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Registered Phenomenon Code: 162
Object Class: Theta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Sapient Hazard, Extreme Temperature Hazard
RPC-162 since recovery. Note the details of the ring have vastly deteriorated due to age.
Containment Protocols: Since recovery, RPC-162 is permanently attached to Researcher Silar. As RPC-162 cannot be removed at this time, Dr. Silar must follow procedures in dealing with RPC-162 and its instance known as RPC-162-01. Dr. Silar must ensure minimal casualties when utilizing RPC-162-01 for cross-testing or re-containment purposes. For his saftey, Dr. Silar must remain in the anomalous habitat wing on-site (Site-015) at all times. His office is to be moved to a containment residential suite with two security personnel stationed outside.
It is inadvisable for RPC-162-01 to remain in the presence of other personnel in one room for too long. Extraneous orders are not to be conducted without the permission of the site director. Even then, these orders must be conducted on site and supervised.
If Dr. Silar were to die, RPC-162 must be contained within a standard containment storage unit. Until the Authority can determine the best possible course to utilize RPC-162, Head of Site Security Chief Anselm Cole is permitted to equip the ring following Silar's death.
Description: RPC-162 is a rusted, iron ring encrusted with gold trim and cut obsidian in the centerpiece. Carbon dating suggests the ring existed as far back as 300 BC. Analysis of wear patterns found on the ring shows the anomaly has been in the possession of at least a dozen users in recent history. Tracing and investigating the recent patterns of the previous users revealed that during the turn of the 20th century, more than two dozen users were reported murdered or missing. Some do not match any databases of what their nationality is. Despite the ring's deteriorating condition, RPC-162 is impervious to all forms of damage.
RPC-162 has two anomalous effects; When worn, RPC-162 will become permanently attached to the ring finger of the user. Second, the user gains control over a new anomaly (designated RPC-162-01) that will manifest and only appear visible to the user after wearing RPC-162. The instance's physical form can only be seen by the user and communication with the entity can only be done through the user.
RPC-162-01 is described as a reptilian-like creature with a humanoid figure. A sketch provided by the researcher displays a rough estimate of the creature, standing 3.6 meters tall and with no discernible sex. RPC-162-01 is described to be a physical entity but attempts to determine the weight have failed to provide data. The cause of which is currently unknown. RPC-162-01 gives off high levels of heat from its body, ranging from around 33.4-65.6 degrees Celsius based on measuring the temperature of its presence. The intensity of the heat is determined by RPC-162-01's reaction to threats. When in hibernation, RPC-162-01's temperatures will drop to 10 degrees celsius.
While invisible to the naked eye, heat haze serves as an indicator of RPC-162-01's presence. Infrared frequencies make it possible to see the anomaly. However, any and all auditory and visual recording are unable to produce any feedback of RPC-162-01's voice.
RPC-162 is unable to be removed until the expiration of the wearer. Previous attempts to remove the ring resulted in RPC-162-01 turning hostile such as with Incident 162-A, where Dr. Silar attempted to amputate his ring finger with the assistance of another researcher. RPC-162-01 will defend the user unless ordered to stand down by the user, or until the perceived threat to the user is eliminated.
Aside from acting as a protector to the user, RPC-162-01 will obey any command given to it as long as it does not conflict with the safety and well-being of the user. RPC-162-01 will refuse to obey any order of inaction or indirection that will result in the harm of the user. RPC-162-01 will also protect itself so long as it does not conflict with safeguarding the user.
Discovery Log: 162:
At the time of recovery, RPC-162 was found on the person of █████ █████████, originally suspected of being a psychokinetic anomaly involved in numerous violent crimes. In an attempt to acquire the suspected entity, several MST personnel were injured and the suspect terminated by sniper fire without confirmation of squad leader. When questioned, the sniper insisted he acted within protocol in order to prevent unnecessary loss of Authority personnel.
The body was recovered for analysis to determine the anomalous capabilities and all personal items confiscated. A thorough examination made by site director concluded that the terminated hostile entity was no longer a threat. Dr. Silar requested further examination of the items within the suspect's possessions. After a thorough re-evaluation, Dr. Silar discarded the subject's attire save for the ring. Due to a lapse of judgment, Dr. Silar equipped the ring only to discover that he could not remove it. RPC-162-01 manifested sometime after. From this, the Authority has determined that the ring was the anomalous source and was in fact, not █████ █████████.
