




RPC-132 in its container. NOTE: If you do not see a coffee tin, you are under the effects of "Tea Leaves" this is not a cause for concern.

Registered Phenomena Code: 132

Object Class: Alpha Beta-Orange

Hazard Types: Bio-Hazard, Emotional Hazard, Ideological Hazard

Containment Protocols: Media propaganda initiative “Tea Leaves” is to be iterated and deployed by embedded agents in all major media outlets in the United Kingdom. Agents must deploy two Addams-Meywether Subliminal Memetic Payloads each day. For information on the “Tea Leaves” initiative, see Secure Document #132. Due to the overwhelming success of the “Tea Leaves” initiative, this RPC has been designated Alpha class. (See Addendum 132-4.)

Manifestation sites of RPC-132 have only been confirmed in the United Kingdom, however all Authority staff are to report any instances of RPC-132 found outside of the United Kingdom to their superiors immediately. Due to Authority efforts every country around the globe recognises RPC-132 as contraband, and have been instructed to seize and incinerate any instances found in their respective jurisdictions. Media propaganda initiatives based on “Tea Leaves” are ready to deploy in each current world language.

Authority field agents must engage and terminate any instances of RPC-132-1s on sight. Direct physical contact with a RPC-132-1 instance or any bodily fluids belonging to a RPC-132-1 instance (such as blood or saliva) results in exposure to RPC-132 and redesignation as a Stage 1 RPC-132-1. Any Authority staff redesignated as a Stage 1 RPC-132-1 immediately loses all security clearances, but can request to be put into 24 hour quarantine to make any final arrangements before termination, which is to be granted when feasible.

Corpses of RPC-132-1 instances at any stage are Class 4 bio-hazards and must only be handled and disposed of by properly trained and equipped personnel.

Authority personnel are not authorised to pursue RPC-132-1 instances into any kind of tunnel system. This includes, but is not limited to: sewers, storm drains, subways, and metro networks. (See Addendum 132-1.)

Any non-Authority witnesses to any instance of RPC-132-1 must be detained at Site-014 until amnestics can be administered.

Description: RPC-132 is a brand of instant coffee powder contained within an air-tight 200g red rectangular tin with a yellow lid. The container is emblazoned with a distinctive logo of a large cartoon rodent that makes it easily recognisable. The barcodes found on tins are always the same, and will anomalously be accepted by any scanner machine despite the barcode not actually existing in the store's product list. Price of the unit varies from manifestation to manifestation, but will always be cheaper than all other brands of instant coffee powder (of comparable weight) currently on sale at the store. Other than the barcode the containers are completely non-anomalous. Identical copies made of the barcode do not exhibit any anomalous properties, and will not be recognised by any scanner unless added to the database manually.

RPC-132 anomalously materialises on the shelves of supermarkets and convenience stores all over the United Kingdom, however RPC-132 will only manifest at a single shop every eight hours. Between 3 to 30 instances of RPC-132 will materialise each time, and will neatly fit onto a shelf between other coffee and tea products as if part of the display. Efforts to predict materialisation locations have, so far, been entirely unsuccessful.

Materialisation is instantaneous, and all CCTV footage has been unable to give any useful data. Footage always shows a number of frames of a non-descript store shelf with no sign of RPC-132 instances, then the next frame multiple RPC-132 instances are present. Efforts to capture footage of a materialisation event with an ultra high-speed camera are ongoing.

When questioned, no member of staff from any store has any memory of ordering, receiving, or placing RPC-132 on their shelves. Tests performed on staff, store recording equipment, and the buildings themselves at thousands of manifestation sites has found no other anomalous properties or activity of any kind. Exactly why, how, and where RPC-132 manifests from is unknown.

After the anomalous materialisation (and other than the barcode anomaly) RPC-132 instances do not show any other anomalous properties until an organic entity ingests the powder in some way. RPC-132 can be consumed in its powdered form or mixed with liquids, with the effects remaining the same. Any organic entity that ingests any amount1 or has direct physical contact with a liquid solution containing RPC-132 is immediately and irrecoverably considered a Stage 1 RPC-132-1 instance.

Upon exposure, subjects (henceforth Stage 1 RPC-132-1s) will exhibit no abnormal properties or behaviour for the first 24 hours. After 24 hours have passed since initial consumption Stage 1 RPC-132-1s will begin to transition to Stage 2 where they become photosensitive, skittish, and more rodent-like in their mannerisms and behaviour. The speed of the transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2 depends on the amount of RPC-132 the subject ingested. The more the subject ingests, the faster they transition.

48 hours after initial consumption all RPC-132-1s will enter the 3rd and final Stage. Stage 3 instances are extremely hazardous as they become feral and aggressive, while showing increased physical abilities. Footage and images taken during numerous incidents have shown that Stage 3's have a very large capacity for physical trauma, and can continue to function long after any normal specimen of their species would have been neutralised.
Stage 3 instances instinctively seek out nearby tunnel systems such as sewers or subways, and will attempt do this to the exclusion of any other goal including self-preservation actions such as eating, drinking, or sleeping. Long term containment and testing is currently impossible due to this, however (See Addendum 132-3) Stage 3 instances will survive for 5 days on average before succumbing to dehydration and dying.

All attempts to communicate with human Stage 2 and 3 instances have been unsuccessful. Stage 2 instances intentionally ignore and resist communication attempts, while Stage 3 instances seem to entirely lose the ability to communicate.

Post-mortem autopsies have consistently reported that all subjects, regardless of exposure Stage, do not differ from baseline physiology or bio-chemistry of their respective species in any way. It is currently unknown how RPC-132 affects the behaviour and mannerisms of any species at Stages 2 and 3, or how it increases the physical abilities at Stage 3.

All attempts to halt or reverse the progress of any RPC-132-1 Stage has met with failure, however testing is ongoing and other RPC objects have been approved for use in tests as of ██/██/20██. Contact Dr. Y██████ for more information.

Addendum 132-1: Due to the events of Incident 132-62, the containment procedures of RPC-132 have been updated. For more information, see Incident Report 132-62.

Addendum 132-2: Analysis of Squad 2's RPC-132-1 tracking beacon pulses towards the final 3.5 minutes of Incident 132-62 have concluded that the beacon was not malfunctioning, and was actually transmitting a message in Morse Code. Upon deciphering the patterns research staff found that the beacon had repeated the following message 6 and a half times before abruptly ceasing:

Addendum 132-3: Based on events of Incident 132-183, all further testing and experiments with RPC-132 on organic subjects are immediately placed on hold pending Level 4 review.

Addendum 132-4: RPC-132 has been reclassified as a Beta by the Global Directors, due to events and possible outcomes of Incident 132-241.

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