The Pendant
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Registered Phenomena Code: 192
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types: Animated, Sapient
RPC-192 within Site-033's break room
Containment Protocols: RPC-192 is to be contained within a standard low-risk storage locker when not in testing.
Description: RPC-192 is a teal-colored, porcelain pendant depicting the religious figure Budai. The pendant remains dormant and non-anomalous unless placed around the neck of an individual, at which point it will become animate, able to speak, demonstrating independent thought and complex reasoning.
RPC-192 has a deep, jovial voice and a nonchalant dialect, typically described as "friendly," "wholehearted" and "jolly" by researchers. It is unknown how RPC-192 is able to vocalize sound as there is no apparent mechanism—organic or inorganic—within RPC-192 that could allow any sound to be produced.
RPC-192 shows a strong sense of charisma and is very sociable, having casual conversations with personnel during testing. This has been deemed benign as long as these conversations do not inhibit productivity.
RPC-192 has also mentioned that it has an extremely good memory, able to recall practically anything it has experienced while animate. It has also stated that it has existed since the thriving of now-ancient civilizations. When asked to verify this information or otherwise provide historical recounts, RPC-192 becomes noticeably distraught, refusing to answer. (See interview log below)
Interview 192.1
Date: July 3, 2017
Interviewer: Dr. Whitman
Interviewed: RPC-192
Dr. Whitman places RPC-192 around his neck.
Dr. Whitman: Hello, RPC-192. How are you?
RPC-192: Hello! I'm doing quite good! How 'bout you?
Dr. Whitman: I am doing pretty fine. I've got a lot of stuff to go over with you, so we should keep banter to a minimum.
RPC-192: Yes, of course. Where would you like to start?
Dr. Whitman: Well, first of all, it is my understanding that you have a very good memory, but do not wish to verify it with a test. Is this correct?
RPC-192 is noticeably suspicious.
RPC-192: Yes… that is true.
Dr. Whitman: Could you explain why you don't want to verify this?
RPC-192: Look, I shouldn't have even brought it up in the first place. I'd rather if we just forgot about that.
Dr. Whitman: Why do you feel that way? I'm sorry but we need this information, if at all possible.
RPC-192 sighs.
RPC-192: I see you're not going to drop this. Very well. I've existed for at least a thousand years, and in my time, I have met many people, some of which were perfectly willing to abuse my wealth of knowledge for their own, selfish benefits. Those were times I wish I could forget, but I remember every detail, vividly.
Dr. Whitman: Well, I can assure you that we would not do anything to harm you in order to get information. That goes against our ethics and mission as an organization. We simply wish to study your ability.
RPC-192: And how can I be sure of this? I will admit, I haven't met a single bad soul in my time being here, but being locked away in one of your containment lockers like some object is horribly reminiscent of my time with the terrible people I mentioned before. Sure, you haven't threatened to smash me into pieces if I don't talk, but I don't like being treated like an inanimate object either.
Dr. Whitman: I understand your hesitance. Hmm… I'll see if I can't get an adjustment to your containment protocols.
RPC-192 chuckles loudly.
RPC-192: Oh ho! You're always up to something, Whitman.
Dr. Whitman chuckles lightly.
Dr. Whitman: Well, I have to spend my time doing something or other, eh?
RPC-192: Hah, yes, I suppose so. Well, I wish you a good one.
Dr. Whitman: As I do to you. Thank you for your cooperation.
Dr. Whitman removes RPC-192 from his head.
Following this interview, Head Researcher Albright approved for Dr. Whitman to keep RPC-192 on his person, under the conditions that Dr. Whitman never take RPC-192 outside Site-033 and that he document anything notable. See Dr. Whitman's logs below.
Entry-#: 1
Date: July 3, 2017
At the beginning of the day, I told RPC-192 about the new terms to its containment. It was excited, saying that it was enthusiastic about meeting some new people. I explained that most of the time, I would have to keep it in my pocket, but that I would wear it whenever possible. It seemed indifferent about that.
Throughout the day, when possible, I wore RPC-192 and we had conversations with each other, and occasionally, with some of the other researchers. It was pleasant for the both of us and I was able to learn bits and pieces of RPC-192's history. For example, RPC-192 claims to have originated in ancient Greece, created by an angelic being. I was unable to obtain any details about said angelic being or how RPC-192 was created.
Entry-#: 2
Date: July 4, 2017
RPC-192 is slowly becoming more comfortable with telling me information about its history. I did not have a lot of time to talk with RPC-192, but I was able to have a lengthy conversation regarding its past during my lunch break.
