
The Choeung Ek Stupa, one of the locations with the highest RPC-140 ratio.
Registered Phenomena Code: 140
Object Class: Gamma-Purple
Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Organic Hazard, Regenerative Hazard
Containment Protocols: OL-Site-140 is to be the center for study of RPC-140. If RPC-140 phenomenons appear inside Cambodia, ASF Rapid Response Team ("Amitbha's Chainsaws") is to be deployed with the intention of incinerating as much of RPC-140-1 as possible. Affected settlements must be quarantined and Extergito Glyphs are to be used on surviving citizens. In the case of these protocols failings, Level-5 personnel are to enable Protocol-[REDACTED]1.
Description: RPC-140 is a phenomenon affecting locations in Cambodia with a high density of vegetation. RPC-140 seems to appear more frequently when a certain quantity of human corpses are present and buried in the soil2. RPC-140 causes vegetation to grow faster, and develop nomadic capabilities3. Affected plants are hereby called RPC-140-1. When RPC-140-1 reaches a human corpse4, it will twist its body around it, until the corpse is bound to RPC-140-1. Corpses after this stage are referred to as RPC-140-2.
RPC-140-2 regain their sentience, but do not regain their sapience. RPC-140-2 works as a visual and thinking organ for RPC-140-1, helping guide RPC-140-1 and assisting RPC-140-1 in discerning what is located in its immediate environment. RPC-140-2 becomes increasingly aggressive and active when more RPC-140-2 are added to RPC-140-1. RPC-140-2 also accelerates the growth of RPC-140-1 instances by currently unknown means. All instances of RPC-140-1 are extremely hostile towards any animals in their vicinity. Upon detecting any nearby animals, RPC-140-2 will react with congested vocalizations that will alert its RPC-140-1 instance to the organism, causing it to attack. RPC-140-2 always directs RPC-140-1 to the nearest human settlement.
Discovery: RPC-140 strains were first located in █/██/1997 in The ███-███████ Mass Grave Memorial in ██████████, Cambodia. Civilians reported the vegetation in the ditch of the mass grave rapidly expanding, and attacking people near it. One guard, Soth S. ███, survived the outbreak, detailing the functions of RPC-140 and aiding the Authority in containment.
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