
RPC-031 pictured before containment.

Registered Phenomena Code: 031
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Hazard Types: Mechanical Hazard, Auditory Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-031 is to be confined within a standard 6.1 x 2.6-meter intermodal storage container at the site: ██████-██. No personnel under Level 2 Security Clearance are to be allowed to observe or handle the subject. No electronic device capable of interacting with a standard ink printer is allowed within thirty meters of the contents held within as a safety precaution, as the range of its anomaly is not yet known.
Description: RPC-031 is by all appearances a seemingly normal office utility multi-function printer/copier. The materials and construction of the unit are not congruent with any particular brand or model of any known hardware but does fall in line with the standard design of early-2000's office printers. The unit measures 1.39 meters tall by 1.23 meters wide and weighs approximately 77.1 kilograms.
When RPC-031 is plugged into or placed within an indeterminate range of a computer unit capable of interacting with a printer, RPC-031 will become active. Searching through connections will not reveal RPC-031 among any list of devices that would contain a typical printer apparatus. The connection is only revealed when attempting to print a document or image, wherein the printer will be displayed as only a mass of corrupted pixels within the list of available choices. This happens regardless of the software used to reach the printing process. Other options and connected printers will no longer permit the option of printing and any attempt to continue with another piece of hardware will only result in what appears to be an error message, though illegible much like the selection menu.

Printing standard text documents from RPC-031 results in no unusual behavior. The unit does not appear capable of running out of printing ink, though it does require insertion of foreign paper. Programs capable of displaying ink levels will vary heavily in results between repeated observations. Sometimes even appearing as completely empty yet will give no error when the printing process is started, and will complete as per usual with no faults.
The anomalous properties of the object surface when attempting to print images from the host computer. Images containing inanimate objects or fictional beings show no issue. This does not hold true if an image selected is a photograph that contains real living beings, animal or human; whereupon the printer will stall upon execution of the prompt. This malfunction produces a loud and unusual noise which, confirmed through experiments involving CSD subjects, have been found to induce an illogical sense of wrongdoing. Subjects exposed to the unfiltered noise of RPC-031 immediately display signs of severe anxiety, some to the extent of mania. When consulted subjects have often described that they feel they have done something terrible, though none have been able to accurately determine why.
Recording of RPC-031, heavily edited to remove neurological dangers.
Once the process has finished the printer will exude a wet piece of paper thoroughly soaked in black ink, though faintly recognizable in its depiction of the original image. Any area where a living being was present however will be reduced to a deformed stain. Any output from the printer is labeled as RPC-031-1.
Any living subject captured in a photographic image processed through RPC-031, whether it be through scanning or printing will immediately vanish. This occurs no matter where they are so long as they are still alive at the time of image processing. It is not currently known what happens to victims of the procedure, only that no known means of detection is currently capable to observe their departure. Attempts to capture the disappearance of the victims simply results in corrupted recordings. In the case of live monitoring, observers suffer severe memory lapses that prevent recollection of events.
From this point forward, returning to the site where the original photograph was taken will result in the observation of entities known as RPC-031-2.
The environment of the locale depicted within the photograph will not be affected by the events stemming from RPC-031. However the positions of any living being captured within the printed image will instead be perfectly simulated by formations of RPC-031-2. These entities appear to be conglomerations of wet printing paper and masses of black ink. These formations can be destroyed and moved with minimal effort but will slowly return to their initial state through means of unknown propulsion. This unexplained movement can even ignore the constraints of gravity should the picture processed include a subject in mid-air. The recreation of the scene will not be impeded by constructs or otherwise that were not present in the original picture, RPC-031-2 will simply form in any empty space allotted. Testing has shown that the constructs are capable of slowly moving loose objects that are preventing them from achieving their intended position.
After approximately 3-4 hours, the entities formed will begin to create a noise identical to that created by RPC-031 during the printing, rising in volume over the period of 12 hours until it reaches upwards of 130 decibels. Upon reaching an indeterminate length of time, all of the constructs known as RPC-031-2 will promptly dissipate into mere puddles of ink and paper.
Once all manifestations of RPC-031-2 have dissimilated, the individual that initiated the print will once again begin to display signs of serious paranoia and anxiety. These emotions far exceed even the original distress at the time of printing. When questioned the subjects uniformly claim that they can see wet apparitions stalking them though outside observation reveals nothing matching these descriptions. Subject testimony consistently matches those of RPC-031-2 prior to their dissolution. It is unknown if these are the same entities.

Subjects often attempt to flee these pursuers, though their behavior patterns remain unknown due to the inability for bystanders to see these apparitions or any additional anomalous behavior until the final result of RPC-031's cycle. After an indistinct period of time has passed, the victim will cease their attempted escape and collapse into a violent seizure, where their head and limbs shake dramatically until their body stills and they enter a short comatose period. This is followed by their vitals failing and the subject's expiration shortly after.
Autopsy reports reveal the subject's lungs to be filled to bursting with standard office paper and water-glycol composition black printer ink. The cranium has been observed to be compacted with large quantities of exact replicas of RPC-031-1 resulting in severe brain trauma and cranial fractures.
Despite the original document from RPC-031 being intact, any former areas where living beings were present will now appear as nothing but blank white spots on the material used.
Initial discovery and retrieval: RPC-031 was recovered from an office of ████████ located within the city of ████████ in the Midwestern United States. The object was discovered after reports of an employee attempting to print a family photo with RPC-031. All casualties have been scrubbed as car accidents and those with knowledge of the events have been admitted into psychiatric care.
Addendum: Previous owners, (deceased.) have described in Authority secured documents their attempts to dismantle RPC-031. After opening the case they discovered nothing within that showed any unique properties aside from a single metal plate. This object was located on the top side of the ink cartridge slots and shows illegible scratches and symbols. Said cartridges themselves have never been found to contain any amount of printer ink. Any parts removed or damaged will eventually reappear within the chassis once leaving observation.