Initial Test Directive Protocol: CSD, designated Subject, will be escorted in by two armed guards and placed in front of RPC-110. Accompanying the guards will be two researchers. One researcher, designated "Observant" will observe and document the expedition test. Another researcher, designated "Director", will be tasked with establishing contact with the subject, and giving them directions as well as any other verbal communication at any time during the test. Subject will be equipped with a head-mounted camera that will record both facial features of the subject, as well as the area in front of them. They will also have a microphone attached which will record ambient audio, as well as subject remarks. In the case of Site-076-B being utilized in the test, they will be designated as Control.
The subject will be tasked with reaching the end of RPC-110, and opening RPC-110-1. The observant will record all noteworthy factors of the test, while the director gives instruction to the subject. The two guards that escorted the subject in will remain stationed in the adjacent hallway, facing towards RPC-110. They will be tasked with providing protection to both the observant and director, as well as escorting the subject out at the end of testing.
This protocol may be altered, but it is required that alterations be listed in the "Test Directive" section of each test submission. Alterations may also be incorporated into the protocol if approved by Site Director.
Subject: CSD-10542, 32-Year-Old Male. Average levels of anxiety.
Test Directive: Protocol.
Test Log:
<Begin Log>
[Subject is brought into the adjacent hallway and placed in front of RPC-110. Subject is noted to immediately look down, and away from RPC-110-1. Director and observant perform proper equipment checks before giving an all clear to each other.]
Director: "Subject CSD-10542, please repeat your objectives."
Subject: "U-Uh… Reach the end of this hallway and… Open that door?"
Director: "Correct. Please look up towards RPC-110-1."
[Subject looks up and gazes at RPC-110-1 for approximately 4 seconds, before looking back down.]
Director: "Subject, we recommend that you keep RPC-110-1 in your field of view."
Subject: "I know, I know it's just… I- REALLY don't want to look at it okay?! I'll do what you all told me to do just… please…"
[Observant notes this behavior. Director nods to Observant before turning back. Subject seems to be fiddling with their own hands.]
Director: "Subject, if you have no further questions, you may begin."
[Subject remains still for ~5 seconds, before beginning to walk down RPC-110. It should be noted that subject is consistent in their choice to avoid looking at RPC-110-1. Subject progresses 15 feet, before beginning to mumble as they walk.]
Subject: [Unintelligible] "…me the ████ out man. I didn't sign…" [Unintelligible]
Director: "Subject, please report how you are feeling mentally and, or physically."
Subject: "I… I got this welling feeling in my gut man… Listen I really don't want to do this I don't feel well and this ████ isn't what I thought I'd be getting into. I-It's cold and… ya…"
[Observant notes this response. Subject appears to perspire as they continue to walk. At 24 feet, subject comes to a halt, clenching their fist as they look even further down to their feet. Hands appear to be mildly trembling.]
Director: "Subject, please explain why you have stopped."
Subject: "D-Doc I… I don't want to continue. Please let me come back, PLEASE! I'll do any other test you want me to do but please don't make me continue!"
[Subject is noted to be taking deep breaths of air. Director attempts to alleviate subject's anxiety.]
Director: "Please calm down sir. We assure you that no harm will come to you. You are not in danger. Remember that what you are doing now is very important, and that your release is dependent on your results. Once you open that door, we'll look into getting you a nice meal and a good night's rest, but we need you to co-operate, alright?"
[Subject remains still for ~6 seconds, before nodding slowly and continuing on. Breathing levels and hand trembling seem to decrease mildly.]
[Subject reaches ~42 feet, coming to a stop and pulling their arms into them self. Subject begins to silently cry.]
Director: "Why have you stopped?"
Subject: "S-Something is watching me… I don't feel safe… I- I'm going to die and, and I-"
[Subject grits his teeth, closing his eyes. Director attempts to calm the subject once more.]
Director: "Subject, we assure you once more that you are completely safe. We have two of the best damn guards on the site watching over you, and we are the only ones watching you. We'll tell you to come back if we see ANYTHING that poses a threat to you, alright man? You'll come out of this without even a scratch, we promise."
[Subject appears to begin regulating their own breathing, as they try to calm themselves down. After a brief period of self-affirmation, the subject continues at a very slow pace.]
