The Screeching Cries
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Registered Phenomena Code: 042
Object Class: Gamma-Red
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Revised Containment Protocol
Due to Incident 042-01, RPC-042 is currently uncontained and unable to be located. Sightings of RPC-042 are to be reported to the onsite's risk situation center. While presented as a dangerous entity to public security, containment and retrieval of RPC-042 must be considered a high-priority with minimal civilian exposure.
Note: Implementation of Containment Protocol 'Revision 042.1' is to be carried out in the event that RPC-042 has recovered.
To prevent accidental instigation, under in no circumstances are site personnel to enter the containment unit unless instructed as per maintenance inspection. During routine inspections, RPC-042 is to be allocated to a controlled containment zone, designated as Sector 042-CCZ, temporarily.
RPC-042 is to be secured in a sealed containment unit, accessible only by a two-door interlocking system. Containment features an Active Noise Cancellation System (ANCS) to prevent potential disturbance that may instigate RPC-042. The system also prevents RPC-042's audible properties from affecting personnel outside of its unit.
The control room, located beside the observatory, is operated by no more than three security guards. However, due to psychological concerns following [DATA EXPUNGED], security personnel assigned to containment observation and monitoring are psychologically evaluated and replaced weekly.
Should RPC-042 exhibit any potential signs of distress or manifestation during the containment or maintenance process, the containment unit must seal all entrances and automated sonic weapons deployed to subdue RPC-042.
Digital copies of RPC-042's 'screech' sound waves, referenced as the Klazo Effect, are to be confiscated and archived by the Office of Information Records and Security (OIRS). Due to the sensitive nature of its contents, onsite personnel are to contact their local archivist for further information.
Fig. 042-1: Initial contact with RPC-042
RPC-042 is a tall humanoid entity suspected to originate from Mesoamerica as noted by their scar modifications and indistinguishable tattoos found common within the post-classic period. Appearing to be around 188cm to 200cm in height, the subject's humanoid anatomy seems to differ from that of the average human male. Most notable distinctions include skin discoloration and decomposition, bone and skeletal exposure, absence of eyeballs, and an abnormal extension of its lower jaw and arms.
Its extended lower jaw is essential to note due to its extraordinary length and unknown purpose. The lower jaw and upper jaw contain several extensive, acute supernumerary teeth. Each tooth's measurement varies, but it appears that each may be capable of penetrating through human tissues and bones. In theory, the purpose of the extended jaws serves to adjust its vocal frequency.
Skin tissues appear to be in notable states of decomposition. Decomposition appears to be at the advanced stage of decay, though RPC-042's vital tissues repair and degrade on a reoccurring basis, meaning it doesn't decompose and instead repairs any damaged tissues.
The skeletal structure is often visible within the exposed, decaying skin tissues. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans revealed that the skeletal anatomy appears to be exceptionally dense, approximately 2.9cm to 3.2cm in diameter.
While each bone is rigidly connected, researchers have uncovered a foreign substance that, theoretically, causes it to increase and solidify to withstand any physical trauma. When considerable damages occur, either caused by explosives or armor-piercing ammunition, RPC-042's anatomy mutates and develop unusual properties:
- Bone tissue increases in mass, including the extension and development of sharpened vertebrae and fingers.
- Klazo Effect frequency causes electronic devices to be fried and rebound within a widespread distance.
- The Mesoamerican tattoos become visible around the body, covering almost the entire skin and bones.
These mutated properties are non-permanent unless RPC-042 is either subdued or not experiencing physical trauma.
It's to be noted that the subject lacks any semblance of visual organs and is, as such, considered visually impaired. While it is uncertain why the eyeballs are absent, it's possible that all types of organs, excluding skin tissue and the spiral organ, had decomposed. The subject's anatomy then absorbed the decaying organs at some point in time.
Unlike other sensory systems, like somatosensory, in its body structure, RPC-042 has an auditory system that allows the tuning of sound waves produced above 20dB. Produced sounds at this specific decibel and above can be picked up by RPC-042 within a two-hundred meter radius. One observation noted that when in a confined space, the subject excessively grinds their teeth, indicating that RPC-042 may have the capability to echo-locate within confined spaces at a limited capacity.
