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An instance of RPC-136-1, currently detached from RPC-136.
Registered Phenomena Code: 136
Object Class: Beta-Orange
Hazard Types: Animated Hazard, Sentient Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-136 is to be held in a remote area of the Site-002 parking garage. While not being tested, the tires are to remain off the wheels, with the vehicle itself suspended by an automobile lift. The tires of RPC-136 are to be stored in a 3m x 3m containment cell. RPC-136 and all instances of RPC-136-1 are to be handled with care. Any attempts to assault the objects are prohibited; this includes any attempts at penetration of the tires via syringe, scalpel, or any other means.
Addendum: As of Incident 136-R001, RPC-136-1’s containment cell is to be lit by floodlight at all times. High-powered flashlights are to be kept nearby as backup lights in case of a power outage, in which security personnel are to turn on the flashlights and keep them trained on the objects. The ventilation grate leading to RPC-136-1’s containment cell is to be covered with a steel plate. See Incident Report 136-R001.
Description: RPC-136 is a beige-colored 1969 Dodge Charger automobile, sporting tires with no visible branding or product number. Upon initial observation, RPC-136 displays no anomalous features, although it is heavily dented in some areas.
The anomalous traits of RPC-136 become apparent whenever it and/or the tires—designated RPC-136-1—are subjected to harm or threatened with such, or if they are introduced into a darkened environment. Under these conditions, instances of RPC-136-1 will protrude one to four prehensile, primarily black appendages ending in three webbed talon-like fingers. Once emerged, the appendages will produce a screeching sound similar to Desmodus rotundus.1 While the talons appear tangible, the rest of the appendages exhibit an incorporeal appearance. Regardless, they are still capable of grasping objects. Researchers have arrived at an estimate of 3cm for the diameter of the appendages, with the talons stretching to a span of 13cm. The appendages themselves are capable of stretching to a length of 1.5 meters and seem permanently attached to the tire. If the tire is rotating, the appendage will maintain its physical position by shifting in the opposite direction of the tire with an equal RPM. These appendages are designated RPC-136-1A.
One or more instances of RPC-136-1A will emerge from RPC-136-1 if RPC-136 or the respective tire is harmed or visibly threatened, whereafter it will retaliate. RPC-136-1A will first dispose of any weapon used by the aggressor, although on occasion it will momentarily use the weapon against the aggressor. RPC-136-1A will retaliate further by using its talons to make fatal lacerations and the occasional dismemberment. While retaliating, RPC-136-1A will attempt to place its talons in the nearest shadow if it can attack its victim from said area. Once the victim has been disposed of or is no longer within reach, the appendages will retreat back into its respective RPC-136-1 instance. High-speed camera footage shows that RPC-136-1A is capable of emerging at speeds of up to 35km/hr.
RPC-136-1A will also emerge if its respective tire enters into a darkened environment, such as underground or at night. If it is not affixed to a car wheel, RPC-136-1A will achieve locomotion by arranging the appendages into a quadruped formation and begin walking as such. Using this method, RPC-136-1A will begin to roam and investigate its surroundings. In these darkened environments, the retaliation of RPC-136-1A is considered more aggressive as it will give chase to the aggressor.
RPC-136-1 instances show no resistance to being used as normal car tires.
Acquisition Report: RPC-136 came to the attention of the Authority after several “shadowy arms” attacks were reported from motorists in █████████, California. Drivers described accidents as minor collisions with a car being driven recklessly. They would then begin to hear, as one victim described, “the guts of the car being ripped to shreds.” RPC-136-1A instances would then break through the floor and begin severing the legs of the victims. The reckless driver would drive away without any word to the victim. Most of these victims were police officers who had been chasing a fleeing vehicle at the time of the incident. MST Papa-4 (“Big Rig Vedas”) triangulated the incidents and investigated the determined area. In the town of ███████, agents were violently confronted by known operatives of the GOI known as the Occultum Corvidae Syndicate. The members were tracked to a confirmed safe house of the said GOI. During the following raid, Agent ██████ discovered an automobile fitting the description of the one frequently given in the aforementioned news reports. It is widely believed that the GOI had been using RPC-136 to assist in fleeing from law enforcement.