Addendum 162-01:
Below are written transcripts by Dr. Silar, the current user of RPC-162, in a series of interviews with RPC-162-01. The anomaly behaved poorly with Dr. Silar during the first few weeks of containment, though this slowly changed over time.
RPC-162-01 is able to speak in proper English. However, the entity is mainly proficient in Latin.
Foreword: As video and audio recording is not possible, Dr. Silar has been ordered to transcribe his conversations with RPC-162-01 on paper. Including whatever bodily motions and behaviors it exhibits.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Silar: RPC-162-01, do you mind me asking what you are?
RPC-162-01: I do not mind. I am compelled to obey whatever command you give me. As for what I am, it doesn't matter. What I am has no bearing to what my purpose is.
Dr. Silar: Okay… how about what you are, in relation to RPC-162.
RPC-162-01: I'm a vassal. As the ring is bound to you, so too am I.
Dr. Silar: Are you able to forgo that bond?
RPC-162-01: No. As I've said, I am compelled beyond all reason to obey you.
Dr. Silar: Can you explain why?
RPC-162-01: It is just what it is. I have no answer for it.
Dr. Silar: I am just trying to better understand you and this ring. Why can't I get it off?
RPC-162-01: That is just how the rules are.
Dr. Silar.: And what are these rules?
RPC-162-01: [Entity hisses in agitation.] Stultus! It is for your benefit that it stays on! Its always been like that. I am to obey you and your every command and ensure I protect you until you draw your last breath. If I actually knewwhat you ask, I'd tell you.
Dr. Silar: You're being rather difficult right now. Is there something you're not telling me?
RPC-162-01: Morologus es. Futue te ipsum. You cannot ask questions which I do not have answers to.
<End Log,>
Closing Statement: [Subject's disruptive behavior concluded the interview prematurely. Dr. Silar is to proceed at a later date.]
Foreword: [This interview has been conducted after attempts to amputate Dr. Silar's finger resulted in three staff personnel hospitalized.]
Dr. Silar: Why did you attack my colleagues?
RPC-162-01: You were in danger.
Dr. Silar: I can hardly see how I am in danger. You see the company I keep.
RPC-162-01: It is my bound duty to protect you no matter the cost.
Dr. Silar: Even if it means attacking my allies?
RPC-162-01: illborn jackanapes. If you were to save Caesar from assassination before his mind can conceive the very notion of betrayal, do you think he would ask you 'why did you kill my fellow Romans'? You naive puer Today's friends will be tomorrow's enemies. I've had several masters that failed to realize that.
Dr. Silar: We're different, I can assure you the RPC Authority represents the best interest of humanity, of the Authority's personnel and their peers.
RPC-162-01: Non posuerunt te scire cogitationes de aliis.
Dr. Silar: So, I can safely say that you also represent my well being and best interest?
RPC-162-01: I rarely care about the well being of my masters nor their interests. However, I will ensure your safety by any means necessary.
Dr. Silar: Even if it means your own death?
RPC-162-01: I can't die. I age, but naught a wrinkle or a crack creases across of my flesh, my scales never dull, my mind never weak, my memory never wavers.
Dr. Silar: Well since I can't really well get rid of you, would you kindly… fututus et mori in igni? Don't think I don't know what you've been saying.
RPC-162-01: So your filching hands are manned by an intelligent brain after all.
<End Log,>
Foreword: [Dr. Silar attempts to learn more about RPC-162-01 and RPC-162's previous wielders.]
Dr. Silar: 162-01, do you have a name?
RPC-162-01: [Subject is silent and growls under its breath.]
Dr. Silar: Are you unable to tell me your name?
RPC-162-01: I do not have one. It never became a topic of discussion between me and my masters.
Dr. Silar: It never occurred to them that you were alive or had a name?
RPC-162-01: Cogito, ergo sum. They knew right away. At first they were afraid of me. But when they realized I was not a threat, they started to prod me with questions by the numbers. For other masters asked me who I was and what I was. Like you, they wanted to learn more about me and the ring.
