege ended.
Attachment 218.03.5
On September 11, 2001, prior to the attacks on the twin towers, Authority agents witnessed and identified RPC-218 standing on the roof of Site-313 (openly known as 7 World Trade Center). RPC-218 was reported to have been facing towards the twin towers at 8:24 AM, 22 minutes before the first plane had crashed into One World Trade Center. Site-313 suffered a critical containment breach as a result of the falling debris from the towers, and was eventually collapsed by on-site explosives.
Addendum 218.04: Anomaly Designation Memorandum
To: Head Researcher Alan Garner, Office of Analysis and Science
From: Mike Patters, Office of Human Resources
The data and assessment documents provided by your office has been reviewed by the department, and we are informing you that the request for anomaly designation for PoI-████ has been authorized. References to PoI-████ will be now referenced as RPC-218. Also, The Presidium has also authorized funding for RRT "Observers", recommend you start selections for the taskforce as soon as possible.
If you have any inquiries, please contact my office at Site-204.
- Mike Patters, HR Officer
Addendum 218.05: Incident ██/██/██
Date: ██/██/██
Personnel Involved: Dr. Maria Mayson, Head Researcher Alan Garner
Dr. Maria: (Passes a folder to Garner) And that's all the information obtained by the Observers on their extensive research onto two-one-eight.
Head Researcher Garner: (Looks over) I've noticed he's been here for quite some time. Probably a century or so.
(Garner flickers through the pages)
Head Researcher Garner: This must've been a nuisance for you and your team for compiling these decades of old information.
Dr. Maria: No sir. We're glad to compile and review the information on him. So far, we're not quite as close to find anything information-worthy about him.
Head Researcher Garner: Hmm. Don't overwork yourself, we'll find something in the future. Also, we've got confirmation from the Ministry of Paranormality that they spotted two-one-eight Saint Petersburg early this week.
Dr. Maria: (Sighs) And here I thought he's just some random person that we have to keep an eye on.
Head Researcher Garner: Nah. If he was a random person with no anomalous ties, we would've-
(Footage shows the office light's flicker rapidly and RPC-218 appearing at the office door)
Head Researcher Garner: What the .. s-security!
RPC-218: That won't be necessary, Mr. Garner.
Dr. Maria: What are you doing here?
RPC-218: (Pauses) Questions are nothing more than a curiosity to feed, but I am simply here to leave a message.
Head Researcher Garner: What message?
RPC-218: The tightening strings that your superiors struggle to web will become known in a place you call fourteen. Many will question its occurrence while you struggle to maintain your identity within the open world.
(Dr. Maria triggers the site's security alarm, causing Garner to look at Dr. Maria and back at RPC-218 to only disappear)