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Registered Phenomena Code: 211
Object Class: Beta-Red
Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Sentient Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-211 is to be contained within RPC-211-D ███ft underneath [REDACTED]. Site-███ is to be built over this location without informing any personnel under Level 4 clearance on the Site without authorisation and are to be treated with Class A amnestics if located and identified by said personnel. All future Sites are to avoid Region-█, particularly the Swedish region, if possible. Otherwise the Site location should be as remote as possible from both ruins and human life as well as liberated of any religious icons or any surviving Seiðr practitioners within 1.6 kilometres of said Site. If RPC-211 reanimates and attempts to breach containment, the on-site nuclear warhead is to be detonated then firebombed using a remote controlled bomber drone. RPC-211 is to be recontained under Sites-███, -███ or ███ in this event.
Failure to recontain RPC-211 will require Protocol Aberration-211-333 to be enacted.
Description: RPC-211 is a female Scandinavian of ████ years of age, resembling a 30 year old female with long black hair, green eyes and pale skin. It is dressed in royal garb dating approximately 500 BC. RPC-211 is aggressive, especially to certain Scandinavian individuals, and has proven capable of eliminating threats if necessary albeit amateurishly when using modern equipment such as firearms. Skill in equipment such as knives are high enough to establish warning, however sufficient training in CQC will suffice for disabling and neutralizing RPC-211.
RPC-211 is capable of reanimating the deceased bodies of multiple individuals at a time, where the bulk of its combat strength is derived from. RPC-211 can also reanimate itself when within 1.6 kilometres of one of the following icons or items:
- Site of discovery
- The Valknut
- The Web of Wyrd
Reanimation times vary depending on the number, size and type of icon. The Valknut and the Web of Wyrd icons were capable of reanimation within hours, however it's site of discovery had over 3,███ different Norse icons and symbols reducing this time to several minutes. The type of material used to represent the icon can also affect the time until reanimation occurs as well - iron and steel are sufficiently shorter in time than wood, which itself is shorter than paper. Depictions via tattoos or drawings are considered valid so long as the icon is completely accurate in its depiction - any warping or mistakes in its appearance will have no effect. Physical recreations of these icons also have a greater effect than a drawing or picture does by 50%, i.e. where a drawing on paper would require around 10 hours, a paper origami version of the icon would only require around 6 hours and 40 minutes.
RPC-211 can reanimate other dead bodies using a conversion process in a ritualistic fashion, with items it appears to keep on its person. Attempts to relinquish RPC-211 of said objects have failed to procure any objects.
- RPC-211 will attempt to gather as many corpses as it can find. Fresher corpses are prioritized before older ones. Observations have revealed it appears to identify bodies' age by sight. Sabotaging its efforts to reanimate bodies have been considered by disguising the age of the corpses.
- RPC-211 will proceed to contain the bodies within a ritual circle depicting Norse symbols. The circle appears to match that of the historically record Helm of Awe symbol, but is instead a heavily modified version that changes the internal image to depicting a simple drawing of what is perceived as Fenrir, a wolf notable for incting Ragnarok in Norse mythology. The symbols on the outside appear to use an unknown language similar to Norse. Attempts to decrypt are ongoing.
- RPC-211 will perform a Blót - a sacrifice using a living being. Most commonly used are live humans, however RPC-211 will also choose to use livestock and other animals nearby. It will drain the blood from the sacrificed being into the ritual circle and carve the meat to throw into the corpses.
- RPC-211 will then practise seiðr - a Norse variant of sorcery. It will proceed to [REDACTED] using a single corpse, typically the most easy-to-access one.
- Upon completion of the ritual process, the corpses are rendered instances of RPC-211-A after a short delay.
Reanimated bodies controlled by RPC-211, hereby designated RPC-211-A, are capable of resisting death until the body is completely destroyed - incineration has proven to be effective at preventing continued reanimation of bodies. Given time, RPC-211 will also summon equipment dating back to times consistent with the events of Old Nordic stories to allow instances of RPC-211-A to fight with more efficiency. Instances are immune to firearms unless rounds used are created with iron or lead-iron mixed bullet tips, for a lesser effect. These rounds will not kill but are effective at stumbling, slowing and even knocking down RPC-211-A instances. They do not appear to have the same restrictions in place on their undeath as RPC-211, evidenced by RPC-211's continual reanimation tied to certain symbols as opposed to instances' of RPC-211-A only reanimating when RPC-211 performs its conversion process on them. Additionally, RPC-211 appears to control the instances nonverbally.
RPC-211 is capable of materializing creatures of anomalous properties:
- RPC-211-B is a wild boar of similar size to a musk ox, capable of deflecting small arms fire with its fur. It holds enough strength to break down standard containment doors and walls, however due to RPC-211's containment procedures Sites will not be redesigned to accommodate defensive properties preventing its usage by RPC-211. It is also capable of launching spines of its fur as lethal projectiles and are fully capable of piercing heavy body armour.
RPC-211 has also garnered a small group of followers capable of ascertaining its location and attempting to move items or icons into its general location in an attempt to reanimate it. The group currently is not large or organized enough to class as a GoI, however any intel gained on operating cells of this group should be forwarded to Site-███'s Director for use in capturing a member, ascertaining their motives and making a decision based off all collected intel.
RPC-211 is drawn to its site of discovery designated RPC-211-C, a set of ruins identified as a typically Old Norse fortress believed to be the site of a battle between a necromantic princess and an old Viking king within Denmark. RPC-211 is capable of restoring the site's construction however appears to be incapable of restoring it to an original state. The defenses are capable enough of withstanding small arms fire for moderate amounts of time but have no anomalous properties of their own.
RPC-211-D is a coffin which is capable of increasing RPC-211's time to reanimate and reducing the radii objects can occupy for reanimation to accelerate by approximately 2/3rds. It is a stone coffin of unknown make and specific material1 carved with unknown runic icons of Old Norse origin. The underside of the coffin is inscribed with a message in the same language:
To they who topple the Mighty Queen of the Norns and Valkyries, Skuld,
You have earnt your success, and are congratulated by us. However, Skuld has tasted of royal life and knows not of the peace that Sovengard would grant her. She is borne of the ills of evil norns and will serve no other but herself. To purge her from this soil would be tantamount to the act of a god.
We carved this rock from the will of the gods and shaped it into a cage for her physical presence. When you have slain her, place her within before she revives and seal it deeply entombed within the ground beneath her home stolen from the men and women. See her cast out from life for she is already removed from death.
RPC-211-D also appears to be extremely difficult, albeit not impossible, for RPC-211 to escape from when placed within. Whether this is due to degradation of its body or an anomalous effect that is only applied to it is unknown.