Porcelain Plague

Registered Phenomena Code: 084
Object Class: Gamma-Yellow
Hazard Types: Bio-Hazard, Transmutation Hazard
Containment Protocols: Instances of RPC-084-2 are to be kept in standard humanoid containment cells until fully converted. Fully converted instances of RPC-084-2 are to be incinerated and their cells cleaned with high-pressure washers. All samples of RPC-084-1 are to be kept in a high-security biohazard container in the Medical Wing of Site-███. Access to samples of RPC-084-1 for testing must be approved by at least one Level 3 personnel. Creation of RPC-084-2 instances must be approved by at least two Level 3 personnel. In the event of an outbreak infected individuals are to be sterilized and instances of RPC-084-2 are to be contained as previously described.
Description: RPC-084-1 designates a venereal disease originating from the █████ province of the People's Republic of China. RPC-084-2 designates prepubescent individuals infected by RPC-084-1. Instances of RPC-084-2 have been recorded in every European country.
RPC-084-1's anomalous effects only manifest in prepubescents; older individuals are unaffected by RPC-084-1, but they still serve as carriers. Testing has shown children born from carriers of RPC-084-1 are born fully converted, regardless of when the mother was infected. This suggests an advanced rate of development in unborn individuals.
Progression of RPC-084-1 through instances of RPC-084-2 follows a predictable timeline:
Time After Infection | Symptoms |
One Hour | Instances of RPC-084-2 become contagious. |
Thirty Days | Internal tissues start being converted to porcelain, converted organs function identically to unconverted organs, the mechanism for how is unknown. This process is described as "excruciating" by RPC-084-2 instances. |
Four Months | Outer tissues start being converted to porcelain. Subjects become increasingly fragile and movement becomes difficult at this stage. |
Nine Months | Instances of RPC-084-2 are fully converted to porcelain. All recorded instances have ceased movement at this stage of infection.1 |
Past nine months of infection, instances of RPC-084-2 are designated as fully converted. Observation has shown no changes in instances up to 10 years after being fully converted. Powder released by RPC-084-2 instances has been found to cause mental degradation when inhaled.
Addendum 084-1: The People's Committee for the Acquisition of Anomalous Objects has rejected all Authority help in producing a cure or helping those affected, deeming it unnecessary. They have been cooperative in Authority research, however.