To recount what I learned from RPC-192, after several dozen decades within ancient Greece, RPC-192 had been lost, eventually found by a travelling merchant. RPC-192 and the merchant became good friends, traveling to ancient Rome where they spent a long while. At some point after the merchant's death, RPC-192 was found by a traveling bard who took RPC-192 to France.
According to RPC-192, after the burning of the library of Alexandria, detailed knowledge of ancient times had become sought after. The bard attempted to profit off of RPC-192's knowledge.
This was all I was able to learn from RPC-192 over the course of the day. Our conversation was cut abruptly short. We will resume tomorrow.
Entry-#: 3
Date: July 5, 2017
RPC-192 and myself have started to become good friends. I did not get a lot of information about RPC-192's history today, as I spent most of my time with him exchanging banter. What I did learn however, is that the bard's attempts to sell RPC-192's knowledge were unsuccessful. Anyone he tried to sell to would request to know the bard's source of information to make sure of its legitimacy. The bard knew that if he revealed RPC-192, many would attempt to steal it. Eventually, the bard gave up and sold RPC-192.
I will focus more time on obtaining more information rather than bantering with RPC-192 tomorrow.
Entry-#: 4
Date: July 6, 2017
I spent much of my time chatting with RPC-192, however I made sure to get a lot of information. I've been trying to spend more of my time in areas where I can freely wear RPC-192. This has allowed me to talk with him a lot and for more information to be obtained.
After some time of floating from person to person, RPC-192 eventually came into the hands of the local mafia. RPC-192 has said that his time with the mafia was brutal and that he would rather not discuss it.
After the eventual dissolution of the mafia, RPC-192 was lost for a long amount of time. It wasn't until very recently that he was found again, soon coming into Authority possession after reports of a "sentient necklace". This all seems to line up with our records.
Again, I asked RPC-192 about its creation by the angelic being. RPC-192 did not give many details, however, I was able to infer that this angelic being is most likely an ancient, humanoid anomaly. The actions of this anomaly may have been misconstrued for the actions of a Greek god.
I hope to learn more about this being tomorrow.
On July 6, the Site Director received the following anonymous report.
Earlier today, I overheard a private conversation between Whitman and RPC-192. RPC-192 said to Whitman, "I need to ask you a question. If the Authority decided that they would use me for my ability, and treat me like a tool rather than a person, would you help me?"
Whitman responded, "to the best of my abilities, I would try to convince them to stop."
In a quieter tone, RPC-192 said something that I could not hear, but I was able to see Whitman nod his head up and down in response. I will let you take of that what you will.
Following this report, Head Researcher Albright held a private interview with Dr. Whitman regarding his time with RPC-192. (See interview log below)
Interview 192.2
Date: July 7, 2017
Interviewer: Head Researcher Albright
Interviewed: Dr. Whitman
H. Researcher Albright: Hello, Dr. Whitman. I have some questions I would like to ask about your time with RPC-192 over the last few days. You have been the most involved researcher and I would like to have a good grasp of how it is going.
Dr. Whitman: Yes, of course. I'm happy to answer any questions.
H. Researcher Albright: Great. First off, let's cover the basics. Give me a general overview of your time with RPC-192.
Dr. Whitman: Well, he is very enjoyable to talk to. We spend a lot of time talking about miscellaneous topics, frequently leading to discussing information about his past. I will spare you the irrelevant details of our talks.
H. Researcher Albright: How much do you trust RPC-192? Do you think it is possible that it is altering or fabricating information to you?
Dr. Whitman: I hadn't even considered that. I don't think so, no. As far as I can tell, RPC-192 is very trustworthy. He is not the type to lie.
H. Researcher Albright: That is good. Do you think RPC-192 trusts you?
Dr. Whitman: Yes, I think so. Through my time with him, he has become more willing to discuss more private matters.
H. Researcher Albright: Be honest with me. Would you ever break protocol if RPC-192 requested you to?
Dr. Whitman shifts in his chair, nervously.
Dr. Whitman: No. Of course not.
H. Researcher Albright: I thought not.
Dr. Whitman: Is there anything else to discuss?
H. Researcher Albright: Yes, one more thing. Would you have a problem with a different researcher taking your position and carrying RPC-192 themselves? You have spent a lot of time on this project, and it has taken focus away from other projects where you would be more valuable.
Dr. Whitman: I… uh…
Dr. Whitman is silent for a moment before resuming.
Dr. Whitman: W- Well I think that it would be detrimental. I have made great progress in gaining RPC-192's trust, progress that would be lost on a new researcher.
