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Packaged instances of RPC-178.
Registered Phenomena Code: RPC-178
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types:
Regenerative Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-178 is to be kept in a standard containment storage locker at Site-015. For experimentation or emergency purposes, high-ranking personnel with a security clearance level of 4 or 5 are to have access to RPC-178. Unauthorized use of RPC-178 to increase a person's lifespan will result in a demotion to CSD status. Ensure a request form is filed out to site director via submission packet for permission to use RPC-178.
Description: RPC-178 is a series of translucent, fluorescent orange colored pills found in a glass jar recovered from the abandoned [REDACTED] Labs, in Lebanon. At the time of recovery, there were 77 pills in total. Initial testing showed that ingestion of the pills did not cause any beneficial or detrimental effects for the test subject until Incident-178-01, in which a CSD class was terminated during a containment breach.
RPC-178 does not contain any viral culture or chemical composition of any kind. Any substances that are present within the anomalies cannot be determined. Any attempt to mechanically disassemble any pill or its contents results in spontaneous combustion reaction which destroys the pill.
Upon the death of a subject who has consumed a pill, their body will spontaneously combust and proceed to burn for several minutes until they are reduced to ash. Temperatures around the deceased will rise to about three hundred and fifty two degrees Celsius. After a period of thirty seconds, a new instance of the subject will manifest from the ashes in the same mental and physical condition as they were before their death. The subject will have no recollection of events between the time of death and revival period. Any subject with medical and mental illnesses will re-materialize without any of their prior conditions after death. Subjects who die over the age of seventy will revive and appear biologically younger rather than their chronological age. RPC-178 has been accepted for future cross-testing purposes that are of high priority. RPC-178 must be used sparingly however, as all attempts to replicate the drug have been met with failure.
Recovery Log-178-01:
In the aftermath of an operation that lead to the termination of a Church of Malthus Cell, the Authority acquired classified documents following successful negotiations with the Government of Lebanon. The documents detailed the locations and research papers of unofficial research facilities, including [REDACTED] Labs where RPC-178 was recovered. The facility has been abandoned since 19██. Scorch marks were discovered in many of the facility's testing chambers and what appears to be a habitat wing. One of the recovered files was heavily damaged but legible, regarding a set of instructions.
- Take and distill 35ml of subject's blood.
- Take 50ml of subject's tears and synthesize them in the subject's blood.
- Take one feather and grind the contents in with red sulfur. Synthesize in blood and seal the beaker.
- Heat the contents under 121.11 degrees Celsius. Rotate the beaker to mix the contents.
WARNING: The contents in the beaker will become highly volatile in this state. The atmosphere within the beaker is condensed to keep the contents stable. Do not damage the container. In a closed transference, divert 15ml of the compound into a vial.
- Final synthesis requires…
CSD-0141, one of the test subjects who was administered with RPC-178, died on 4/12/2018 during a containment breach in Site-015 due to a fault in the containment airlock. RPC-[REDACTED]'s only casualty was CSD-0141 who attempted to engage the entity after being cornered.
CSD-0141 was incapable of describing his experience since his death and revival. CSD-0141 was given another pill and was given temporary psychiatric relief until further testing. It should be noted that RPC-178 can only be used once. When administered with another instance of RPC-178, CSD-0141 was killed several months later after an accident in the handling of an instance of RPC-102.
Only seven pills have been used since the time of recovery. Four of the subjects were called in to the medical wing for a psychological evaluation following the tests.
Interview Logs-178:
Subject: CSD-0141. A homeless Indonesian American male, thirty two years of age.
Foreword: [The following transcript is an evaluation conducted by Dr. Apth shortly after incident-178-01.]
<Begin Log>
Dr. Apth: Good morning Sinta, how are you feeling today?
CSD-0141: I feel… well… I feel warm. Best way to describe it.
Dr. Apth: Are you experiencing an uncomfortable kind of warmth?
CSD-0141: Oh… uhh… no. It is just… a feel good kind of warmth I guess.
