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Registered Phenomena Code: 189
Object Class: Beta-Orange

RPC-189; Photo taken by RPC-189-1 mainfestation 189-1-09.
Hazard Types: Organic Hazard, Transmutation Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Contact Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-189 is to be contained in a secure storage locker at Site-016 when not in use. When in use, all Alpha and Beta events are to have their results logged, including accidental activations, and/or alterations to the existing J██████ Gray manifestation. The containment of RPC-189 requires one staff housing chamber to be set aside for housing RPC-189-1 when it is not being used for further testing.
Description: RPC-189 is an antique painting est. early 1850s. The canvas is made of a rough, leathery material, and depicts a human male of roughly 30 years age sitting on a chair or cushion with living quarters in its background. The frame of RPC-189 is constructed from 3cm thick treated and polished oak, underlined with 1cm of a silver and tin composite. RPC-189's interior and backing are currently being researched as viewing with the naked eye or scopes of any kind reveals a visual anomaly1 that as of this report does not have an explanation.
RPC-189's anomalous effects are activated when any sentient humanoids are within 500m of its location and RPC-189 remains stationary. If these conditions are met the face of the portrait, previously an unknown man, will duplicate the appearance of the subject. If more than a single subject is within the range, the portrait will depict a perfect ratio spread of all included subjects' features.2
RPC-189 demonstrates another notable anomalous ability that manifests itself when two or more subjects are present and any of the subjects used to create the current portrait's appearance have dermic3 contact with its canvas. These anomalous events are labeled as J██████ Grey alpha and beta events.
During an Alpha event, an entity hereby known as RPC-189-1 will manifest within a random unoccupied location inside RPC-189's effective range. RPC-189-1 will physically match the appearance of RPC-189's current subject.4 Through medical testing RPC-189-1 was determined to be a perfect match for a 50% split of the DNA of the subjects used.5
RPC-189-1 through blood and CT scanning was revealed to be identical to a healthy homo-sapien of an age range congruent with a split of its subjects ages.6 RPC-189-1 is sentient, and to a degree, sapient as brainwave testing has revealed RPC-189-1 has brain activity at 10% the human norm. Its major brain activity was found to be in the middle cerebrum responsible for motor control and speech, as well as minor activity in the cerebellum. This indicates a low sense of self and ego, while RPC-189-1 seems to have similar long term memory to some breeds of canis canis domesticus.7
When RPC-189-1 manifests it shows prior knowledge of all human subjects within the radius of RPC-189. This effect has been shown to induce a memetic effect on subjects approached for conversation by RPC-189-1, who reported a feeling of comfort and the sudden knowledge that RPC-189-1 was related to them, but in a way that could not be described accurately. This effect left all subjects after they were removed from RPC-189-1's immediate vicinity. RPC-189-1 cannot leave the range of RPC-189's anomalous effects, any attempts to do so result in RPC-189-1 de-materializing and re-manifesting within the range at another random and unoccupied location. These re-manifestations also occur if the number of subjects within RPC-189's range is changed, or if RPC-189 is moved from its previous location.8 RPC-189-1 has a perfect knowledge of the previous manifestation when it re-manifests, to the degree that previous manifestations express an urge for this effect not to happen. When questioned instances described the event as painful and uncomfortable, similar to skin flaking from solar radiation burns.
The J. Grey Beta event is caused by a single subject9 activating RPC-189's secondary ability to manifest RPC-189-1. After this trigger event, the subject who activated the event will dematerialize, and the portrait of RPC-189 will be a perfect rendition of the subject. The RPC-189-1 instance manifested will match the subject's DNA, blood, and any medical testing outside of one small distinction.10 RPC-189-1 instances formed through the Beta event are psychologically unique in having identical brain patterns to the original subject. For this reason, they will be labeled RPC-189-2. RPC-189-2 instances have perfect recollection and knowledge of the subjects life, previous knowledge, and memories. The one RPC-189-2 instance to have undergone testing was sentient, and sapient. RPC-189-2's termination is found below in incident log-189-1.
Discovery: RPC-189 was first discovered on 25/12/████ when the local police force of ███████, England had confiscated it as part of an estate raid. Authority intelligence officers were alerted when officers of the ███████ township station made reports of an employee acting as if they had knowledge of the staff despite having no records of the individual existing.
When RPC-189-1 was retrieved for study by officers, the subject11 instance de-manifested. It is unknown whether there were prior instances of RPC-189-1;2.
Incident Log 189-1:
Further research into RPC-189's applications is allowed by Regional Overseer ███ ████
Assistant Director █████ █████████ is given prior instruction to test RPC-189's effect on the manifested subject's mental state.
Assistant Director █████ █████████ activates RPC-189's secondary ability to continue testing.
The Beta event occurs.
Assistant Director █████ is reclassified as RPC-189-2.RPC-189-2 re-awakens and returns to research office 502 as previously instructed.
RPC-189-2 reaches the boundary of Site-016's main building by foot.
RPC-189-2 is told by Head Researcher ███████ ████████ that it must continue exiting the facility, to a point outside RPC-189's effective range.
Despite having no prior knowledge of self-termination or re-manifestation by this method12, this instance expressed extreme distress when ordered to exit RPC-189's effective range.
RPC-189-2, when re-ordered to exit effective range on the threat of RPC-189 being disturbed, followed the testing prompt and exited the effect radius.
At this time RPC-189-2 self-terminated by means of sudden cellular degeneration into a 3m long pool composed of pigment molecules.
After this event, RPC-189-2 is recorded remanifesting 1m SW of RPC-189's immediate location. RPC-189-2 is retrieved from the containment chamber of
RPC-189 with a full recollection of all events RPC-189-2 experienced.
Further testing determines RPC-189-2 to be free of pigment molecules and physically identical to his previous state.
RPC-189-2 is then treated for PTSD symptoms and after waiving its use, is administered a Class 2 amnestic before being released back to his station as Assistant Director.
Addendum 189-1: 189-1 is not to be used for any purposes other than testing. Verbal and physical contact must be kept to an absolute minimum and any personnel found violating this will be transferred immediately.