Dr. Silar: I presume you couldn't answer their questions either?
RPC-162-01: No. And the issue isn't that I can't remember. Struggling to remember would mean that I had any memories of before my conception and the ring's to begin with. And like I said to you before; my memory never wavers.
Dr. Silar: But the ring seems to be man-made. It is definitely old. We had a thorough examination dates as far back as Ancient Rome.
RPC-162-01: Et hoc est mysterium. What you call the Era of Rome was when I first realized I came to the world. Whose hands forged me, I do not know. But Roma… ahhh Roma. The most prominent time period of my service. I had a great and many masters back then. Many who died from enemies, few of those who knew of my existence and wanted a powerful vassal for themselves. Others from age or disease. There were so few that I truly admired. Sometimes though, I was not so fortunate. There was one wielder of the ring who was disturbed enough and desperate for intimacy that…well, I'm indifferent of his death.
Dr. Silar: So you did foster some sort of relationship with your previous owners?
RPC-162-01: Yes. Some that I even consider close friends. They were not uncommon. When one has a limited lifespan, very rarely do any of the friendships leave a lasting impact.
Dr. Silar: So there were times where you were affected negatively by their deaths?
RPC-162-01: Very much so.
Dr. Silar: Any that you were glad to be rid of?
RPC-162-01: Gaudeo satis, quod ego saltasset in eorum monumentis. And there was a great and many a number. Especially during the time of which you call, The Crusades. I'm rather resilient to pain, but I can definitely feel the whips, the chains and the lashes. How they doused me with water and cursed my being. My masters even tried to burn me on several occasions. As you can see, my body is that of fire and obsidian. I lost more masters who were committed of witchcraft, claiming I was a demon that only they could see that I had masters dying from being stabbed in the back.
Dr. Silar: I'm sorry you had to go through with that.
RPC-162-01: Don't be. I hardly felt pain, like I said. I am resilient, so I wouldn't exactly describe their pitiful attempts at abuse.
Dr. Silar: What about verbal abuse? Were there times where you wanted to kill your masters?
RPC-162-01: Their words were more common. Especially during the crusades when there were few ring wielders were smart enough to keep their trap shut about my existence. They cursed me every moment they have need for me and with not a scant of praise or thanks for my service. One of my masters was a Pope, A vile asinum. He went by the name of Urban the sixth. Oh and as for your second question; yes. I very very much wanted to kill my masters. Not all of them. But there was definitely a list.
Dr. Silar: But the rules compel you to of course.
RPC-162-01: The rules compel me yes.
Dr. Silar: Do you wish you could kill me?
RPC-162-01: You have not given me a reason to wish death upon you… yet.
<End log,>
Foreword: [Dr. Silar asks about the many tasks given to RPC-162-01 and provides demonstrations.]
Dr. Silar: So 162-01, you said that you will carry out any order given to you correct?
RPC-162-01: Yes.
Dr. Silar: What if someone gave you an order to kill?
RPC-162-01: Ego interfecerit sine quaestio.
Dr. Silar: Assuming the target was not in front of you, how do you know who your target is?
RPC-162-01: I go by whatever description that my masters give me of them. I also learn of my targets by honing in on conversations humans have with one another. How long it takes varies, but I try to reach my target within the shortest time-span as possible.
Dr. Silar: Were you only used to carry out assassinations?
RPC-162-01: Hmm, no. Whenever there is a package that needs to be moved, I make sure to do it in the dead of night so the other humans fail to notice a hovering parcel. If I were to protect another human per my master's order, I'd protect them just as I would my master. Though that depends just how long they'd want me to safeguard them. I am ordered to build, tend the crops, harvest the crops, cook, clean, and organize books.
Dr. Silar: Well, sounds like you'd be the perfect housemaid given your stature. And you do these tasks all without question?
RPC-162-01: Sine interrogatione.
Dr. Silar: Can you give me a demonstration? Go to the cafeteria and get me any kind of drink from the vending machine. Since we've determined you're not a direct threat, your presence within the facility is allowed so long as you follow the designated areas in which the Authority has allowed you to roam.
RPC-162-01: Scilicet.
