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Registered Phenomena Code: 066
Object Class: Beta-Orange Gamma-Red (See Addendum 066-03)
Hazard Types: Organic Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Aggression Hazard
Containment Protocols: Samples of RPC-066-A and RPC-066-B are kept in cryogenic storage in Bio-Research Site-███ for study. Currently, all efforts are directed at neutralization of instances outside of containment. All RPC-066-B or RPC-066-C instances are to be sprayed with Standard Herbicidal Agent #02-17 to dispose of them. Samples are only to be collected at Researcher M████'s request.
Under no circumstances should any RPC-066-D instance be knowingly created whether in or out of containment without approval from the Regional Director.
Description: RPC-066 is a species of predatory, carnivorous flora that reproduces asexually via spores. The stages of its life-cycle are designated RPC-066-A to RPC-066-E (see Addendum 066-01). The main threat that the Authority must deal with is RPC-066-D (See Addendum 066-02 for description), which are mobile, and extremely aggressive. RPC-066-D will hunt other RPC-066-D entities to kill and cannibalize. It does not show this aggression toward humans or other animals unless they are deemed a nuisance, threat, or an obstacle to hunting another RPC-066-D. Due to unknown reasons, RPC-066-D entities will generally avoid urbanized areas.
Addendum 066-01: Life-Cycle of RPC-066
Stage and RPC Designation | Description | Time Elapsed |
Spore (RPC-066-A) | RPC-066-D entities exhale spores that are light enough to be carried by low winds before falling to the ground and beginning development. Tests have shown that only ██% of spores will live to develop into RPC-066-B. | 3-5 Days |
Weed (RPC-066-B) | Spores develop into plants similar in appearance and function to Drosera capensis1, but with tendrils scaled to be 5 to 10 meters in length. These plants can withstand environments that would normally kill a Drosera capensis and can adjust their rate of metabolism in accordance with the rate of feeding. These are found to release a chemical pheromone that attracts mammalian fauna to entrap themselves in their adhesive tendrils. In testing and in field reports, the tendrils are capable of ensnaring large animals such as foxes, raccoons, small deer, and in one instance a ████, and several █████ ████████ at once. | 2-4 Months |
Womb (RPC-066-C) | RPC-066-B will undergo a dramatic physical change where under the root system it develops a bulbous cavity similar to an arachnid egg with an instance of RPC-066-D developing inside it. Attraction pheromone production and growth of the root system increases exponentially. If the RPC-066-D instance does not gain sufficient nutrients for growth, it and the 066-C will wither. | ~9 Months |
Beast (RPC-066-D) | The fully developed RPC-066-D will have to dig its way out of RPC-066-C, where it then will begin to roam to hunt other instances of RPC-066-D. | 5 months |
█████ (RPC-066-E) | [DATA EXPUNGED] | █████ |
Addendum 066-02: RPC-066-D Anatomy
RPC-066-D are arachnid-like beings similar to Amblypygi2 with distinct floral features. Their bodies are between 1.5-2.5 meters in length with legs that stretch up to 3-4 meters. Their raptorial pedipalps are strong enough to crush the exoskeletons of other RPC-066-D as well as disembowel armored humans. Each thorn along their forearms contains a venomous gland that can inject a potent blood-thinning agent. The biggest difference is in the abdomen which contains a short-range defense mechanism that explosively mixes & sprays a hot, caustic gas found identical to the Bombardier Beetle that can be fired multiple times consecutively. RPC-066-D lacks an intestinal tract, rather, waste is deposited within the stomach, which is regurgitated. RPC-066-D instances have shown the ability to regurgitate spent food matter at incredibly high velocities and will use this as another form of defense. Outside of cannibalization, they get sustenance by photosynthesis and burying their legs into soft soil and using them as roots to absorb water & nutrients.
Agents are advised to not make physical contact with RPC-066-D instances as their urticating hairs secrete a powerful urushiol-based irritant3.
Memorandum-066-01: Growing Success On Neutralization Efforts
This is a memo sent to staff and MST working toward neutralization of RPC-066 on ██/██/20██:
After mobilizing our assets to deal with RPC-066, we have noticed that their population has been reduced to ██% of what was originally discovered. Should the rate of our neutralization efforts stand, we expect to eradicate wild instances of RPC-066 by the end of the year, with the only remaining ones being those that are currently kept in Authority installations. I commend all involved personnel for the success of our operations.
- Site Director █████
Testing Log 066-01: Reports from field agents suggest that RPC-066-D's can regenerate after consuming another RPC-066-D and gain muscle density. This test was carried out to confirm this.
Testing Log-066-02: Seeing that RPC-066-D has a constrained volume due to its exoskeleton, researchers want to see if there is an upper limit of RPC-066-D's added strength, which in turn will greatly assist neutralization efforts.
Addendum 066-03: Classification to Gamma
I don't care how "thinned out" their numbers are, or how many of these things are estimated to be across a certain area, if even one 066-E is made and we're not there to terminate it before it gets to a major population center, it'll mean wide-spread chaos, possibly nuclear intervention.
- Senior Administrator ████████