
Registered Phenomena Code: 055
Object Class: Alpha-Orange
Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Regenerative Hazard
Containment Protocols: On-site Authority personnel are to standby inside Observation Post LS-118 located east from RPC-055 to monitor any possible intrusion. In the case of intrusion, passive EG-2 INAN glyph emitters stationed in the entrance of Basement B are to be activated by approval of at least 2 monitoring personnel with security clearance of Level 2 or higher. Implantation of false memories into intruding subjects may be initiated by the approval of on-site Head Researcher.
Although all personnel and local citizens are allowed entrance to RPC-055, entrance to Basement B is restricted to personnel with security clearance of Level 3 or higher or is approved by the on-site Head Researcher. During testing and/or exploration, admitted subject is to be equipped with 1 wireless camera, 1 500-lumen flashlight with 5 hours of battery life, 1 standard issue Authority ration, a tracking beacon, a crowbar and a Beretta 92FS pistol with 2 spare magazines as a precaution1.
In the case of a containment breach, stationed RPC-055-1 recontainment team is to be deployed to the site in no less than 2 minutes after the initial call. Immediate usage of mass-aerosol Class-A amnestics after the breach is authorized regardless of chain of command available. All pictures or information of RPC-055-1 that may be spread on the mass media are to be expunged by MST X-Ray-6 ("Annullifiers").
Description: RPC-055 is a former Dutch East Indies Railway Company Headquarters located in Semarang, Central Java in Indonesia first built in 1904. RPC-055 is named by the locals as "Lawang Sewu" (literally: Thousand Doors) due to its numerous doors and arcs. Although the number of windows available is palpable (600), the exact number of doors is undetermined due to its large uncharted underground structure. As of June 2018, the number of doors and arcs discovered is 1467.
The complete complex of RPC-055 consists of several buildings: two main buildings designated as A and B and two smaller buildings designated as C and D. Building A was built in 1904 along with Buildings C and D, followed by Building B in 1916. Early blueprints indicate that a basement structure spans through the entire complex of RPC-055. However, the newer blueprint recovered by CSD-08091-002 indicates a larger underground structure that ultimately leads to the nearby ████████ high school.
Some segments of the basement complex are partially flooded to cool the building through evaporation. However, during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia in 1942, the basement of RPC-055 was drained and repurposed as a prison, hence many human remains and dried bloodstains on the walls were found.
RPC-055 has undergone 4 video recorded explorations by CSD personnel. Most subjects conducting an exploration have encountered RPC-055-1, which appears as a pale-skinned woman with long black hair, red eyes, and white dress smeared in blood roaming RPC-055's underground tunnels, most notably Basement B. RPC-055-1 has been identified as an instance of a Kuntilanak2 by local citizens.
Upon entering Basement B, admitted subjects reported of hearing a womanly voice singing originating from deep inside the tunnels. The singing has been identified as the local folk chant Lengsir Wengi3.
Addendum: Exploration Logs: