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The wall constructed to contain RPC-133, near the shore of [REDACTED].
Registered Phenomena Code: 133
Object Class: Beta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Ideological Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-133 is contained near OL-Site-133, utilizing a combination of riot barricades, constructed concrete-steel wire walls with a 10-metre gap in between, concrete towers allowing for clear 360o view and bullet-resistant Plexiglass vehicle gates constructed 50 metres away from RPC-133's known area of effect. There are four checkpoints, labelled A through D and to be designated as Checkpoint-133-A through -D when recording information relevant to said location. The walls are to be checked for damage every 24 hours and repaired with an 8 man Authority Security Force guarding the maintenance personnel when doing so. Should any unidentified humans approach during repairs, Protocol Deviant-133-1 is to be undertaken.
No personnel not employed by the Authority are to permitted entry or exit for RPC-133 at any point. Authority personnel with the intent to enter RPC-133 must submit themselves to searches for viable weaponry and hazardous equipment prior to entry and said items will be retained until their return. All RPC personnel entering RPC-133 will also be required to attach an unmodifiable GPS locator on their body until their return. All RPC personnel deaths should be submitted using standard paperwork and filed by the Site Director.
As of Incident 133-1, new rooms have been constructed connecting to the wall and ramparts have been added to the walls' interiors allowing for overwatch on both sides of the walls. The room will have 2 armed personnel - one guarding each entrance - and are located 25 metres away from each checkpoint on the side facing RPC-133. Should any subjects entering become hostile, authorisation to terminate will be granted so long as the safety of the doctor is not at stake.
Description: RPC-133 is a small sector of land located within the Ellesmere Island with an approximate area of 58,815.72km2 and a perimeter of 970.08km, with an estimated population of approximately 400 to 600 humans of both the female and male sex. Any and all humans within the perimeter of RPC-133 will be reconditioned to find matters such as death, pain, torture and similar acts comical whilst the idea of life, relief and safety are repulsive. It also appears to reduce inhibitions against these types of actions as well, although there is little evidence to support this currently recorded.
There is no recorded link between height, weight, diet, race, illnesses, genetic disorders or other known physical factors and no known entity or object of interest propagating this effect. The effects of reconditioning will begin to appear after 20 minutes spent past the border1, however, this conditioning will clear from the affected after a period of time relevant to the person entering:
\begin{align} t = a({\lfloor o\rfloor-\lceil i\rceil \over g}) \end{align}
where $t$ is the time before the reconditioning disappears in milliseconds, $a$ is the age of the subject, $i$ is the total time in hours spent within the RPC, $o$ is the total time spent outside the RPC in hours and $g$ is the gender of the subject - male is 12 and female is 15.
Subjects who are born within the region are considered separate from this and to be classed as an instance of RPC-133-1 - when removed, their reconditioning will not naturally disappear. They will continue to exhibit effects of RPC-133's reconditioning regardless of time spent outside of it or distance between the RPC and will attempt to migrate into other societies in order to find larger groups of humans to terminate and potentially send back to RPC-133. Whether this is by choice is unknown, due to the aggression typically displayed when approached by Authority forces.
Due to the reduced inhibition towards harmful actions, there have been cases where people spending extended time in the region will become psychopathic at an increased rate. These are not to be considered an instance of RPC-133-1 nor separate types of instances. These individuals do not make any mention of any entity controlling their thoughts or actions, and any attempts to pacify them typically incites aggression. Class G amnestics have seen varied usefulness in reversing the effects of psychopathy, with an estimated 37% relapse rate.
The effects of RPC-133 do not override natural human instinct - humans will still seek cover from rain via standard abodes, caves, trees, umbrellas, etc. They will also seek medical aid concerning menial illnesses from verified physicians2 - for this reason and reasons listed in Incident Log 133-1, RPC has deployed multiple physicians on the border as per Containment Protocols - and still retain self-preservation reflexes, e.g. avoiding vehicular manslaughter and will not commit suicide. Somewhat contradictory to RPC-133's effects, they will also conceive, birth and raise children as well. They have been numerous cases of child abuse within the region however, and minor interviews have concluded they are disgusted by themselves should they perform these actions.
The Authority have successfully secured a security retinue of ██ unmarked military vessels from the Royal Canadian Navy Forces, all capable of intercepting aquatic, aerial and submersible vehicles at a range of 200m plus. They are under strict orders to "inquire once, then shoot on sight" — do not interfere with their operations without announcing a flight plan at least 1 hour prior on official channels using callsign 'Autonomy 973'. Flights over RPC-133 will also be forbidden due to this and all forbidden airspace repositories globally have been updated to reflect this, registered under P-███ and R-█████.
First, identify the target and their weaponry. If they have a knife, tell them to hold their hands up and drop it. If they have a gun, instead tell them to remove their finger from the trigger guard, remove the magazine (if applicable) and eject any chambered rounds before throwing the gun to the side.
Second, command the target to rotate to face away from you with hands behind their head. Ensure they do not suddenly return to facing you at any point by then commanding them to drop to their knees and lie down on their front side.
Proceed to detain the subject whilst keeping them down with your sidearm to force compliance - placing your knee on their wrists whilst cuffing them will prevent some attacks - process their approach and reason why outside of RPC-133 (if looking for a physician, release into the room listed in Containment Protocols), warn them that they're currently under martial law and that all attempts of leaving the area of RPC-133 will be met with reasonable force then release them back into RPC-133.