H. Researcher Albright: That makes sense. In that case, you will remain with RPC-192 for the time being. That is all.
Head Researcher Albright requested the Site Director, without alerting Dr. Whitman, to place a concealed microphone on the underside of Dr. Whitman's lab coat. The request was accepted and the microphone was put in place after Dr. Whitman left Site-033 at the end of work hours. The lab coat would need to be retrieved the following day in order to obtain the audio files. A log of notable interactions is transcribed below.
Date: July 7, 2017
Time: 8:23 AM
Note: This recording took place shortly after Dr. Whitman had retrieved RPC-192 from its containment.
Dr. Whitman: Hello 192, how are ya?
RPC-192: I'm feeling great! A new day is always refreshing, eh?
Dr. Whitman Hell yeah. Not as much as a cold beer would be right now though. This July has been humid as fuck.
RPC-192: Haha, I have no ability to sense temperature, nor humidity. I can only empathize with you.
Dr. Whitman: You're not missing much, I'll tell you that.
RPC-192: Heh, I wouldn't know.
Dr. Whitman: I have something important I need to tell you about.
RPC-192: Oh?
Dr. Whitman: Yesterday, I had an interview with the head researcher. He seemed pretty suspicious. I'm not sure what to think about it.
RPC-192: Well, given that they still trust you to hold on to me, I wouldn't worry about it for now.
Dr. Whitman: Hmm. I guess you're right.
Date: July 7, 2017
Time: 11:50 AM
Note: The following was recorded while Dr. Whitman traveled through the hallway, towards the cafeteria for his lunch break.
[extraneous banter omitted]
RPC-192: Ha! Well, I do think that-
Dr. Whitman interrupts RPC-192.
Dr. Whitman: Hold on. I need to take a look at something.
RPC-192: What is it?
Dr. Whitman: The testing chamber down the hall. They forgot to close the door all the way.
RPC-192: Oh, a peeping Tom, are you?
Walking can be heard through the microphone as Dr. Whitman approaches the testing chamber.
Dr. Whitman: Oh my god… what the fuck.
RPC-192: What is it? I don't have eyes, y'know.
Dr. Whitman: They just sent that CSD into that thing and he just… vaporized.
RPC-192: Jesus.
Dr. Whitman exhales, his voice trembling.
RPC-192: You ok, man?
Dr. Whitman: Yeah, I'll be fine. Let's go before someone sees me watching.
Date: July 7, 2017
Time: 3:45 PM
Note: The following was recorded in the break room.
RPC-192: How are you doing, Whitman?
Dr. Whitman: I'm fine. Why do you ask?
RPC-192: You have been less talkative since you saw that test.
Dr. Whitman: I suppose I have. I've never actually been involved with or seen any tests on humans. It was my understanding that the Authority never carelessly wasted their test subjects. Every life is valuable, even if expendable.
RPC-192: Hey, maybe they thought it was a safe environment and didn't expect that guy to just vaporize.
Dr. Whitman: If that were the case, I would have expected some surprise from the researchers in the room, but they all just wrote down their notes, no reaction, as if they expected him to die.
RPC-192: I am starting to lose more and more trust in this place.
Dr. Whitman sighs.
Dr. Whitman: They lied to me. They fucking lied to me.
RPC-192: Go get some food. Take your mind off this for awhile.
Dr. Whitman: I need something to eat. I think I'll- wait… there's something rubbing against my back in my clothes.
Dr. Whitman can be heard taking off his lab coat and folding through it.
Dr. Whitman: What the fuck is this?
RPC-192: What now?
Dr. Whitman: We need to go. It isn't safe here.
Two hours following the final recording, the lab coat was found by janitorial staff, tucked underneath a table within the break room. Dr. Whitman was found to have left Site-033 three hours early, with RPC-192 concealed within his suitcase.
An ASF unit was dispatched in order to locate and capture Dr. Whitman and RPC-192. His place of residence was found uninhabited, the door left unlocked, and his car absent. Tire marks were found streaked across his driveway, suggesting that he had left with extreme haste.
An extensive investigation followed over the course of several days, concluding on July 12 when Dr. Whitman was found deceased within a hotel, located 430 km north of Site-033.
Dr. Whitman's body was found hanging from a ceiling fan by a rope tied into a noose. A note was found in the hotel, presumably written by Dr. Whitman. The note was found and taken by the Authority before any hotel staff could find it. The note is transcribed below.
I can only assume you will find this note sooner or later. I am a fool to think I could outrun you. You are evil and working for you was a mistake. Seeing what you did to that test subject, I can only assume the worst for what you will do to me if I am captured.
I know you can't read this, but 192, I'm sorry. I failed you.
RPC-192 was found on the floor of the hotel room and has been recontained within Site-033. RPC-192 has been completely inanimate following recontainment. It is unknown whether it has lost its sentience or if it chooses to remain silent.
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