RPC-042 is predominantly passive when not exposed to any sound waves produced at specific decibels, as aforementioned. However, if the subject is exposed to any sound waves produced at 20dB and above, the subject will exhibit agitation and aggression to the sound source. Once aggression is exhibited, RPC-042 will screech at a high pitch of about 130db, referred to as the 'Klazo Effect.' The Klazo Effect will typically last between 2-6 seconds, which also has the effect of causing any audio and communication devices to be disabled temporarily.
Following the Klazo Effect, the subject will aggressively attack at the source(s) until the said source has been neutralized. RPC-042 will return to its passive state once emitting sounds within its two-hundred-meter radius ceases or is neutralized.
In rare cases, the Klazo Effect, if exposed to any person within a certain radius, has the potential to develop a psychological disorder in the person unknowingly. Conditions may include anxiety, schizophrenia, and suicidal tendencies. It's important to note that the development of these disorders are usually temporary.
Addendum 042.01. History
Based on the information provided by the Department of Pre-Columbian Civilizations, RPC-042 may have preexisted since the 16th Century; during the existence and eventual collapse of the Aztec Empire.
It's exact nature of manifestation has been a subject of debate, though seemingly, RPC-042 was manifested as the result of various sacraments conducted by the Tepanec as a final resort.
For further information concerning RPC-042's history, see the attachment below.
📎 Access Attachment 042-01.1
Addendum 042.02. Discovery
RPC-042 was discovered on September 14th ████, following a four-day surveillance operation conducted by British intelligence services, namely Monarch Security, MI-13. The surveillance came after various incidents involving farmhouses discovered to be damaged, often with the owners found mutilated through undetermined means. Media outlets suspected these incidents to be terrorist-linked, resulting in the involvement of Monarch Security.
In cooperation with the Security Services, Monarch Security noticed patterns that date back to January 6th, extending from Blackpool to Manchester. Further inquiries to these patterns lead to discovering a tall humanoid near Hazel Grove, which prompted the dispatch of a containment team.
However, contact with the response team on the ground was unsuccessful after initial contact with the anomaly. Local authorities quickly contained the developing incident, and Monarch Security conclusively determined to conduct a joint-operation, codenamed "Atlantic," with Authority assets that commenced on September 15th.
Interview Log 042.01/XXXX
Interviewer: Dr. Adam Burke
Interviewee: Cpl. Alex Tremblay
Dr. Burke: What did you do with them?
Cpl. Tremblay: The bodies? We left them there. Popped the coordinates for the cleanup crew to deal with later. Then we got word from command of a possible visual on the anomaly. TL (Team Leader) notified the others, and we advanced to that position.
Dr. Burke: And when you got there, what then?
Cpl. Tremblay: We set up a perimeter around that shit. British teams were positioned above ground to engage and suppress. Unfortunately for the operation, we had a new guy on our crew. And you wouldn't believe what happened next.
Dr. Burke: Go on?
Cpl. Tremblay: He tripped and landed against a fucking car. A car that had alarms and went off like it was a stadium. Our positions were compromised, and the target immediately was aware of our presence. We engaged it, and came right at us. It got to Burn first and flung him to the ground multiple times.
Dr. Burke: Just to pause you there for a second; One of your teams reported that your weapons were insufficient?
Cpl. Tremblay: Yeah, they were. Almost wasted all of my ammo pouch against it. Command told us not to resort to extreme measures like Curt's AT4 launcher.
Dr. Burke: But you did decide to use that launcher against RPC-042?
Cpl. Tremblay: We did what we had to do, but it didn't do anything until it mutated.
Dr. Burke: Mutated?
Cpl. Tremblay: Yeah. Its spines grew with these sharp edges, and Its arms even grew. Like shit, The thing looked taller than what I saw before, and it was really pissed this time. After it mutated, it kept coming at us left to right. Those British guys were fucking lucky to be above us, but it ignored them. It was focused onto my team.
Dr. Burke: And your team leader? He's among the casualties.