If at any point they fail to comply passively, remind them that you have the ability to terminate should it be necessary and repeat previous instructions. If they fail to comply after this, request a deployment for Class C amenstics in order to encourage compliance. If the target fails to comply aggressively at any point, permission to engage is retroactively granted to terminate the target. Headshots, shots to the chest or centre mass are preferred targets in order to prevent prolonged fights.
I know what you're thinking - what about the people who just want to leave and live normal lives? Well… we can't verify what they're thinking. More importantly, we don't know if the force currently affecting them is passive or active, and capable of modifying its control in any way let alone its range. So they have to stay put until we're certain that releasing them is OK.
People may go mad. They may kill, or maim, or who knows what. That's a sacrifice we have to make to prevent more people dying instead of one, or more people becoming influenced by RPC-133. If you have any complaints about this, feel free to apply for a change in Site to the Site Director or your commanding officer. Until then, we play border control. -Head Researcher Ferriday
At 05:00 hours, on the date ██ of ██, ████, 2 human subjects made their way to the defensive border on foot. Subject 1 was a white male with shaved black hair, noticeable stubble and brown eyes. Subject 2 was a black female with dyed blonde hair and brown eyes. Subject 1 had been injured in an unknown incident and was sporting a black eye, multiple broken ribs and severe cut wounds around the abdominal area.
At 05:04, ASF-133 forces at Checkpoint D raised comms to Site-███ and requested for medical assistance to be sent into RPC-133 in front of Checkpoint D in order to perform surgery necessary to Subject 1's survival. After ascertaining the wounds for treatment, Site-███ responded and accepted the request. A second Authority Security Force, hereby dubbed Authority Security Force ASF-133-I1, and consisting of one member of medical staff and an escort of three armed personnel were sent. A request to Subject 2 was made to ensure any bleeding was minimized to which she obliged. Guards noted that she purposely agitated damaged flesh to both her and Subject 1's joy and were informed that continued damage would minimize his survival rate.
At 05:10, ASF-133-I1 arrived at the scene and acted quickly to enter RPC-133 and treat Subject 1. Subject 2 was kept under guard by one armed personnel from the entry team and questioned on the incident leading to his injuries.
At 05:27, the medical staff member was affected by RPC-133 and began to take less liberty in ensuring the safety of Subject 1 - medical staff proceeded to [REDACTED], eliciting positive responses from Subjects 1 & 2 and negatively impacting the security team's mental state, as well as greatly injuring Subject 1. Subject 1's breathing had become strained at this point due to these actions.
At 05:28, the security entry team were affected and offered to euthanize Individual 1. The medical staff member, as well as Individuals 1 & 2, all agreed and euthanization was performed on Individual 1 with multiple gunshots to the limbs, chest and [REDACTED]. On-site security personnel were told not to interfere and to instead await the return of the entry team. TTF-133-1 disregarded orders to return to base and face reprimands, instead further entering RPC-133. On-site security refused to enter at this point, and Site-███ remained on the radio in order to attempt to dissuade the team from further action.
TTF-133-1 proceeded to locate, torture and execute ██ different individuals within RPC-133 per individual accounts before attempting to return to Site-███ without authorisation at 07:58 at Checkpoint-133-C. The TTF were ordered to drop all weaponry and wait for their necessary time limit for the disappearance of RPC-133's effects.
At 08:05, RPC-133's effects on TTF-133-1 disappeared. The medical staff entered a mental breakdown for 10 minutes before becoming co-operative with on-site staff. Armed personnel in TTF-133-1 were visibly shaken but reported their status after 2 minutes to on-site staff. Site-███ requested their return, to which they agreed.
The status of TTF-133-1 after the incident is as follows:
* Medical Staff Member [REDACTED] currently faces counseling concerning the events that transpired in Incident Log 133-1 and has been referred to Site-███, concerning Class Alpha & Beta RPCs, until such a time that he is of a stable mind to work with more hazardous RPCs.
* Armed Personnel G. Walker, T. Parker, and J. Wells have been barred from referral to RPC-133's OL-Site permanently due to potentially lasting effects from RPC-133's effects.
After this incident, medical staff numbers were increased from 4 to 16 and maintained on-site whilst Class E certified physicians were installed at the checkpoints in separate housing to the Authority personnel. All medical issues are to be treated with newly installed rooms detailed in Containment Protocols.
Note: No, the medical member's name won't be disclosed. The last thing he needs is you all pestering him concerning what it was like in there. And no, we aren't sending anyone in, armed or unarmed, doctor or guard, and this is why. Do you have a problem with it? Send it my way. I'll personally ensure you won't worry about this again. And if anyone asks exactly how he managed to blunt every single one of his scalpels, I'm going to bludgeon you. I'm going to bludgeon you until you learn what hitting things with things does to the latter. -Head Researcher Ferriday
1. on average, tests conducted using 200 unique individuals. The magnitude of variance between this time is 2 minutes, both more and less.
2. physicians are not to be allowed entry to RPC-133, after actions listed in Incident Log 133-1. Designated emergency aid points have been listed in the Containment Protocols. Failure to adhere will result in mandatory reassignment and will be administered Class B EGs.