




Registered Phenomena Code: RPC-117

Object Class: Alpha-Yellow

Hazard Types: Temporal Hazard, Mind Regression Hazard, Transmutation Hazard

Containment Protocols: RPC-117 is to be kept within Beta storage locker 15 at Site-004 when not in use for testing. Before testing on RPC-117 can begin, the date and time displayed on RPC-117 is to be checked and logged.

Instances of RPC-117-1 are to be kept within standard humanoid containment cells. RPC-117-1 instances are allowed to roam pre-approved areas of Site-004 if they are accompanied by at least two security personnel. RPC-117-1 instances are allowed to request materials from off-site such as literature, movies, or other entertainment, these requests are to be processed by on-site security personnel in order to ensure the safety of on-site staff.

Description: RPC-117 is an analogue wristwatch made of stainless steel and brass. The face of the watch displays the time in Roman numerals with a smaller display which shows the month, day, and year. The crown of the watch can be pulled in order to set the time and date displayed on the watch. The watch is nonfunctional, when the crown is pushed into the case the clockwork mechanisms inside do not move, leaving the display to stagnate. Despite this, holding RPC-117 up to one's ear reveals that ticking can be heard emanating from inside the watch.

RPC-117 has been thoroughly examined and disassembled for research and repair attempts, revealing a highly complex mechanism that is not fully understood. It is believed by research personnel that they are nearing a breakthrough regarding its potential restoration.

RPC-117's anomalous property manifests when its crown is pushed into its case after being pulled out by any subject. When this is done, the biological age of the subject (hereon designated RPC-117-1) will rapidly shift until it matches their exact characteristics during the date and time displayed by the anomaly. This process appears painless, with no tested subject exhibiting or vocalizing any sign of discomfort at any point or after its conclusion. RPC-117-1's age will stagnate indefinitely unless altered by further usage of RPC-117.

RPC-117-1 instances who are aged by the effects of RPC-117 do not gain memories and cannot foresee future events. The effects of RPC-117 seem to vary from person to person, roughly depending on their lifestyle at the time of exposure. For instance, subjects that frequently partake in physically demanding activities and complement them with healthy habits will most likely develop musculature and other signs of biological well-being. The opposite is also true: sedentary habits result in weight gain and development of matching health issues like atherosclerosis.

Instances of RPC-117-1 who have their age reversed by RPC-117 experience a total loss of all memories from the time displayed on RPC-117 to the point the crown is pushed back into the case. Subjects often experience confusion and delirium as a result of these effects. Any marking such as scarring or writing on RPC-117-1 will also be reversed. Furthermore, testing has found upon re-aging RPC-117-1 the markings and memories do not reappear.

Discovery: RPC-117 was discovered by the Authority on January 7th, 1927, after “a man who would not age” was reported throughout South America, the man was identified as William Frederickson. Authority agents tracked the subject to Portugal and pursued the suspect throughout Europe. The subject finally fled to New York, evading Authority capture. Eventually, the Authority tracked down the suspect to his original home in an abandoned town near Syracuse, New York. Authority agents began searching the home, eventually discovering a human skeleton that had undergone extensive decay sitting in a chair. Testing would later reveal that the skeleton belonged to Frederickson. In the skeleton’s hands were two engagement rings. On the skeleton’s wrist RPC-117 was found and contained. A journal was found on the floor nearby, a relevant excerpt from which has been attached to this file under Document-117-A.

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