Director: "Sir, you are moving very slowly. Unless there is something hindering you, we need you to pick up the pace, okay?"
[Subject does not respond, now beginning to audibly cry as they walk. Subject continues to exactly 51 feet within RPC-110 before coming to an immediate halt. Subject begins crying loudly, now entering uncontrollable sobs.]
Director: "Subject, please! You are completely fine! We need you-"
[Director is interrupted as subject grows substantially louder in volume as they begin to enter a state of hysteria. Subject looks back down towards their feet as they cover their face with their hands. The director attempts to persuade the subject once more, but suddenly stops as the subject suddenly looks up at RPC-110-1, as if surprised.]
[Subject's eyes immediately widen as a terrified expression is displayed. Subject screams in horror as they abruptly turn and begin sprinting back towards the entrance, causing the director to take off his headset. Stationed guards apprehend the subject as he attempts to escape the adjacent hallway. Subject offers little resistance, before he is escorted out of the vicinity.]
<End Log>
Note: Both guards and researchers report a similar growing sense of unease as they surveyed the test. When questioned, CSD-10542 reports that they "never want to come close to that ███████ place ever again." Subject was admitted to mental therapy and was diagnosed with minor symptoms of shock. Subject has been administered light amnestics in the case of future testing.
Subject: CSD-10552, 32-Year-Old Male. High levels of Anxiety. "Timid" personality.
Test Directive: Protocol. Guards will be allowed to forcibly maneuver subjects into RPC-110 should they not cooperate. [IMPLEMENTED INTO PROTOCOL]
Test Log:
<Begin Log>
[Subject is brought into the adjacent hallway. At this point subject has already begun heavily breathing. Upon being placed in front of RPC-110, subject observes RPC-110-1.]
Subject: "N-No… No! Don't make me go near that thing! Let me OUT!"
[Subject immediately maneuvers past the guards, attempting to exit. Guards quickly apprehend the subject and force them into RPC-110, eliciting a "cry" of anguish. Subject remains close to the guards, who now block the exit.]
Director: "Subject, you know your objectives, however we wish to question as to what the 'thing' you were referring to was…"
[Subject looks back at RPC-110-1, before staring down at the ground, continuing to breath heavily.]
Subject: "I… I thought I saw something.. Something was down there its-"
Director: "Can you please describe what it looked like?"
Subject: " I… I- I don't know… I don't know, okay?! It's behind the door! It's WAITING for me! If I go down there, it's going to come out and… and-"
[Subject gives a light whine of protest as they begin to cry silently. The director glances at the observant, nodding to them as the observant notes this.]
Director: "Sir, we assure you that nothing is there. Everyone who has done this before you has come out completely safe. You will be completely fine, we swear. All we need you to do is go down to the door and open it. Nothing is going to come out and get you. In fact, the last person who opened that door was completely fine. Now please, your work here is important. Begin walking down RPC-110."
[No one has been documented opening RPC-110-1. The statement above was an attempt to further alleviate the subject's anxiety.]
[Subject is noted to have stopped crying, as they give a light groan in response to the Director. Subject then begins to move very slowly down RPC-110. At ~13 feet, subject comes to a halt, beginning to sob as they begin to perspire and tremble.]
Director: "Subject, we don't have time-"
Subject: "I can't do it… I can't do it! I can't do it! Please just let me go I can't- I can't do this! I won't do it!" [Omitted for Redundancy]
[Subject does not advance any farther. Director attempts to persuade the subject to continue but with no success. After five minutes of attempted persuasion, director agrees along with observant that the test is inconclusive, and terminates the test. Subject is recalled and escorted out of the vicinity.]
<End Log>
Note: Authority staff present during the test were not nearly as uneasy as they reported in the first test. Whether this is because of the lackluster behavior of CSD-10552, or the lack of time within RPC-110, has yet to be determined. When questioned, CSD-10552 said that they found themselves "physically unable" to continue the test, even if they wanted too. Subject was admitted to mental therapy and was diagnosed with minor symptoms of shock. Subject has been administered light amnestics in the case of future testing.
