Footage provided by the body camera worn by Agent Peters
[Seven minutes into recording]
Agent Peters converses with Agent Horowitz, coordinating their planned explorations. Other members of the MST are seen assembling a rover from parts fed to them through the exit tube of the RPC-128 structure. MST Captain Daniel Bronson calls for the attention of the rest of the team. Peters turns to face him, showing other groups assembling rovers, and establishing a base of operations. Captain Bronson alerts the group to the fact that compasses do not function within RPC-128-1 and establishes rudimentary compass directions based on the idea that the structure they have exited from is facing north. Captain Bronson orders all team members assigned to exploration to release the trail paint, which he colloquially refers to as “bread crumbs”, before heading out, so that all teams may find their way back to base. During this time, the face of a sobbing Caucasian woman is superimposed on the footage. She appears to move back and forth across the screen as if walking around in a small room, calling out for help.
[Twenty-five minutes into recording]
Agent Peters and Agent White enter a completed rover and head in the direction designated east, activating a device which steadily pours a trail of bright white paint as the rover drives. The two converse with each other about personal matters. This continues for ~ten (10) minutes, during which time four different faces come and go on the recording: an African-American male estimated to be in his mid-twenties; an East-Asian male child estimated to be ten- to eleven-years-old; an elderly Caucasian male; and an elderly Native-American male.
[Thirty-six minutes into recording]
Agents Peters and White spot another egg-shaped structure appearing into view. White alerts Peters, who also sees the structure. White, who is driving the rover, turn to the right to head in the direction of the structure. The features of the face appearing on camera cannot be discerned due to its erratic behavior.
[Thirty-eight minutes into recording]
Peters and White approach the structure. The face seen in this area is that of a sobbing African-American female estimated to be in her mid-teens. White establishes communications with base and states that they’ve found another structure. Captain Bronson can be heard responding saying that other teams have also discovered similar structures. Peters crawls into the structure’s exit tube, but cannot see due to lack of any source of light, though he states aloud that he smells something unpleasant. Peters crawls out and asks White for a flashlight, stating that he has forgotten his. White chastises him and reluctantly hands him a flashlight. Peters switches the flashlight on and crawls inside. Upon entering the structure’s interior, the light from Peters’ flashlight illuminates two Caucasian female corpses, both nude and displaying a great deal of physical trauma. A large amount of blood has pooled around them, and there is a considerable amount of dried blood on the floor of the interior. Peters exclaims "fucking hell" at the sight of this, and begins looking around the rest of the interior, finding nothing else of interest. Peters attempts to shine a light upward, but the light will not illuminate the upper entrance port. At this point, the sounds of Agent White calling to Agent Peters can be heard, and Agent Peters quickly crawls back out through the entrance tube.
Upon Agent Peters’ exit, Agent White is seen gesturing to the left and demanding Agent Peters look. Peters turns to see an instance of RPC-128-2 in the distance approaching the structure. The two agents debate what to do for approximately two (2) minutes (Peters wanting to keep a distance from it, stating "we don't know what that thing is capable of, or if it's even hostile," with White suggesting preemptive measures to drive it away, such as shooting it or throwing the contents of the structure out into the open as a lure) before deciding to distance themselves from the structure, and keep watch of RPC-128-2.
[One hour seven minutes into recording]
Peters and White are in the rover parked several meters away from the structure, and RPC-128-2. Peters keeps his body camera locked onto RPC-128-2, which by this point has reached the structure. RPC-128-2 then presses its mouth over the structure’s opening, and its body begins pulsating as if feeding vigorously through the tube. After a few moments of this, RPC-128-2 releases its mouth from the structure, its body tightening as smoke is released from it. After expelling this smoke, RPC-128-2 begins crawling away. Peters and White decide to wait until RPC-128-2 has left the area completely before checking on the structure.
[One hour fifteen minutes into recording]
Peters and White have returned to the structure. Peters takes White’s flashlight again and crawls into the structure. A different Caucasian woman’s face is now superimposed on the footage, appearing confused and frightened. Peters shines the flashlight into the structure’s interior, showing that the two women’s corpses are missing.
Footage provided by the body camera worn by Agent Fong
[Footage begins similarly to Exploration Log 1, with the agent assembling a rover, and traveling “West” in the completed rover with Agent Salisbery. Relevant portion begins thirty-seven minutes into recording]
Agent Salisbery calls to Agent Fong’s attention what appears to be a series of objects in the distance. Agent Fong asserts that he sees them as well. A superimposed face is out of focus, details are too difficult to discern.
[Thirty-nine minutes into recording]
Fong and Salisbery exit the rover and approach what appears to be a base camp. It appears unoccupied, though not abandoned judging by the lack of visible weathering. Notably, no face is visible on camera when in the vicinity. Both agents talk amongst each other and conclude that, due to the lack of any signs of a struggle and casual state of abandonment, this base camp must only be temporarily unoccupied, and they’ll need to hurry before the occupants return. Both agents begin scouring for intelligence.
[Forty-two minutes into recording]
Agent Fong examines the contents of a table. There are open soda cans, a manila folder, and a piece of paper appearing to be a memorandum. Agent Fong produces a small, portable camera and begins taking pictures of the memo, the folder, and the documents within the folder.
[Forty-seven minutes into recording]
Agent Salisbery approaches Agent Fong with a steel case, telling Agent Fong to look at what he’s found. Salisbery opens the case revealing what appears to be a chrome-lined Glock handgun and three magazines. Salisbery removes one of the magazines and shows the visible ammunition to Fong, which appears to have an iridescent glow to the bullets. The two Agents debate on whether or not to take the item.