[The anomaly exits the room. Dr. Silar sits in his seat for approximately five minutes before the anomaly returns carrying cola.]
RPC-162-01: Hic est.
Dr. Silar: Ah! Good choice. Thank you 162. So about-
[Dr. Silar recounts about the overseer informing him of a vending machine being vandalized shortly after commanding 162-01. Dr. Silar's pay has been drastically reduced as a result of his negligence.]
Dr. Silar: … We're going to have to lay down some ground rules.
Closing Statements: [Interview interrupted following the destruction of one of the cafeteria's vending machines. Interview resumed a week after.]
Dr. Silar: Before, you said you'd kill if your master ordered you too.
RPC-162-01: Yes.
Dr. Silar: Have they ever asked you to kill themselves?
RPC-162-01: Some did yes. And I told them that I am unable because I am bound to protect them.
Dr. Silar: Have they ever asked you to cut off their finger?
RPC-162-01: [162-01 remains silent and grunts uncomfortably.]
Dr. Silar: You've done it before, haven't you?
RPC-162-01: Mihi opus est ad serviendum.
Dr. Silar: You don't have to answer this if it makes you-
RPC-162-01: If you were to cut off your finger, you will die. Even if you attempted to do it yourself, I will stop you.
Dr. Silar: Okay then. I'm curious as to why that happens but I'll have to get around to that later. As for the people you've killed… have you any regrets?
RPC-162-01: Regrets?
Dr. Silar: Did you have any regrets killing those your master ordered you to kill?
RPC-162-01: Hmm sometimes. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, the fight, and the kill. I killed those who were deserving, those who weren't. However, I've had seen enough masters with such undeniable malice and cruelty that they will give me orders that will go above and beyond what they wanted to do with their target victims.
Dr. Silar: Such as?
RPC-162-01: [Subject remains silent again and stirs.]
Dr. Silar: Hey, are you alright 162?
RPC-162-01: There's nothing in this world more deserving of being lost in obscurity than I. These past few decades were horrors unyielding. I've been ordered to perform dastardly demands at the behest of the many 'creative' minds my masters' concocted. My last master being one of them. And when the day came where I was free from him, I reflected on everything I had done. There were no regrets, save for one. And even then, at the end of the day, my actions were not my own. But I still feel the anger. I thought for once I'd be lost to the world and fade to obscurity since the death of my last master. Then you came. And you picked up that ring, and slipped in on your finger. The only question I can ask you is why? Then I realized that no matter what, no matter why, it was bound to happen.
<End Log,>
Dr. Silar: I have just one more question for you and I want you to answer it.
RPC-162-01: Can't you just tell me what to do instead of having me answer questions?
Dr. Silar: You recent list of masters we've investigated have shown a common pattern among them.
RPC-162-01: And that is?
Dr. Silar: They were all murdered. Others that don't officially exist and the rest were said to have disappeared. You said you had masters that died of disease and old age… why does this pattern contradict your previous statements?
[Dr. Silar noted that the subject was unusually quiet when confronted with the question. There was a sigh before RPC-162-01 answered the researcher.]
RPC-162-01: Quidam aperti sunt oculi. There are those who are aware of the ring's existence and its power. They notice things, even when they are so far away. Recently, more are becoming aware of the ring. And they noticed you, as soon as you put that ring on. In the past, this was not a common occurrence that others knew of me and the ring, and pretty much everyone was watching their backs everywhere they went at that point.
Dr. Silar: I'm the exception in this case.
RPC-162-01: Very much so. But you didn't know what I was or what I was capable of.
Dr. Silar: We only thought the ring that belonged to your previous master was actually the man himself who caused so much trouble. And even if he were a threat, our duty was to ensure we detained him as we still do not understand his capabilities.
RPC-162-01: Well then, if that was the case, then you wouldn't have killed my master. And if you hadn't killed my master, I would have killed your soldiers. However, I'd be careful of the company you keep. Even the most rational and disciplined minds will not hesitate to take the power the ring represents.
Dr. Silar: Wait… what are you insinuating?
RPC-162-01: Servo vestri amici prope, et inimici tui propius Dr. Silar. Over the years, I realized there was a pattern to how I lost my previous masters.
<End log,>