




Registered Phenomena Code: 069

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types: Mechanical Hazard, Animated Hazard

Containment Protocols: RPC-069 is to be contained in a standard holding cell measuring 10m x 4m x 10m. Testing on RPC-069 is open to all personnel with prior clearance. RPC-069 is to be powered off when testing is not taking place. Prizes produced by RPC-069 are to be described and photographed, then destroyed, with documents about prizes stored in filing cabinets organized by their point values.

Description: RPC-069 is a "Dunk 'N Alien™" model Skee-Ball machine manufactured by Innovative Concepts in Entertainment Inc. RPC-069 operates as a standard Skee-Ball machine of its make and model, with the exception of a lack of dispensed tickets. Instead, a prize based on the player's score is dispensed from a large "Prize Port" installed on RPC-069's side. The source of RPC-069's prizes is unknown, as the inside of the "Prize Port" is sealed until a prize is dispensed, and no storage area for prizes has been found when RPC-069 is disassembled.

RPC-069 is also host to RPC-069-1, a sapient entity composed of plastic and various metals in the likeness of a mechanical alien. RPC-069-1 exhibits an often unpleasant personality towards players, and will attempt to convince people to play a game on RPC-069. Once play is initiated, RPC-069-1 will only communicate to the player until their prize has been dispensed. Most of RPC-069's speech amounts to insults, but it will congratulate the player if they get a high enough score or manage to dunk RPC-069-1 by hitting the moving target present in both RPC-069 and standard "Dunk 'N Alien™" machines.

A game can be activated on RPC-069 by inserting 50 cents. RPC-069 takes only US quarters as acceptable payment. RPC-069 and RPC-069-1 enter a dormant state when not powered, making containment fairly easy. RPC-069 is only to be played in testing sanctioned by level 3 personnel or above (see Experiment Log 183).

RPC-069 was recovered at an arcade inside the ███████ Boardwalk, where numerous complaints were being filed over a "rude" Skee-Ball machine. RPC-069 was put into Authority custody under the guise of routine maintenance. A standard model of a "Dunk 'N Alien™" machine was sent in to replace RPC-069.


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