[Forty-eight minutes into recording]
Both agents decide to take the item and return to their rover. The agents return to base camp, driving at full speed.
Footage provided by the body camera worn by Agent Cortez
[Footage begins like the others, with Agents Cortez and Fields together on a rover. Footage consists primarily of small talk. Relevant portion begins approximately Forty-six minutes into recording]
Agent Fields identifies an instance of RPC-128-2 approaching the rover from the right. The instance of RPC-128-2 appears to pick up speed in an attempt to catch the rover. This prompts Agent Cortez to push the rover to top speed. Due to the speed being traveled and frequent motion blur, the superimposed face cannot be identified.
[Forty-seven minutes into recording]
RPC-128-2 is noticeably gaining on the rover. Agent Fields decides to ditch the rover, telling Agent Cortez to return and call for reinforcements while he distracts the creature. Agent Cortez protests, shouting "you can't take that thing alone". Agent Fields dives out of the rover, rolling as he hits the ground. Agent Cortez turns the rover sharply, causing it to tip over. Footage is shaky and glitched from Agent Cortez’s impact with the ground. When video returns, the image of a young woman of indeterminate race is seen communicating directly into the camera. Based on her mouth movements, she appears to be calling for help. Agent Cortez crawls from the rover and rises to his feet. We can see Agent Fields firing at RPC-128-2, dealing with no discernable damage. The sound of Agent Cortez calling for help over his communicator is heard. Communications are as follows:
"Mayday mayday mayday! This is Exploration Team South, hostiles encountered, requesting immediate backup! Hostile is XL, resistant to sidearms! Mayday mayday may—Shit! Fields!"
At this point the RPC-128-2 instance is seen ejecting the tubules from its mouth, attaching to Agent Fields, who begins screaming, and undergoing spasms.
Agent Cortez ceases communications with home base and discharges his weapon at the RPC-128-2 instance, screaming "let go of him you piece of shit! Let go!" Cortez's screaming peaks the audio and causes mild audio distortion. The instance quickly pulls Agent Fields into its mouth and swallows him. The RPC-128-2 instance squirms as if pushing the body through itself. Shortly after, the RPC-128-2 instance emits smoke from its body as the voice of Agent Fields is heard screaming. At this time the image of the woman fades away, and the image of Agent Fields is now superimposed onto the footage. He appears confused, and in distress. RPC-128-2 has now turned its attention toward Agent Cortez, who continues discharging his weapon toward it. It takes approximately three (3) seconds for RPC-128-2 to get close enough to Agent Cortez to launch its tubules at him. A loud, wet slap is heard as the tubules connect with Agent Cortez, and the rover. Agent Cortez screams, shaking violently from the pain, but attempts to remove the tubules. Tubules appear to have fused with his clothing, equipment, and flesh. Tubules can also be seen fused to the rover. Footage begins to twist and turn as Agent Cortez quickly removes his body cam, and throws it. Body cam is thrown far enough away that the sounds of this altercation fade into the distance.
The woman from earlier in the footage is now seen superimposed onto the footage. She appears to be farther away and sobbing. Though the camera is laying on the ground, facing directly upward, the image of this woman is from the perspective of someone standing upright.
[Fifty-two minutes into recording]
Several rovers with armed MST agents drive by (and over) the body cam.
[One hour, twenty minutes into recording]
Sounds of MST agents on foot can be heard, as well as faint sounds of Captain Bronson giving orders.
[One hour, thirty-two minutes into recording]
Silence is broken by the sounds of an agent shouting “we got a body cam”. Body cam is lifted by agent. And walked to Captain Bronson. Upon being handed the body cam, Captain Bronson presses a button that ends the recording.
- One (1) memorandum, bearing the Hartman Group logo. Photo replica. Transcribed below. Recovered by Agent Fong.
- One (1) manila folder, labeled “POT PROJECT”. Photo replica. Recovered by Agent Fong.
- Seven (7) documents found within manila folder. Photo replica. Contents redacted, Level 5 clearance required. Recovered by Agent Fong.
- One (1) bottle of █████████, currently designated as RPC-████. Recovered by Agent Salisbery.
- One (1) standard Glock pistol, with custom chrome lining. Recovered by Agent Salisbery.
- Three (3) Glock magazines containing unique ammunition. Ammunition is currently undergoing analysis. Recovered by Agent Salisbery.
Transcription of memorandum:
As you know, the Disposal Cauldrons have become a best-seller in our Executive Privileges branch. Well, I am excited to inform you that Mr. Hartman is looking into expanding your disposal system beyond just oversized pots for our more wealthy customers, and into the mass market! He can already see the great potential in your design for a wider consumer base.
There is a bit of a problem, however. The process of bridging your cauldrons into the Dump is an expensive one, and if we want to see any profits from this expansion, we’re going to need to find a way to reduce development costs. Some other form of disposal besides these large cauldrons. We are aware that the larger opening benefits some of our more unsavory clientele, but if you need to reduce the size of these more mass-market disposals, that is acceptable. Besides, if these men are willing to pay more for disposal they can fit their dead wives and prostitutes into, that simply means higher earnings for us!
The brand managers are all clamoring for a piece of this pie, Michael! You are without a doubt the goose laying our golden eggs, and this could mean big things for you at the company. Should this expansion prove successful, you may end up earning yourself a seat on Mr. Hartman’s advisory board! He sees a lot of promise in you!
Also, we will be sending you a shipment of firearms equipped with AC ammunition. It has come to our attention that the disposal habits of some of our customers have given the Cleaners a taste for human flesh. Many of them are not as docile as they once were. Should you encounter a more uncooperative Cleaner, this ammunition should be capable of piercing its hide. Good luck!