Subject: CSD-10694, 19 Year Old Female. Deemed to have below average levels of anxiety. Proclaimed horror enthusiast. Reports to have loved "Urban Exploration" in their teenage years. Over-confident personality.
Test Directive: Protocol. Director will attempt increased verbal pressure in order to keep the subject moving forward.
Test Log:
<Begin Log>
[Subject is brought into the adjacent hallway. Subject is placed in front of RPC-110, before looking at RPC-110-1. Subject looks back with wide eyes, but a noticeable smirk, possibly a nervous smile.]
Director: "Subject, you know your objectives. Enter RPC-110, and open the door at the end of the hallway. You may proceed when you are ready."
[Subject nods, giving no verbal response as she begins to walk down RPC-110. Subject looks towards RPC-110-1 once more, before suddenly looking down at the ground as she walks.]
Director: "Subject, you have chosen not to look at RPC-110-1. Why is this?"
Subject: "I don't know, it's just uh- kinda boring to look at I guess?"
[It should be noted that the subject did not sound certain in her answer, but maintained a rather positive expression. Subject continues on, until they have achieved twelve feet in walking distance. Subject glances up at RPC-110-1 once more, and suddenly loses her positive expression, now resorting to a more serious one. Subject pauses for around a second, before continuing on, not warranting a response from the Director.]
[At 26 feet, the subject begins to display signs of fear as she begins to perspire, as well as a widening of the eyes.]
Director: "You appear frightened. Is something wrong?"
[Subject looks back towards the entrance, a nervous smile noted on her face as she walks.]
Subject: "N-No sir! Just a little more… creepier then I would have hoped for…"
[Subject resumes their pace, but begins to breath heavily as they slow down slightly. At 38 feet, subject comes to a stop.]
Subject: "Alright. I think I'm ready to return sir. This is a little more than I had bargained for and I don't wish to continue."
[Due to technical failure, the Director was not able to receive this message. Whether this was caused by actual malfunctions with equipment, or anomalous behavior, is still being investigated.]
[Subject grimaces upon receiving no response, looking behind her before turning forward and continuing on at a slower pace. Subject reaches 48 feet, before glancing up at RPC-110. Subject slows down to a very slow speed, now looking down at her feet.]
Subject: "I c-can hear something sir… Please, I-"
[Subject is interrupted as the Director realizes that their equipment is malfunctioning. While hard to comprehend, Director returns with response.]
Director: "Testing! Testing! Subject- respond."
[At this point, connection has been re-established.]
Subject: "I want to leave. I can't be here anymore, I can't take this anymore!"
Director: "Our apologies subject, we were experiencing minor difficulties with your transmission. You are completely fine as of now. Please continue, you're half way there at this point!"
[Observant reports that at this moment, they, along with the two other guards, were beginning to experience a moderate amount of anxiety.]
[At 51 feet exactly, subject comes to a stop and begins to cry.]
Director: "Please continue subject! Nothing here is going to hurt you! J-Just keep taking steps and you'll be fi-"
Subject: "No! NO! This is m-messed up okay?!"
[Observant notes the Director's growing levels of anxiety. Director talks with observant about possible solutions, before coming to an agreement.]
Director: "Subject, if you wish, you may hum or sing to yourself. You may also close your eyes to continue as long as you can keep your footing. We will be recalling you shortly, okay? Just keep going a little further."
[Subject looks down, before closing their eyes and taking a deep breath. Subject begins to hum an unrecognizable tune that is similar to that of a religious hymns as she looks down at the ground and advances at a slow pace.]
[At ~56 feet, subject suddenly looks up and stops humming. She opens her eyes, before letting out a screech of fear. This causes one of the guards to avert their eyes. Subject begins to run back towards the entrance.]
Director: "Subject, you need to turn back! Turn back CSD-10694! S-Stop!"
[Subject does not respond, and is subsequently apprehended by the guards. Subject is quickly escorted out as researchers are quick to leave as well.]
<End Log>
Note: Test staff report increased anxiety, indicating that general time within vicinity of RPC-110 will still gradually increase levels of fear. Subject was questioned as to what caused them to retreat, to which they note: "I, I don't know I just… I thought I heard something, but when all I saw was that damn door, I… I don't… know- I just… Please don't make me do it again…" Subject was also questioned on her choice of music that she hummed. Subject reports that she did not know, and that it came to her naturally. Subject was admitted to medical therapy, where they were diagnosed with minor PTSD. Cured with light amnestics.