Cpl. Tremblay: Evans, sorry, my team leader was right beside me after it got two of my guys. He told me to continue shooting at it while calling command for air support. Of course, his request was rejected because they didn't want the city to turn into a war zone. I was just about to reload, then it appeared beside him, and he was just grabbed. His head was just, just gone like that. Bit off, and his body tossed away like trash.
Dr. Burke: What did you do while he was about to die?
Cpl. Tremblay: I ran off like a coward. Kept shooting him with my sidearm, but as I said, it didn't do shit. Now, fortunately, one of my guys, Cassandra, decided to throw everything at it. And one of them was a flashbang; it miraculously did something. I ordered what's left of my team to throw all of their flashbangs until it fell to the ground, probably became unconscious afterward. I called in a containment team, and it was fucking over.
Dr. Burke: I'm sorry to hear about your men.
Cpl. Tremblay: Don't be. I just hope you guys kill it someday.
Dr. Burke: Perhaps. Thank you for your time, corporal.
Closing Statement: Interview terminated on XX/XXXX at 14:40 PM GMT. Based on the eyewitness accounts from Corporal Tremblay and the Goliath Team's surviving members, further studies concerning its properties of 'mutation' are to be continued under my direction.
- Dr. Adam Burke, Office of Analysis and Science
Addendum 042.03. 07/06/XXXX Incident
On June 7th, ████ onsite security was dispatched to RPC-042's containment unit following an experiment that resulted in two casualties. Casualties were reported to be two personnel at the time, which prompted the facility to initiate a site-wide lockdown. The Incident escalated when RPC-042 was further agitated by the facility's alarms and successfully broke out of its containment unit.
By 04:49 AM, a response crew was sent to assist security as RPC-042 attempted to avoid the counter-measures and breached through the Office Wing. Within Twenty-eight minutes, RPC-042 escaped the facility resulting in considerable structural damages and casualties.
The following is an interview transcript between Dr. Amanda Page and Dr. Chrome.
Interview Log 042.02/XXXX
Interviewer: Dr. Amanda Page
Interviewee: Dr. Matte Chrome
Dr. Page: Dr. Chrome, can you care to explain your actions that lead to the containment breach of zero-forty two?
Dr. Chrome: Lo-Look, it was a mistake! I didn't mean to send those-
Dr. Page: Mean to what? You sent those officers without following proper procedure. And here we are with [REDACTED] body bags within this facility!
Dr. Chrome: [Distressed] One of the test subjects promptly ignored my instructions through the earpiece, and they were constantly banging at the door, for God's sake! I was worried that 042 could've broken the damn thing if it had killed that test subject at the door and accidentally damaged it in the process. Therefore, I had no other option but to send in a security team to stop the test subject from doing so!
Dr. Page: [Sighs, frustrated] And yet, despite that. You opened the doors and allowed 042 to go on a full rampage throughout the facility. That was incompetent, irresponsible, and grossly negligent. This all could've been prevented if you had just set aside your concerns and allowed the testing to take its own course. Thanks to you and Dr. [REDACTED], we have a wild anomaly on the loose!
Dr. Chrome looked down, remaining silent.
Intercom: Can Captain Muller's security teams one to …
Dr. Page: Dr. Chrome, do you have anything else to say for the record?
Intercom: … Four report to the Gamma sector immediately.
Dr. Chrome: N-no.
Dr. Page: Well, then. Please follow these two guards to your new "cell", doctor.
Interviewer's Notes: The site protocols have been revised at the directions of management. If we can get 042 back into its containment, I would recommend placing 042 in permanent confinement.
The Tribunal Magistrate found Dr. Chrome guilty of negligence and is suspended, pending an internal audit following his misconduct during and before the incident.
- Dr. Amanda Page, Office of Ethics and Review
Addendum 042.04. Audio Archive
Digital recordings of the Klazo Effect were expunged and archived at the Psychology Department's directions, following substantiated evidence of increased suicide rates among listeners. An unedited version was preserved for archival purposes, but due to the reasons above, it has been placed under Level 5 clearance.
Proceed if cleared by a member of the Presidium.
Audio Log 042.01/XXXX
After three counts of a beep, the audio will play an unredacted variant of RPC-042's Klazo Effect. Please standby.