Long Live The King!
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Registered Phenomena Code: 047
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
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Containment Protocols: RPC-047 is to be contained in a sealed wall-mounted display case that is hung no more than 2.62 meters from the ground. Under no circumstances are personnel to remove RPC-047 from its containment without proper credentials. To access the display case, personnel are to require a special set of keys that is entrusted by ASF units, and must require approval from Site Management.
When in the proximity of RPC-047, personnel are to avert from maintaining eye contact with RPC-047 and must vacate the area immediately. In addition to this provision, personnel are prohibited from making physical contact with RPC-047.
In the event of a containment breach, use of deadly force is authorized towards affected instances.

Description: RPC-047 is a British royal crown that resembles St. Edward's Crown, which is one of the earliest crowns used by King Charles II in 1661. The object measures around 31cm tall and weighing at 2.23kg. The crown has four fleur-de-lis and four crosses pattée, supporting the two dipped arches topped by a monde and cross pattée, the arches and monde signifying the imperial crown.
According to historical documents, the crown was created with fragmented components of the Tudor Crown, used by King Charles I until his death in 1649. It has been theorized that the pieces of the Tudor Crown was the apparent cause of St. Edward's Crowns' anomalous manifestation.
Subjects designated as RPC-047-2 manifest following their initial contact with RPC-047, either physical or eye contact. Subjects in view of RPC-047 remain in visual approximately 18 seconds before their approach, under influence, and wear RPC-047. Upon contact, RPC-047-2 behaves in a ruthless, violent, and authoritative manner, which will refer themselves as a monarch of a non-existent kingdom.
Interestingly, a few cases of RPC-047's manifestation often lead an RPC-042-2 instance to refer themselves as King Charles I. This phenomenal occurrence often happens with RPC-047-2 instances that have legitimate ancestry to the British monarchy.
Once manifested, RPC-047-2 desires to maintain subjects within its non-existent kingdom. RPC-047-2 will attempt to further manifest with non-affected subjects, designated as RPC-047-3, via hand-to-hand contact. When contact is made, RPC-047-3 instances will adhere and follow all commands to RPC-047-2. RPC-047-3 instances are observed to behave erratic, both homicidal and suicidal, with redness bloodshot eyes, and foam developing after initial contact. (See Addendum 047.2)
Biological analysis of an expired RPC-047-3 instance show that each endocrine gland within the body develop and release high dosage of chemical hormones, often epinephrine,1 within the body. This high dosage causes a lack of awareness to the instances and develops a form of immunity towards any physical affliction. However, it is uncertain if this dosage has caused any negative effects, such as an increase of stamina which can lead to a cardiac arrest, though no case of this occurrence has ever been recorded.
Subjects who view RPC-047 via other means, such as photos or video images, will not be affected by RPC-047's manifestation. No Cognitio-hazard effects appear to be present when viewing at these devices, though security footage has captured an unknown person wearing RPC-047, described in appearance to that of King Charles I.
Addendum 047.1: Object History
Following the death of King James VI in 1625, his succession by his son, Charles I, was crowned as King Charles I of England in 1663. The coronation occurred at St. Giles' Cathedral, Scotland. His coronation was bestowed with the Tudor Crown that was previously worn by his predecessor.
With civil unrest and war under King Charles I's tenure as ruler of the three realms, he enacted numerous royal laws that enabled him to rule the reals under an authoritarian monarchy. Parliament passed an act that established a court without the need of a royal assent from King Charles I, and used this established curt to indict King Charles I under treason charges and other high crimes. As a result, King Charles I was executed on January 30, 1649.
On February 2, 1649, the Tudor Crown was taken by English Parliamentarians and destroyed to symbolize the end of the divine right of kings.2 After the civil war, the fragments of the Tudor Crown was inexplicable used to create the St. Edward's Crown, designated as RPC-047, though the original St. Edward's Crown had vanished prior to the coronation of King Charles II.
Centuries later, in September 24, 1874, 12 days after the establishment of the Department of Occultism and Phenomena Affairs; the Department uncovered RPC-047 from a package that was delivered directly to the Department's main office. At the order of the Director-General at that time, RPC-047 was placed into containment and studied by the Department.
As part of an agreement between The Authority and the British Government, possessions of particular anomalous artifacts by Monarch Security were to be transferred under Authority custody. One of these anomalous artifacts as part of the lease agreement was RPC-047.
Addendum 047.02: Experiment Log