Subject: CSD-10996, 26 Year Old Male. Minor anxiety. Calloused and Over-Confident personality. Diagnosed with anger management disorder.
Test Directive: Protocol. Third armed guard will be present. Intimidation strategies will be utilized. [IMPLEMENTED INTO PROTOCOL]
Test Log:
<Begin Log>
[Subject is brought into the adjacent hallway, where subject noticeably invigorate themselves for the task ahead. The director gives a speech to the subject in order to both invigorate, and aggravate the subject in order to improve their mental fortitude.]
[Subject is then placed in front of RPC-110. Subject glares at RPC-110-1, noticeably grimacing.]
Director: "Alright subject, you got this. When I give you the mark, you are going to charge down this hall, and throw open that door okay?"
Subject: "Ya, right. Let's do it!"
[The director carries out one final check of equipment as to avoid previous malfunctions.]
Director: "Go!"
[Subject immediately begins running at high speeds down RPC-110. At 25 feet in, subject shows no signs of RPC-110's effects other than looking down towards the ground and away from RPC-110-1, however this may just be a sub-conscious action to accommodate physical activity.]
[At 35 feet, subject looks up once more and noticeably widens his eyes. He continues running however, which warrants no response from the Director.]
[At 44 feet, subject looks up once more with a noticeable look of despair. Subject quickly decreases speed to that of a jog. At 51 feet, subject slows down to a walking pace, before stopping entirely. Subject leans against the wall, heavily breathing as he shakes his head.]
Subject: "S-Something's wrong!"
Director: "Really? You are going to give up now? You've barely ran half the way there! Get up and go! Stop being a █████ and go for it!"
[Subject grits his teeth and lets out an anger-fueled grunt. While gritting his teeth, he continues to run for another five feet. At 56 feet, subject suddenly stops, before they suddenly begin to cry. According to the observant, the Director at this point erupted in anger.]
Director: "You have got to be kidding me! We can't get ONE ███████ human down this damn hallway! No matter what we do, it's always the same shit! They walk down it, they reach jack ████, and then begin balling their eyes out! Can we get ONE HUMAN BEING who can go down and open that GOD DAMN DOOR?!"
[Subject, upon hearing this, screamed into his teeth as they proceeded to close their eyes and move forward at a slow pace. At 61 feet, subject is observed to keel over, screaming into their hands. Subject begins to sob uncontrollably.]
[After a minute of the subject crying, the Director gives an all clear signal to the Guards, who raise their weapons.]
Guard A: "Subject! You are to move forward immediately! Failure to do so will result in the termination of your CSD status! We WILL fire if you do not move forward!"
[As the subject reaches 75 feet, an unknown source begins projecting an audio transmission to the entirety of Site-74-A.]
[Subject slowly raises, continuing to sob as he closes his eyes, making his way forward. At 74 feet, subject suddenly looks up at RPC-110-1, before letting out a loud gasp.]
Guard A: "Subject! You are to continue moving! This is your final warning!"
[Subject does not respond. Subject slowly moves down onto the ground before pulling their own legs in and entering a fetal position as they begin to hyperventilate.]
[Director decides that the test is now proving inconclusive.]
Director: "Subject… Please return to the entrance. The test is now concluded."
[Subject does not respond, instead beginning to hyperventilate. Observant discusses with the guards that they might have an irresponsive CSD.]
Director: "CSD-10694. This is your final warning. You are to return to the entrance, or you will be shot!"
[Live video footage of the subject's camera suddenly freezes. A gasp is heard over the audio before the Observant witnesses the subject lean over and fall limp onto the ground. After three minutes of constant communication, the test is concluded, with CSD-10694 deemed unresponsive.]
[Researchers and guards are quick to leave, visibly shaken.]
<End Log>
Note: CSD-10996 was recovered with the use of a remotely piloted drone. Upon investigation, subject was deemed deceased, with autopsy reporting major shock, and a massive heart attack, possibly due to enhanced hysteria and fear. Test staff report increased fear, noting that they too were quick to leave RPC-110's vicinity upon the conclusion of the test. The Director has been reprimanded for unprofessional behavior, and will be suspended from Expedition Testing until further notice. Investigation on the recorded sounds present after 75 feet involved raising the frequency of the audio to human levels. Observed was a deep, humming bass with its source coming from RPC-110-1.
Subject: Remotely Piloted Ground Drone, equipped with a front facing camera, and a robotic claw.
Directive: Drone (deemed Subject) will be directed from off-site personnel at Site-76-B, deemed "Control". Operator will be tasked with maneuvering the drone towards RPC-110-1, and with a robotic claw, open the door to RPC-110-1. Along with three armed guards, only the Observant will be present.
Test Log:
<Begin Log>
[Drone was brought in and placed in front of RPC-110, with guards stationed around the entrance. After a brief check of systems and operations were made, control began to move the drone. Subject moved forward at a walking speed towards RPC-110-1.]
[As the subject made its way forward, nothing of note was recorded to have happened to the subject itself. Control reported a light feeling of anxiety, but otherwise normal mental status.]
[At exactly 75 feet, subject began picking up the faint sound of a deep, low-frequency sound that was not audible to human ears. This was deemed by control to be the same sound that was detected during Expedition Test #011, and was not to be investigated until after the test had concluded.]
[Subject proceeded forward. At 86 feet, subject experienced a light disruption in video feed, observed as two seconds of visual static. After clearing up, subject continued its approach.]
[Upon reaching RPC-110-1, subject began maneuvering its built-in claw towards the door handle. Subject was successful. Subject then gripped the door handle and applied the proper motions to open the door.]
[The latch was recorded clicking as it came loose. Subject then immediately shuts down, losing all connections as it reports total system failure.]
Guard C: "██████! ████!"
Guard A: "[REDACTED]"
Observant: "[REDACTED]"
[At this moment, the Observant, Guard A, and Guard C, immediately evacuated RPC-110's vicinity. Guard B began to make their way out, but reportedly returned to RPC-110, looking down towards the ground as they report closing their eyes.]
[Control proceeded to evacuate the area as well, immediately vacating the control room in an episode of panic, despite not being in RPC-110's vicinity.]
<End Log>
Note: Another drone was sent in to retrieve the disabled drone to bring it back. Notably, the latch on RPC-110-1 was closed, indicating that the drone had let go of the latch before shutting down. Test staff, on-site and off-site, stated that they had experienced [REDACTED] at around the same point that the drone unlatched the door.
Subject: CSD-11524, 48-Year-Old Male. Subject has been surgically altered and drugged to neuter the effects of the amygdale, which is responsible for controlling levels of fear. Subject now shows symptoms of decreased energy and response.
Directive: Protocol. The previous Director from past test has been authorized to take part in Expedition Test #015.
Test Log:
<Begin Log>
[Subject is brought into the adjacent hallway, before being placed in front of RPC-110. Subject stares at RPC-110-1, showing no apparent signs of fear, as expected from their medical alterations.]
Director: "Subject, you are to enter RPC-110 until you reach RPC-110-1. At this point, you will open the door. Do you understand?"
Subject: "Yes, sir."
[Subject begins their advance, walking at a brisk pace. Subject shows no symptoms of RPC-110, appearing lackadaisical as evidenced by partially opened eyes.]
[Subject does not show any signs of slowing, until the subject reaches 90 feet. The subject suddenly slows down to a stop, before lowering their head to the ground.]
Director: "Subject, you appear to have lowered your head to the ground. Please describe why you have done this."
Subject: "It is a show of respect to bow your head for those who have passed."
Director: "Subject, explain yourself! What do you mean?! Stop moving and talk to us!"
[Subject immediately picks up speed, looking up at RPC-110-1. Audio and video transmission immediately begin to malfunction as RPC-110-1 appears to be completely enveloped in static. A loud, metallic grinding immediately deafens the Director.]
Director: "O-Oh god! ████! STOP! DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!"
[Subject is seen reaching out towards RPC-110-1. Subject grips the handle of RPC-110-1 and begins to turn the handle. As they do so, all Authority staff on Site-076-A and B immediately [REDACTED]. Subject then opens the [DATA EXPUNGED]]
<End Log>