
RPC-109-1’s infected shadow (Picture taken by CCTV during Containment Breach-2A)
Registered Phenomena Code: 109
Object Class: Beta-Orange
Hazard Types: Sentient Hazard, Animated Hazard, Aggression Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-109’s host is to be contained in a reinforced steel cylindrical building, with a radius and height of 2m. This building is located approximately ███m from Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia and is to be maintained by On-Site staff. No human activity or motion should occur within 1km of RPC-109’s containment, excluding RPC-109’s entrance. The entrance to RPC-109’s containment is a small rectangular room that can be moved to RPC-109’s containment chamber by remote control. This entrance will hereby be referred to as the "Rat Trap". Lights within RPC-109’s containment cell and the Rat Trap are to remain active at all times, and are to be linked to at least three backup generators in the event of a Containment Breach.
RPC-109’s host is to be strapped to a medical bed within their containment by their appendages at all times. RPC-109’s host is to be kept awake for periods of at least one week. RPC-109’s host should be allowed to sleep for only six hours in between weekly periods of unrest. RPC-109-1’s nutrition is to be administered through IV, alongside stimulants and anti-hypnotic drugs. RPC-109-1 is to be monitored for any changes in life signs. Changes in RPC-109-1 life signs should be reported immediately to a member of On-Site Level 3+ personnel.
In the event of RPC-109-1's imminent expiration, a member of CSD personnel is to be sent into the Rat Trap alone. RPC-109-1 should promptly be terminated with the use of a remotely administered potassium chloride lethal injection. At this time Halothane vapour (sleeping gas) should be released into the Rat Trap to render the member of CSD personnel unconscious. Medical Personnel are to enter the ''Rat Trap'' with protective gear and prepare them to take the place of RPC-109-1. The CSD personnel in question will hereafter be referred to as RPC-109-1.
Description: RPC-109 is a shadow-like parasitic, mind-altering anomaly with the appearance of a distorted, smoke-like humanoid with a stags skull and antlers. These features prolong and shorten, depending on the position of the moon in the sky. RPC-109 will seek out a human shadow to infect. RPC-109 infects shadows by making physical contact with them, causing him to absorb into the shadow instantaneously. Any human infected by RPC-109 is to be referred to as RPC-109-01.
RPC-109's anomalous effects begin to manifest at any time from five minutes to five hours after infection. RPC-109-1 will then begin to experience cognitive effects that will persist for anywhere from ten hours to three months'. These cognitive effects will persist until RPC-109-1’s termination. During this time, RPC-109-1's shadow will slowly begin to resemble RPC-109. Symptoms of RPC-109’s infection typically begin as mild depression and will progress into severe depression to the point where RPC-109-1 will frequently attempt conscious or unconscious suicide. Testing has revealed that RPC-109's effects act faster while RPC-109-1 is in an unconscious state. If RPC-109-1 is incapable of committing suicide, RPC-109 will begin altering RPC-109-1 subconsciously until all bodily functions cease.
RPC-109 can only leave RPC-109-1 when RPC-109-1 expires. When RPC-109-1 expires, RPC-109 will attempt to infect the closest human shadow within 500m radius. If RPC-109-1 expires in an area 500 meters away from a source of light and a human shadow, RPC-109 will materialize. RPC-109 will proceed to hunt for a human shadow. If RPC-109 finds a life form without a shadow during this time, RPC-109 will proceed to violently rip flesh from their body at random, before consuming their cranium. It is noteworthy that RPC-109 will not rip flesh from the cranium during its rage. RPC-109 is reported to be incredibly aggressive during this time and has a strong physical form, cited to be able to bash through reinforced steel with ease.
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