Dr. Apth: You remember your encounter with RPC-[REDACTED] though yeah?
CSD-0141: I… do. Yeah.
Dr. Apth: Knowing that you've died… and come back to life… how does that make you feel?
CSD-0141 pursed his lips inward as he stares at the table for a minute before his response.
CSD-0141: It makes me feel scared. Like… one moment, your mind blanks out the pain… you lose consciousness… and then nothing. But… it wasn't a nothing kind of nothing… if that makes sense.
Dr. Apth: Describe it the best you can.
CSD-0141: Its like… there's this blank space of nothingness. Like a coma but you can't think, can't dream, can't… anything? And… just thinking about it hurts my head. And… when you finally wake up all you can feel is the burning sensation in your chest. The good kind I mean. Like I described before.
Dr. Apth: Do you have any concerns that you wish to address?
CSD-0141: I… don't know. Not really. I guess I feel kinda scared? I mean… I've come to realize just how fragile my life is and it just… made me grateful that I got this second change. But at the same time… I wish I didn't. Doc, everything in here scares the shit out of me and now I know what the worst of these creatures could do to me.
Dr. Apth: In about eight more months, you won't have to worry about the creatures anymore. Keep strong and persevere. By the end of your term, you'll appreciate the benefits the RPC Authority has given you to the fullest extent. Now, before I cut this interview short, do you have anything else you wish to talk about?
CSD-0141: No, I think I'm good for now.
<End Log>
Subject: ASF personnel O-2-Louis: a Caucasian German American male. Was declared brain dead after suffering from blunt force trauma to the cranium. Louis attempted to restrain CSD personnel after testing of RPC-135 to prevent him from entering the television set. The CSD was terminated shortly after and the ASF was put on life support. O-2-Louis was euthanized after being administered with RPC-178. Louis re-materialized several minutes after in a physically and mentally fit state.
Foreword: The following interview has been conducted by Dr. Apth to determine Louis' psychological well being following the incident.
Begin Log:
Dr. Apth: Good morning private Louis. Are you feeling alright today?
O-2-Louis: Umm… I feel like shit. Head's pounding. Massive headache. I haven't felt this bad since my hangover after Oktoberfest. How long have I been out for?
Dr. Apth: About a few days. We kept you on life support since the incident with CSD-0014
O-2-Louis: Ahh.. right… wait that fucker. He really got me good didn't he?
Dr. Apth: You can say that. He got you dead.
O-2-Louis: What?
Dr. Apth: You were brain dead private. CSD-0014 took all the time in the world caving your skull in.
O-2-Louis: I… wait. Brain dead?
Dr. Apth: HoS Cole filed out a request to administer you with RPC-178.
O-2-Louis: That'd explain why I feel so warm.
Dr. Apth: Louis, if it is at all possible, do you remember anything prior to your… resurrection?
O-2-Louis: Resurrection? That's a crude way to put it. But uhh… let's see.
O-2 Louis takes a moment to sit back as he tries to recall the events following CSD-0014's assault. After about a minute or two in, the private shook his head and leaned back to reply.
O-2-Louis: Everything's a blank. Can't remember anything beyond getting my face smashed in.
Dr. Apth: But you are able to recall everything prior to the attack no?
O-2-Louis: Yeah… yeah I can. It shouldn't be possible though right?
Dr. Apth: Nope. Private, you had zero brain activity. Everything in that head of yours was dead. Nothing could bring you back from that by conventional means. Even if it was possible… you'd probably still be in a vegetative state. Or at best, a coma.
O-2-Louis: Good thing RPC-178 isn't a treatment of conventional means.
Dr. Apth: Indeed. Alright. Are you feeling anything else at all aside from warmth and headaches?
O-2-Louis: Yeah. Anger. Did the fucker who beat my head in get buried six feet underground?
Dr. Apth: In a sense, yes. CSD-0014 has been terminated.
O-2-Louis: A damn shame. I wanted to see the look on his face knowing I was still alive. I was about ready to pop his scrawny little fucking neck off.
<End Log>
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